Home Categories Science learning Eat back the sickness you ate

Chapter 23 (twenty two)

Eat back the sickness you ate 张悟本 2374Words 2018-03-20
The heart belongs to fire among the five elements. According to the "Huangdi Neijing", "the heart is on the flames", which means going up.Chinese medicine believes that among the five internal organs, the heart is the official of the monarch, which is what we call the emperor.In the five internal organs, it governs the blood vessels, and the normal beating of the heart depends on the heart qi. Only when the heart qi is strong can the blood flow in the veins normally.If the heart beats strongly, our blood will flow out more, and the blood in the blood vessels will be sufficient to nourish the whole body. "Heart dominates spirit", that is, whether this person has energy or not.If the heart is strong, the person is energetic; if the heart is not strong, the person has no spirit.In terms of emotion and intelligence, it is the main joy, and its splendor lies in the face.So look at this man, when he is happy, his face shows it, even ecstatic.The heart opens to the tongue, and if there is something wrong with the heart, it can be reflected on the tongue.

We common people always say "the fire is big", where did the fire come from?In traditional Chinese medicine, what does fire correspond to the five internal organs of a person?Fire first corresponds to the heart, what does the heart do?As I just said, the heart is the official of the monarch, that is to say, the other internal organs are protecting the heart from any external interference.Generally, when the organs are injured, the heart is the last to be affected.However, because the heart is at the top of the five internal organs, no matter what is wrong with any internal organs, it will eventually be reflected in the heart.

At noon, the Heart Sutra is in order.Noon time refers to 11:00 to 13:00 noon. Noon time is opposite to night time, and when the Heart Sutra is in order, it is yin.At this moment of yin and yang alternation, people should be in a state of rest. It is best not to interfere with the change of yin and yang, let the heart and kidney intersect, let the heart fire go down, and the kidney water come up.So if you have the conditions to take a lunch break, it will be of great benefit to your body. The heart dominates "summer" in the four seasons. In summer, the evil energy hurts people, and most of them attack the heart.Because the temperature changes greatly in summer, it is hot during the day and cool at night, so it is particularly easy to form evil spirits.Be careful in summer, don't be greedy for coolness, so as not to hurt people with evil spirits!Chinese medicine believes that "sweat" is the sweat we shed, and it is the "fluid of the heart", which is the fluid that flows out of the heart.Summer is the time when the heart metabolism is the most vigorous, and summer is also the best season for us to nourish the heart, so we should eat more food that nourishes the heart in summer.According to the principle that the five elements restrain each other, who is restraining the heart?Kidneys control the heart, so we must nourish the kidneys in winter. What is the purpose of nourishing the kidneys?The first is for the kidneys, and the other is for the heart.

What kind of food nourishes the heart?It is "red" in terms of color and "bitter" in terms of taste.In summer, we often eat some red bean porridge to nourish the heart, and eat some raw bitter gourd to reduce the fire.Summer is the sweaty season again. If you sweat a lot, will you lose a lot of salt?The heart beat may be abnormal!Therefore, Chinese medicine believes that we should eat more salty food to nourish the kidneys, and eat more bitter food to nourish the heart.Eating more salty food nourishes the kidneys, and the kidneys restrain the heart.Therefore, the purpose of nourishing the kidney is to prevent it from overpowering the heart, and indirectly achieve the purpose of nourishing the heart.The heart has the most vigorous metabolism at noon, so it is best to eat these heart-nourishing foods at noon.

Modern medicine can replace the diseased organs of the human body, such as replacing the liver if there is a problem with the liver, or replacing the heart if there is a problem with the heart.Now I have discovered a problem. After the change of heart, there is a common phenomenon, that is, the person's personality changes drastically.It was once reported that an old man changed the heart of a young man due to heart failure. After the old man returned to normal, he loved to dance again and looked so beautiful!They felt very strange at home. Later, they told the heart-changing doctor. The doctor checked the past life experience of the person who changed his heart and found that the old man was living according to the lifestyle of the young man in the past.This example confirms the saying of "heart governs the spirit" in traditional Chinese medicine. Western medicine did not recognize it at all before, but now there are many such examples.

