Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mystery File 602·Evil Asylum

Chapter 4 Chapter 2 Shadow Ghost

That person was actually himself!For the first time, he looked at himself face to face, as if looking in a mirror.But Yi Gu in the film has a completely different look and spirit from him. I don’t know why, there are more and more mentally ill patients nowadays, the living environment of human beings is getting worse day by day, the pressure of survival is also getting bigger and bigger in cities that seem to be rich and abundant, and the whole world is full of anxiety .Food safety is also one of the reasons for human brain illness. A friend once joked that if you don’t have a thorough understanding of the periodic table of elements these days, you will be ashamed to call yourself a human being.

The Samsara Psychiatric Hospital is located outside the Samsara Village. A majestic man-made building complex has been built in the unique landform. It is like a paradise. The dirty loess is blocked by the courtyard wall. The garden is full of birds and flowers, and the vast lawn is beautiful and beautiful Huan.There are deep wells everywhere in the hospital, and the electric pumps are hidden in the bamboo forest, which looks like another landscape. Here, I completely overturned my impression of the Loess Plateau. Who would have known that there would be such a recuperating place in a remote mountainous area with such inconvenient transportation and no electricity?

On the way to the staff dormitory, Yi Gu babbled beside me.While admiring the scenery, I recalled what happened some time ago. In fact, it was the second letter he sent me that really caught my attention on Yi Gu. The content of this letter reminds me of a well-known folktale. It is said that in a certain year in the Ming Dynasty, there was a man named Wednesday who was a carpenter and often went around helping others with carpentry work.Once, he went out again, and when he came home four days later, he saw his wife washing clothes at the door, so he greeted his wife. When Wednesday's wife saw her, she was terrified and said, "You! You! I didn't see you go out. Why did you come back from outside?"

Before the wife could finish her sentence, a man came out of the house and shouted at Wednesday, "Who are you? How dare you impersonate me?" When I saw it on Wednesday, this person looked exactly like me, so I was surprised and angry at the same time. I quarreled with this person who pretended to be him. Neighbors came to watch and talked a lot. On two Wednesdays, he said that he was real, but his wife couldn't tell the difference, and the neighbor asked about the past, and on both Wednesdays, the answers were fluent.Everyone had no choice but to come to the county government office and let the county magistrate to distinguish.

The county magistrate was also helpless, but the master had a good idea and said, "According to my guess, it's the shadow ghost on the left. Let's try to recognize the relatives with a drop of blood." The county magistrate found Wednesday's mother, and recognized their relatives with a drop of blood. The blood of the two Wednesdays could fuse with the blood of Wednesday's mother, and all the onlookers were amazed. The master said: "The navigation of this shadow ghost is very deep. It seems that we need to ask the great master to catch ghosts." The magistrate nodded and said yes.

At this time, Wednesday's mother cried and knelt on the ground and said, "My lord, I can tell who my son is on Wednesday." The magistrate said: "Old man, how do you tell the difference?" Wednesday's mother said: "Wednesday is my son. No one knows him better than me. When I gave birth to him, my nails accidentally cut his right armpit, leaving a scar. The scar is small. It's also hidden, I don't even know it on Wednesday, only I know it. Just check the armpits of the two, and you can tell the difference." The county magistrate quickly asked them to take off their jackets to see what happened. Sure enough, one had a scar and the other didn't.The county magistrate slapped the gavel and shouted: "Catch this evil spirit!"

The yamen guards around were about to take this man down, but unexpectedly, Wednesday's mother threw herself on him, crying loudly, "This is my son!" Everyone was very surprised again, that Wednesday with the scar in the armpit also said: "Mother, what's the matter with you, why do you want to protect him?" The old woman cried and said to this Wednesday: "You monster, I knew you would change, so I told a lie, my son has no scars on his armpits at all!" Only then did everyone suddenly realize that they rushed towards the shadow ghost together, caught the shadow ghost who was about to escape, and burned him to death in front of the county government office.

Coincidentally, Samsara Village also belongs to the scope of this story. What surprised me even more was that what Yi Gu mentioned in his second letter was that there really seemed to be a shadow ghost beside him. One day two months ago, he got up early and walked from the dormitory to the cafeteria. A friend patted him on the shoulder and asked in surprise, "You don't sleep, so you came to work so early?" Yi Gu scratched his head, wondering: "Isn't today my morning shift?" "You worked the night shift all night last night, forgot?" Seeing his confused look, my friend touched his forehead, "It seems that you really forgot! After eleven o'clock last night, you said that you had something to do tomorrow, and you insisted on changing shifts with Xiao Zhang. When I left, you were still in the duty room Read the materials."

"Have it?" Yi Gu felt a little uncomfortable, "It's absolutely impossible, I obviously slept in the dormitory last night." "Oh, I've been in a mental hospital for a long time, and it's stressful." The friend sympathized, "I think you should ask for leave and go out to rest for a few days." This made Yi Gu care even more. After he finished his meal in a hurry, he met another colleague on his way to the office.As soon as the male colleague saw him, he smiled apologetically and said, "Xiao Gu, you took my money the day before yesterday, and I will pay you back in a few days."

