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Chapter 19 Motorcycle mouse-5

Robber's box 弗兰克·鲍姆 4069Words 2018-03-22
Ralph passed the week until Friday.Although all the days in Room Five were lazy and dull, the nights passed quickly, and as soon as the man with the transistor radio and the big broom in his hand left Room Five, Ralph slipped under the door , ran to other classrooms.The pictures of the seeds had hung on the wall above the blackboard, and there were enough broken peas and lentils left on the floor, enough for Ralph to eat.In the kindergarten room, he found another little house for dolls, which made him excited for a while, but although there was a bed suitable for mice in the little house, it was by no means as good as the natural bed in the library. Comfortable.

One night, Ralph was in danger and barely escaped.It turned out that next to the book bag on the library shelf, he came across an interesting and rare thing that looked a bit like a metal snail.Of course Ralph had to go forward to investigate. Unexpectedly, he suddenly felt that his back was stuck, and he didn't know what the hell the strap on the metal wheel was.As a result, the rest of the night was used by Zilf to deal with it.Seeing that the back was off the straps, the claws were glued again, and the front claws had just been removed, the strange straps stuck the hind claws to the tail again, and Ralph was very tired.It didn't escape the duct tape until the first school bus had arrived.

On Wednesday morning Jean officially informed Ralph that he could no longer sleep in his pocket because his mother said his shirt smelled strange.Ralph's feelings are hurt again.Jean also said that Mama had found the little hole in his pocket that Ralph had licked. "She's going to..." said Ralph. Jean defended his mother, saying: "Maybe she's nagging and fussy, but she's a good housewife and that's why the inn hired her. It's lucky for us because she really needs the job." Ralph admitted that maybe all mothers would go on and on about everything, even though his own mother hadn't been a good housewife.When he was back in the dark, filthy cave of Malice's left boot, he wished Malice had become nagging and fussy too.Ralph kind of missed the thump, thump of his heart.If you don't doze off during class, it will be convenient for you to observe Miss Ka carefully.The next day, someone happened to drop a woolen glove, and Ralph was removed from the boot without a sound.

On Thursday afternoon, Miss Ka said, "Jean, don't forget to bring our little guest tomorrow." "Not to forget," Jean assured, as if he had no idea that Ralph was lurking at the back of the house. That night Ralph enjoyed, as usual, all that the school had to offer his lonely mouse.The next morning Ralph did not sleep, but washed and dressed.As a formally invited guest, he wanted to make the perfect impression.The children in Class 5 also want to make a perfect impression, because their photos will appear in the newspaper.They all seemed much tidier than usual when they came to school, even Brad had a clean T-shirt on.Jean brought the finished maze and put it on a table at the back of the classroom.The model was so tall that Ralph couldn't see it at all.

"What a nuisance," thought Ralph.He climbed onto Jean's legs, wanting to glance at the "examination questions" in front of him, but before he could look at them, Jean grabbed him back and put him in his pocket. It wasn't until the "mouse" class meeting was about to start that Jean took out Ralph and handed it to Miss Ka. "You're welcome, Ralph," said Miss Carr, and then to Jean: "Put our little guest in the fishbowl on my desk, so everyone can see it." To Ralph's horror, he found himself put in a slippery glass container.He grabbed and scratched blindly, trying to escape.When he finally saw that he had no way to escape and nowhere to hide, he had no choice but to sit in it shivering indignantly, "a timid little animal with shiny fur" really became the one described in the poem. look.

The class bell rang, and all the guests came, including the principal Mr. Donner, the librarian Mrs. Higgs, the worker Mr. Coster, and the auntie of the fifth class who brought 26 small bags of popcorn as prizes.hilarious "mouse" The class meeting is about to begin. "Aren't the reporters here yet?" someone asked. "I'm sure they'll be there soon," said Miss Ka.She welcomed the guests, and then introduced the little guest, who turned his back to everyone, trying to hide him, and pointed to all the pictures of Ralph hanging on the blackboard. picture. "It's as if I really look like the painting."

thought Ralph, somewhat mockingly. Then, Ms. Ka introduced that some students in the class had written stories and poems about mice, and they wanted to invite the guests to enjoy them together.Miss Ka first called Brad's name.Brad wobbled up to the podium, declared that he wasn't good at poetry, so his poems were all silly poems, and read aloud: There's a rat, Ralph. Dementia, stupid. It was just like a lice, also from the slums. After reading, he rolled his eyes triumphantly, and returned to his seat tiredly. "Thank you, Brad," Miss Ka said.She didn't know how to judge it properly, so she could only say:

"That's... great." While moving his limbs nervously in the "prison", Ralph guessed how long it would take to run through the maze; at the same time, he thought, Miss Ka must have said something impolite.He sniffed again, trying to see if his sense of smell was sensitive, but because he was confined in this glass container, all he could smell was his own. Next came a girl named Janet, "I wrote limericks," she told the audience.Then read: A mouse came to the school, and the school immediately became a mess. It's glued to the paste. The paste tastes really good.

And it said, "I'll just sit here and talk nonsense." The audience all laughed.Janet, flushed with success, returned to her seat. A lie, "I've never been near the paste in Room 5," thought Ralph.At this time, he was still walking nervously in the fish tank to ensure that his legs and feet were flexible when he played. The next child was Gordon, who, instead of writing stories and poems, wrote an expository essay.Before reading it, the door opened, and a young woman walked in, followed by a man with a camera behind him. "Sorry we're late. There was an accident on one of the roads: a truck full of hens ran away with the chickens, and we had to rush to write a message." The female reporter was out of breath and he said, "Now, go on with the show, as if we weren't here."

