Home Categories Science learning Eat back the sickness you ate

Chapter 24 (twenty three)

Eat back the sickness you ate 张悟本 2505Words 2018-03-20
how much to eatAccording to her condition at the time, a pill was divided into three equal portions, one portion per day.Is there 30 days in a month?At the end of the month, the two boxes were not finished yet, and her mother sent us a pennant!The tumor on the child's tongue was gone without surgery!The concept of Chinese medicine is to prevent him from getting sick by regulating the balance of viscera.So as long as the enthusiasm is lowered, won't it stop growing? How diet can cure heart disease Chinese medicine believes that the heart governs the blood vessels, and all diseases related to the blood vessels are related to the heart.In daily life, we often encounter someone who complains of chest tightness and shortness of breath, especially in summer.We went to the hospital to check, and no matter how we checked, there was nothing wrong.All aspects of the blood phase indicators are normal, but the chest is full of shortness of breath every day.So where is the reason?Our Chinese medicine divides people into three energizers, the upper energizer is the heart and lungs, the middle energizer is the spleen and stomach, and the lower energizer is the liver and kidney.According to this symptom, the triple burner is blocked!Because our qi comes up from the bottom and circulates down from the top.In this person's situation, it is often that there is not enough energy from the bottom, and they cannot come up; or they are too angry from the bottom, and they cannot get out from the top.Just these two situations.

Let me talk about people who lack confidence first. This situation is often accompanied by diarrhea, which we call upper heat and lower cold syndrome.We common people have a saying that is good, a hero can't stand three bubbles!If time goes by, think about it, can he be full of energy?Why do people have diarrhea?Because I can't stand it!Why can't you hold on?Because he lacks energy and confidence, can he have enough energy?Once this problem is found, it will be easy to solve. For people like this, when they get up in the morning, they must invigorate their spleen and stomach, and lift up their confidence.For breakfast, you must eat more spleen-invigorating foods, such as millet porridge, soy milk, and corn. These yellow foods can strengthen the spleen and lift up stomach qi.Use mung bean soup during the day, use half a catty of mung beans to boil for 5-6 minutes; you can put some wolfberry in an appropriate amount, 30-50 capsules; Slowly increase the heat.What is the purpose of drinking this water during the day?It's just to bring the breath up.What are the mung beans for?Nourishing the liver, purging liver heat.What is wolfberry for?Nourishing the liver and calming the kidney qi.What is astragalus for?Invigorate the spleen and stomach, nourish the temper.When the spleen and stomach are in harmony, the stool will be easy to hold; if the spleen and stomach are not in harmony, the stool will not be able to hold, and it will appear watery soup.

After drinking some of this water during the day and lifting the temper up, the upper body will be calm, full of energy, blood circulation will be full, and the phenomenon of chest tightness and shortness of breath will disappear.This category is caused by lack of confidence. There is also a type of chest tightness and shortness of breath, which is caused by too much abdominal strength. This kind of person is usually very irritable!All of us may also have this experience, chest tightness and shortness of breath after taking a breath, right?Some people, after quarreling, lay there and fainted, hurried over to knock there and here, and after a while the patient woke up with a sigh of relief!As I just said, there is too much air inside, and it swells up!Such people are often accompanied by dry stool.The dry stool is because he has too much air, and he doesn’t exhaust himself; no matter how angry he is, the air is blocked in it, do you think this blood vessel can bear it?Dizziness, chest tightness, and shortness of breath will inevitably appear.Then this kind of person must first solve the stool and pass the stool.

You can also think about a problem. If you think about any field in the world, it has to be circulated. Regardless of which field, once the intermediate link is not circulated, that field will completely collapse, right?We humans also have this concept, no matter where it is, it must be circulated; if it gets stuck somewhere, problems will arise.Constipation is a very important problem. There is a saying in Chinese medicine, "Constipation is the source of all diseases", that is, one constipation can cause a hundred diseases.So everyone must pay attention, don't think that constipation is a trivial matter!

