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Chapter 7 Chapter 6 / They

¥19.99 弗雷德里克·贝格伯德 10905Words 2018-03-21
"I said no, there won't be any good places to go after I go to college. Listen carefully. Things will be completely different then.We had to take the elevator down with our suitcases and stuff.We had to call everyone, say goodbye to them, and send them postcards from the hotel.I got to sit in an office, earn a lot of money, take a cab or the bus on Madison Avenue to work, read the paper, play bridge every day, go to the movies, watch a lot of goddam short films and commercials and news.Newsreel, my goodness.There's always some goddam horse racing, some lady launching a boat, and a chimpanzee in pants on a goddam bicycle.Things will not be the same at all then.You just don't get what I mean. "——Sallinger, "American writer, the representative novel describes a sensitive teenager's disgust and escape from the hypocritical adult world, which is highly praised by critics and readers." 1951 They Didn't Die.They are on a small island at this time.They were breathing and there they were alive and kicking.mark.Malone and Sophie play funny jokes on each other.Pleasure is to be blamed, it is its fault.They live in water.They fell in love at last, because by making love, a falsehood always becomes true.They left Senegal and came to a small hut with no TV, radio, disco, air conditioning, beer in cans, nothing but the two of them.They baked the fish caught by the fishermen in the village with coconut rice. Under the white clouds, they indulged in various mixed juices.In Senegal, they met no one except a friendly American.All is well with them, thank goodness they escaped, they won.They laughed softly.It was the American who killed them.

Those young people who burn cars know everything about society.They don't burn cars because they can't have them, they burn cars because they don't want them. Look how cute they are.Mark and Sophie, definitely deserves the title of that soap opera. Ghost Island is located in the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean Sea.How did they get there?The American was called Mike, but it didn't matter what his name was, and besides, it was probably a false name.His deeply lined face looks a lot like the photographer Peter.Biard.He introduced himself as a former FBI agent, now retired.They hit it off with him on Sallie's Savannah Beach.After a few fun times together, they told him about their situation: Mark's misappropriation, his dismissal, Sophie's pregnancy, and their desire to leave everything behind.Mike offers them a deal: disappear forever, that is, be treated as dead and be able to escape.

He knew the procedure well, having used it often during his years at the FBI in charge of conversion programs for penitent members of the Mafia.All of his professional experience lies in hiding those criminals from the past, rehabilitating them, changing their identities, and sending them to an undisclosed location.Now, he has found a way to make his hands no longer tight at the end of the month, but more than sufficient, that is, to use his expertise to benefit ordinary people.He made only one demand: that they never return to their hometown. All it takes to kill Mark and Sophie is a miniature Polaroid, two US passports, and a bunch of official stamps.

And just like that, Mark and Sophie became Patrick.Bowen and Carolina.Born couple. When people are told too often that their lives have no meaning, they sometimes go crazy, they run around, howl, they can't accept that they exist without purpose.Life is alive, not for any reason, only for death!If you think about it carefully, it is really unacceptable.No wonder people on earth are so crazy. What is happiness?It is white sand, blue sky and sea water. It is "water, air and life" as the Perrier mineral water advertisement said. Happiness is to walk into a Perrier poster and become an advertisement of the Pacific Ocean, with a wet footprint with sea water in it Evaporates quickly on the hot pier pontoon.Mark and Sophie made the ad, and today Patrick and Carolina are an ad.They decided to finish their lives in their own advertising masterpieces, like the French magazine "Voici" cover ad, with its tireless bronze complexion; the "Beautiful Lady" TV ad, with its exotic teak terrace; Be like a newspaper ad for Club Med, with a white border surrounding the beautiful typeface.

Commercial script: Patrick is young and handsome.He drives a motorboat on the sea, and this role can be played by Mark.Malone to play.He jumped off the still-moving boat and swam to the beach.He was approached by an attractive young woman with a beautiful, smiling baby in her arms.She runs to him.Then Gabriel rang out.Yad's moving music.The female role could be played by Octave's ex-girlfriend Sophie.They hugged each other tightly while lifting the baby up to the cloudless sky.Just then, a seaplane flew over their heads.Flipping the camera back into their faces, their eyes widen in amazement.The baby laughed.The plane turned back to reveal that it was a firefighting plane, and people understood why their faces lit up: the plane deflected its wings and rained fifty tons of confetti over their heads.Music now fills the space (added in post-production).

