Home Categories Science learning Eat back the sickness you ate

Chapter 17 (16)

Eat back the sickness you ate 张悟本 2551Words 2018-03-20
Why do patients who take antihypertensive drugs take calcium after they have a bowel movement?Because some people eat calcium, it will aggravate constipation, and they can't eat calcium until the problem of constipation is solved.After taking calcium for a week, start to measure your blood pressure at a fixed point and time every day, and your blood pressure will go down slowly. Once your blood pressure drops, you should reduce the antihypertensive drugs by 1/4, and then reduce it by 1/4. The medicine was reduced in four stages.It usually takes less than three months for a case like this to heal. It is a very curable disease!This kind of high blood pressure is called real high blood pressure.

Next, let me talk about the deficiency type pseudohypertensive diarrhea type, that is, upper heat and lower cold syndrome.Such patients defecate several times a day and are shapeless.This kind of person's high blood pressure is also false.Why?Think about it, everyone, we humans live by Qi.According to Chinese medicine, Qi rises from the left and descends from the right.Man is a self-sufficient system, a person who adjusts the balance by himself.This kind of person just said that it is a syndrome of upper heat and lower cold. What is the concept?Fire above, cold below.The common people know it. For example, if you are constipated, the common people say you are getting angry; if you are about to have diarrhea, the common people say you have caught a cold.This kind of person is full of fire syndrome on the top and cold syndrome on the bottom. Isn't this called the syndrome of upper heat and lower cold?

What is the cause of this diarrhea-type pseudohypertension?There is a pulse in our Chinese medicine, called the belt pulse, and the root of the disease is all here!The belt channel is a very peculiar channel in the human body. All of our channels are vertical, but this channel is horizontal. It is like a magic spell that binds people from the middle!We call this disease poor middle burner, which means poor spleen and stomach.As I said just now, a person’s qi flows upwards and downwards, and this is where this person’s problem lies!Qi comes up from the bottom and cannot go up the middle burner, because the middle burner is blocked.The cold air cannot rise from the bottom, and the five internal organs are working on the top. The five internal organs produce heat, and the cold air cannot come up. Is it because the top is all hot?Does the heat swell?Think about it, can his blood pressure be so low?

This kind of person is the same as the constipation-type hypertensive just mentioned. He takes antihypertensive drugs, or he takes several kinds, or all the side effects will come out soon.Not only did the blood pressure not come down, but the side effects also came out.Why?Because you are not really high blood pressure, your blood pressure is unstable, it is reasonable to take it when your blood pressure is really high; your blood pressure is not high now, and you still take antihypertensive drugs every day, can the side effects not come out? My diet plan for diarrhea-type pseudohypertension is:

The principle of treatment is clearing, regulating, nourishing and nourishing.For this kind of upper heat and lower cold syndrome, adjust and replenish first, and clear later.Because he has diarrhea himself, he can't just clean it up! Half a catty of mung beans, medlars according to your own situation, 50-100 capsules, add water to boil.After boiling for 5-6 minutes, pour out the soup and soak the astragalus in the poured out mung bean soup.How much astragalus?Start with 5-10 tablets.How big is it?As large as a fingernail, both raw and cooked astragalus can be used.If you don’t get angry after drinking for two or three days, you have no toothache or aphthous sores, add another 5 tablets, and drink for another two or three days; 40 caps.If you get angry, stop astragalus for two days and drink mung bean and wolfberry water.

Eating yellow foods such as soy milk, corn, and millet for breakfast is to strengthen the spleen.The spleen metabolizes from 9 am to 11 am. Eat more of these, such as millet, corn, soy milk, and one or two boiled eggs.Then you add some bread or some other staple. No matter at noon, don't eat stir-fried vegetables at night, start clearing after a week, and add some raw vegetables.Why such an arrangement?Because you think, he is already pulling, if he eats raw vegetables as soon as it is served, it may be even worse!Let's adjust and supplement first, soak wolfberry in mung bean water to supplement, and start cleaning after a week!How to clear?As I said just now, it is raw vegetables.Based on what?Bell peppers, purple cabbage!Chew slowly and increase the amount slowly.Then after another two weeks, if the blood fat is high, add raw eggplant, if the blood fat is not high, there is no need to add it.

