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Chapter 29 6. Xiaoyi still hides Wanjiashi

what is history 1 袁腾飞 5436Words 2018-03-20
At the beginning, the Sui Dynasty followed the rent regulation of the Northern Wei Dynasty, stipulating that "the year of the people is fifty, exempt from service and accept the mediocre".The system of substituting labor for labor has begun to be partially implemented, but there is an age limit. Only 50 years old can receive silk as a substitute service.The Tang Dynasty reformed the tax and service system with the idea of ​​light corvee and low tax, and implemented rent and mediocrity modulation.Grain is called rent, and silk and cloth are called tune. If you don’t want to serve during the period of corvee service, you can use napkin or cloth to serve as Yong.In the Tang Dynasty, Yong no longer had an age limit of 50 years old. No matter how old a person was, as long as he didn't want to serve corvee, he could take silk as a substitute.Originally, if corvée was levied on a large scale during the busy farming season, no one would farm the land, and the farming season would be delayed. Now those who are unwilling to go can pay for labor and save their labor to farm the land, which is more beneficial.There is a prerequisite for rent and transfer. I will pay you rent, pay rent, and transfer for you. The prerequisite is that you give me the land.If you don’t give me the land, I’ll pay the rent. Cloth is grown in the ground. You have to grow hemp to spin linen, and you have to grow mulberry trees to have silk.However, land in ancient China was privately owned and owned by landlords. The state then allocated land to the common people. Where did the land to be distributed come from? Obviously, the landlord’s land could not be confiscated and then distributed.There are only two paths, one is newly reclaimed, and the other is the unowned wasteland formed by the death of a large number of people after a large-scale war.However, as the country has been in peace for a long time and the population has increased, there are almost no unowned wastelands, and there are enough newly opened lands, and almost all the available lands have been opened, so where do we go to distribute the land to the people?

At this time, the government took a new countermeasure. It stipulated that each adult man should have 20 mu of Yongye farmland and 80 mu of Koukou farmland. The 20 mu of Yongye farmland can be passed on to the descendants, and the 80 mu of land will be divided up. After death, it must be returned to the state, and then the state can use it for redistribution.It's a good idea to use the land to redistribute. The problem is that in the Tianbao period, land sales and mergers prevailed. The land was originally privately owned. After these big landlords and bureaucrats took possession of a large amount of land, they also began to annex the farmer's land. Before the farmer died, his 100 mu of land was gone and annexed.Once it is annexed, the country will not be able to find the mouth to divide the land and then divide it further down, and the newly born people will have no land.If I run out of land, I won’t be able to pay my rent, and farmers will have to flee. After fleeing, the government’s rent will not be collected, and the country will have no money.The entire chain reaction is that the land allocated directly by the government has decreased, the land equalization system cannot be implemented, and the rent adjustment cannot be maintained, which directly affects the country's fiscal revenue.

In order to solve financial difficulties, the state has to find ways to recruit, and can no longer collect according to the method of rent adjustment.In 780 AD, Emperor Xuanzong's great-grandson Tang Dezong accepted Yang Yan's suggestion and implemented the two-tax law.Each household pays household tax based on assets, and pays land tax based on acres of land, and then pays it twice a year in summer and autumn. The two taxes refer to household tax and land tax.In addition, there is another meaning that taxes are collected twice a year, once in summer and once in autumn, and taxes are collected twice a year in summer and autumn.

The two tax laws have changed the taxation standard based on the population since the Warring States Period.Taking assets as the basis, not personal status, shows that the feudal government's control over the peasants' personal lives has been relaxed.In the original rent system, its tax standard is calculated on the basis of a person. Each adult man is granted 100 mu of land, and he pays (for example) 150 catties of grain and silk cloth of two feet and four feet to the state every year.With you, there are 150 catties of grain and 20 feet of silk cloth from the country.It means that even if the land allocated to you by the country has been annexed and the land is gone, as long as you are there, you still have to pay it.Then your only option is to flee.

So where did the merged land go?Come to me, because I worked hard to get rich.Our family has eight sons, and your family has only two girls, so you can't do as much as our family. In the end, our family got rich and annexed your family's land.But how do I pay taxes?I still go according to my head, even if I have more than 4,000 mu of land now, I still pay according to two feet four feet of silk cloth and 150 catties of grain, because I am alone, and you are also alone, and I pay you the same amount. Same. So at that time it was based on the number of people, but now it is based on land and property. If you have land, you pay more, and if you don’t have land, you pay less, or even don’t pay.Merchants without land pay 1/30 of the total assets.This shows that the state’s control over the farmers’ personal lives has been relaxed. It used to be that rent regulation and the two-tax law do not allow population movement. Your 100 mu of land is in Haidian, and you go to Chaoyang. Who am I going to ask for taxes? The land is in Haidian, the people must be in Haidian, the land is in the people.It doesn't matter now, you can go wherever you like, because whoever occupies this hundred acres of land, I will ask tax from whoever, and you can move around as you like.In this way, if you have no land here, you can develop in a place where there is wasteland. The land in Haidian is merged, and you can go to Changping and Pinggu, which reduces the burden on farmers and is beneficial to production development. Two-tax law The benefit of implementation is here.