Slowly, the camera moves back towards the beach, and then a group of bird's-eye-view pictures taken with the "Luma" portable photography device.The audience should have been overwhelmed by the pure beauty of the moment: the lovers who became one, the perfect background, the innocent baby, and countless red, blue, yellow green and white confetti falling like a colorful rain .They were seen on a remote island surrounded by coconut palms and white sand. Ad slogan (optional): "Happiness is the surrender of misery. Happiness does not bring pain. Happiness does not only belong to Nestlé.

Happiness is better than nothing, and happiness is better than good. "They were so perfect. They fell in love on a flat, private island in the middle of the Cayman Islands. Ghost Island is nowhere to be found on any map. They looked at the sky, at the sea, at their kids all day, And the child looked at Tian and his mother with a smile on his face. Here, the trees have no brand name, and there is no label of "coconut tree" on the coconut trees. Carolina and Patrick found themselves a way to escape, lying in a hammock all day listening to the silence. "I'm not taking care of my daughter now," Carolina said. "It's my daughter taking care of me."

They are full of confidence in this world because they think they have got rid of the previous difficulties.In this world, things are not stronger than life.They finally understand what love means.They stare at their daughter, then at themselves, and start all over again, to infinity.Babies admire the pelicans.It goes on for hours, days, weeks, doing nothing else, until their necks are so sore.Poor people who have never had this experience. "I'm leaving because I've been through it all." "What did you say?" "I left because I was going to suffocate."

Somewhere in the Caribbean, between Cuba and Honduras, God sprinkled a string of Cayman Islands.People built a small airport there.The runway at Cayman Airport crosses the only boulevard it has.The village has a total of one hundred and ten inhabitants, not counting the lizards.On Cayman Avenue, we can count six hundred financial institutions that handle numbered accounts.The Cayman Islands is a British colony with an independent government and 35,000 overseas companies registered here.To go to Ghost Island, you must take a secret rental boat (Mike accompanied them at the time). They felt good there, and it smelled so good already: coconut, rom vanilla, honey, spices, salty air, Calvin.Clay's "Enchanted" fragrance, marijuana and drizzle before sunset, also floral and sweaty.

"I drink your mouth, I lick your teeth, I suck your tongue, I suck your breath, I swallow your tears." For a cash price of one million euros, Mike arranged everything: the return of the fake ashes to Paris, Sophie's farewell letter by e-mail, a trip to Switzerland to withdraw embezzled public funds... He used to send his clients to Sijiru Castaneda Escape Comprehensive Center in Spring, where a group of small bungalows made of mahogany, rosewood or teak are hidden in the bushes of hibiscus and frangipani. They settled down in a hut of reeds, built on stilts, overlooking a blue lagoon.Every night, they can meet other fake dead people on the island: Claude, a popular French singer in the 1960s.François (62) and Elvis Presley (66) look at Samsara frontman Kurt Jr.Kebang (34) and rock guitarist Jimmy.Hendrix (59) writes country songs for Pierre, the former French prime minister.

