Home Categories Chinese history Seventy Years of the Late Qing Dynasty (1): A Summary of Chinese Social and Cultural Transformation

Chapter 12 Chapter 10 Mr. Guo Tingyi, the Pioneer of Modern Chinese History

I have taught literature and history in universities and middle schools at home and abroad, and I have taught for a lifetime.If I have spare time, I will write articles; I have written manuscripts in both Chinese and English, and the number of manuscripts is more than ten million words.I don't know how old I am, but I'm still graffitiing.To quote a buzzword, it is not too much to say that I am a "professional historian" (professional historian).After all, I've been doing it all my life. As the saying goes: "If you have ten thousand taels of gold at home, it is better to have a skill with you." As a "professional" historian, if I eat a living, I also have "a skill with me". After thinking about it, this "one skill" is just It should be research in English.

The word research in English has almost become the mantra of modern scholars recently.From freshmen, freshmen, and sophomores who are just beginning to love academically, to old masters of Chinese studies with white hair, everyone is constantly busy, and they are all "doing research".But what is the general meaning of research, it is not easy to translate it into Chinese. I personally found it difficult to translate this vocabulary at first, and that was when I was in my first or second year of university.At that time, I read the English textbook in the "General History of the West" class and learned this term.However, looking through all the English-Chinese dictionaries, they all translate this term into meanings such as "research", "exploration"...In fact, "research", "exploration", etc., cannot cover the English words of this research.

"Research" is a very specific rule and procedure of academic research; while "research" (the correct English translation should be study) is a vague abstract noun.As we often say in our daily spoken language, we need to study and study something.It means explore, explore, discuss, discuss.This is not research. Research is the general name of research rules and research procedures after the rise of modern western science.This kind of rule and procedure has some sporadic nouns related to it in traditional Chinese academics, such as "textual research", "exegesis", "Yueyue Jibo" (deduction), "Yubo back to Yueyue" (induction), etc. , and there is no general title that covers everything.

Therefore, the complete procedure of "doing research" must include Hu Shi's "bold assumptions and careful verification";Now that we are approaching the 21st century, the theory of Hu and Fu has long been regarded as insufficient.In the current "behavioral science", there is also a process of "conceptualization".Then find out the "laws" (law or rules) of the development of the universe, as small as the wine, sex, wealth, etc. in society.Strictly speaking, this whole set of rules and operating procedures is called research.The clever Hu Shi simplified this set into "the method of scientific laboratory"; this is also the modern "study method" that he promoted all his life.Although it is generalized, it is not too outrageous.

Mr. Shizhi said that he learned this set of "scholarly methods" when he read the "Encyclopedia Britannica" by accident when he was studying at Cornell University.It will be used for a lifetime. Mr. Gu Jiegang said that he learned this set of "study methods" from reading Hu Shi's "Water Margin Textual Research". Mr. Guo Tingyi learned this set of "methods" obviously because he was influenced by Jiang Tingfu and Luo Jialun when he was a graduate student at Tsinghua University.Luo is the president of Tsinghua; Jiang is the head of the history department.The two of them are the most appreciative of Mr. Guo.Jiang is a Ph.D. from Columbia University, and came out of the same mountain gate as Hu Shi.Luo was Hu's student and eulogized Hu Shi all his life.

I started to learn "doing research" myself, and I gradually figured it out when I took a class on modern Chinese history taught by Mr. Guo Tingyi in my sophomore year.At that time, I already knew that this set of research methods and procedures was called "doing research".But how to translate into Chinese?I couldn't figure it out. It turns out that in terms of comparative culture, the mutual translation between two languages ​​is generally easy to translate concretely, but difficult to translate abstractly.For example, the words "benevolence" and "righteousness" in our country's moral concept, especially the word "righteousness", cannot be translated directly in English.It is said that Guan Yunchang's "righteousness thins the sky".This "Yi Bo Yuntian" is simply untranslatable.Because in the moral category of the West, there is no concept of "righteousness".Therefore, there is no such synonym in English.If you want to translate the Chinese moral concept of "Yi Bo Yun Tian" into English, you have to talk about it in a big way.

The Western concept of research does not have a Chinese synonym, because we did not have this set of things before.I learned this set of things and found it out in Mr. Guo's classroom.As for how to explore, it has to start from the beginning. It was the most difficult period in the middle of the Anti-Japanese War.In the summer of 1939, I graduated from the "National (Eighth) Middle School" which gathered "exile students" from all over the country.Then he took the imperial examination and was admitted to the history department of Chongqing National Central University.Wartime middle school graduates took part in the "National Unified Examination" and were able to enter the top Central University.

