Home Categories Internet fantasy History of the Mayan Conquest by the Shang Fleet

Chapter 2 Chapter 1 The War of Two Civilizations

When the Shang's expeditionary fleet brought the west coast of Mexico into range, the Maya were still ignorant of the fate they were about to face. ——It’s just timid but not flowery. Konstantinovich, "The Lost Yintian Civilization". In the summer of 205 BC in the Republican calendar (note: this book follows the Zhou Zhao Republican chronology, taking 841 BC in the Jesus calendar as the first year of the Republic) in the summer, the monsoon that swept across the entire Pacific Ocean just ended its journey, and several The unnamed hurricane has swept across the Central American coast and destroyed beaches in some areas.Fortunately, these hurricanes did not cause any loss of life, property or insurance companies, because the areas they passed were wild places, and insurance would not be invented until 1600 years later.

The west coast of Mexico is consistently considered the best place to live during this season.The annular warm current here meets the equatorial warm current to form a protective circle of hot air. After any storm approaches, it will be as devastated as a castrated Arabian stallion.Therefore, the sea surface in this area is as smooth as silk, and the average wave height in summer does not exceed two meters, which is very suitable for surfing, windsurfing competitions, diving sightseeing, and invasion. On July 13, or a date close thereto, a fleet of twenty large ships appeared off the west coast of Mexico.The ships in this fleet are quite large, ranging from 100 to 130 meters in length, and the smallest tonnage exceeds ten tons.The twenty boats were all painted white, and unabashedly hoisted their identification flag: Yin Shang.

At this time, the total military power of the Mayans in the western harbor consisted of only twelve canoes three meters long and 0.5 meters wide.They were floating in the shallow sea three hundred meters away from the Yin Shang fleet. They are officially recorded as the "Maya Combined Water Police".This force was the product of mutual blame between the coastal tribes and the interior tribes.Coastal tribes insisted that the entire Maya culture had an inescapable responsibility for coastal defense, while inland tribes simply declared that they were not interested in things they hadn't seen—such as the sea.After a lengthy quarrel, the two sides finally reached a politically perfect compromise: the coastal tribes provided the canoes, and the inland tribes provided the men, both of which were worthless in their respective tribes.

The United Mayan Marine Police has very limited responsibilities, and it can only "provide limited service to a certain section of the beach at certain times, except Saturdays and Sundays." (Quoted by a spokesperson for the United Marine Police at the Speech on the Internet.) The canoes of the Marine Police Force are nailed out of bark and have a capacity of two people, but they are often overloaded, because those inland marine police who have never seen the sea like to get together out of fear to increase their sense of security.This habit has led to frequent capsizing accidents, and the drowning policemen often drown because they cannot swim, which in turn prompts the marine policemen to lean closer when they sail next time...

Now these heavily overloaded canoes are undergoing monthly sea drills, the purpose of which is to allow Mayan water police to overcome their fear of the sea.There were at least three water policemen sitting in each canoe, huddled up like frightened rabbits, letting the rickety canoe float with the current.Some also got seasick. It was the reconnaissance ship of the Yinshang Ocean Fleet who first discovered the Maya United Marine Police Fleet, and this situation was immediately reported to the fleet commander Youhouxi. Commander Youhouxi asked cautiously: "Is the other party showing any hostility?" This is the first standard question to be asked when two civilization circles make first contact.

The reconnaissance ship's answer to this was: "We won't know until we kill them all." This is the standard answer to the first standard question when the two circles of civilization make contact for the first time. Commander You Houxi then made up his mind. He flicked his fingers and gave a brief instruction: "Use naval guns to disperse them, and then establish a landing site." At the same time, he asked the wizard on board to use fire to burn a tortoiseshell shell, which was obtained from the natives when the fleet sailed to the Solomon Islands. He paid the price of three sailors, and the natives lost six tribes and their chief.

After receiving the order, the twenty ships of the Yin Shang Fleet pulled up their sails and began to adjust their posture.These well-trained troops lined up on the sea and quickly seized the T-shaped crosshead position, allowing the bronze trebuchet on the starboard side of the ship to aim at the group of Mayan canoes 300 meters away. The marine police of the United Marine Police Force finally noticed the existence of this large fleet, but they were completely unaware of their dangerous situation.Some historians of later generations believe that the water police cannot be blamed for this, because there is no T in the alphabet of the Mayan civilization, but the problem is that it is not in the oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty.

