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Chapter 24 Section 3 Important Bibliographic Buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

"Wenyuan Pavilion Bibliography" In the sixth year of Ming Zhengtong (AD 1441), it was edited by Yang Shiqi.It is not classified according to the four parts of classics, history, sons, and collections, but firstly arranged in the order of thousands of characters, from Tianzi to Gozi, divided into 20 numbers, and each number is divided into several cabinets, which are then classified and registered according to category. books.The catalog has a total of more than 7,200 books, most of which do not have the author's name, and there are volumes but no volumes. The bibliography has not been highly evaluated in the history of bibliography.

"History of Ming Dynasty · Art and Literature" From the Han to the Song Dynasty, the official histories of Yiwenzhi in the past dynasties basically reflected the official catalogs of the books collected by the government at that time, while "History of Ming Dynasty·Yiwenzhi" only recorded the writings of the Ming Dynasty. "History of Ming Dynasty·Yiwenzhi" is still classified into four parts, and each part is divided into 35 categories, with a total of 4462 kinds of authors' works and 105794 volumes.This method of accepting only the works of this dynasty was adopted by various supplementary historical records and the "Manuscripts of Qing History·Yiwenzhi" compiled during the Republic of China.

"Integration of Ancient and Modern Books · Classics" This is the official catalog compiled by Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty ordered Chen Menglei and Jiang Tingxi successively.Classics and Classics is a large-scale catalog that summarizes the official records of previous dynasties, art and literature records dedicated to history, and classics and records, thus providing readers with rich information on the existence and death of classics for more than 2,000 years from the pre-Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty.It divides the collected books into 65 categories. Although the names of the four volumes are not marked, they are actually ordered by the four volumes.

"Siku Quanshu General Catalog" "General Catalog of Siku Quanshu", also known as "Summary of General Catalog of Siku Quanshu".Approved by Emperor Qianlong and presided over by Ji Yun, the chief editor of Siku Quanshu, the collected books were "corrected in detail, classified and compiled according to the four titles of classics, history, sons and collections, and compiled a catalog with a The part contained, the number of volumes, and the name of the author will be displayed forever" ("Managing Sikuquanshu Archives").There are 3,461 titles and 79,309 volumes of books included in the catalogues; 6,793 titles and 93,550 volumes have not been collected.It basically includes ancient Chinese books before Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty.The general catalog includes 10 categories of classics, 15 categories of history, 14 categories of sub-categories, and 5 categories of collections.There is a general preface before the four volumes, and a small preface before the big and small categories. The book has a summary, which is clear at a glance.Due to the large size of the volume, in the forty-ninth year of Qianlong (1784 A.D.), Ji Yun still edited the abstract without recording the table of contents, and compiled it into the "Concise Catalog of Siku Quanshu".

"Reading Sensitivity" It is the first monograph on bibliographies in my country.The author Qian Zeng was the grandson of Qian Qianyi, the owner of Jiangyunlou, a famous library in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. He has a high attainment in identifying ancient books and assessing their value. "Shu Shu Min Qiu Ji" contains 634 kinds of fine prints of Song and Yuan Dynasties.The book is prefaced by four volumes, with 6 categories of classics, 10 categories of history, 20 subsections, and 3 collections, totaling 39 categories.The order of each book, the similarities and differences between ancient and modern times, are marked and verified. The age of engraving and printing is determined from the layout, line type, font, knife carving, and brush and ink, and the value of the edition is determined from the ancestors, sub-versions, original editions, and revisions.It is a valuable bibliography of rare books.

Postscript to the Book Collection of Shiliju Huang Pilie, a famous bibliophile in the Qianjia period of the Qing Dynasty, was proficient in the study of edition identification. Every time he got a rare book, he often wrote inscriptions and postscripts.During the Guangxu period, Pan Zuyin searched in many ways and obtained 350 inscriptions and postscripts written by Huang Pilie, which were published under the name "Inscriptions and Postscripts of Shiliju Collection".Although the book appears in the form of inscriptions and postscripts, it still plays the role of a catalog when it involves the edition, collation, and circulation of the book.

There are also many famous private catalogs in the Ming and Qing dynasties, such as "Luzhutang Bibliography", "Baichuan Shuzhi", "Danshengtang Bibliography", "Shishantang Bibliography", "Hongyulou Bibliography", "Biography of Chuanshilou Bibliography", "Zhenyitang Bibliography", etc., will not be introduced here.
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