As a nineteen-year-old exile student from the enemy-occupied areas, wearing sandals and shorts, I walked thousands of miles, wading through mountains and rivers, and ran to Chongqing amidst the sound of enemy planes bombing.The hair has not been shaved for two months, and the newborn beard has sprouted everywhere on the cheeks and lips.In addition, after years of ignorance of the taste of meat, his two legs were so thin that they became two bamboo poles with thin mud.Looking back on that face today, I still find it ridiculous.In this way, I stepped into Shapingba, the most noble and honorable "National Central University" in the eyes of young people in the country; it was really boarding into the Grand View Garden.

At that time, the national unified examination only took the "written test" and did not take the "oral test".When I was admitted to CUHK, I first had to take an oral exam formally.I went to wait in line outside the office of the history department.When the teaching assistant called me in, I saw a "professor" with a serious face and a pair of large black-rimmed glasses sitting on it.I bow down to the "professor".He didn't nod his head, but just pointed his hand and told me to sit down on the small stool in front of his official case.He glanced at my papers for a while, and, glancing at me, asked:

"What books did you read in middle school?" I was immediately panicked by the question.Can't think of any "books" I read in middle school.I just remember that before the war our school had a brand new "Universal Library".Our teachers and students cherish it, and when we borrow it, we wrap it in a handkerchief to avoid contamination.So I said in a hurry: "I have read "Wanyou Library"." ""Wanyou Library"?" The professor said, "There are no good books in "Wanyou Library"!" "..." I was in a hurry and didn't know how to answer.