"Did I lend you money?" Yi Gu's eyes widened. It was the end of the month a few days ago, and he sent the money back to his mother and asked her to help save it. Where did he get the spare money to borrow? "you forgot?" The visitor looked remorseful, and left in a hurry. Before leaving, he murmured in a low voice: "If I knew that guy had forgotten, I wouldn't have reminded him too much. You're so cheap!" Along the way, Yi Gu was surprised to find that everyone who was familiar with him or not, greeted him at the same time, and said some things that he didn't know clearly or didn't remember at all.

Even, a female colleague who looked very apologetic was still blushing, pulled the hem of his clothes seriously, and said in a soft and disgusting voice: "Xiao Gu, I will pay attention to what you told me the day before yesterday." I thought about it for two days. You wait for me. Anyway, my relationship with the family is not good. Wait for me for half a year at most. I will definitely be able to divorce in half a year. At that time..." Yi Gu didn't dare to be stupid, so he ran away.That sorry-looking female colleague is very famous in this mental hospital. Her emotional ups and downs and personality are not much different from those of the seriously ill patients on the seventh floor of the inpatient department. Whoever gets involved will be screwed! Finally arrived at the office, but Xiao Li was sitting in his own place and asked himself to work. He was surprised when he saw him, "Brother Gu, you are really not in good spirits. You didn't sleep all night and came to know about work. You dealt with it last night. A patient whose mental condition has greatly improved, the boss praised you earnestly in front of us." "Did I really work the night shift last night?" Yi Gu is still in disbelief. "What's wrong with you? Are you sleepy? No, you left half an hour ago, and I took over." Xiao Li was a little confused about the situation, "Brother Gu, it's better for you to go to sleep. Staying up late is an important factor for illness. Look, you have dark circles under your eyes." Looking at the mirror on the opposite side, Yi Gu found that there was a light dark circle around his right eye socket. He was in doubt, he had a good sleep last night, so there is no reason to have dark circles.Strange, who is it that kicked myself to work the night shift, lent money to others, and even confessed to the female dinosaur colleague? That guy, even last night, treated a tricky patient. The more Yi Gu thought about it, the more frightened he became. He asked Xiao Li to show him the duty records from last night, and read them carefully.At 23:01 last night, I did sign in, and it was definitely in his handwriting. How is this possible!He fell asleep at 10:30 because of the morning shift the next day.Are you sleepwalking?Yi Gu shook his head, who can sleepwalk so clearly?Not only was he able to go to work and treat diseases, but he also treated a patient who he could not handle normally. Yi Gu saw the name of the person being treated, it was Mrs. Zhou.She is seventy-eight years old, has no children, and has a history of mental illness for more than thirty years. The word "troublesome" is not enough to describe her condition. She would throw things and bite people when she had an attack, and her tendency to violence was serious.And the most frightening thing is that once she gets sick, she will be possessed by a ghost, and her strength is so amazing that three burly men can't hold her down.Every time she was sedated, it was a disaster. Last night's data records showed that I was on duty alone and treated Mrs. Zhou who was ill, and no sedative was used. This is incredible! Yi Gu asks himself that he is absolutely incapable of doing it. He couldn't help but care, but what could he do?Everyone thought it was him last night, but he really didn't know the clue, or even understand, what the hell was going on! Two days later, Mrs. Zhou, whom Yi Gu had treated, suddenly recovered without any medicine, and was discharged from the hospital miraculously, and she kept saying that it was his credit.Not surprisingly, the dean skipped his rank by one level and was promoted to attending physician.Yi Gu felt baffled, but the higher the rank and the higher the salary, it was a good thing after all. But in my heart, there is always a greasy feeling like a lump of fat, which is very uncomfortable. The days passed by so plainly but not so plainly. That other him still appears from time to time, disturbing his life, and Yi Gu is almost used to it.Just imagine, how many people in the world have imagined that when they are the busiest, when they have not finished their homework at the end of the summer vacation, when they really can't write their graduation thesis, when they can't finish their work, and they can't write a manuscript. When you can't come out, another self will come out, and he will take care of all your troubles for you while you are asleep, and he will do it far better than you. Thinking about it this way, Yi Gu felt very happy. At least, that was another him, which didn’t affect his real life. Even he didn’t need to work at all, and someone would make up for him if he was lazy. It’s good. . What satisfied him most was that another patient who had been treated by himself was able to recover and be discharged within a few days.All the colleagues in the hospital admire him very much, and his rank and monthly salary have also increased, and now it is close to NT$150,000. Yi Gu thought that life would go on so smoothly, and his savings would continue to increase over time, until one day, he turned on his laptop cheaply and found an unfamiliar folder. There were more than ten video records in that folder. After thinking for a long time, he didn't feel that he had created these files, so he just opened one to look at.Seeing this, Yi Gu was almost so frightened that he vomited out all the water he drank. The video should have been shot with his own V8, in a ward he was familiar with. In the single ward, Mr. Li—a