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Chapter 110 Section 110 Hid a secret from me

Where are your Skill Team members? ' I asked calmly. "How are they?" he retorted, "I'm leaving them on the Beacon Tower and my battleship for now. Whatever messages they want to send, they can be sent to Duanning, and she will send them to me when I'm not around Give it to Shrewd. If they think I should know something, they can pass it on to me directly." He paused, "I still have to seek other information through you, which is something I prefer to keep private." So I thought about the Queen's news; and how Regal would abuse his power in his absence, and all the rumors and plots.From one point of view, these are insignificant matters; but from another point of view, these details are related to the stability of Verity's position.I am a thousand times eager to be able to proficiently transfer skills on my own. If I had this ability, Verity would not ask me to do so, and I can also visit him at any time.But as things stand, this Skill bond, imposed on me by touch, is the only resource between us that has been useful since the summer.Through it, Verity could learn all he wanted of what happened at Buckkeep, and I could take guidance from him.I hesitated, but I already knew that I would agree to Verity's request, and I told myself it was out of loyalty to him and the future of the Six Duchies, not out of my Skill hunger.I looked up at him, "I'll do it."

"Remember that's how things start," he said.This has undoubtedly shown that we can read each other's minds exactly.Then, without waiting for an answer, he continued: "I'll try to keep my head down." He made a promise.I walked up to him and he put a hand up to touch my shoulder.I felt again Verity's presence with me, which he had not deliberately walked with me since the day he told me to guard myself in his study. The weather on the day of departure was fine, the air was cold, but the sky was clear and blue.Verity has indeed streamlined the expedition roster as promised.After the council had discussed his route with Verity in the morning, and had arranged for supplies and lodging in the towns, the knights set off quickly, so that he could travel lightly and swiftly across the territory of the six duchies.

When everyone sent Verity off that cold morning, I was the only one who didn't say goodbye to him.He inhabits my heart like a small silent seed waiting for spring, silent as a night eye, almost imperceptible.Kettricken stood by the frosted walls of the queen's garden and watched them set off.She had bid him farewell earlier and had chosen to stay here because if she were to cry, no one would think it was inappropriate.I stood beside her with the sympathy they had had for the past week, happy for her and sad for her because of the fleeting joy.Horses, men, pack animals, and flags finally disappeared from our view over the shoulder of the mountain, sending a shivers down my spine.She followed him with a very feeble wit, and even so, somewhere inside of me I saw Nighteyes sitting up straight and asking with angry eyes, what's going on?

It's okay, it's none of our business anyway.I added.We'll be hunting again soon, my brother, and it's been too long since we did. A few days after the expedition set off, I almost had my own life again.I was apprehensive about Burrich leaving with Verity, and despite understanding what motivated him to follow the Crown Prince, their departure made me feel uneasy about my vulnerability, and made me feel a side of me that I didn't want to know.But to put it another way, Burrich's absence and Verity's presence in my heart finally allowed Nighteyes and I to use the Wit with confidence.I was with him almost every morning, far away from Buckkeep.When we were looking for the Forged, I rode out on Soot, who wasn't used to having a wolf by his side.After a while, there seemed to be fewer smelted people, and no one else came to the area, so we could finally start hunting for ourselves; and I would be hunting on foot at this time, so it would be more synergistic with each other .Nighteyes complimented me on how much I've improved my stamina after a whole summer of training.For the first time since the winter Regal poisoned me, I felt like I could use my limbs and my strength to the fullest.I hunted vigorously in the morning and spent the night with Molly, which was enough for any man, and the simple things were quite satisfying.

I think, I hope my life will always be so simple and complete, and I try to ignore the things I know are dangerous.I told myself that the continued fair weather would be a good start for Verity's journey, without thinking about whether the Red Ships would surprise us at the end of the season when we were so unprotected.Regal and his followers were singing out of nowhere in the Great Hall, and I managed to avoid the sudden social activity in the Great Hall of Buckkeep.Duanning and Zegu were more often seen in Buckkeep, and I felt like the target of anger everywhere I went, so I also started avoiding all public halls at night, otherwise I would either run into them or See Regal's company of guests pouring into our winter court.

Within two days of Verity's departure, rumors spread that the real purpose of his visit was to find the ancient spirits, and I don't blame Regal for this.Verity's hand-picked entourage already knew their true mission, and Burrich himself had found out; if he could do it, there was no guarantee that others wouldn't, and things would always spread.But when I heard the two pantry valets mocking "the folly of King Wisdom, the delusions of Prince Verity," I had to suspect that it was Regal's mockery.People wanted to know what Verity had been doing all alone in the Beacon Tower, that is to say, they knew he was passing on skills, but it would be too boring to gossip about it.There's a lot of talk about his rapt gaze, strange schedules, and ghostly walks through the castle while everyone's asleep, making one wonder if there's something wrong with him to carry out the trick. A lunatic task.Various speculations began to intensify, and Emperor Zun really contributed to this.He found all sorts of excuses and reasons to have a feast with his nobles. King Shrewd, who was often unwell, seldom showed up on such occasions, and Kettricken didn't like to deal with the villainous servants cultivated by Regal.I also sensibly avoided these occasions, and only complained to Chade about how Regal spent a lot of money on these banquets when he said he had no money to fund Verity's expedition, but Chade just shook his head.

The old man's reticence of late, as well as me, gave me the uneasy feeling that Chade seemed to be keeping a secret from me. Secrets themselves are nothing new, and the old assassin had plenty of them.It's just that I always feel that this secret is directly related to me. Although I can't ask him directly, I observe his every move from the sidelines.He's obviously been doing a lot of work on his work desk while I'm away, but what's even more strange is that whenever he summons me, the desk is completely cleared.It's really unusual because for years I cleared his table after he "cooked" and now he does it himself, and it seems to be either a stern reprimand or a concealment of what he's doing matter.

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