"What else have you read?" The professor asked again. "I also read "Historical Records Essence Records." I replied respectfully.In fact, it was not read in "middle school"; it was read in a private school.Let's bring it up to prevaricate.The professor still had no expression on his face. "What else?" the professor asked again. "I still read it." I suddenly remembered that I read it in "middle school"; although I didn't read it in "middle school". "Which paragraph?" the professor asked again. "I've read them all, and only one is missing." I answered honestly.Because my family's "Tongjian" lost a copy. "Okay." The professor waved his hand.Then the teaching assistant greeted me to quit. I stood up and bowed to the professor again, then walked out the door slowly.This tense oral examination is over.Outside the door, I quietly asked a classmate who seemed to be a little older: what is the name of this professor. "He is Professor Guo Tingyi!" He answered me in an old-fashioned way. Wipe the cold sweat off my head.Darling, thinking about coming today, I still have lingering fears. More than ten years later, Mr. Guo Tingyi was eating porridge in my apartment in New York—he was exhausted from the long-distance flight and suffered from jet lag.A little fever, rest at my home.Later, when my spirits improved, I joked about this story. Teacher Guo actually still fully remembered our short conversation.And explain to my newlywed wife why there are no good books in the Wanyou Library. ——Teacher Guo's memory is unparalleled in the world.He could name everyone in my class. After the oral exam, I went to the Baixi branch to register for admission. Baixi is the home of first-year students of CUHK.Teacher Guo was a big-name professor at that time, and big-name professors don’t teach first grade, so I couldn’t take his class.I only remember that once he made a special trip to Baixi to give lectures to our freshmen, his face was still so strict, and he still wore those big black-rimmed glasses.Leaning on a big cane, he came on a sliding pole.Very solemn.As for what he said that time, I can't remember at all. In our sophomore year, we were selected into Shapingba. "Modern Chinese History" is a compulsory course for sophomores.I officially became a student in Mr. Guo's classroom. At that time, at Shaping CUHK, the lineup of teachers and students was very neat.It goes without saying that all the students are Jurens who came from the provincial examination.The lineup of professors is also very strong.However, after all, CUHK inherited the Guozijian of the Ming Dynasty: the tradition of Chinese studies in Liangjiang and Southeast China in the early Republic of China.Speaking of history, the content is both high and deep, and it is really unconstrained. I remember that Mr. Miao Fenglin once "circled" the Twenty-Five History three times.The chest is profound and the eloquence is eloquent.There is always a set of "history of the Han, Tang and Ming Dynasties can be proved".The old man also wrote a set of vernacular poems with a length of more than a thousand words, which were printed and distributed for us to read.It is also open and shut in the Han, Tang and Ming Dynasties. Teacher Jin Yufu taught us the "History of Song, Liao, and Jin Dynasties", which is also a thousand miles away.I remember that when the old man talked about Wang Anshi's reform, he wrote the reform clauses on the blackboard one by one, and then commented one by one: This is very good!That one is not good.At this time, we were in our sophomore year, and we already had a tendency to be a bit of a fan, and we had great doubts about Mr. Jin's "commentary" historical criticism in traditional historiography.But in the class, the teacher is very close, and no one dares to ask. Mr. Shen Gangbo taught us "General History of the West".When the old man came to the court, he only had a coat and a stick of chalk, and nothing else, but when he talked about Greece and Rome, he poured out his mouth.In Teacher Shen's class, we never took notes, and everyone just followed his Hubei tune, leaning forward and back together, with thunderous cheers. Among this group of unconstrained professors, Mr. Guo Tingyi is unique.I remember that when he came to class, he always carried a large number of lecture notes and reference books, plus a walking stick.He began to lecture with a serious face, chapter by chapter, methodical, and meticulous.His old man neither danced with his hands nor his feet; nor did his voice fluctuate.He dictated in an orderly manner, and we took notes without raising our heads or frowning, writing vigorously, what he said, and what I wrote down.As long as you remember quickly, the notes are not difficult to remember, because the chapters are clear.After a long time, when the time is good, we can still write down the teacher's cough, and we will not feel uncomfortable at all.After one semester, a thick notebook is a very detailed "textbook of modern Chinese history". I especially remember the part where he talked about the Sino-Japanese War and the Battle of the Yellow Sea.The teacher said: "...Liu Buchan suddenly ordered to fire the guns. Four guns fired from the Dingyuan ship broke the overpass. Ding Ruchang was thrown off the bridge and was seriously injured..." He spoke like an endorsement, with no rhythm in his tone. The content also seems unremarkable, but the story, to our note-takers, was thrilling.Especially the "Han, Tang and Ming" that was only listened to in the last class; the next class is "Four Cannons" - the "historical" distance between the two is too great. I am used to listening to traditional Chinese historiography, and I am not surprised that the Han, Tang and Ming Dynasties are boiled in one pot; but what is the result after the "four cannonballs"?There is an eager thirst for knowledge of "let's listen to the next chapter". When Mr. Guo taught this class, he not only read the text from his lecture notes, but also wrote his small notes and Chinese and Western reference books on the blackboard.We were eager to hear the next chapter, so we really went to read the reference books. ——Insufficient reading of Chinese reference books, for the sake of curiosity and fashion, I really went to touch foreign books——Didn’t the teacher say that it was the foreign gunners who fired the guns?The original story, also from a