After a brief excuse, a Mayan water policeman stood up from the canoe tremblingly, and shouted to the huge Yin Shang fleet in his tribal dialect: "Who are you? Where are you from? What are you doing here?" Not knowing whether it was out of contempt or simply not being equipped with an interpreter, the Yin Shang Fleet remained silent on this question.The marine policeman then came to a typical Mayan conclusion: "They don't understand me, so there is no threat." The alarm was lifted, and all the Maya water police refocused on the canoe below them, secretly hoping to make it to land before it capsized.

At the same time, the Yin Shang Fleet is silently and busy making final preparations before the war.The soldiers of the merchant army lifted many stone sculptures of various shapes from the cabin and put them in the throwing spoon of the trebuchet.These cannonballs were collected by them on the islands along the way. The original shells were in the shape of some stupid irregular stones. During the long sea voyage, they were carved into various exquisite works of art by bored sailors: There are drum figurines, river pigs, orangutans, and even the head of King Pan Geng—the last cannonball was stopped in time before it was projected, and it was enshrined in the captain's cabin instead.

There are also some stone cannonballs carved in the shape of human beings because they are too huge, and the fleet had to abandon them on an isolated island in the South Pacific.Lazy sailors dumped the legless busts on the beach and left without even naming the island. At the same time that the cannonballs were loaded, the wizard's divination work had just ended, and the tortoiseshell shell cracked three or four obvious cracks under the high temperature.Through the observation of these cracks, the wizard announced that the result was "the fifth power of great luck". This result obviously satisfied You Houxi, he raised his hands, and then swung them down abruptly.In this short second, the fate of the entire Aztec civilization was decided.

