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Chapter 24 third quarter

kind adults 桐野夏生 4812Words 2018-03-23
Ion took Iron and Kemiko to the employee toilet steps in the underground mall.Seeing the iron stairs that seemed to fall vertically into a pitch-black cave, Kemiko swallowed. "Kemike, if you're afraid, it's okay to go back, we'll help you find it." "What are you talking about? That's my son, what if I don't go?" Kemiko, who was rated as "afraid of the dark" by Xi, was looking at the deep cave illuminated by Ion's flashlight and said.Do women become so strong as long as they become mothers? Ion looked at Kemiko's side face with an incredulous mood.

"What are you looking at?" Camic asked sharply. "You have changed too. Didn't you say that you only love yourself? But now you only think about illusion." Camille said angrily, "Isn't this nonsense? You'll know when you become a parent." Ian never thought about being a parent.Ion looked up at Iron, who was not afraid of the dark at all, and seemed to be purely happy to be with Ion.Ion wanted to protect Iron.Is being a parent akin to this feeling?So why do they have no parents?Why is no one protecting them?Suddenly, a sharp pain pierced through Ion's chest.

"Let's go." Ke Mike urged. "Okay. The difficulty of this road is to jump to the Hengkeng. I will temporarily go to the subway platform, and then walk up and down for a while. It would be great if I can meet someone on the way, maybe I can find out something." "But didn't you encounter the operation of hunting the dark man? Is there anyone left underground?" You will know when you go.Ion led the way down the stairs.Just two months ago, he was still drifting in the sewage and almost died. He never thought that there would be a day when he would return to the ground.

Thinking of wandering in the darkness again, Ion couldn't help but tremble.But Iron's body seemed to still remember the feeling of being underground, and he went down the stairs with unexpected and skillful movements. Two hours later, Ian and his party arrived at the underground storage pool.The ground is wet and cold.Kemi shivered violently, not all because of the cold.There was actually a large pool underground that almost made people think it was a lake, which frightened her. "Ion, let's go." Kemiko took his hand, but Ion decided to look for the old man first.If they didn't come across the operation of hunting the dark man, they should be around here.Orange flames burst from behind the forest of pillars.Ion ran towards the light.Tie followed closely behind Ion like a shadow.

The person warming up by the fire by the pool was indeed an old vagrant.The old man in the dirty baseball cap pointed at Ion and said, "I remember you. You came here with Sabu." "No, it's with Brother Mouse." The white-haired old man shook his head.The bald old man smoking a cigarette opened his mouth wide and laughed.There is only one tooth left in the mouth. "No, it was brought by Sabu after Brother Shu came. How is it? I have the best memory, right?" "So, Sabu and Brother Shu were both thrown into prison." "Alas." The white-haired old man said. "Then it's over. We won't see them for the rest of the day."

The old men talked endlessly.Ian interrupted them and said, "Did you see the monk?" The old man in the baseball cap tilted his head and said, "That big guy from the Luminous Army?" "Tell you, how much do you want to give us?" the white-haired old man said in a humble tone. "I'll give you as much as you want. We don't have any money with us now, and we'll get it from the ground later. Let us know." Cammy could plead in a distressed voice.As a result, a voice came from behind: "Warrant Officer, you are safe and sound!" It's Eita.His bangs were longer, almost covering his forehead, but the dirty clothes and shoes were still the same.Ion was very happy: "Great, you were not caught."

"I thought the warrant officer was captured, too." Eita, as he said before, helps the old man run errands to get by. "Hey, do you know where the monk is? The monk stole my child." When Kai Mike spoke up, Mrs. Rong took a few steps back in fright.It is rare to see women underground.Not only that, Eita also discovered that Kami was the woman in the monk's mural. "As for the monk, he hid at the old headquarters site. It is very convenient to pull electricity there." "Are there any children there?" Kami Ke asked, Rong Tai nodded slightly: "I heard crying."

Even in the pitch-dark underground, you can see that Kemiko's eyes are filled with tears in the blink of an eye. "Bastard, that heartless one." "But Gen is also a monk's child, right?" Ion asked politely.Kemike stared at Ion: "Huan is my only child!" Ian felt that the monk was a little pitiful.As a father monk, he should also have the right to get along with his children.But Kemike was so angry that he couldn't listen to anyone's words. "Hey, can you help us lead the way?" Kemike grabbed Eita's shoulder and asked. "Kemiko, Monk has a gun."

Ian said, Kemike turned around with a fierce face: "Why does that guy have a gun? Where did he get it?" "I snatched it from the pistol lady." "Ian, so you are the culprit of everything! It is you who caused the monk to act wildly in the territory of the mothers. It is you who caused the pistol woman to become like that, so you apologized to her like that. Now I finally understand." Cammy could point at Ion with her sharp fingers and scold him fiercely.Tie Huo protected Ian and said, "Don't do this! Ian is a kind adult!" "No, he's a bad kid!"

