Home Categories science fiction A Song of Ice and Fire I: Game of Thrones

Chapter 63 Chapter 62: Daenerys

When the battle was over, Dany rode her silver horse through the fields of dead bodies, followed by her servant girl and all of Khas's men, laughing and joking with each other. The earth was torn by Dothraki hooves, and the rye and lentils were trampled into the dirt, and the arakhs and arrows stuck in the ground were watered with blood and became new and terrible crops.As she rode across the battlefield, dying horses looked up and neighed at her, and the wounded moaned and prayed.A large number of "Jakarang" who held heavy axes and rescued the wounded shuttled among them, harvesting countless heads from the dead and dying people.Running behind them was a group of little girls who plucked arrows from the dead bodies and put them in baskets for reuse.And finally, the lean, hungry, but ferocious pack of dogs that follow the khalasar forever, sniffing and sniffing.

The flock, which seemed to number in the thousands, were the first to die, riddled with arrows and bristling with feathers over the carcasses.Dany knew it must be Khal Ogo's troops; Drogo's khalasar would not be so foolish as to waste arrows on sheep before they killed the shepherd. Towns were on fire, and plumes of black smoke billowed into the blue sky.Under the crumbling dry mud walls, warriors on horseback galloped back and forth, brandishing long whips in their hands, driving survivors away from the smoking ruins.The women and children of Orgokharatha walked with sullen self-respect even when they were defeated and enslaved; they seemed to accept their fate bravely now that they were slaves.The local townspeople are different.Dany pitied them deeply, and she remembered well what it was to be afraid.Many mothers were expressionless and lifeless, staggering along with their weeping children.There are only a few men among them, mostly disabled, cowards and old grandparents.

Ser Jorah had said that the men of this place called themselves Lazarim, but the Dothraki called them Hesiraki, which means Sheepmen.Once upon a time, Dany might have mistaken them for Dothraki, for they also had bronze skin and almond-shaped eyes.But now they looked different to her: flat-faced, stubby, with black hair cut very short.They tended sheep and grew crops, and Khal Drogo said that their range had been south of the great river along the Dothraki Sea, because the grass of the Dothraki Sea was not for sheep. Dany saw a boy striding toward the river, and a warrior on horseback barred his way, making him turn, while the others surrounded him, whipping him across the face, and driving him away.Another soldier galloped up behind him and whipped his buttocks until blood stained his thighs.Another person swung a whip and hooked his ankles, causing him to fall to the ground.In the end, the boy could only keep on crawling, and they got bored, so they shot an arrow through his back.

Ser Jorah greeted her outside the crumbling gates.He wore a dark green burqa over his armor.His gauntlets, knee pads, and greathelm are all dark gray steel.When he put on his armor, the Dothraki laughed at him as a coward. The knight immediately cursed back. Left behind, bleeding to death. Ser Jorah rode forward and lifted the visor of the goryhelm. "Your husband is waiting for you in town." "Drogo isn't hurt?" "A little bruise," Ser Jorah answered, "that's all right. He killed two khals with his own hands today, first Khal Ogo, and then his son Fogg, for he became the new khal after his father's death." O. Khal Drogo's bloodrider cut the bell that asked the two men, and now he walks noisier than ever."

At the naming feast that celebrated Viserys's coronation, the Oggs had sat beside her husband, drinking and talking.But that was in Vaes Dothraki, in the shadow of the Mother's Mountain, where every steppe horseman was brother and all strife was put aside.It's different on the prairie.The khalasar of Orgo was attacking the town, but Khal Drogo caught him off guard.She wondered what the Faun had felt when he first saw the smoke from Drogo's khalasar horses over the cracked mud wall.Perhaps a few of the younger, naive ones really thought that the gods had heard the pleas of the desperate, and sent them to redeem them.

On the other side of the road, a girl not much older than Dani was sobbing in a high-pitched, shrill voice. A soldier pushed her face down on a pile of corpses and committed violence on the spot.The other soldiers dismounted one after another and took turns enjoying themselves.This is the salvation that the Dothraki brought to the Goatmen. I am Dragonborn, Daenerys Targaryen reminded herself, turning away.She pursed her lips, hardened her heart, and rode towards the city gate. "Most of Orgo's warriors have escaped," Ser Jorah said. "Even so, there are still about ten thousand prisoners."

Ten thousand slaves, Dany thought.Khal Drogo would drive the men down the River, to the towns of Slaver's Bay downstream.She wanted to cry, but she told herself she had to be strong.This is war, and that is what war is, and this is the price one must pay to take back the Iron Throne. "I suggest that the khal go to Meereen," Ser Jorah said, "where the price is much more generous than the slave caravan. Illyrio wrote that the city was hit by the plague last year, so the brothel will pay double." It costs three times as much to buy healthy young girls, and boys under the age of ten. If there are enough children to survive the journey, the gold will be enough to buy us not only ships, but sailors."

