Home Categories Science learning Eat back the sickness you ate

Chapter 16 (15)

Eat back the sickness you ate 张悟本 2549Words 2018-03-20
Finally, pay attention to taboos. First one: milk.Why am I not allowed to drink milk here?I am referring to hypertensive patients, do not drink milk.A glass of milk strengthens a nation, this saying is very true!But as we are speaking, we should think about it, what kind of nation is strong?That nation can't eat enough and drink well. Isn't drinking a glass of milk strong?Now hundreds of millions of people in our country have no worries about food and clothing, and live a prosperous life; the remaining people have basically solved the problem of food and clothing, and are constantly improving their quality of life.Friends who live in economically developed areas and large and medium-sized cities, who can't eat enough or drink well?Can you get high blood pressure if you don't eat enough to drink well?Hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are diseases of excess nutrition, not diseases of nutritional deficiency!So if you still drink milk at this time, think about it, how can your blood pressure drop?In addition, most people with high blood pressure have high blood lipids. If they are taking lipid-lowering drugs and drinking milk, how can their blood lipids be lowered?So please drink soy milk instead, which has the effect of lowering blood fat.

Second, avoid chili. Third, avoid cold drinks. This recipe is finished. From the day you start eating, after a week, you must measure your blood pressure regularly and at a fixed point!As time goes by, do you see that your blood pressure is slowly going down?The blood pressure is slowly coming down, should we reduce the antihypertensive drugs?If it does not decrease, is it necessary to become hypotension?After a period of time, reduce the antihypertensive drugs a little more, gradually reduce the drugs and finally adjust to food, and use food to adjust blood pressure. In addition to diet, there are some auxiliary programs.Soak your feet in hot water every night, and walk the canister on your back before soaking your feet, see "Illustration: Walking Canister (With Pulse)".

It's actually very simple to go!Everyone knows about cupping. The difference between walking and cupping is that oil is applied on the back, and after the cup is held, the cup is pulled back and forth on the back.What is the purpose?Many of us ordinary people know what taking the pot is for purging fire!Is high blood pressure angry?Yes indeed!Take the pot to pour the fire down, isn't it all right?Walk the can every day, soak your feet after walking, and let the sweat out.The purpose is to dissipate your heat and reduce the pressure inside. Think about it, does your blood pressure come down slowly and naturally?

Most of the hypertensive patients I have treated with diet for so many years lost all their medicines in the end.And the blood pressure has always been normal, completely bid farewell to the disease.That is what we always say, you must use your life to change your life, never use your life to change your life! Blood pressure Earlier I told you about the symptoms of high blood pressure. After more than 20 years of research and treatment, I found that there are two types of high blood pressure in Chinese medicine, one is real and the other is fake.Among hypertensive patients, only 20-30% of them are truly hypertensive, and the rest are all false.

What is the difference between pseudohypertension and true hypertension?The real high blood pressure is that there is too much garbage in the blood vessels, and the lumen of the blood vessels is narrow; the blood flow speeds up, and the impact force on the wall of the blood vessels increases, resulting in vasospasm.Pseudohypertension is caused by the blockage of qi and blood that we talk about in traditional Chinese medicine.Qi is in the body, if it is stagnant, it will expand, and the expansion will squeeze the blood vessels, and the blood vessels will spasm.For example, if you are more angry today, your blood pressure will be higher, and if you are less angry tomorrow, your stool will pass, and your blood pressure will drop.Therefore, blood pressure fluctuates up and down, which is completely different from the high blood pressure clinically diagnosed by Western medicine.But clinically, the index shall prevail. As long as your blood pressure index is high, I will use antihypertensive drugs.Why is it high?He doesn't care about it, but Chinese medicine doesn't see it that way.There is a deficiency and excess in the eight principles of traditional Chinese medicine, what is deficiency and excess?Deficiency and reality mean that diseases can be divided into true and false. Today I will tell you about false hypertension.

Let me talk about the constipation-type real-type pseudohypertension first.Think about it, everyone, we have talked about in and out before, with out in the front and in in the back; but now everyone pays attention to in, and no one pays attention to out.Think about it, everyone, this person eats three meals a day, and food generates heat.If you defecate once every few days, and the stool cannot pass out, does the heat not pass out?The heat stays in the body, does the heat swell?Does being so swollen also squeeze blood vessels?Is the blood vessel spasm?Is it relatively high blood pressure?The symptoms of this kind of person are very obvious. His blood pressure is not high every day, but sometimes high and sometimes normal.