seventy-eight-year-old patient with severe dementia and intermittent violent mental illness—was motionless. Sitting on the edge of the bed, beside him, there was a familiar figure. The two sat there in such a strange way, staring at each other, neither doing nor speaking.Yi Gu couldn't imagine that the eyes of an old man with dementia would be as clear, sharp, and even a little scary as in the movie. Mr. Li's gaze stayed on the person with the familiar back all the time. His eyes were black and straight, and he stared straight at the doctor.After an unknown amount of time, Mr. Li nodded suddenly as if he heard something, and then passed out. The doctor-like back then turned his head in a stiff posture, facing V8, and suddenly, the quilt in Yi Gu's hand fell to the ground with a "slap" and shattered. That person was actually himself!For the first time, he looked at himself face to face, as if looking in a mirror.But Yi Gu in the film has a completely different look and spirit from him. As if knowing that he was watching a video, the other self smiled at the camera twice, and then the screen went completely dark. Yi Gu was so frightened that his heart was beating wildly. He sat on the chair, his hands and feet were cold, and he finally regained his strength. For some reason, he was terribly afraid, just like the him in the movie, who had malicious intentions towards him. From that day on, Yi Gu started to secretly investigate everything about the other him.Based on the knowledge he has gained in detective and spooky novels, he decided to start his investigation from the day when the other self first appeared, and then find out the reason for the appearance of the other self. There must be a reason for things to happen, and there must be a reason for the groundless things. The most important thing is that Yi Gu smelled danger. This investigation lasted for a month, but he did not expect that he would actually investigate and deal with some very strange things. Yi Gu’s distraction first appeared, in fact, on December 11, three months ago, not long after the strange incident mentioned in his first letter to me. The first thing that avatar did was to lend a sum of money to his colleague, which was quite a lot, tens of thousands of dollars.This made Yi Gu very surprised. His own money was always sent back to his mother and saved as his wife’s money. Anyway, there is no money for food and drink in the mental hospital, so he seldom carries cash with him, but the avatar just took the money out. . If he was really himself, where did he get the money from? If he is not himself, but a person who looks very similar to himself, then what is the purpose of that guy pretending to be himself? Yi Gu felt that for an ordinary person like him, who would dare to impersonate him?But now, there is indeed such a person who silently helps him with his own work in the mental hospital. Many people have witnessed his existence, but Yi Gu has never seen him except in the film. Live another self. This situation, as time went by, made him more and more uneasy.The ending of the appearance of another self in the movie novel is usually very consistent with the later one - in the end, the person concerned either disappeared or was killed by another self. There are even urban legends circulating that he met someone who looked exactly like himself , means death. After checking a lot of information, Yi Gu became even more frightened. He was afraid that he would die! Over the past few months, more than 30 patients have been treated by him, and all of them have been cured. This is a miracle for the mental hospital. There are congratulations and sour water from colleagues, but they all unanimously call him "" hand of God".He became famous in a short period of time, and many family members of patients even named him as the attending physician. With all kinds of honors, Yi Gu couldn't be happy at all.Among the more than 30 people, none of them really healed the pancake by himself. What kind of magic power does the other one have? Why is it so easy to cure the pancake? Anxiety spread and filled every gap in his body. Every time he walked in the hospital and others greeted him warmly, Yi Gu would feel terrified.Those colleagues were not calling him, but their own distraction; the family members of those patients were also not looking at him, but also that clone. Everyone can really pay attention to himself with his eyes, he is shrouded in the shadow of the clone, if this continues, sooner or later he will be replaced by distraction, disappearing into the world without anyone noticing. This kind of thing is not only terrible, but also sad.Could it be that his value can only be concealed, and can everyone face up to it?Yi Gu smiled wryly, and sighed and shook his head every time he looked in the mirror. This damned other self, how could this damned strange thing happen to him? Yi Gu's avatar treated the patient's situation, and carefully recorded it in the folder in the laptop.More than 30 patients, without exception, all use the same method. The clone sits quietly with the patient, looking at each other. This sits for several hours until the patient nods and faints after hearing something... It's so weird that it's unbelievable. accept. He even wanted to show the film to the dean, so that the dean could find out the other self and wipe it out completely, but this idea was stifled by himself in an instant. I also understand Yi Gu's mentality very well.If I were the dean, how would I choose between a talented doctor who can cure everything and a mediocre doctor?It doesn't seem like a hard choice. After reading his letter, I was deeply silent, and it didn't take too long to get in touch with him.I always feel that the illusory shadow ghosts in folklore and stories descended on him, which feels unreal. What's more, I am really interested in this matter. This reincarnation mental hospital, according to my previous preliminary investigation, actually has many problems.
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