Behind him, the girl who was gang-raped made a heart-rending sound, a long sob that went on endlessly.Dany gripped the reins and turned the horse. "Tell them to stop," she ordered Ser Jorah. "Kalixi?" The knight seemed a little embarrassed. "You heard my order," she said. "Tell them to stop." She switched to Dothraki and ordered sharply to the khas, "Jhogo, Quilo, you help Ser Jorah, I don't Saw the rape happen." The two fighters exchanged puzzled glances. Ser Jorah Mormont kicked closer. "Your Royal Highness," he said, "you have a kind heart, but I'm afraid you don't know it. It's always been the custom here. Those people have shed blood and died for Kaa, and now it's time for them to get their rewards."

On the other side of the road, the girl was still crying, and her high-pitched, singing language seemed strangely unfamiliar to Dany's ears.The first one has finished and another is coming to take his place. "She is a satyr," Quiloh said in Dothraki. "She is nothing, Khaleesi, and it is her honor to be with our warriors. Sheepmen and sheep are known." "Everyone knows." Maid Yili replied. "Everyone knows." Jhogo agreed.He rode the tall gray horse Drogo had given him. "Khaleesh, if her wailing offends your ears, Jhogo will bring you her tongue." With that, he drew his arakh.

"I don't want her to be hurt," Dany said. "I want the girl. Do as I order, or Khal Drogo will ask you." "Ah, Khaleesi." Jhogo kicked the horse's belly after he finished speaking, and Quilo and the others followed, bells ringing softly in his hair. "You too," she ordered Ser Jorah. "As you wish." The knight gave her a strange look. "You really are your brother's sister." "Viserys?" She didn't understand. "No," he answered, "Rhaegar." He galloped off. Dany heard Jhogo yell.His assailants laughed at him, and one even yelled back.With a flick of Jhogo's arakh, the man's head rolled from his shoulders to the floor.Laughter turned to cursing, and the men drew their weapons, but by then Quilo, Aggo, and Rakharo had arrived.She saw Ago on the other side of the road pointing at her on the silver horse, those warriors stared at her with cold black eyes, one of them spat, and the others went back to ride, muttering something.