And once the two tax laws are implemented, the state no longer cares who owns the land. If you have land, you will pay more, and if you don’t have land, you will pay less, or even not. also started appearing.Since the Tang Dynasty, the land system has not been established, and mergers are not restricted. If they want to merge, they will merge. If the peasants have no land, they can only rent the land of the landlords. Once they rent the land of the landlords, the landlords will transfer the tax burden to the farmers.For example, I am the owner of a sweatshop, which produces Christmas trees. We produce Christmas trees all over the world. The workers in my factory earn 700 yuan a month, and they have to work 11 hours a day. Rest for 3 days, you see I am kind enough!Then the country raised my corporate income tax, so what should I do? I can only let you work 12 hours a day, take 1 day off a month, pay 600 yuan, and not pay for 3 months.In fact, I pay income tax for the country and donate to the Hope Project (what a caring entrepreneur I am), all of which are paid by you.When I should take a yacht and take a yacht, I should travel around the world.All other burdens are paid by you. It is conceivable that although the state has lightened the burden on the peasants, the landlord has added it to the peasants. Objectively, it has increased the burden on the peasants.

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the country was unified and prosperous, the transportation was developed, and the land and sea silk roads were smooth. The early rulers were light on corvees and taxes, and encouraged them to teach farming and mulberry, so that the various ethnic groups in the country had close exchanges and the government was open to the outside world.These reasons made the Sui and Tang dynasties a period of unprecedented economic prosperity in ancient China. The development of agriculture is manifested in: First, the land resources in the Jiangnan area are further developed.During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the economic gap between the south and the north narrowed. After the Anshi Rebellion, the economic center of gravity began to shift south.But there are also disadvantages. Reclaiming land from lakes and seeking land from mountains have some impact on the natural ecological balance, so China's ecological problems appeared very early.Second, the improvement of farmland irrigation and farm tools.New irrigation implement barrel carts, plus a twisted plow for tillage.The third is the increased commercialization of agricultural products.Take tea for example. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the nobles only drank tea. In the Tang Dynasty, the common people also began to drink tea.In some TV dramas, the people in the Han Dynasty would make tea for you as soon as they entered the door, and even the Spring and Autumn and Warring States would make tea for you to drink.At that time, people should drink as soon as they entered the house, not tea. It was only in the Tang Dynasty that people began to drink tea on a large scale.

The handicraft industry is developed, and its development is reflected in the fact that China can build the largest sea-going ship in the world at that time.Of course, some books record that it is necessary to change boats when passing through the Persian Gulf, which is a bit ridiculous.This ship was mainly built in Hongzhou, which is located in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. It does not rely on the sea. It is built in a river and lake and then dragged into the sea. How big can this ship be?I remember that American aircraft carriers can enter the Persian Gulf. If a Chinese-made ship would get stuck entering the Persian Gulf at that time, how big would it be? Do you think the Persian Gulf is Beihai Park?

Tang Sancai paved the way for future generations of colored porcelain.Tang tri-colored pottery is actually a ghost vessel. It was buried with the dead and fired in large quantities, countless, so it is worthless.If I were an aristocrat in the Tang Dynasty, the manor I lived in, the horse I rode, the tables and chairs I used, and the maids who served me would all be fired into Tang Sancai and buried in the grave to serve me.So this thing was used a lot in the Tang Dynasty, too much.Tang Sancai is not like the secret color porcelain in celadon. There are only a few pieces in the whole country.You can only understand how beautiful the secret color porcelain is when you see it in the museum of Famen Temple in Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province. Of course, it has been lost long ago and cannot be made.It was originally believed that there was no such thing in the Tang Dynasty, but it was later discovered that there was one after it was excavated from the underground palace of Famen Temple in Fufeng County.

In the Song Dynasty, the three-colored pottery of the Tang Dynasty felt that it was a waste, so it was replaced by paper people and paper horses. During the Republic of China, when farmers tried to dig out this, they fell.In the historical drama "Empress Xiaozhuang", Duoduo wears a big earring, which makes him want to vomit.Have you ever seen the princes of the Qing Dynasty wearing earrings, did you think they were singers?He also said that I got a lot of treasures all the way to Zhongyuan, and when I took them out, they were all Tang Sancai.Just kidding, whoever puts paper figurines and paper horses at home should burn them for your grandpa.

