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a mother

a mother


  • modern novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 18789

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Chapter 1 sequence

a mother 沈从文 1625Words 2018-03-22
Because of the boredom and annoyance of existence, I feel that writing about the relationship between men and women seems more appropriate than writing other articles.I don't have much experience in this area.Writing this question is not different from my usual attitude in creation. In the emotional conflict between men and women, I only do my best to observe, understand, and explain the inevitable development and changes.Prejudice that I do not intend to blame or defend in several roles, nor do I seem to have one.I didn't intentionally praise lust or ridicule gentlemen like the authoritative generation called "critics" in China.I just describe all reality with my objective attitude, and I have no love or hate for the characters in it.If there are still people who still want to refer to this as a "fellow" or "heretic" and want to use his personal taste as the criterion for my article, I think this person is wasting his efforts in an extremely ridiculous situation, and I am really sorry for him.Because my work was not written to wait for these criticisms, I advised him to introduce a new work to his acquaintances, which would have more chances of being recognized and praised.To be honest, my experimental works are not worthy of criticism!

In terms of technology, I work for me. It seems necessary to explain that I myself feel that the road I walk has become more and more distant from others recently.Unlike others, this success or failure is unknowable, because the best critic is time.Although the extension of time is inevitable, luck is inevitable, but in any case, it is more reliable to give a work to time than to give it to the critics appointed by the big bosses in the book industry. It's not a problem for the future.For the present, I must confess that I have been a complete failure in my work. Seeing ordinary people fall in love with works that seem effortless in Zhang Hui style, it is impossible for me not to admit my failure.Among the works of many famous artists, what I admire about their works is that they talk a lot.They are really worthy of creating ideal characters there, but it often seems that the ideal is too high, so the results reflect that the characters in these works are different from ordinary people. Although they still boast "highly realistic", human faces are also like It is planned out with dimensions and does not take the slightest step.By extending the number of words, they made everyone in the book chatter constantly, saying some irrelevant empty words.Because of the "thought", they sometimes use the mouth of a cook to explain the "League of Nations"

And issues that are as irrelevant as the League of Nations to a cook in a mansion in twentieth-century China.When they think of revolution, they write about revolution, and when they think that love is not a triangle, there are only two of them, so they try to find another one.They express the personality of the ideal characters, but rely on the hero solo on the paper, and they don't spare all the luxurious and beautiful words, just thinking that once they say it, all the problems have been correctly solved from the words and actions of the characters in the works.Their so-called "grasping the era" and producing contemporary works in the era, the attitude and method are actually the same as the "improvisation" of famous Chinese poets in the past. Naturally, each of them has reasons to say that only one aspect can be ridiculed. Improvised", in a certain aspect it is "loyal to the times".After all, these people are smart people, and in all conveniences they are completely successful.

Of course, China needs a work that continues the chapters of legends and detective novels. Genius and famous writers came into being, and there is nothing wrong with it.They can gain the understanding and sympathy of the public because they have given the times a set of habits, but it doesn't seem that the times have really given them anything. What I said above is my personal attitude towards performance techniques and ideology. I am willing and some people believe that my words are not entirely personal grievances. Today's famous writers are proud of the fact that they have succeeded in ignoring this point.The critics rewarded this kind of work with the words "smooth and smooth can be used as a middle school textbook" and made it widely promoted.These people are totally "smart people".

My point of view is knowing that I have failed, but I can't find an opportunity to respect the winners.On the back road blocked by thorns and thorns that I can't go on, I will complete the distance I can walk with my stubborn stupidity.I thought that the location of a work exists only to illustrate the need to enrich the background.The restraint of the text in the description is necessary, which is an explanation for my intentional neglect of the description of the scene.I think that expressing an ideal or discussing a problem is attached to the creation, so even if the form is the form of a novel, in terms of dialogue, action and other things, proper restraint is necessary, and excessive extravagance should be taboo. Observe Detailed and indispensable, everything should be considered from the need.This is an explanation that I cannot exaggerate and trivialize in description.

If someone asks: what is the conclusion of the children in the work?I haven't been able to find a proper answer to this question yet.Because the child is still a child, only one or three years old, having a gentle and "great" father who is getting fatter and gentler, and at the same time a "humane and loving" mother, is exactly what the average child needs when he is young. kind of family.The situation of a normal family enables children to live well in the world, neither cold nor hungry, can take medicine in time when sick, and sleep in the arms of the mother when tired, or in a very beautiful and comfortable cradle. It is a reasonable conclusion that the child hopes.

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