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Chapter 27 A country with oil and a royal family

The Slavic countries of the Balkans are all said and done, but there is one Balkan country that no one can forget because the front pages of the newspapers are often occupied by its sad news.There is nothing wrong with Romanian farmers.Just like farmers all over the world, they work silently in their fields, live, grow old, sick and die, without contending with the world.The root of all Romania's misfortune is the Anglo-Germanic royal family, a dynasty with a bad smell and vulgarity that makes it difficult to speak. Became the ruler of a new dynasty, and this new dynasty is only under the care of God. The German Prime Minister Bismarck (Prussian, 1815-1898, known as the "Iron Prime Minister") served as Prime Minister from 1862 to 1890. During his reign, he pursued iron and blood policy, unified Germany through war, and seized a large number of colonies in Africa and Oceania——Translator’s Note) and British Prime Minister Disraeli (British, 1803-1881, leader of the Conservative Party. 1867—1868, 1874— Served twice as Prime Minister in 1880. Played an important role in the reorganization of the Tory Party into the Conservative Party. In 1875, through the purchase of shares, Britain was able to control the Suez Canal; in 1877, through his efforts, Queen Victoria was crowned It was established for the Empress of India. From 1878 to 1879, she launched a war of aggression against Afghanistan, and in 1879 launched a war against the Zulu people in South Africa——Translator’s Note).

In 1878, after paying the taxes for God in Berlin, the two prime ministers, Bismarck and Disraeli, decided to raise Wallachia to an independent small principality.Since God deeply cares about this great plain between the Carpathian Mountains, the Old Mountains and the Black Sea, if the royal family of the principality at that time agreed to move to Paris, Romania would definitely be in a different situation.Romania, like its neighboring Ukraine, might become a great granary, rich in the world; and it might also become a part of Europe, thanks to great discoveries to be made near the city of Ploiesti, where the old mountains meet the Wallachian plain. The largest oil depot.

Unfortunately, the great landowners who controlled the plains of Wallachia and Bessarabia between the Danube and the Prut, generally did not live there, and never expended these land incomes on those accumulated by hard labor. They would rather spend their fortunes in the capital, Bucharest or Paris, on those whose fortunes belong to them. The oil is all exploited by foreign investors. Similarly, foreigners also operate the iron mines in Sibenbergen and Transylvania.This vast mountain area was originally in the hands of the Hungarians. Because Romania joined the Allied Powers during the World War, in return, it was assigned to Romania from the defeated countries.However, Laoshan originally belonged to the Dacia province of Romania, but the Hungarians took it away in the 12th century. In addition, the Hungarians treated the Romanians of Laoshan, just like the Romanian Old Kingdom treated the Hungarians of Laoshan. Let's throw the history of retribution for grievances out of the sky.These national problems are hopelessly complex and seemingly unsolvable, except when all nationalist thought disappears from the face of the earth.

According to the latest statistics, there are 6 million people in the former Kingdom of Romania, of which 5.5 million are Romanians, and the remaining 500,000 are Gypsies, Jews, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Armenians and Greeks.Today's New Kingdom, the so-called Greater Romania, has a population of 17 million, of whom 73% are Romanians, 11% are Hungarians, 4.8% are Ukrainians, 4.3% are Germans, 3.3% are Russians, and they live in the Danube Delta Bessarabia and Dushirov in the south.Not only do these ethnic groups have no blood relationship with each other, but they also hate each other, but because of a peace treaty, they were forcibly twisted together. Therefore, fierce civil wars may break out at any time, unless those foreign investors save them in this land. to intervene in investment.

Bismarck once said that the entire Balkans were no match for a Pomilanian grenadier.Indeed it is.A lot of facts prove that the words of this grumpy old man and the former founder of the German Empire are right.
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