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Chapter 33 "Henry VI" part two

Characters in the play Henry VI Edward Prince of Wales, son of King Henry Louis XI King of France Duke of Somerset Duke of Exeter Earl of Oxford Earl of Northumberland Earl of Westmoreland Lord Clifford's Royal Party Richard Plantagenet Duke of York Edward IV, Earl of March, who ascended the throne as Edward IV Son of Edmund, Earl of Rutland, Duke of York George later named son of the Duke of York, Duke of Clarence Richard later created Gloucester, son of the Duke of York Duke of Norfolk Marquess of Montague earl warwick Earl of Pembroke Lord Hastings lord stafford york party

Sir John Mortimer Uncle of Sir Hugh Mortimer Duke of York Henry Earl of Richmond, young man Lady Gray's brother Lord Rivers Sir William Stanley Sir John Montgomery Sir John Somerville Rutland's tutor mayor of york Captain of the Tower Guard official two rangers hunter kill father and son murderous father Queen Margaret After Lady Gray, after Edward IV, Queen Elizabeth Queen Bonaparte's sister Soldiers, attendants of King Henry and King Edward, messengers, guards, and other attendants, etc. Location: Part of Act III takes place in France; the rest takes place in England

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