Home Categories Science learning Eat back the sickness you ate

Chapter 34 (33)

Eat back the sickness you ate 张悟本 2446Words 2018-03-20
In just three years, his illness came out.What disease?He had dermatitis in the first year, but because he didn't pay attention, what kind of disease gradually developed after three years?A very terrible disease!The skin on my body was slowly cracking -- the hospital diagnosed that it was similar to "skin cancer", but I couldn't be sure, the skin from head to toe was cracking!The man looked horrific, and he himself was in great pain.When he moved, the skin all over his body was pulled everywhere, and the skin all over his body was about to crack.So he didn't even dare to move in the end, he just sat there obediently, except for his two eyes, he didn't dare to move anywhere.Eating a meal is very painful, let alone going to the toilet.

There was no rule of law anywhere, and then it came to us.According to his pulse condition and his condition, I chatted with him and found out his reason.What is the reason?The internal cause is always eating cold, and the heat is excited inside, and the heat cannot be dissipated.The external cause was that he would swim in the river whenever he sweated, and the sweat pores could not open.Internal and external difficulties made his skin shrink tighter and tighter.When the contraction reaches a certain level, if he moves again, think about it, is the skin about to crack?Isn't this disease formed?

The reason was found, and according to his condition, we prescribed a recipe for him.After several months of recuperation, this person gradually recovered to be not much different from a normal person.How did you adjust it? The first one is to dissipate the internal heat and not stagnate inside.Prescribe mung bean soup for him, and eat a lot of raw vegetables every night.Because he is a relatively obedient young man, and he is very sick, so he cooperated very well!Every night, I also give him some big white radish, the purpose is to moisten the lungs; the purpose of moistening the lungs is to let the lungs open up the water channel, transfer the water to the skin, and let the skin relax slowly.Of course, he is not allowed to drink cold ones, and cold beer is definitely not allowed!Peppers are also absolutely inedible!Completely avoid these two!After three months of adjustment, his skin slowly healed.Rescuing this young man also verified our analysis of the etiology and the effectiveness of the diet plan.

Another disease closely related to "lung" is "acne".We all know that too many pimples on a person's face are very unsightly, but it is actually a disease. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that different parts of the human face correspond to the five internal organs: the left liver and the right lung, the middle point is the heart, the nose point is the spleen, and the bottom is the kidney...Where you have acne, it means that the corresponding organ has Something is wrong! Most people with acne have a common symptom, which is constipation!This is also the cause.Think about it, everyone, why do we poop?Detox outside!If you go there only once every three or four days a week, will the heat go up?All ran to the head, wouldn't the pimple grow out?So this kind of situation is not difficult to adjust. If the stool is cleared, the acne will be cured by half.Persist in doing it every day, and gradually the acne will disappear.

Acne is also called "acne", why is it called acne?Because young people have strong firepower, irregular daily life, and more firepower, it is easy to grow these things. For example, one of my patients is 27 years old, a lesbian, and a reporter for a certain newspaper.A girl who was pretty at first had so many things growing on her face that she didn't dare to go out for an interview, and she was under a lot of mental pressure.I've tried many methods, but nothing works!How can she take care of herself?It's nothing more than wiping this water, wiping that water... We all know now that if there is something on the face, it is an organ problem.You see, in today's society, everyone makes faces, but no one gets dirty!This girl is a typical example. She spent a lot of money to wipe it off, and it has good times and bad times.

After arriving at our place, through her pulse and communicating with her, I found that her symptom was the "severe constipation" I just mentioned. Basically, she only had a bowel movement once a week, and the longest time was that she had no bowel movement for a month.Then this problem is found, and our plan will come out!First of all, I gave her a catty of mung beans and 50 grams of licorice, and boiled water to drink every day during the day.Mung beans clear the liver, licorice nourishes the lungs, a piece of white radish before going to bed every night, and she is absolutely forbidden to eat oil and meat, including peppers, for dinner.Because her symptoms were particularly severe, we also gave her abstinence from milk, and asked her family members to give her a bottle of milk every night to assist treatment.After three months of treatment, all the acne on her face disappeared, and her original appearance was restored.

Now more and more elderly people suffer from a disease called "Sjogren's syndrome". It has many similarities with the dermatitis just mentioned, that is, the skin is dry and itchy, and it gets worse at night.There is also a difference, they don't grow anything on their body.Why is it getting worse at night?Liver fire invades the lungs, the liver metabolizes from 1:00 to 3:00 am, and the lungs metabolizes from 3:00 am to 5:00 am. How do we mediate?This diet plan is also very simple, basically the same as the previous one, the main difference is that we take into account that the internal organs of the elderly are relatively weak.

Let me talk about the diet plan first, drink mung bean soup during the day.So how many mung beans are used to cook this mung bean soup?We generally use half a catty, because the elderly are already weak, and if the mung bean soup is used too much, other problems are prone to occur, so we generally only use half a catty.The adjustment of this disease is a relatively long process, so don't worry, dinner is the same as before, that is, all kinds of raw vegetables, no oil and meat.The appetite of the elderly is generally poor, so tell them that it is enough to eat in moderation, as long as it is not uncomfortable and comfortable to eat.The raw vegetables are mainly these two warm vegetables, and you can also add some lettuce and tomatoes.

Soak your feet in hot water every night. Before soaking your feet, you must walk the canister on your back. See "Illustration: Walking Canister (With Pulse)". "Take the can" is actually very simple!Everyone knows "cupping". The difference between taking the can and cupping is that you apply oil on the back, suck the can, and then pull the can on the entire back from bottom to top, then from top to top Go back and forth in this way.The extent of cupping is based on his own adaptability.Walk like this every other day or two, about 10 minutes each time.Soak your feet after walking the jar.

It should be about ten days and a half months, and the sweat in the body will come out slowly. As soon as the sweat comes out, the disease will start to heal. Generally, within two to three months, the dry skin will be basically relieved up. The lungs open into the nose There are many people who suffer from rhinitis now, so how is rhinitis formed?How can we prevent and regulate it?In the five elements of Chinese medicine, it is said that "the lungs open to the nose", how to write "inflammation"?Two "fires" means there is fire in the nose! Where did the fire come from in the nose?It's the fire in the lungs!The inside of the nose is hot, the inside is hotter, the outside is colder, and the nose keeps running every day, which is called rhinitis.

How to adjust it?First of all, absolutely no chili is allowed.The second step is to eat raw mixed white radish every night before going to bed, and rub the Lieque acupoint more during the day when there is nothing to do. Generally, it will take one to two months, no more than three months, and the rhinitis will gradually heal.If the condition is particularly serious, the method of pricking blood is added: just on the tip of the nose, one needle at a time, squeeze out eleven or twelve drops of blood.Rhinitis will be cured soon. Illustration: Lie Que Point Almost everyone has the experience of snoring, and some people may even snore for years.With age, the phenomenon of snoring becomes more and more serious. Is snoring a disease or just a habit?Here I solemnly tell everyone: "Snoring is a sick condition!" So, how should we recuperate? Now let's analyze what "snoring" is all about. Humans breathe through the nose or mouth, through which air enters our lungs and then is exhaled through this airway.If the airway gradually becomes narrower and narrower, but our breathing volume remains unchanged, is it prone to shortness of breath?That's how the snoring started.
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