Bregois (76) is dating political figure François.Germany.Grossovo (81) chatting with the writer Romain.Gary (87) with his wife Jen.Xibao (63) walks arm in arm, Philip the adman. Michelle (61 years old) and singer Michelle.Berger (54) plays tennis and Arnold windsurfers.Germany.Hosner (55) is giving to explorer Alan.Cora (58) explains sailing, Little John.Kennedy (41) with his father John.Fitzgerald.Kennedy (84) and actress Marilyn.Monroe (75) strolled side by side. A light wind turns the leaves of the palm trees into huge fans, Patrick and Carolina, who are with sexy French singer Serge.Gainsberg (73) and writer Anthony.Bronting (79) drank orange juice together, the latter and German movie star Klaus.Kinski (75) and American writer and poet Charles.Bukowski (81) shares a bamboo hut covered with palm fronds on the other side of the island.With Colombian drug lord Pablo.Delusional writer Carlos, co-founder of Escape Complex, which Escobar (now deceased) co-founded and bears his name.Castaneda (approximately 61) sided with the all-rounder of French cinema. Eustace (63) enjoys a prickly pear while checking how Ghost Island Capital is increasing in value on the stock market.The secret island is actually self-sufficient from the interest on the capital contributed by all islanders (ticket price is $3 million). A team of genetically engineered doctors and bionic surgeons managed to extend the lifespan of the islanders to about 120 years old.All of Ghost Island's inhabitants, though officially dead in the world's records, (with the exception of three: Paul McCartney of the Beatles and geeky comedian Kat Beddoes have lived in Ghost Island, and in the "real world" their doubles. So is the British writer Salman Rushdie.) But they don't let it happen.Aesthetics, transplants, facelifts, organ replacements, and silicone filler injections are free, as are other treatments.That's why actress Romy.Schneider looked nothing like the 63-year-old she was with her "Swimming Pool" co-star, 74-year-old Morris.Rone discusses the film, then jokes with the 57-year-old French comedian Krush. Also Princess Diana and boyfriend Dodi.Fayed, for his part, faithfully showed their ages of 40 and 46. In this billionaire's nursing home, life is peaceful.Television, telephone, Internet, and other means of communication with the outside world are strictly prohibited, with the exception of books and CDs.Every month, the plasma screens installed in the cabins download 10,000 new works of literature, music and film.Child prostitutes of both sexes (annual hire) cater to the tiniest sexual craving of every male and female islander. Yes, come to think of it, those who want us to believe and understand that there is nothing else in this world and that our existence is just accidental are as crazy as those who preach to us a bearded God surrounded by angels; The Flood, Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve are as absurd as belief in the Big Bang and dinosaurs. Patrick and Carolina sipped their drinks facing the turquoise sea.They drank banana juice under the vines of mangroves, and palm-sized butterflies fluttered around.Every morning, a beautiful Hermès case was placed on their door rug, containing various drugs.But they didn't use it every day, and sometimes they went days without getting addicted to drugs, going to raunchy parties, or torturing slaves.Carolina gave birth at an ultra-modern clinic on Ghost Island called the Hemingway Hospital (a reference to the American writer's faked death in Kenya in 1954). Soon, the state will be replaced by the conglomerate.We will no longer be citizens of a nation, we will grow up in a nation of brands: we will exist in a nation of Microsoft or a nation of McDonalds, we will be Calvin.Clay or Prada. They wear raw, raw yarn.They are free from death, and thus from time.No one in the rest of the world is pinning their hopes on them.They began to learn freedom, just like Jesus Christ, when he came out of his tomb after three days of crucifixion, he had to admit that death is short, and only heaven is eternal.They watched their daughters babble with their nurses, watched the eyes of the monkeys, and despised the peacocks. Carolina was beautiful, and Patrick was happy; Patrick was happy, and Carolina was beautiful.An eternity to the beat of the waves.Among the red and gold canna, they tasted delicious fish grilled, cod roe, and lobster with vanilla.Their only costume?Open shirts draped over board shorts. Their main annoyance?Don't scald the soles of your feet on the white sand.Their immediate concerns?Take a quick shower to remove the salt from your