foreign book? I personally was one of the few curious people in Guo Shiban at that time.Especially my ancestors served in the Huai Army, went to Taiwan, and went to Korea.I have been familiar with their stories since I was a child, but I always have a little understanding of them.This time, the deeper I got into Mr. Guo's class, the more interested I became, and I really went to the library at the top of the pine forest to borrow those foreign books.Unexpectedly, these foreign books have not been unpacked since they were packed and transported from Nanjing to Chongqing.When the librarian got my "borrowing slip" and muttered to himself, "I haven't opened the box, I haven't opened the box yet", the librarian Fan (?) walked by him.He then handed over my borrowing slip to Curator Fan.When the curator saw the note, he said "open the box, open the box" without thinking about it! This made me, a not serious borrower, feel sorry.I'm not that serious about reading this book.How dare you work for your own interests? I later found out that this was originally a statement made by President Luo Jialun.He said that in the era of impermanent air raids, precious books, if you can't open the box, don't open the box.However, if teachers and students want to borrow books, they must open the box. ——This small matter can also show the academic vision and courage of Principal Luo, who has contributed to CUHK.Because of my unintentional request from a sophomore, the university library actually broke the lock and opened the box for me, and let me check out two large foreign books. ——Since the book was out of the box, I had to borrow it. After I borrowed it, even if I couldn’t understand it, I had to read it psychologically—it was a big mistake and I regretted it. This is the first time that I have solved the problem of citing Western books in Chinese history.The book seems to be understandable, but I have found many stories in Mr. Guo's handouts.And also found some stories that Mr. Guo did not quote.What a world of wonder, an eye-opener.So I added a lot to the notes I took in class, and indicated the source. I was really proud. At that time, I had a middle school history teacher, Mr. Liu Cichen, who had just been promoted from the National No. 8 Middle School to the National Institute of Social Education as a lecturer.The hospital was newly established, and all books and equipment were missing.Teacher Liu has no textbooks available.He knew that I was in Shapingba, so he made a special trip to visit me to learn Buddhist scriptures.When he saw my notebook of modern Chinese history, he felt like a treasure.After he borrowed it, he dismantled the exercise book and asked the students in his class to copy the pages and put them together to form a thick textbook on modern Chinese history.After that, he will come every other week.My notes for those two semesters have also become his textbooks for speculation. Mr. Liu was proud of his copying, and he urged me to publish this volume of notes, and he guaranteed that there would be a market.But these are teacher Guo Tingyi's handouts, how can I keep them as my own and publish them? !However, Teacher Liu's encouragement to me inspired me to have another kind of inspiration - why can't I start a new life and write my own book? !With this kind of inspiration, I also want to find a good title to write my own book on "Going to the Poor and Falling to the Underworld, Diligently Finding Materials". ——This conception and planning is the beginning of my personal "learning to do research", and this start was inspired by Mr. Guo Tingyi's "Modern Chinese History" class. Just do it.I really chose a topic of naval history as my final assignment, and started to write it "looking for materials by hand." When I tried to write the history of the Chinese navy, I encountered many difficulties. I think only Teacher Guo can guide and solve them.Unfortunately, in the old tradition of receiving higher education on the mainland, the distance between teachers and students was too far, and students were out of reach for teachers.There is "learning" but no "asking".What kind of research we are doing, the teacher has no idea.We dare not tell them; let alone ask them. ——More than ten years later, I personally taught and studied abroad. I saw that in foreign universities, teachers and students were harmonious and harmonious, regardless of each other, and I learned about the "Chengmen Lixue" in our old tradition. The teacher-student relationship is horrible. ——That is the result of academia being polluted by bureaucracy and unable to extricate itself.One of the important reasons for the rise of democratic politics in our country is that this bureaucratic tradition has evolved into joining the party and becoming an official, and it has become a party bureaucracy at work. Take Mr. Hu Shizhi as an example!In the United States, Mr. Shizhi really chatted and laughed, asked questions and debated with us junior students, and we were as close as family members.But I saw that Chi was in Nangang later, but he was praised as a bureaucrat by his "secretaries", "deputies", "subordinates", and "students", "sir" long and "sir" short.Old President Jiang was called "Mr. L" by his servants in his "official residence". Mr. Hu Shizhi was also called "Mr. President" in his Nangang "official residence" by his secretary and adjutant "This is a "special official"! I saw him in Nangang, with his adjutants and secretaries holding a small notebook, following in a low voice all day long to write "Life Notes", and praised "President Hu" as "Jiang Jiang" President". How can this be "Hu Shi"? This is a great insult to Teacher Shizhi! But Mr. Shizhi is the most reasonable person and can follow the customs. He sometimes loves those who "praise" him exceptionally, Qu Yu Yourong - this is "humanity", and Hu Shi is the most humane person. He is the most democratic and ordinary, but the environment forces him to "be an official", and he can also be the president! Later, I also participated in several academic conferences on the mainland.I think Hu Sheng, the president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, is quite like "Hu Shi" in his civilian style of squeezing the bus and eating big pot meals with us, which makes me, a "returned overseas Chinese", feel awe in my heart.And Hu Shi, who returned to