Camille said angrily.Ian silently closed his eyes.He has brought disaster, that is an infallible fact.Thinking of the pistol woman wiping her face with the wrong stick in a trance, he was so sad that his heart was about to break. Kami asked Mrs. Rong to lead the way, leading the way in the dark tunnel.She seemed very angry with Ion, yelling back at him again and again. "Ion, you don't need to come!" Ion desperately chased after him. "Kemiko, I'm going, I want to help you." "Don't come! If you didn't do those unnecessary things, it wouldn't be where it is today. I don't want to see you!"

Iron tugged at Ion's sleeve. "Ion, why is Cammy so angry? I'm so scared." Ion looked up at Iron's uneasy expression illuminated by the flashlight. "Because I did something irreparable." "What is an irreversible thing?" Ian sighed: "It's something that can't be restored to the original state. It's like someone died or someone was injured." "Why is it Ian's fault that someone died?" Tie seemed to find it inconceivable, and asked again and again. "Ion is so good, why is it Ion's fault? I don't understand at all. And someone is injured, how can it be irreparable? As long as the injury is healed, it will be fine?" Ion tightly held Tie's big hand. "Because I want to see Tie very much, and I have been looking for you. For this purpose, I will do anything. In the end, I did something bad." "What, is it because you want to see me? That's fine." Iron said with a sigh of relief, and Ian smiled wryly: "That's right. Why do people only see themselves once they have someone they cherish?" The same is true for the current Kemi, in order to get the child back, she should have made up her mind, no matter what means she uses.The deeper the love, the stronger the power to hurt other people.Ion thought it was a terrible thing. "Ian, am I important to you?" Tie asked worriedly. "Of course, you are my brother." "That's right, we are brothers." Tie imitated happily. "Ion is also my important person. If someone takes Ian away, I will go to you like this and kill that guy. Because you are my important brother." That's right, they are brothers who grew up together, and it doesn't matter whether they are related by blood or not.True brothers help each other out at all times.Isn't it the same in the house?Ian tightly held Tie's big hand, and wondered where the house they stayed in was?He really wanted to see the newspaper clippings that had been in the locker. "Ion, what's that? It's so beautiful." Iron stopped.Stretching out his finger and pointing ahead, it was the neon lights of the headquarters.White bulbs hanging from the ceiling, construction site lights, Christmas lights, etc. flickered non-stop.The wire that was cut while hunting the dark man was repaired by the monk. "That was the former headquarters. I stayed there too." "Then where was I before?" Tie asked worriedly. "You used to live in the big room further back with a kid named Tin." Tie seemed to be unable to remember anything, and tilted his head to look at the glowing lights in the darkness. Suddenly, the child's cry sounded, and Ian couldn't help but ran out.In an instant, he stepped on the white BB bullets covering the ground and almost slipped and fell.Rice and flour seemed to be sprinkled all around. The headquarters, which was previously freely decorated by teenagers, now only remains a mess after the atrocities.The cardboard boxes that had been used as troop compartments collapsed, and the oil heater toppled over, leaving a black smear of oil on the concrete floor.Grandpa KFC holding the doll's head also fell on his back, sleeping bags and blankets were piled up in the corner.Even monks, there seems to be no way to restore everything to the original state. "Monk, give me back the phantom." Ion heard Kemike's distressed voice.In front of the Colonel's room deep in the headquarters.The monk stood with a little boy in his arms, the child that Kami Ke took with him in Xia Tian.Camiko stood in front of them, begging with his hands outstretched. "Please, let me hug him." The little boy also cried and wanted to get down.But the monk hugged the child tightly and refused to let go. "Monk, return the child to Kemiko!" Ian yelled, and the monk turned around and laughed, "Why, are you still alive? So you were the one who brought this woman underground. Ion, you always bring disasters. Colonel will die because of the gun you brought. Maruyama's death is also caused by you. You brought death twice to the underground world. You are a symbol of disaster, a demon." "These are two different things." Ion said, but his voice was trembling.Because the monk's accusations against him hit the nail on the head.His scourge is the pistol.Da Zuo commits suicide, Maruyama who is holding a model gun is misunderstood to be holding a real gun and is shot dead, and the pistol woman can only rely on a wheelchair to survive. "It's the same thing. I have power because of you." Monk held Gen with ease in his left hand, took out a gun from his pocket and showed off. "I have this. Get the hell out of here, all of you. Gen will be raised by me." "Despicable!" Kemike said, turning blue with anger, pointing at the monk. "I gave birth to the child, I raised it. You are not a father, you are nothing! Return Huan to me!" The monk shook his head: "Huan is also my