We are atheist now, so it doesn't matter, it's only at home.Anyway, if we don’t display it at home, I will definitely not want it if anyone gives me the Tang Sancai. Why would the Terracotta Warriors and Horses display it?This is like hanging a picture of Liu Yong's "Raining Bells" in the Queen Mother's bedroom, but only Liu Yong's poems are hung in brothels!Take a look in the Forbidden City. In the Palace of Compassion and Ning, the sacred teachings of the ancestors should be hung, and a "Raining Bell" should be hung. It will make the Queen Mother chill all day long. Can the Queen Mother keep it? Of course, Tang Sancai also has its benefits, because it is equivalent to the historical photos of the Tang Dynasty.It's all real. It's finished and buried in it just like it was when he was alive. When you dig it out, you can see that the houses in the Tang Dynasty looked like this, and it turns out that people in the Tang Dynasty looked like this, chubby.It's the same as a mural. Tang Dynasty silk fabrics have a Persian style, which is today's Iran. There are two kinds of auspicious animals that are particularly common in China today, one is an elephant and the other is a lion.The lion standing at the gate of the yamen, and the elephants on both sides of the emperor's throne marked "There are elephants in peace", these two animals are all imported from Persia.The oldest animal images in China are the blue dragon, the white tiger, and the rosefinch, Xuanwu, the blue dragon in the west, the white tiger in the east, the Xuanwu in the north, and the rosefinch in the south.Everyone knows Qinglong Baihu, Suzaku is a three-legged crow, and Xuanwu is a snake wrapped around a turtle, also known as the dragon turtle.These four kinds of animal images first appeared in China, without lions and elephants.Later, there was a period of time, but before the Cultural Revolution, and after that, young intellectuals went to the mountains and countryside to join the queue and put all the elephants in Burma. It used to be that there were Siberian tigers in China, but now they all went to Russia. The coins of the Sui Dynasty were still made of five baht coins.The money in the Qin Dynasty was called half taels, and in the Han Dynasty it was called five baht, which was used until the Sui Dynasty.There is a particularly important way to learn history by using poems to prove history, because there are a lot of epic poems in ancient poems.Liu Yuxi's "Temple of the First Lord of Shu" said, "Heaven and earth are heroic, and they are still awe-inspiring in the future. The potential becomes a three-legged tripod, and the industry is restored to five baht. If you get a good fortune, you can found a country, but you are not like a virtuous child. The old tricks of Shu, come to dance Wei In front of the palace." The recovery of the Han Dynasty (of course in a corner of Pian'an), thanks to Zhuge Liang, Liu Chan and Adou was a fool, so it caused the demise of the Kingdom of Shu.Among them, the five baht money he mentioned was the money of the Han Dynasty. The Kaiyuan Tongbao coins that circulated during Tang Gaozu's time can now be bought for a few cents, and the currencies of all subsequent dynasties will use it as a paradigm.The Kaiyuan meaning of Kaiyuan Tongbao may mean that the country has just been established and a new era has opened. It is not an era name, otherwise Kaiyuan Tongbao would have become Tang Xuanzong's money.It was the Northern Song Dynasty that began to cast money with the name of the year. Before the Northern Song Dynasty, there was the Tang Dynasty, that is to say, the money in the entire Tang Dynasty was called Kaiyuan Tongbao. In the cities of the Tang Dynasty, there were fixed trading places called markets.There are mansion shops and cabinet workshops in the city, which are managed by officials. Didian, which also operates hotels, warehouses and trading places.In the TV series "Big Horse Gang", they can live in Didian wherever they go.This place can also store the goods he brought, tobacco leaves, and trade them on the spot. The counter shop is the earliest prototype of a bank in my country, hundreds of years earlier than Europe.The emergence of banks proves that the commodity economy is developed and the demand for money is high.Metal currency is too heavy and inconvenient to carry, so there are banks. In the TV series, a little girl with two thousand taels of gold on her back jumps from the bank to a small boat in the river with a swish, which is unreasonable.First, can you move your back?In ancient times, it was sixteen taels a catty (so there is a saying that half a catty is half a catty), then two thousand taels is more than one hundred catties, and more than one hundred catties can be jumped so far. Just kidding, if the Olympic Games were held at that time, there would be no suspense .I don't doubt that she is very strong in martial arts. Even though she can carry more than 100 catties of money on her back, she jumped from the bank to the boat in the river in a swish. Shen, there is a ghost!A clear violation of the laws of physics. In addition, there are many people in TV dramas who take out a piece of silver from their sleeves, saying that it is 50 taels of silver.The first big ingot of 50 taels could only be the official bank of the government. Common people generally don't bring it like this, and he has no channels to get it.In addition, 50 taels of silver is more than three catties. If you put it in any sleeve, if you walk without shaking, your thigh will be pulled, and the sleeve will be torn after a few steps, unless the sleeve is made of bulletproof