Then soak your feet in hot water every night, take the can and take the pulse before soaking your feet.Because this disease is caused by the blockage of the meridian, it is necessary to open the meridian so that the Qi at the bottom can come up and the Qi at the top can go down.After taking the meridians, walk along the upper head (the entire back), but focus on the meridians.Walk once a day or two, two or three days. Taboo: milk, chili, cold drinks.Cucumbers and watermelons must not be eaten!Cucumbers and watermelons are all harmful to the spleen, and this disease is caused by the frustration of the spleen and stomach, so they must not be eaten anymore.If you take antihypertensive drugs, add calcium, not less than 3000 mg per day for lesbians, and not less than 4000 mg per day for gay men, divided into three times a day.If you are not taking antihypertensive drugs, you can not use calcium.It is also a regular and fixed-point measurement of blood pressure.After the blood pressure drops slowly, you can gradually reduce the medicine bit by bit.

When it comes to eating lettuce, you may ask: Isn’t raw and cold Chinese medicine taboo?That's right, traditional Chinese medicine avoids raw and cold food.Because people in the past could not eat oil and meat every day, they mainly ate raw vegetables, so people suffered from deficiency diseases at that time; people now eat oil and meat mainly, so the diseases of modern people are There are many real symptoms.In the past, when people got sick, they should avoid cold and cold, but in modern times, people should not avoid raw diseases, but only avoid cold.In different eras, even the same disease requires different solutions. There is a saying that keeps pace with the times!

In addition, there is a very simple way to judge the different classifications of hypertension.Diarrhea-type hypertension, when is the blood pressure often high?It was high before 10 o'clock in the morning, and it slowly came down.Constipation-type hypertension often has higher blood pressure after 1 p.m., and some people have high blood pressure in the morning, but very few.Real high blood pressure is high every day from morning to night. No matter what type of hypertension you have, for those with high blood pressure and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, there is one acupoint massage that has a very significant effect.It is on the heart meridian of the left arm. Press and look for it along the inner side of the left forearm with a little effort. There will be one or two pain points in the left upper arm.When I am fine, I often pinch this pain point. After pinching this pain point, it no longer hurts. Gradually, many heart symptoms have been relieved, or even disappeared.

During my 20 years of diet therapy, this kind of cases accounted for about 70-80% of the cases of high blood pressure. kind of disease.Under normal circumstances, blood pressure is basically normal within two to three months.Because it is fake, it is the best tune! Analytics for Diabetes The role of the liver lies in catharsis and hair growth.It can be said that the machine of human hair growth depends entirely on the liver.Therefore, it is very important for people to maintain the liver.Maybe people don't pay attention or don't know that any drug can damage the liver.If people do not pay attention to the protection of the liver, it will cause a series of diseases.

Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, emphasized in "A Thousand Gold Prescriptions": "If you can use food to calm illnesses and release emotions to punish illnesses, it can be described as a good job. It is a wonderful method of baiting for many years, and it is also a technique of accumulating health."As a doctor, you must first understand the source of the disease, know what is wrong with it, and cure it with food. Food will not heal, and then order medicine. What does that mean?It is a good doctor who can solve the disease with food.Those who practice medicine should first know where the cause of this person is and why he is sick.Use food to regulate first, if it does not heal, then use medicine.Therefore, Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, has always emphasized the use of food, not medicine.You must have heard the saying that medicine is three-point poison, right?But what about us now?No matter what the disease is, just take medicine at every turn, without considering the side effects of the medicine at all!Then let's give an example to tell you the harm of drugs to organs! We all know that diabetes is mostly high blood sugar.But in the process of my research, I found that too few patients died because of high blood sugar!Do you know what people with diabetes are most afraid of?complication!So why are there complications?According to research, these complications of diabetes are caused by drug poisoning during the course of taking hypoglycemic drugs. What are the complications of diabetes?Mainly: cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, kidney failure, blindness, gangrene (that is, rotten legs), and fractures.Is diabetes one of the six major complications?Let's analyze and analyze how these six complications come from:
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