Taiwan, was praised by the adjutants as not like "Hu Shi", which is really strange. Speaking of which, even though I didn't dare to go to Teacher Guo at that time, Master Guo was quite concerned about us.Once, my math friend and I were laughing and laughing on the pine forest avenue, and suddenly saw the teacher leaning on a huge stick to give alms from the top of the slope.We quickly put away our laughter and stood beside the road to make way.The teacher approached, stopped suddenly, pointed at me with his cane, and said, "Tang Degang, your article is well written, um." He made me blush, and I smiled bitterly in response.When the teacher left, we ran away laughing and joking—this is in the United States, so we would laugh and laugh with the teacher.Teacher Guo is very serious, coupled with a serious teacher-student tradition, it makes us see him like a little ghost seeing the king of Hades.He said a word and left.We ran away immediately, and it was so easy. A comment from Mr. Guo is of course a great encouragement to me, because it is normal to criticize other famous writers in class.Attempts in Naval History is my feature-length debut.At that time, I had frequent correspondence with the editor-in-chief of the "Navy Reconstruction Monthly", all of which were written in old-fashioned classical Chinese, which made him mistake me for a "professor of CUHK".I want to send a letter to correct it, but some cobbler friends in my department agree that "it's impossible".So it was really contemptible to be a false professor for a while. Incidentally.At that time, sophomores and third-year students in colleges and universities wrote columns for newspapers and periodicals in the rear, which was nothing unusual.My good friend Pang Zenglian (a third-year student in the history department) actually wrote a "weekly paper" in Chongqing's "Ta Kung Pao", and Zheng Shirong (a second-year student in the political department) was called "Zheng Zhuangyuan".His article "Three People's Principles on Constitutionalism" won the first prize in the "National College Student Paper Competition" sponsored by the Ministry of Education at that time. The "No. 1 Scholar" was personally "ordered" by Minister Chen Lifu at that time.Both Pang and Zheng were well-known throughout the country at that time, and their literary names were well-known; their discussions were also resounding. ——My dishonest fake professor's thesis is not on the table among Shaping alumni.My tooth festival friends and I agreed to keep it secret. Brothers Pang and Zheng both live in New York today.The few of us white-headed palace men meet occasionally to chat about the past in Shaping, and we still laugh a lot. My debut novel, Jun Lai, fell by the wayside.The main reason is that "books are less hated when they are used", especially foreign books.The second is that the editor-in-chief wanted me to "write backwards"; I'm not used to it.At that time, the United States and Japan were fighting fiercely in the sea and air in the Pacific Ocean.The editor-in-chief asked me to use the current war as a reference and start writing from the "future". ——It has been more than 50 years, and it is unexpected that his assignment to me at that time is actually carried out by my student and friend Professor Wang Shujun today.Shu Junjin was honored as a "Visiting Scholar" at Columbia University, and his two great books on the naval and air warfare of World War II are now selling well on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, which is really gratifying and comforting. Another reason for changing my writing plan is that I have more research experience, and I can use it as much as possible in the final assignments of other courses.I selected Teacher He Changqun's "History of the Southern and Northern Dynasties" and "History of the Qin and Han Dynasties" as the final homework of the history of the Qin and Han Dynasties, and I will popularize them and publish them.The manuscript fee is enough for three cobblers to eat "Little King Kong" (a small restaurant full of fragrance on Shapingba). In my junior year, I took Mr. Gu Jiegang's "History of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties" as an elective, and I also wrote the final assignment as "The Origin of Chinese Counties and Counties".Mr. Zeng Meng used a Chinese ink brush as a long comment, saying that he was "sighted and judgmental", and he was greatly rewarded.The 100th birthday of Master Gu the year before last was commemorated grandly by all walks of life.Suddenly, I also received an invitation and went to Suzhou to participate.I asked Junior Gu Chao how to find my name.She said that they were compiling the chronicle for Gu Shi, checked Gu Shi's diary, and found my name, "There are still points!"-Haven't touched "History of Shang and Zhou Dynasties" for half a century, I am really ashamed of the famous teacher.However, this short final assignment was later published in the journal of "Anhui University" (the predecessor of today's Anhui University), and Professor Li Zegang, the head of the History Department, and Professor Zhu Qinghua, the head of the Chinese Department, both reviewed it.It turned out to be a stepping stone for me to enter the university to teach.Later, when I entered Columbia University, it also helped me find a job in the "Chinese History Research Department" of Columbia University, because it proved that I could read ancient Chinese books. The most ridiculous thing is that it introduced me as a "little disciple" to write an autobiography for Teacher Hu Shi.Writing an autobiography for Teacher Hu (writing a biography or chronicle is another matter), if you don't go deep into ancient books, Teacher Hu doesn't want it.I think Mr. Luo Ergang must know this. ——A short final homework, with so many bowls of food to eat, is really like what Teacher Hu said: "The society's reward for a person is actually far greater than a person's contribution to society." My "one skill is portable" is actually inspired by Guo Tingyi's "Modern Chinese History" lesson. After doing research, I have a wide range of interests. I don’t know what to learn, and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do, and I can’t do anything. I didn’t even hand in the concise history of the Chinese navy that Mr. Guo enlightened. good teacher and helpful friend.The boss is sad and