Meanwhile, the Rider is still working hard, engrossed in his enjoyment, oblivious to his surroundings.Ser Jorah dismounted, and twisted him away with a gauntleted hand.The Dothraki fell on the muddy ground, turned over and jumped up, holding a short knife, and was immediately blocked by Argo with an arrow.Mormont pulled the girl up from the pile of corpses, took off his blood-stained cloak and put it on, and led her across the road to Dany. "What are you going to do with her?" The girl opened her eyes wide, dazed, and trembling all over.Her hair was matted with blood. "Doria, take care of her wounds. You are not from this tribe, maybe she won't be afraid of you. Others, come with me." She urged the silver horse.Pass through the crumbling wooden city gate. The situation in the town was worse than outside, with countless houses on fire. The "Jakarang" bustled back and forth, carrying out their bloody work, and the narrow and winding alleyways were filled with headless corpses.On the way, they saw women being raped from time to time, and every time Dany reined in the reins, sent the Kass to stop them, and took the victim as her slave.One of them, a fat, flat-nosed woman of about forty, blessed Dany in brusque Common Tongue, but the others only had venomous stares.They doubted her, she knew sadly, and feared that she would lead them to a worse fate. "Son, you can't keep them all for yourself," Ser Jorah said, as they stopped for the fourth time, watching the Khass lead a new batch of slaves behind her. "I am Khaleesi, heir to the Seven Kingdoms, and heir to the dragon," Dany reminded him. "You're not qualified to tell me what I can't do." On the other side of the city, a building collapsed in flames and thick smoke, and she heard screams and terrified children whimpering in the distance. When they found Drogo, he was sitting before a windowless square temple with thick mud walls and a bulbous dome like a giant brown onion.Beside him is a pile of human heads, stacked higher than him.A short arrow of a sheepman was stuck in his upper arm, and his naked left chest was blood-red, as if paint had been splashed on it.All three of his bloodriders were present. Jiki helped Dany dismount; her body grew heavier and clumsier as her belly grew.She knelt before Kaa. "My sun and stars are wounded." The cut from the arakh's scimitar was long, but fortunately not deep; cloth. "It's the scrape, the moon of my life, from the bloodriders of Khal Ogo," said Khal Drogo. "For that I killed him, and I killed Ogo." He turned his head, and the bells in his braids rang softly. "It was Orgo you heard, and his Karakafog, who was Kaa when I slew him." "No one can stand against the sun of my life," Dany said, "He is the father of the horses that ride the world." At this moment, a warrior came on horseback, got off the saddle, and spoke angrily to Hargo in Dothraki, too fast for Dany to understand.The tall bloodrider gave her a heavy look before turning to khal. "This is Mago, Jacoko's kas tribe. He says the Khaleesi took his prize, a daughter of a lamb that he was supposed to ride." Khal Drogo turned to Dany, his face grave and determined, but there was a questioning look in his dark eyes. "Moon of my life, tell me the truth," he ordered in Dothraki. In the khal's native tongue, Dany told what happened succinctly and directly, so that he could understand clearly. Drogo frowned when he had finished speaking. "That's what war is, and these women are our slaves right now, to do as we please." "Then I'm glad they're safe," Dany said, wondering if she had gone too far. "If your warriors want to ride these women, ask them to ride gently, and take them as wives, let them occupy a place in the khalasar, and bear children for you." Ke Suo has always been the cruelest of the three bloodriders. At this moment, he sneered, "Do horses and sheep mate?" Something in his tone reminded her of Viserys.So Dany turned her head and said angrily: "Horses and sheep are the food of dragons." Khal Drogo smiled. "Look how fierce she has become!" he said, "and it's all because my son, riding the steed of the world, is inside her, filling her with fire. Be careful, Koso...even if mother doesn't burn you , son will trample you into the ground too. As for you, Margo, keep your mouth shut and find other ramriders. These belong to my Khaleesi." Drogo held out his hand to Daenerys, without saying a word. As soon as he raised his arm, he frowned and turned his head in pain. Dany could almost feel his pain, and the wounds were far worse than Ser Jorah had described. "Where's the doctor?" she asked.There are two kinds of people in kalasari who specialize in healing: barren women and slave eunuchs.The herbal woman healed with potions and spells, while the eunuch used knives, needles, and fire. "Why didn't anyone heal Kayo?" "Khalisi, it was the khal who sent the hairless one away," old Cohollo told her.Dany found that the bloodrider himself had been wounded, with a deep gash on his left shoulder. "Many warriors are wounded," Khal Drogo said stubbornly, "let them be healed first. This arrow is no different than a fly bite, and this little knife wound is just another scar I can show off to my son. " Dany saw the muscle beneath the lacerated skin of his chest, bleeding profusely from his arrow wound. "Khal Drogo cannot be kept waiting," she announced. "Jogo, find the eunuchs and bring them here at once." "Mrs. Silver," a female voice came from behind. "I can heal the great mounted warrior." Dany turned her head, and the one who spoke was one of the slaves she had freed, the fat flat-nosed woman who blessed her. "Khal doesn't need the help of a woman who mates with a sheep." Ke Suo shouted, "Ago, cut off her tongue!" Ago grabbed her hair and pressed the dagger to her throat. Dany raised her hand to stop. "Stop it, she's mine. Let her talk." "Brave mounted warrior, I mean no harm." The woman was fluent in Dothraki.The robes she wore were originally made of the lightest fine wool and intricately woven, but now they were stained with mud and blood and torn.She clutched at her ragged clothes, covering her large breasts. "I really know a little bit about medicine." "What do you do?" Dany asked her. "My name is Mirri Maz Duur, and I am the priestess of this temple." "Sorceress," Haggo muttered, playing with the arakh in his hand, eyes gloomy.Dany recalled the horror story Jiqi told by the campfire one night: the witch is a woman who specializes in copulating with demons, performing the darkest and most terrifying sorcery, evil, cruel and soulless.At