skin.Their only anxiety?Be extra careful when swimming as there are undercurrents that can carry them to the surface of the ocean away from shore and literally kill them. When they came to the dock, the judge seated the courtroom and made Charlie and Octave stand, but they bowed their heads.The guards removed their handcuffs.Solemn rituals and gowns evoke the feeling of being in a cathedral.In fact, the court trial is not much different from the Mass in Notre Dame de Paris, except for one thing: in the court, people will not be forgiven.Octave and Charlie are not proud, only relieved that Tamara managed to escape.The trial was public, and there were people from all walks of life sitting in this French criminal court, and it was the same people who attended Maronne's funeral.Through the dirty glass behind the dock they could see the accused.They understand that without these two, things will continue as usual.The two were sentenced to ten years, but there was no reason to complain. (Thankfully the French judiciary refused to extradite them, otherwise they would be tried in the US and grilled like those BBQ sausages in the "Herta" commercial.) "...Where are you going, Microsoft? "I couldn't help smiling when I watched it on the TV hanging on the wall of my cell.Everything is so far away now.They continue as usual.They will last a long time.They sing, they laugh, they dance.Just without you.I cough all the time.I contracted tuberculosis (the disease has become popular again, especially in prison). Everything is temporary, everything can be bought, except Octave.Because I atone in this rotten prison.They allowed me (in exchange for cash) to watch TV in my cell.People who are eating, people who are consuming, people who are driving cars, people who are in love, people who are taking pictures, people who are traveling, people who believe that everything is possible, people who are happy but don’t know how to enjoy themselves, people who are unhappy but People who don't try to fix it, and all these tricks that people invent to avoid loneliness. "Happy people piss me off," says the rough guy in Reiser's comic book.Happy people (such as the bespectacled man waiting at the bus stop from my cell window, holding tightly to the hand of the sensual red-haired woman next to him in the drizzle), I say Those "happy few", they don't make me hate, but they make me cry with rage, jealousy, envy and powerlessness. I pictured Sophie in the moonlight, her breasts still steaming, and Mark stroking the hollows of her elbows, which were so soft despite the sun that the skin was translucent.The stars shone on her wet shoulders.If I ever die, I'll go to them, go to that far island, and spray my seed with my lifeblood on the tongue of the mother of my child.I'll see it when the sun goes down on the horizon.I've seen it in a print of a Gauguin painting in my piss-smelling cell. For some reason, I cut out this "canoe" drawing from a magazine and taped it to my bed. It fascinates me.I think I'm afraid of death, but I'm also afraid of life. They want to separate me from my daughter.They tried to keep me from seeing your big eyes.Between coughing, I have plenty of time to imagine you.Those two round black holes contain life. These sadists, they show the advertisement of "Eyun" mineral water on TV, and the babies in it think they are Aisha from "Water Lotus".Williams, they swim to the music of "Bye-Bye-Baby", they destroy my withered lungs.They don't let me see the sparkling eyes on your pink little face, they don't let me kiss the round mouth between your cheeks; They won't let me wipe your shit, dry your tears, or welcome you.She killed herself, and she killed you at the same time. They snatched my daughter: you sleep there curled up, your tiny elbows and knees curled up under you, scratching your face from time to time, breathing quickly, then yawning a few times, and breathing slowly again.My baby has long eyelashes that curl like a witch, garnet red lips, and a small white face. It looks like a Lolita, and thin blood vessels can be seen on the temples and eyelids.They prevent me from hearing your crisp laughter when people tickle your nose, seeing your ears delicate as shells.They forbid me to know that you are waiting for me at the other end of the tunnel.I keep chasing those girls, could it be that you are what I want to find?The soft nape, the shining black eyes, the fine brows, the fine face—these things about the girl fascinated me so much because they foretold the same for my own daughter.If I love cashmere so much, it's to get used to your skin; if I go out every night, it's to get