As mentioned earlier, the real high blood pressure is that the blood vessels are blocked and narrowed, so it is reasonable to use antihypertensive drugs.But people with constipation-type pseudohypertension use antihypertensive drugs. Think about the consequences, everyone?Its blood vessels are not narrow, it is because the heat inside cannot dissipate, which presses the blood vessels and causes the blood vessels to spasm.This kind of people also take antihypertensive drugs to dilate blood vessels, everyone sees this problem, does it come out?Now you are not hypertensive, and you also take antihypertensive drugs. Are the blood vessels dilated?Is this blood relatively dissatisfied?Should blood vessels be ischemic?The vacated area will form Qi, and the blood vessels will become more convulsed and swollen!Therefore, after such a person takes an antihypertensive drug, their blood pressure will often be higher!what to do?You have to change the medicine or add another medicine, so people with high blood pressure often have to take several antihypertensive medicines at the beginning, otherwise the blood pressure will not drop.

This type of constipation-type pseudohypertensive medication often leads to complications.Think about it, everyone, you are not hypertensive, you just have unstable blood pressure, but you have used antihypertensive drugs, is it the wrong drug?This kind of person does not take the medicine for a long time, and all the side effects of the antihypertensive medicine will come out!What side effects?Cardiovascular ischemia!Soon, he will have to take medicine for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases again.People with really high blood pressure may take one pill for a long time, very stable.And after this kind of person with pseudohypertension takes the medicine, all these side effects will come out soon!I have seen the fastest one, which developed severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular ischemia in half a year, and took additional cardiovascular and cerebrovascular drugs, so in just six months to a year, the medicines I took changed from one pill to a handful.

There are also kidney problems, and most of them are due to this reason.Why?In "Kidney Chapter", I will tell you again.This is a cardiovascular problem.As I said just now, it is caused by high blood pressure caused by obstructed stool and high air pressure.Should we solve the air pressure, and will the blood pressure come down?The balloon is blown up, I let the air go, the pressure will come down! Next, I will provide a dietary regimen for patients with constipation-type pseudohypertension. First of all, let's start with diet.Everyone, remember the four words of clearing, regulating, nourishing and nourishing.The first step, clear!Clear what?Here, the stool must be cleared out. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this disease is caused by the uncoordinated heart-liver-lung-kidney.Because the lungs dominate the large intestine, constipation means lung heat aggravates intestinal heat.Then clear your lungs first.How to clear it?

The first is to drink.What to drink?One catty of mung beans, 50 grams of licorice; the licorice is changed every three days, and the mung beans are changed every day.Add water and put it on the fire to boil for 5-6 minutes, pour out the soup, drink it as water every day, and boil as much as you drink. Eat raw white radish every night before going to bed.Why eat raw white radish?Because eating raw white radish nourishes the lungs, I will explain it in detail in "Lungs".how much to eatSubject to stomach discomfort, gradually increase the amount; the more you eat, the faster the stool will pass.

If the stool can be maintained twice a day, this white radish can be eaten every other day or two.No need for licorice, half a catty of mung beans, and continue to boil water to drink every day.How to lower blood pressure at the same time?Regardless of morning or noon, just eat according to your original method and preference.For dinner, try to eat a variety of raw vegetables, mainly bell peppers, Chinese cabbage, and eggplant.If you have high blood fat, you can add eggplant, if your blood fat is not high, you can not use eggplant, and use bell peppers and Chinese cabbage as the main ingredients.Don't eat chicken, duck and fish for dinner, just eat it in the morning and at noon. Taboo: milk, chili, cold drinks. In addition, soak your feet in hot water every night, walk the can before soaking your feet, and walk your entire back.After the stool is cleared, if you take antihypertensive drugs, you can supplement calcium. If you don’t take antihypertensive drugs, you don’t need calcium supplements.The specific requirements for calcium supplementation are not less than 3000 mg per day for lesbians and not less than 4000 mg per day for males, divided into three times a day.
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