In terms of emotion and intelligence, the heart is "happy", isn't there a saying called "happy in the heart"! "Excessive joy" is sad!Everyone has seen people who are overjoyed and are particularly prone to fainting, and this is the reason.If it is more serious, it will be "dead with joy". To cite a historical allusion, in the Southern Song Dynasty, there was a general named "Niu Gao" in the Yue family army, and he had a rival general "Jin Wushu" in the Jin Dynasty.Legend has it that one day the two of them met on the battlefield, and this Jin Wushu rode over and swung his ax to kill Niu Gao, Niu Gao raised his mace and fought back fiercely, and they both fell from the horse at the same time.After falling off the horse, the two started rolling and fighting on the ground. It happened that Niu Gao rode Jin Wushu under his crotch... Think about it, these two have fought for many years, but neither of them defeated the other. Every time we meet, it's like an enemy.If one person rides on another person's body, what state do you think about?Especially for people at that time, the humiliation of the crotch was a great shame!Such a big general, with so many people watching... Humiliation!in a hurry!angry!After struggling a few times, I couldn't get up, and I was so mad at work.Niu Gao rode Jin Wushu on his crotch, how happy he was, he laughed!The result also fell down!So there is such a historical story called "killing Niu Gao with laughter, killing Jin Wushu with anger".So everyone can see that being too happy and sad, and being too angry hurts the liver; one is too happy and the other is too angry, and the two organs, the liver and the heart, are destroyed as a result.

The heart belongs to fire in the five elements of Chinese medicine and is in charge of blood circulation.Elevated heart fire can be manifested as tongue erosion, sores, irritability, red tongue, etc.; children can manifest hyperactivity, irritability, anxiety, restlessness, etc. Insufficient heart qi can cause many diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as arrhythmia, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, etc. The heart opens to the tongue, that is, many diseases of the heart can be seen from the tongue.Our tongue is known to stir food.Our tongues should be very small, with round sides, but you can see that the tongues of some heart disease patients are very large one by one, with many tooth marks on the sides, like saw blades.What does that mean?It means that there is something wrong with his heart, and his heart is very angry. Where does this fire come from?Coming out of the tongue, the tongue is stretched due to the excessive anger in the heart.Common people call it Big Tongue.So many heart diseases are reflected on the tongue.

Two years ago, I came across a case that proved the relationship between the heart and the tongue.There is a child who is one and a half years old, what is the disease?There is a tumor on the tongue, which is called hemangioma in Western medicine.what to do?No way, I went to the hospital for an operation to cut it off.After a while, it grows again, what should I do?Went to the hospital again and cut it off.But after a while, it grew back, and their parents thought, this is not right, they keep cutting like this, when will they have to be cut?He was just one and a half years old, and spent several times in the hospital, all of which cost tens of thousands of dollars...Later, we came into contact with this patient, chatted with the parents, took the pulse of the child, and found out that he was sick!This child has a tumor on his tongue, this is just a "effect", there must be a "cause"!Where is the cause?right on the heart.This child also often suffers from inflammation of the tonsils, and the heart governs the throat, so the bad tonsils are also related to the heart.

It's easy to find out this problem. Let's make a recipe and let the children go home to eat.After two days, my mother will come back and tell us that the child will not eat!Because the little girl is more spoiled, what should I do if I don’t eat?In this case, we can only use medicine, because she doesn't eat the food therapy, and she can't watch her grow so long!We use "Niuhuang Qingxin Pills", because the expensive "Niuhuang Qingxin Pills" are too strong, and the cheap Niuhuang Qingxin Pills are artificial musk and artificial bezoar, so I told his mother, "You buy the cheapest Niuhuang Qingxin Pills." ".Since the child is young, using this cheap "Niuhuang Qingxin Pill" will not spoil the child.Later, her mother bought the medicine back, a box of 18 yuan, 6 pills.I said to her mother, "Okay, just eat this!"

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