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Chapter 27 Section 2 Mesolithic Remains

Chinese prehistoric culture 王仁湘 314Words 2018-03-20
Mesolithic culture in North China.It is named after the Lingjing Site in Xuchang, Henan Province.Its geological age is a relatively late period of the late Pleistocene. Two femur segments belonging to two individuals were unearthed at this site. Although they are primitive to a certain extent, they are very close to those of modern humans.A total of 1,353 pieces of stone flakes and stone tools were collected, among which there are many fine stone tools, such as stone cores, stone flakes, chopping tools, scrapers, pointed tools, engraving tools, small thick-bladed axes, etc.Also found were bone scrapers, ocher blocks and a small flat gravel with grinding marks.There are abundant traces of using fire, such as burning bones, burning stones, and charcoal blocks.The accompanying animal fossils include 18 types of woolly rhinoceros, An's ostrich, red deer, elephant, wild horse, and wild donkey.

Mesolithic culture in North China.It is named after the site of Dali Shayuan in Shaanxi Province.The geological age belongs to the Holocene. This culture has typical microlithic tools, including ship-bottom-shaped, wedge-shaped or cone-shaped stone cores, stone leaves and finished products, small scrapers, stone arrowheads, etc. Well-crafted scrapers and pointed tools are its representative types.
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