used to your schedule. If in fact, instead of me sitting in jail, but my bum double here, the homeless guy on my street, if he's sitting in this damn cell like a stagnant pool, I'll You can fly away.Did you hear me clearly?Fly away.I should switch places with him, he might be happy with food and shelter, and I'd be free on the other side of the world.Everyone is a winner.But my sanity is gone and my lungs are ruined. I will finish the books which cost fourteen euros and ninety-nine cents each.Damn, I just thought of the best catchphrase for "Beautiful Lady": "Don't be beautiful and stupid." Just buy Jacques.Brill's copyright to the song, found out that he sang "beautiful and stupid" straight up, and then spelled it into the voiceover of the commercial, and the result was: "'Qinglijiaren', don't be beautiful and stupid !” will surely be a hit.What a waste. My cell has only one window, and the iron bars on it look like a barcode. The concert of "Daughters" is being broadcast on TV: music producer Goldman, singer Gabriel, rock wizard Say and other singers are singing together: "Take me to the far away pure land, take me to the A beautiful country, it seems that many sufferings in the world will not be so miserable under the sun." All these murderers, yelling and moaning and talking all over the floors, and I ended up falling down like them.Just think a little more about it before killing someone.Charlie, he was found in a pool of blood.He cut his own wrist with a can of sardines.Before he died, this lunatic found a way to broadcast his suicide live online with the help of a hidden webcam.Most importantly they failed to find Tamara.I was relieved that this did not implicate her.Otherwise, they destroy everything. On the wall of my VIP cell (I'm alone, I have TV, I have books, even if it still smells like urine, even if I'm about to cough up my lungs, it's okay) I have Gauguin's "Independence". Canoe", this painting was painted in 1896 and belonged to Serguis.Shchukin's collection, once exhibited in the Leningrad Museum.I spend all day coughing in front of this painting: a man, a woman, and their children, idly around their boat on a Polynesian beach. In Gauguin's last letter, he wrote: "I am a savage." It was enough for me to think that I was not in prison, but free from the world.Don't those monks also live in small rooms one by one. I looked at "Canoe", the man and woman and their child, what an idyllic scene, in the background, Gauguin painted a fiery red sunset, like the mushroom cloud when the atomic bomb exploded.I will swim to them, I will jump into the boat, and I will join them on their island.They will love me.I swam to the beach, the moon fish passed me, and the broadfin fish stroked my palm.I'll meet them, we'll make love together, Tamara and Sophie, Durer and Maronne, I'll overcome all obstacles, they escaped from this society, we'll form a new family, we'll play foursome Love, I will bite my daughter Chloe's foot, she is so small, I can hold her in one arm.Just wait and see, I'll be reuniting with them at Ghost Island.Do you believe this?Of course, it was clear that I was going crazy.I was swimming at the bottom, I was gulping down the water, I felt so good, that Gauguin sunset was really like an atomic bomb explosion. In Ghost Island, months passed.Being the living dead already made them feel irritable.For them, the suffering in the sun is even more difficult.They are overnourished.They live like plants among a bunch of plants.When their energy is high, they mingle with the crowd: Carolina with rock star River.Phoenix has an affair, and Patrick has a relationship with race car driver Ayton.Cena plays gay.In this small world, everyone is immersed in pleasure and lascivious relaxation. But after a while, they began to get tired of the fun of the seventeen.So, they played tennis, deep-water fishing on the coral reef, jet-skiing in the harbor, playing ping-pong under a huge sun umbrella, petanque games in garter belts, champagne fights, and even one night, Carolina herself Ironed Patrick's T-shirt.When she asked for an ironing board instead of calling the maid as usual, he was really touched, he didn't expect to be so touched, and he felt this flatness again.Usually, they relax in the sensory cubicle or on mats filled with boiling water between aromatherapy massages or Japanese shiatsu massages. The real world has no choice. Azure, azure, azure, azure, they azure overdose, they heaven indigestion.By the pool, they lay in canvas chairs or one of those Emmanuel-style rattan chairs, watching three salaried whores, Mona, Taya, and Lola, splash in the water as