With several bursts of loud ejection sounds, nearly forty exquisite stone sculptures were thrown out. They roared in the air and drew a carefully calculated parabolic trajectory, and then fell into the group of canoes of the United Marine Police.Most of these stone sculptures did not touch any valuable targets, and just sank to the bottom of the sea after splashing huge water. A handful of shells destroyed most of the canoes. They mercilessly smashed the keels of the canoes into pieces, made a loud noise, and sank to the bottom of the sea together with the panicked marine police.After several geological ages, archaeologists investigated the wreckage at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and found that the shells that hit the canoe had a wide range of shapes: from four-ram square statues to Colorado monitor lizards.This explains the diversity of Yin Shang civilization from one side. Only then did the surviving Mayan marine police realize the threat of the enemy. They were panicked, but they didn't know which direction to flee.Some people think that we should go north, some people think we should go south, and some people insist on going back to the shore. Unfortunately, the water police who hold these three opinions are all in the same boat, so these canoes can only stay in place. Swirling and causing a small seasickness. After the sun moved a fifth of an inch along the zenith, the Yin Shang fleet's second salvo began.This time the hit rate is lower than the first time, because there are not many ships worth hitting.According to statistics, only two canoes were directly hit, and all the other boats capsized themselves amidst the quarrels of the marine police. The Yin Shang Fleet fired a total of ten salvos that morning. In fact, the Mayan United Marine Police Force disappeared completely after the second salvo. The next eight salvos were to fill the bay with stone bullets. A pier suitable for landing.The job was done so well that the sailors had to navigate carefully lest their ships be wrecked by these new reefs. When all this was over, the flagship "Jiuchi Roulin" first dropped the anchor chain at the temporary pier, and the sailors hurriedly used a long and narrow plank between the ship's side and the land, and spread a bright red carpet.Commander Youhouxi held the bronze dagger in his hand, and impatiently set foot on the beach in South America first. "Oh! Damn snail shellfish!" Commander Youhouxi suddenly yelled in pain, his foot was stabbed by a fragment of a spinosa snail of the family Achilles after he took the first step.Out of professionalism, he classified the shell in time while bearing the pain—Commander Youhouxi is also a naturalist. These shellfish were the leftovers of lunch that the marine police had discarded on the beach that day. This was the only counterattack—unofficially—by the Mayan joint marine police force during the Yin army’s landing. In other versions of history books, after taking the first step, Commander Youhouxi said, "This is one small step for me personally, but one giant leap for the great Yin Shang civilization under the leadership of His Majesty Di Xin "No one can prove this statement, and no one can overthrow this statement, unless archaeologists really find the thorn snail, and find the Mayan water policeman who left it on the beach, and let him hold his hand. Take an oath on Guizang. In any case, Commander Youhouxi was the first human ever to set foot on the American continent.At that time, Columbus's immediate ancestors were still painting bison in the caves of Altamira, Spain, and beating their cousins, the Nederans, with crude clubs. According to some biased Western historians, Commander Youhouxi must have been a white man, and the first person to set foot on the American continent could only be a white man.But this statement does not stand up to scrutiny. It is well known that Commander Yuhouxi neither carried any black slaves nor liked potatoes, which is incredible for a white Anglo-Saxon. After Commander Youhouxi, other ships of the Yin Army approached the dock one after another.The horn sounded, and batches of sailors, warriors, wizards, craftsmen and public relations experts were unloaded in batches.Commander You Houxi firmly believed that if His Majesty Di Xin had enough experts at that time, the tragedy of defection in the Battle of Muye would not have occurred.This wise commander was keenly aware of the importance of controlling public opinion, so at his request, the fleet was equipped with two hundred experts in this professional field. The collaboration between these public experts and the shamans, who do the divinations, and the public experts who explain tomorrow why what the shamans predicted yesterday didn't come true today.So during the long voyage, everyone maintained awe of the wizard's authority, a classic case of management. The landing of the Yin merchant fleet lasted for about a whole afternoon, and finally the total number of Yin people standing on the west coast of Mexico reached 10,000. They carried a large number of bronze weapons, tools, grain seeds and bamboo slips, and even a delicate two wheeled carriage.Compared with these wealthy people, the first batch of white colonists more than a thousand years later were ridiculously shabby. After the entire landing operation was over, craftsmen began to build camps on the spot in an orderly manner, and soldiers sneaked into the jungle with bows and arrows. They hunted colorful parrots, jaguars and capuchin monkeys. Commander Youhouxi discussed the next steps with wizards and public relations experts.Commander You Houxi pointed out that there must be a Maya military base near the beach, otherwise it would not be able to explain the canoes with extremely short voyage capabilities. At the same time, he also expressed concern about the reaction of the Mayans. They would definitely notice the sinking of the canoe troops, and then organize all possible forces to counterattack.Before the fortifications of the Yin Shang army were repaired, he did not want to confront the main force of the Mayan army. In fact, Commander Youhouxi’s worries are superfluous. The Mayan civilization spread around with the Olmec city-state (Olmec) as the core.Therefore, the communication system among the various tribes is extremely imperfect, and the average information transmission speed is 10,000 times slower than the speed of sound, which is three kilometers per day. In other words, it took about sixty-six days from the time the Yin Shang army landed on the west coast to when the Olmec tribe learned about it.If the communicator is sacrificed to the ancestors by wild animals or other hostile tribes on the way, the transmission time will be even more delayed. In fact, for a long time thereafter, when the merchant army attacked different Mayan tribes, local historians would describe their shock as "when the enemy appeared, the Maya were still ignorant of the fate they were about to face" .Because of this, the exact date of the war between the Yin Shang Ocean Fleet and the Mayans is difficult to determine. Every tribe has their own version. Proclaimed never having been alerted of any kind before. But at least on the day when the Yin Shang army landed, all Mayan tribes—except for the unfortunate marine police team—enjoyed the final peace: the priests enjoyed the sunbathing on the top of the pyramid, and the nobles watched with great interest. Admiring the gems, civilians and slaves flocked to watch the bloody football game in the stadium, while Mayan mathematicians were still struggling with the borrowing of the twenty-digit system. When the evening fell, the temporary palace full of Chaoge style had already stood on the beach on the west coast of Mexico. Commander Youhouxi and one of his concubines were sitting in a two-wheeled carriage, and four soldiers pulled the reins to drive them to the beach. They were sent to the palace, and others gathered around the palace peacefully to eat their first dinner on the American continent. The staple food was braised jaguar, salt and pepper dandelion, side dishes were stewed papaya with capuchin monkey, and macaw soup . The lingering relationship between Commander Youhouxi and his concubine ended quickly, because they had too much sex during the voyage.After his concubine fell asleep, he climbed to the top of the palace, where he could overlook the entire bay. At this time, the sun only left a smear of residual red, and the calm sea surface was dyed a bewitching blood red, showing infinite desolation.Middle-earth is far away, unreachable.Commander Youhouxi pulled out his bronze dagger, looked up at the sunset like a fire at a forty-five-degree angle, and felt a poet's unique sadness in his heart. A few minutes later, the sun sank completely below the sea level, and the daylight on July 13, 205 BC in the Republican calendar ended.
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