Why constipation?There are two types of constipation in this kind of people, one is lung heat, the lung governs the large intestine, and the lung and the large intestine are connected on the outside and inside.With lung heat, the large intestine absorbs water, and if there is less water, the stool will be dry.Just like us and mud, if there is less water, the mud will be dry; if there is too much water, the mud will be too thin.People with this kind of constipation are often accompanied by the phenomenon of eating chili. If a person who loves chili has constipation, he must avoid chili and never eat it again.Then pass the stool, use mung beans with licorice, eat some white radish every night before going to bed, and pass the stool, and you will be fine after passing the breath!

What is another kind of constipation?It is poor spleen and stomach motility, it is not called constipation, it is called difficulty in defecation, the stool is not dry, but it is weak in defecation, and it cannot be passed. This is typically a bad spleen. These two situations can cause excessive anger, and now many reports have proved this. Didn't many celebrities die on the potty?Why?Think about it, where do people who defecate use the most force?It's all about working hard!The stool is dry, he can't pass it down, and when he exerts himself, his blood will easily swell. These two symptoms have one thing in common, regardless of whether you are constipated or have difficulty defecating, it is on the inner side of the left upper arm of your arm, you can find it yourself, stroke from the top down, there will be one or two points that are very painful, some people There are two, someone has one.Find out this point, sit there during the day and pinch it if you have nothing to do, it won’t hurt to pinch this point!What meridian is this?This is the Heart Sutra!As I said just now, the air in the heart is blocked and cannot come out, causing chest tightness and shortness of breath.This is where the exhaust comes in!If it is blocked here and the qi stagnates inside, it will never be released, causing chest tightness and shortness of breath.Let's open up the airway and release the air, shall we?So during the day when I have nothing to do, I often pinch here to relax it.So many years of practice have proved that through this method, all the symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath will be gradually resolved.

Once I received a task, saying that there is a patient, please go and deal with it as soon as possible!I said: what's wrong?What's wrong?It's a lesbian who can't breathe in her chest, what do you think?Later I went there and felt her pulse, which was very stable, but the liver pulse reacted very strongly.I asked her: Were you angry just now?right!She had just had a fight with her husband, and after more than an hour, she had this kind of suffocation; but in the clinic, there is no problem in diagnosis. According to the electrocardiogram and blood tests, everything is normal, but the cause cannot be found.

I will use the method of traditional Chinese medicine to solve it for her!Are you not angry?It's stuck in the air, right?So what to do?Let her down!How did you put it?I say you just lie there!Then, I pricked the second toes of her feet with a needle, and squeezed out ten drops of blood each; then I pricked a Taichong needle with acupuncture, see "Illustration: Taichong Point". In just a few minutes, the man got up and went down to the ground.I felt her pulse again, and the liver qi has gone down!I said you should run around twice, and the patient ran around the hospital hall twice, and all the doctors who were present at that time were shocked.We encounter many cases of this kind in our daily life, and it can be said that all of them were cured at that time.

What is the purpose of pricking blood?What rationale solved this disease?Many people in the north of us now live in high-rise buildings. Sometimes the heating cannot be turned on in winter. Is it pounding inside?I can't make it, what should I do?Are we deflated?When the valve is released, does the gas come out?Isn’t that the same principle for humans?Chest tightness, tightness in the chest, what's going on inside?Only gas, nothing.The only way is to let the air out. How can we avoid this disease as much as possible?First of all, remember, don't get angry, calm down and think about things, and don't argue!Quarrels not only can't solve the problem, but they also get sick after getting angry.

Heart-Related Conditions Now I will continue to talk about "Fire Chapter" for you, talk about the diseases caused by "heart" and common misunderstandings.Let's first talk about the role of the heart in the five internal organs. The heart is the "official of the monarch", and the heart governs the five internal organs.Just like our real life, cities are connected by roads. If the roads are blocked, the cities will be isolated.What connects the various organs in the human body is the blood vessel, and what the blood vessel talks about is qi and blood.
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