three creampies shared their stamens.They were potbellied, their bellies hanging from their carefully tied Bermuda shorts from overeating.Fat stomachs let these ill-gotten riches show their feet.Look at them, a group of happy stupid pigs, their cowardice turned them into alcoholics, and since then, their satisfied faces have a thick layer of fat.They can do whatever they want without any penalty. They fled from man, who seemed to them as common as a river flowing into the sea.They listen to California Reggae music.Stuffed with black mushrooms and caviar, they were as fat as their babies.Carolina nursed the baby, Patrick weeded and planted flowers, and the children chattered.Happiness is playing out its clichés. In 1998, each French family spent 640 francs a week on food.The Coca-Cola Company sells one million cans every hour around the world.Twenty million people in Europe are unemployed. They want newspapers, television, and commotion, but all they have is the warm drowsiness and numbness of day after day. The Barbie Company sells two dolls every second.The 2.8 billion inhabitants of the planet live on two dollars a day.Seventy percent of the world's inhabitants do not have telephones, and fifty percent do not have electricity.The total global military budget has exceeded US$4 trillion, which is twice the total external debt owed by all developing countries. Carolina began to feel terrible about raising a child in this insensitive cult. "She can never leave this place. But she needs the pollution, the noise, the exhaust muffler!" Patrick started to get depressed in the bamboo forest.The waves of sound no longer ripple the hearts of the people.Time slipped by them gently.They get themselves drunk with all kinds of cocktails, and their heads are always swollen with pain.The sea breeze is a headache, and the sea is always shining there monotonously.The ocean makes people gradually dementia. bill.Gates' personal wealth is equivalent to the gross national product of Portugal.Supermodel Claudia.Schiffer's assets are estimated at more than 30 million euros.The world's 250 million children work for pennies an hour. Come back, come back!I feel the birds are having headaches too... Patrick's head is full of poster ideas and concepts, they're spinning and spinning in his head.Those men love men love whores, whores love drugs, and drugs love money. The real world has no choice. They marry, they divorce, they marry again, they have children, but instead of taking care of them, they take care of someone else's, and they take care of theirs.Every day, the fortunes of the top 200 richest people in the world increase by $500 a second. Sunrise is an automatic reversal of sunset, and dusk is a rewind of early morning.In both cases, it was red and lasted for a long time.It is estimated that by 2025, 25% of the animal species on the earth will disappear.People always read the same sentence at the end of fairy tales: "They lived happily and had many children." Full stop. We are never told what happened after this: the handsome prince was not the father of his children, he started drinking, left the princess with a younger girl, the princess had fifteen years of psychoanalytic therapy, her The children all took drugs, the eldest committed suicide, and the second worked as a male prostitute in the Trocadero Square Garden opposite the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Patrick and Carolina lived the day to wait for the night, and waited the night to live tomorrow.Before long, they'll be making love not for the pleasure of it, but for the next eight days of peace.All these clear coves, lagoons surrounded by coral reefs, serve only to enclose them in this blue.Even their small cabin made of coral reefs and mangroves is surrounded by water.The island is a castle haunted by ghosts. They count the daisies they picked all day: "I love you, no more, very much, not so much, not so much, less than yesterday, more than tomorrow." The end of the world will come in five billion years .When the sun explodes, the earth will be burned like a small pine cone with a flamethrower.The sun shines through the drying palm leaves, and the sun is a golden countdown clock.GM's total turnover ($168 billion) is equivalent to Denmark's gross national product.The moon in daylight, the feet in the water, the warm waves, the nasty sea breeze, the smell of the bougainvillea, the stamens of the bluebells, they all smelled so bad, sick as air fresheners. So, on such a cloudy day, Patrick just let a current carry him away.He watched the shore recede, and in the distance, on the sand, Carolina called