night, they seek out males and drain them until they die. "I'm only a healer," said Mirri Maz Duur. "Healer of sheep." Ke Suo said contemptuously, "Blood of my blood, I say kill this witch and witch, and wait for the hairless man to come." Dany ignored the berserk bloodriders.In her opinion, the old, ugly, fat woman in front of her was nothing like a witch. "Mirri Maz Duur, where did you learn your medical skills?" "My mother, a former priestess, taught me songs and spells to please the High Shepherd, and how to concoct holy smoke and anointing from leaves, roots, and berries. When I was young and beautiful, I followed a caravan to Asshai, beside the shadows, hopes to learn from their magicians. Ships from countless countries gather in Asshai, so I stay there for a long time to learn the healing skills of foreign nations. A moon from Jogosnai The singer taught me her song of childbirth, a woman of your horsemen taught me the magic of grass and corn and horses, and a maester from the land of the sun dissected a corpse and told me what lies beneath the skin All mysteries." Ser Jorah Mormont said, "Maester?" "He calls himself Marwyn," answered the woman, "and comes in ships from the Land of the Seven Kingdoms beyond the sea. There is the Land of the Sunset, where men are clad in iron and ruled by dragons. He taught me his native language." "A maester in Asshai?" Ser Jorah said thoughtfully. "Tell me, priestess, what is this Marwyn wearing around his neck?" "Iron King, he wears a necklace made of various metals, which is very tight, as if to strangle him to death." The knight looked at Dany. "A necklace like this is only worn by a man trained in the Academy of Oldtown," he said, "and such a man is well versed in medicine." "Why do you help my khal?" "All men belong to the same flock of lambs, I was taught so," replied Mirri Maz Duur, "and the High Shepherd sends me down to heal his lambs wherever and whenever." Ke Suo slapped her with a "slap". "Sorceress, we are not sheep." "Stop!" Dani yelled angrily, "She is mine, you are not allowed to hurt her." Khal Drogo snorted. "Ke Suo, this arrow has to be brought out." "Yes, great mounted warrior," Mirri Maz Duur answered, stroking her bruised cheek. "And your chest wound must be cleaned immediately and then mended. Otherwise, it will fester." "Do it quickly, then," Khal Drogo ordered. "Great warrior on horseback," said the woman, "my utensils and potions are in the temple, where the healing power is greatest." "Blood of my blood, I will help you in." Ha Ge suggested. Khal Drogo swung him away. "I don't need help," he said proudly and firmly.He stood up without support, taller than everyone present.Blood was bubbling from his nipple, which had been cut off by the Orgo bloodrider's arakh, and Dany hurried to his side. "I'm not a man," she whispered. "Lean on me." Drogo put his giant hand around her shoulders, and she helped him toward the masonry temple.The three bloodriders followed, and Dany ordered Ser Jorah and her khas to hold the entrance to the temple and make sure no one set fire to it until they came out. They walked through a series of vestibules and into the central lobby located directly below the Onion.Faint light came in from a concealed window above, and a few torches stuck in candlesticks on the wall were smoking.Sheepskins were strewn about on the dirt floor. "Lie there," said Mirri Maz Duur, pointing to the altar.It was a huge blue-grained stone slab with patterns of shepherds and sheep carved on it.Khal Drogo lay down on it, and the old woman threw a handful of dried leaves over the brazier, filling the room with cigarettes. "You'd better wait outside," she said to the others. "We are the blood of his blood," Koholo said, "and we wait here." Koso approached Mirri Maz Duur. "Listen well, priest of the sheep god, if you dare to hurt Kaa, you will end up like this." He pulled out the hunting knife for skinning and gave her a bright edge. "She won't hurt him." Dany thought she could trust the ugly, flat-nosed woman who had saved her from her abuser, after all. "If you must stay, please help," Mirri said to the bloodriders. "The great mounted warrior is too strong. Please hold him down while I draw the arrow." She let herself shatter. His robe fell to his waist, and he went to open a carved box and took out various bottles, small boxes, sharp knives and needles and threads.After everything was ready, she snapped off the shaft of the arrow first, pulled out the jagged arrowhead, and chanted in a Lazarene singing tone, then took a bottle of wine to boil on the brazier, and poured it on the wound.Khal Drogo yelled at her in pain, but didn't move.She wrapped the arrow wound in wet leaves.Then she applied a light green ointment to the chest wound and pulled the skin back into place.Kaa gritted his teeth and stifled a scream.The priestess took out a silver needle and a ball of silk thread and began to stitch up the wound.When she was done, she applied a red ointment to the wound, covered more wet leaves, and wrapped a piece of sheepskin over her chest. "You must wrap this sheepskin and pray according to the prayers I said on time for ten days and ten nights," she said. scar." Khal Drogo sat up, bells jingling in his hair. "Sheep girl, I'm proud of my scar." He moved his arm, frowning in pain. "No alcohol, no milk of the poppy," she warned him. "It hurts, but you must stay strong to fight the spirit of poison." "I'm khal," said Drogo. "I don't mind the pain. I drink what I like. Koholo, get me my vest." Old Koholo walked away quickly. "Just now," Dany said to the ugly Lazarin woman. "I heard you talk about the birthing song..." "I know all the mysteries of the blood-stained bed, Lady Silver, and I've never had a failed delivery," Mirri Maz Duur answered. "I'm due soon," said Dany, "and I want you to deliver my son when it's born, if you will." Khal Drogo laughed. "The moon of my life, you don't ask slaves. You just tell her to do it." He jumped off the altar. "Come on, blood of my blood. The horses are calling us. There are only ruins here. It is time to move." Harggo followed the khal out of the temple, but Qotho stayed for a moment, glaring at Mirri Maz Duur. "Remember, Sorceress, Kayo is fine, you can save your life." "Equestrian warriors, as you say," the woman answered him, gathering her bottles and jars. "May the High Shepherd watch over all the lambs." ※※※※※※※ ① Kou: The Dothraki's name for the leader of Kaal, the second son of Kaasari, who has their own Cass.
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