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venus in fur coat

venus in fur coat


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 32270

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Chapter 1 sequence

Characteristics of Mosoke's Literature Sacher-Masoch is a famous Austrian writer with masochistic tendencies. Like Sade, his real life is closely connected with his literary works.His heroines are icy cold: bodies of marble, women of stone, icy Venuses, all like frozen statues in the moonlight.Mosock believed that women were made to tame the bestial urges of men.He is always attracted to women who are stronger and older than himself, he submits to her, and she physically abuses him when his bestial urges manifest themselves.Later, his sadomasochistic fantasies entered into a more explicit and distinctive pattern, always featuring a woman in mink (Mursok had a fetish for it, apparently), holding a sex symbol Whip, to flog his lover for his bestial lust.Although the scenes in his novels are slightly different, they always contain similar whiplash episodes.

It is Mosock's most important sadomasochistic work.This is the story of an aristocratic man who volunteers to be a lady's slave.He was willing to be driven by her, to be punished by her, to make himself the property over which she had a life-and-death right.In the process of the two of them getting along, the woman was always reluctant, and in the end she empathized with another person and cruelly ended their relationship.The names of the heroes and heroines in Mosok's book, Severin and Wanda, have become symbols of the relationship between male slave and female master, and in modern newspaper and magazine sadomasochist's mate-seeking advertisements, These two names are often used by people looking for this type of mate.The agreement between Wanda and Savunin has also become a model for such an agreement in the master-slave relationship of sadomasochistic activities.

Mosok's work is a classic of masochism because it is the model for all subsequent sadomasochistic literature, and it has all the elements in later sadomasochistic literature: bondage, whipping, master-slave contract , slave-master relationship and rule-subordination relationship.The literary value of his sadomasochism novels is also relatively high, which makes it different from general pornographic literature, and has entered the ranks of classics together with Sade's works. Masochists and sadists have very different superego-ego structures.Comparing Sade's novels with Mosock's novels shows how different they are.Sade's novels are about crime and sex; Mosock's are about self-deprecation and insatiable desire.The two also have very different attitudes towards women: Sade's women are always passive and masochistic, while Mosock's women are sadistic.The former always want to destroy women or have sex with women, demeaning women; the latter always idealize women, making her a fantasy figure, and there is almost no sexual relationship with male slaves.The former is concerned with numbers, mainly the number of female victims; the latter is concerned with individuals.In the world created by Sade, full of activities, in Mosock's world, what is important is not action, but waiting, waiting for unexpected tenderness and cruelty, a delayed consumption.The former never appeals to emotion; while Mosock's protagonist is whipped with anticipation of sex and affection.

Unlike Sade's literature, masochistic literature is erotic but not obscene.Sade's novels are full of obscene descriptions and direct actions. There is no exploration of the secrets of the body, only action; Mosock's novels are game-like, with a stronger flavor of fantasy.In the latter, abuser and masochist sometimes switch roles; but in the former, switching roles is never possible: if a woman suffers voluntarily, she is immediately rejected by the abuser Furthermore, sadism and masochism are even less likely to be mutually consensual. The famous writer and philosopher Druze believes that Sade's sadism is real cruelty; Mosock's masochism is fantasy and game violence.His analysis of these two writers may be apt, but it would be incorrect to base sadism and masochism on the basis of this analysis as being entirely separate domains.In modern sadomasochistic activities, sadism is not the real atrocity described by Sade, but like masochism, it has the nature of fantasy and games.And both the sadist and the masochist are voluntary.Because of this, sadomasochism can become the sexual practice and sex game of a considerable proportion of the population, rather than the brutality of a few criminals.

The significance of Xinwen's publication in China may not only be manifested in literature, but may also reveal the deep connotation of Western social life.It is not without inspiration for us to understand the status and influence of sadomasochistic culture in Western culture. Li Yinhe November 1, 2004
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