to him, but he couldn't answer because his mouth was full of bitter, salty water.He drifted farther and farther, the current carried him, the sea became darker and bluer.Go with the flow, like a board, an empty bottle without any information.Above him, the birds; below him, the fish.As he grazed sharks and snappers and dolphins, and broadfin stroked his palm, Patrick's mind was in turmoil.He swam at the bottom of the water, he drank water in big gulps, he felt so good, "I have been floating in the poetry of the sea since then" (Rimbaud), anyway, I am dead and buried, let my The body dissolves between two oceans.Suddenly, it began to rain, the scalding rain hurt my face, the sun turned red, no need to bear the pain to walk on the broken glass, no need to conjugate verbs, I, you, he, we, you and others have all become infinitives , like an instruction manual, a recipe.To sink, to pass through the mirror, to rest at last, to be part of matter, like ochre, glowing purple.Before the Big Bang, nothing existed; after the sun exploded, nothing will continue to exist.The sky turned blood red.Drink the dewy tears, the seductive wit in your deep blue eyes.Fall, become part of the sea, become eternity.One minute without breathing, then two minutes, then three minutes; one hour without breathing, then two hours, then three hours.Five billion years from now, the sea will be allied with the sun.One night without breathing, then two nights, three nights; peace found again. "You are more beautiful than the night, tell me, ocean, do you want to be my brother?" (Lautreamon) floats on the water like a water lily, gliding over the valleys of the waves, motionless, lungs filled with sea water, Like an aquatic soul.leave forever.Five billion years ago: nothingness; five billion years later: nothingness; man is an accident of the empty universe.The only way to stop dying is to stop living.Lost contact and became a nuclear submarine hidden deep under the sea.Thinking of nothing, paddling between angels and mermaids, swimming in the sky, and flying in the sea.Everything is exhausted.In the beginning there was a way.It's often said that before a person dies, his whole life unfolds before his eyes, but Patrick sees something else: Black Coffee: A Coffee Called Desire; Sony: Sony Makes My Dreams Come True; GAP Clothing : All people are skins; French Railways: Only the progress shared by everyone is valuable; France Telecom: Welcome to life. com; EDF: We have more than lights for you; Renault Glass House: Don't think it's just a car; Roche Bobois furniture: Real life begins inside; Nissan: Build quality Société Générale: Combine our talents; French mobile company SFR: World Wireless; Credit Lyonnais: We give you a new type of bank; Citroën: Citroën can do what you can't imagine; Carrefour: because we build ourselves every day; Nestlé Chocolate: Vigorous Nestle Chocolate; National Bank of Paris: Let’s Talk About the Future; Nokia: Connecting People; Nivea: The Best Way to Be Self; L'Oréal: Because I'm Worthy; Daewoo: Daewoo's ace in hand; Charles Gervais Dairy: Hateful but Holy; Buffet Trading: If the Stock Market Works for Everyone; Renault Clio: We Should All Take It Cleo Healing: "Beautiful" (Mennen) Deodorant: Give us men; Ericsson: Communicate emotions; French post office: We all have a share; Three Swiss: Lucky to be a woman: "Shepherd" sausage: Shepherd's stick, available all the time Taste; Williams shaving foam: when we care about our skin; Mobalpa cookware: we're for it; new polo shirts: you might not recognize them; Sega consoles: you can't Resist; Campbell Whiskey: You have entered the Campbell family territory, excessive drinking is harmful to health, please drink in moderation; Gillette: male perfection; Leerdammer cheese: give me Ramé, or else I made you miserable; Lianna.Lizzie's Dawn Fragrance: As midnight falls, boys fall in love; Michelin tires: the most perfect performance is also the most durable performance; Visa gold card: money is not the only thing in life; Canal+ cable TV station: when we watch Canal+, we don't觉得是坐在电视机前;标志汽车306 款:人们应该总是拿他们的车跟306 相比;巴黎人报:最好把它当成日报;老佛爷百货:欲望的星球来到你的生活中;法国瓦斯:这里,那里,为你们,为明天;自由冲浪(Liberty Surf)网:自由享受明天的财富;卡洛(Caroll)服饰:天天都是好天气;可口可乐:享受可口可乐;好莱坞口香糖: 好莱坞口香糖,体验生活清爽;全球在线网:全球连线,行动自由;贝纳通服饰:贝纳通色彩共和国;巴里拉通心粉:我们多少都有点意大利;巴黎公共运输: 一段共同的路;二号电话:为什么继续支付昂贵的电话费;奥诺比奥(Oenobiol)抗老品:我浑身都梦想拥有更年轻的肌肤;IBM :小小环球的解决办法;地中海俱乐部:快乐再生;标致汽车206 款:在我们的时代我们仍可以受感动;阿迪达斯:让你更完美;热带(Tropicana )饮品:生命在您身上苏醒;爱马仕:2000年,迈进世纪的第一步;优诺(Yoplait )乳品:美味让生活更美好;法航:让天空成为地球上最美丽的地方;纪梵希:比无限远更远;罗纳普朗克制药:欢迎来到一个更美好的世界。 欢迎来到一个更美好的世界。 巴黎,1997-2000欧元启用:2001
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