vest material.At that time, all the money that could be taken out should be broken silver. If it is more than ten taels, you will be given a bank note. How have you ever seen such a big real silver.In the Qing Dynasty, Wei Xiaobao often gave thousands of taels of silver bills to the enemy to save them from siege, if the hundreds of thousands of taels of silver bills on him were exchanged for silver, he would be in great health.If he can resist the five or six thousand catties, he will be the chief rudder of the Tiandihui. So at that time, all big transactions were done by banknotes. Banknotes meant that I kept my money in one place, and that place would issue me a certificate, which was like a deposit slip. I would take this certificate to the next place to take it out. .So when it developed to the Northern Song Dynasty, paper money appeared, and I didn't even have to take it. I just gave you the paper money and it was over.Human beings continue to develop, and now even the demand for banknotes is not too great. Banknotes are inconvenient to carry, often tens of thousands, and they are easy to get dirty, broken, and infected with bacteria, so they began to swipe cards.China has not yet popularized it. When buying something in some small shops, you have to ask if you can use a credit card. If you want to be in the United States, you have to ask if you accept cash before buying something?Because generally they use credit cards and traveler's checks, there are few places that accept cash, so euros, dollars, and especially Japanese yen are all brand new when they are taken out, which proves that they are rarely in circulation.China's RMB banknotes are too old, because the circulation is too large, and they are stuck with glue and tape, and a corner is missing. Now when you are in business, you can work as long as you want, and no one is in charge of you for 24 hours. It was not possible at that time.The government does not allow it, and there are restrictions. For example, there are night markets in some prosperous big cities, and grass markets in rural areas. Another feature is that Hu merchants are all over the place.At that time, China was very open. No one boycotted this product or that product, and no one boycotted foreign businessmen. There were a lot of foreign businessmen coming to China. Hu businessmen were foreign businessmen, referring to ethnic minorities, as well as Western Regions, including Arabs and Persians. .During the Sui and Tang dynasties, Chang'an Luoyang was the largest political, economic and cultural center in the country, as well as a commercial metropolis.There are squares and cities in Chang'an City, and the squares and cities are separated. The squares are residential areas, which are equivalent to our residential quarters, with walls and gates.The city is a commercial area, and business can only be done in the city. The city has the East Market and the West Market, and you can only do business in these two places. Compared with today's situation, it also proves that the commodity economy at that time was not developed enough.Today we can do business in two places in Beijing, one is Xidan and the other is Dongdan. If your family is in Huairou and you want to eat dumplings and buy a pot of vinegar, take a taxi to Xidan!The taxi fare is enough for you to eat steak. So people in ancient times were not jealous when they ate dumplings?He eats it too, and brews it himself.At that time, I could do everything by myself. For example, when I was young, I rolled noodles, steamed buns, steamed buns, and flower rolls at home. These things can be bought in supermarkets now.This shows that today's commodity economy is more developed than when I was a child, let alone compared with that of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.In the market at that time, as soon as the drum beats, everyone starts to buy and sell, and as soon as the gong beats, they have to leave.Usually when the sun goes down, the gongs are played, and then the Jingjie drums are played. The Jingjie drums ring 800 times, and as soon as the drums sound, they rush home.As soon as the drums stop, you are still on the street, whipped.In winter, the sun goes early, and it goes down after four o'clock, so you can go home and be bored after four o'clock!It was like this in ancient times, the streets were quiet at night, lest you gather crowds to rebel or something, and those who are not at home, people who go to the streets must have a badge, such as officials or something, before they can go to the streets.Especially in the Tang Dynasty, there was nothing to do in the streets at night, because all the shops were closed. A commercial city in the Yangtze River Basin, with Yangzhou and Chengdu as its two centers.Yang one benefit two: Yangzhou first, Yizhou second, Yizhou refers to Chengdu. In the Tang Dynasty, Yangzhou was similar to Hong Kong today.So you can see that there are too many places where Tang Dynasty people wrote Tang poems and wrote Yangzhou, everywhere.Li Bai's "The old man left the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, and the fireworks went down to Yangzhou in March".In addition, for example, "Three parts of the world are bright and moonlit nights, and two parts are rogues in Yangzhou. Life is only for the old in Yangzhou. I would rather die to see the moon in Yangzhou than live in Kowloon." Everything is the best in Yangzhou, and the moon is also round in Yangzhou.The reason why the local economy is so developed and open is that it is not as restrictive as in Luoyang, Chang'an.
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