regretful. "I was mistaken for my life by being smart", I hope that the young students of the next generation will not follow the footsteps of old people. After graduating from CUHK in 1943, I was admitted to the Institute of History of CUHK as a graduate student.Reluctantly away from home for a long time, I am eager to return home to visit my relatives.At that time, the enemy army in my hometown had retreated, and there was still a safe land route between Sichuan and Anhui, so I returned to my hometown.In the following year Tang Enbo was defeated and Henan fell to the enemy. I was given the opportunity to join the "Anhui University" as a lecturer, and I never went back to school.In 1948, he went to study in the United States; in 1949, the regime in mainland China changed hands. Reminiscing about teachers and friends in Shaping feels like a lifetime away. Unexpectedly, on a certain day in the mid-1950s, I suddenly received an international post from Taiwan, with very familiar handwriting.When I saw that it was sent by Teacher Guo Tingyi, I was overjoyed.In the letter, he said that he would visit New York soon, and he wrote down the flight time. He hoped that I could pick him up.I was so excited to pick up the book.At that time, I drove my 100-yuan classic car to the "Idewild Airport" (Idewild Airport, later renamed Kennedy International Airport) to pick up the airport.At that time, the deserted airport lived up to its name, and it was still a wilderness.The surrounding reeds are higher than a human head.The car slowly drove into the airport from the reed-lined road.However, although the land is remote, there are still many people who pick up the plane.I stood outside the railing and saw the passengers on the plane a hundred yards away descending the ladder.The crowd who picked up the airport waved their hands in welcome.I recognized Mr. Guo when he got out of the plane and was still on the ladder. ——That's not because he is a Chinese tourist, but because of his familiar body shape and movements, although he no longer uses a cane; the blue cloth coat has also been changed into a suit.Although I waved my hands, I don't think he would know me.He has thousands of students, separated by more than ten years.How can he recognize me?When he approached and I was about to declare my name, the teacher gave a broken face and said, "Degang, you are here." I took his handbag and greeted him with a handshake (still afraid to hug in Western style) , Teachers and students are extremely high-spirited! That was Teacher Guo's first visit to the United States.People and places are strange, everything is arranged by me.I was his valet, his secretary, his representative, his interpreter, and his driver.Running around and negotiating, day and night. Professor Guo Tingyi was busy organizing the "preparatory office" of the Institute of Modern History of the Academia Sinica at that time.In the 1950s, Taiwan was still known as a "cultural desert"; economically, it was also poor.The purpose of Mr. Guo's trip to the United States was firstly to apply for subsidies from Ford and other foundations, and secondly to want to link up with famous universities in the eastern United States. ——At that time, the "famous" universities in the United States were still in the eastern United States! The most difficult thing in the world is to reach out and ask people for money!The second most difficult thing is to make unequal treaties.The family is rich and prosperous, but you are poor and white, and you are married, the door is wrong, the household is wrong!Even if the nobleman is nice to see you, sometimes the complexions of the "Second Master" and "Mabian" who speak the same language as you under the nobleman are as straight as autumn frost and like broken shoes, which makes people stand out. Teacher Guo was originally a serious scholar with few words and sarcasm. For the sake of modern Chinese history, he forced a smile on some fake scholars and bad politicians who are not worth paying attention to. , the chauffeur, Fan Kuai...every time he was angry and unbearable, he felt especially sympathetic from the bottom of his heart. ——However, Mr. Guo has a missionary spirit. For the baby of "Institute of Recent History", he has worked hard and laid the foundation for it with every shovel and shovel. It is really touching and sad. ——This is his first trip to the East. Afterwards, Mr. Guo visited the United States several times, once accompanied by a youth attendant, brother Li Nianxuan.Perseverance can carve gold and stone.The institute of recent history has gradually taken shape.When I took over the Chinese Library of Columbia University in 1962, Guo Shizeng took a fancy to the precious "duplicates" of our library.I also signed to Columbia University for the record, sent him seven wooden boxes, and paid for the shipping for him.Guo Shiru won the treasure, and even said: "This way our library will have a foundation." At that time, the book market was not big, and basic reference books and government archives such as the Beijing Government Gazette had long since disappeared. Teacher Guo Tingyi was originally a pure scholar, taciturn and smirk, and coping with complex political environments was not his forte.During his "bye bye" growing up period, his nanny was in a state of desperation. ——The author was also innocently involved in the campus politics of Columbia University at that time, and between several politicians fighting with each other, I was also so bad that I couldn't extricate myself. We Shaping teachers and students get together occasionally, and we can only get along with each other. Life is full of twists and turns, and the world is full of mountains. The bitter process of our teachers and students can be said to be the same as each other.Master Guo asked me for help and complained about his distress. I believe there are still many letters to be found, although most of them have been lost to me-how do I start? ! When Master Guo later died in New York, Professor Zhang Pengyuan and I, probably his only two "old students", went to his funeral. He was the first teacher of my research; he was also the only one who buried my teacher in my life. When teachers and students meet, there is greenness. I would like to write this article to express my deep memory.
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