The photographer was quietly adjusting his lens, which made Gordon very nervous.He read: "Rats are rodents, they bite bad things, and they reproduce very quickly..." "No," thought Ralph, "rats don't reproduce very quickly." He had never seen Miss Carr write with chalk on a blackboard, and those little bug-like marks would multiply in a second. What mouse can do that.The photojournalist aimed a camera with one black eye at Ralph walking up and down, and there was a series of click, click, click.Ralph thought, "I wish he wasn't around me when I had to run the maze," he thought, running to avoid the hideous eye.

Gordon continued to read, and the reporter's pen rustled along.The photojournalist turned to the auditorium again, and the children sat upright with smiles on their faces. "Rats are bad," Gordon read. "They destroy crops, spoil food, eat bark off trees, and kill trees. There are ways to get rid of them: traps, poison, and cats . . . " "That's mean," thought Ralph angrily. "We didn't sabotage on purpose, we just adapted to this cruel world." Gordon continued: "There's a saying: If you see 1 mouse, there are 25 you don't." Ralph thought, "That's a bit of a stretch." At the inn it might be, but not at Snead's. The class was silent, and Mrs. Higgs seemed pleased that she had helped Gordon gather the information about the rats.The female reporter expressed her gratitude to Ms. Ka because——"allow me to interview", "a good story", "great point of view"; Cutting the ribbon for a new auto parts store" Yeah, "meeting the school board" and so on.After apologizing, she walked out of the classroom, followed by the reporter with the camera. Ralph tried to get his limbs as flexible as possible, practicing quick sprints in the fish tank.He can't tense his muscles before a game. Now it's Malice's turn. "The title of my story is: Ralph's Strange Disappearance." She stopped and smiled at Ralph before announcing it. Ralph stopped moving too, listening. Melis reads: "In the house of little girl Primrose there lived a mouse named Ralph. Primrose took a liking to Ralph and let him run about the room.One day, Ralph was playing in the laundry room, and Primrose's mother asked her to take the clothes out of the dryer, and Primrose didn't see Ralph.As she was taking clothes from the dryer, several clothes fell on Ralph.Among them was a sock charged with static electricity, which immediately stuck to Ralph.Primrose folded all the clothes and found that there was only one sock left.What about that one?Sticking to Ralph and can't find it.Where are the socks that were lost before, where is this sock.At last, there was no more Socks and Ralph to be seen, and it was over. " The whole class thought the story was too funny, but Ralph found it hard to tell.Lalda learned about static electricity from television.There have been a few boring women talking about static electricity on TV, but can I really get stuck with my socks?It's too scary to think about, and to be on the safe side, it's best to stay away from socks from now on. Malice was delighted with the success of her story, until a few students in the class asked why the girl's mother didn't use Static Laundry Detergent. "She just didn't work," Malice replied. "I guess she didn't watch TV." "Whether the socks actually stick to the mice, I'm not sure," Gordon said.The thinking boy was always more interested in the facts. "Why, shut up all of you," thought Ralph.These delays made him very nervous.At this time, a bunch of winter sun shone on the fish tank, which made the fish tank very hot, and Ralph was out of breath and panicked. Gordon's words annoyed Malice, who said, "In my story, the sock just stuck to the mouse," as if she were going to end the argument with that reply. "But this sock must be somewhere," Gordon went on stubbornly. So, the class spent a lot of precious time justifying the story of Malice, oh no, the socks are not going anywhere, they disappeared from their house forever.They can look everywhere and never find it.No one knows where the socks went.Sometimes they go to school without a pair of socks. Their mother's drawers were full of single socks.Gordon didn't know what he was talking about.One girl also said that her mother took the family clothes to the laundry room, and when she came back, she brought back a lot of socks she hadn't seen before.At least Miss Ka should have an explanation as to whether the socks would stick to the mice.Finally, it was Mrs. Higg who proposed to look up materials about static electricity for everyone, and the debate ended. Lauria is next.She announced: "The poem I wrote is called lingju. It is a Japanese style of poetry. It doesn't rhyme. It has 17 syllables in total." Speaking of Darling, she paused for a while, and did not start until she had attracted the attention of the whole class. Recite: A little brown mouse was lured into the mouse trap by the fragrance of milk, and it died with a snap. This terrified Ralph.He curled up into a little ball to force himself to stop shaking.How can he compete if he keeps shaking?The students all preferred rhyming poems, and they were not sure whether Fang Liya's poem was good or bad, so they were silent for a while. "I think it's rough," Malice said first. "I think it's fine," Lauria objected. So cruel, thought Ralph, cruel and vicious. "A fine haiku, Lauria," said Miss Carter tactfully. "I hope that never happens to Ralph." Mrs. Seeger said she wanted to find some haiku for the students in Class Five, and Miss Card immediately said that she would read to everyone. "Time is short," said Miss Card, "and now our guest will show you how quickly he can grasp things." After waiting so long, Ralph's excitement was worn out, and all that was left was the heavy dread that he would have to meet the exam, whether well prepared or not.Although his limbs were stiff and trembling.His motorcycle depends on this.
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