child, and I have half the rights. I want to raise him underground and let him live with the dark people." "No, you can't live underground! People need light, people need soil, trees and flowers grow, wind blows, rains, night falls, and then dawn again, the weather is different every day, it has to be like this! That child Likes to play outside! Please, let him go free!" Camille cried.Seeing the mother crying, the child cried out too, but the monk turned a deaf ear to it. "No, living underground is the right thing to do. Only by sharing the pain can we have true equality. Everyone should live underground without light, wind, or time." "If you are so poor and patient, what's the fun in living? I don't want to live that kind of life, and I don't want my children to live that kind of life!" Kemike said. "That's not patience. Some things need to be endured to be able to recognize. The truth only exists in the dark, and only the dark can see it." Kami Ke wanted to snatch the child back from the monk, but was pushed away with one hand.Camille somersaulted and fell to the ground.There appeared to be kerosene collecting where she had fallen, and her clothes were wet and black. "Stop! Don't be rough on Kemiko!" Tie ran close to Kemiko.He sympathized with Camiko and shed tears.Eita, who was watching from a distance, came to the side at some point, and handed out a rag to Kemiko. "Monk, please, return the child to Kemiko. I will take all responsibility." When Ian opened his mouth, the monk raised an eyebrow contemptuously and said, "What do you mean by taking all responsibility? You kid has become a lot more arrogant, but you are just a street boy who was executed by me. At that time, you were thin and small, and your mouth was full of inexplicable things. crazy talk." "I mean, I brought the gun and I will take responsibility for it. I regret that I did something stupid. Can you give me the gun back? I'm going to take it back to the auntie at the locker store." Ion reached out to the monk. "Don't talk about it." The monk said with a smile. "Then give us the phantom." "Don't talk about it." Ian could see that the monk's hand holding the child became stronger. "Monk, are you taking revenge on me? Because I don't listen to you." The monk looked at Kemike in surprise: "How is it possible? I forgot about you a long time ago." "Monk, you are lying!" Ian laughed loudly.The monk's expression twisted unhappily. "What do you mean?" "You obviously think about Kemike all the time. Kemike, look at that wall. There should be a picture of you and Huan drawn by the monk on it. And this is a song made by the monk of the Xi Gang." Why are you running away from me?It hurts so much to be torn apart, please, stay by my side.Please, don't leave me behind. Are you telling me to go back to the dark?Alone, why do you run away from me? Without even a chance to dodge, Ion was slapped severely by the monk.His cheeks were hot and scalding, but because of his excitement, Ian didn't feel any pain.He smiled: "Monk, did I hit the spot? When Xi sang this song, you also lost your temper." "Stop rambling!" The monk pointed his gun at Ion, and Ion faced it proudly: "You shoot." "Ion, don't do that, this guy is really crazy!" Kemike stopped him sharply. "Kemiko, the monk likes you very much. Please forgive him." The monk spat on the ground, then put the muzzle of the gun on the child's head. "Should I kill the brat, Camiko?" "Monk! That's your child!" The monk sneered and said, "Didn't you just say that this is a child born and raised by you alone?" "You suck!" Kemike jumped at the monk.Monk pushed her away easily, and Kemike fell, hitting the back of his head hard on the refrigerator. "Don't be rough!" The monk turned his gun on Ian. "I'm going to shoot. There's bullets." "Great." Ion whispered.Colonel's voice revived in his ears. There are five bullets in the New South, one of which is for me, and there are four left, you can save one for yourself.As long as you stay here, you may need it sooner or later. The monk put the child down beside him.The child ran towards the fainting Kemiko, but the monk did not stop him.He raised the gun with both hands and aimed at Ion. "Shoot, Monk." Ion stood directly in front of the gun. "Shoot like an execution. This time it's not the leg, it's my chest." The monk hesitated for a moment.Ian roared: "Don't hesitate, monk! You are useless!" Iron screamed, but Ion continued: "Monk, it's really okay. Don't worry about it, just shoot. I'll take responsibility for what I did. I want to stop this disaster." "What kind of hero are you? Are you serious?" Ian could see that the flame of hatred in the monk's eyes was burning more intensely. "Really. Come on, shoot. Shoot here." Ion took another step forward and patted his chest.The result was a rustling sound from the contents of the breast pocket.Top letter.what!I haven't read Mogami's letter yet.If there is any regret, it is this letter.At this time, there was a cracking sound of "bang", and a strong wind pressure swept over.Ion was sent flying by the impact, and his waist hit the cold concrete floor firmly.Tie's scream lingered in his ears for a long time, finally seeing each other again, and saying goodbye again, I'm sorry - Ian thought.Then he lost consciousness.
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