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Chapter 13 act five

The first Gloucestershire.Hall of Xia Lu's House Enter Shiloh, Falstaff, Bardolph, and Page. Xia Lu swears on the chicken and bread, sir, I will not let you go tonight.Hello!Taiwei! FALSTAFF You must forgive me, Mr. Robert Shirlot. Xia Lu, I can't forgive you; you can't get my forgiveness, I don't want to hear any forgiveness; all forgiveness is in vain; you can't get my forgiveness.Hello, Tai Wei! On Taiwan. Tai Wei has it, sir. Xialu Taiwei, Taiwei, Taiwei, Taiwei, let me think about it, Taiwei; let me think about it.Ah, by the way, you go and call that cook, William.Sir John, you cannot be forgiven.

Tai Wei Uh, my lord, those summonses cannot be served; and, my lord, shall we plant some wheat in the open field beside the field? Let Xialu plant some red wheat, Taiwei.But ask Cook William, is there any pigeon left? Tai Wei is, sir.Here is the bill from the blacksmith for the horseshoes and plowshares. Xia Lu calculated the amount and paid it to him.Sir John, you cannot be forgiven. Mr. Devi, a new chain is needed on the bucket; and, sir, William lost a pocket at the Sinclair market the day before yesterday. Would you like to deduct his wages? Xialu must pay for it.Tavy, tell William, the cook, to prepare some pigeons, a pair of bantam hens, a hunk of mutton, and whatever else is more palatable.

Is the military master from Taiwei going to spend the night here, sir? Xialu Yes, Taiwei.I want to treat him well.Friends at court are better than money in your pocket.Don't neglect his follower, Tai Wei, because they are all bad guys who can't be messed with, and they will curse people behind their backs. Master Taiwei, I think it's better to tell them to look at their backs, their shirts are all dirty. Xia Lu is well said, Taiwei.Go do your thing, Tai Wei. Mr. Tai Wei, please take good care of Wieser regarding the case involving William Wieser of Wincott Village and Clement Perks of the Hill.

Xia Lu I have received many complaints against this Wieser, Tai Wei; as far as I know, this Wieser is a big bad man. Master Taiwei is right, he is a bad man; but master, if a bad man has a friend to intercede for him, he should be taken care of by noble people.A good man, sir, can defend himself, but a bad man cannot.I have served your lord faithfully for eight years; if I can't do a bad man once or twice in two or three months, your lord can't trust me.This bad guy is my good friend, sir, so please take care of him, sir. Xia Lu has it, I must not wrong him.You go around tending and tending. (Exit Tavi) Where are you, Sir John?Come, come, come; take off your boots.Give me your hand, friend Bardolph.

Bardolph I am glad to see you old man. Xia Lu, thank you, thank you, good friend Bardolph. (to the page) Welcome, my tall man.Come, Sir John. Falstaff I'll come, good Mr. Robert Shirlot. (Exit Xialu) Bardolph, take care of our horses. (Exit Bardolph and Page.) If I were to be sawed off one by one, I might be able to saw forty or fifty beggar's sticks like this Mr. Shirley.The strange thing is that the character of his servants is exactly like him; because they are used to his daily behavior, they all have the air of a stupid judge; because he talks to them every day, he is assimilated by them, Has also become a slave like a judge.Under the influence of each other, their spirits are completely in harmony with each other, just like a flock of geese, one flies to the east, and everyone follows to the east, and one flies to the west, and everyone follows to the west.If I have anything to ask Mr. Xia Lu, I just flatter his servants, saying they are his confidantes; That's a good way to control your subordinates.Like the plague, looks of wisdom and looks of foolishness are contagious, so people must watch out for their mates.I'm going to come up with a lot of fresh tricks out of this Shiloh, and keep Prince Harry laughing till the fashion is changed six ways,--that's four court quarters , or the time of two lawsuits -- and laugh without a break in between.what!How easily a lie told with an insignificant oath, or a joke told with a stern face, can easily make a man who has never had a sore back laugh out loud.what!He must have laughed until tears flowed all over his face, like a rumpled wet coat.

Shiloh (within) Sir John! Falstaff Here I come, M. Shallow; here I come, M. Shallow. (Down.) Second Westminster.a room in the palace Enter Warwick and the Chancellor. Warwick, Your Honor!where are you going How is the Lord Chancellor? Warwick was fine, and his troubles were all gone now. Lord Chancellor, I hope he's not dead yet? Warwick has gone the way he must; in our view he no longer exists. Lord Justice, I hope the king will call me when he is dying, so that I can go with him; how many people have been offended by my faithful service in his lifetime, now anyone can do me harm.

Warwick Really, I think the new king is very dissatisfied with you. Lord Justice, I know he doesn't like me, and I'm ready to face this new environment, which will never be more terrible than I imagined. Enter Lancaster, Clarence, Gloucester, Westmoreland, and others. Warwick Here comes the sad descendant of late Harry; ah!If only the living Harry had the character of the worst-tempered prince of these three, how many nobles would keep their places from bowing to the lowly! Lord Lord!I'm afraid everything will be overthrown. Good morning Lancaster, Mr. Warwick, good morning.

Gloucester Good morning Clarence, Warwick. Lancaster We face each other like people who have forgotten to speak. Warwick We have not forgotten; but our subject is too sad to speak. Well Lancaster, peace be with the soul that grieves us! May peace be with us too, the Justice, and don't cause us to encounter greater sorrow! Gloucester!My good lord, you have really lost a friend; and I can swear that the sadness in your countenance is true, not feigned. Lancaster Though no one can be certain of his own favour, Your hopes are dim.I'm sorry for you, but I hope that's not the case.

Well, Clarence, you must now flatter Sir John Falstaff, which is of course out of character. Lord Chancellor, dear princes, I do what I do with justice, and with my conscience; You will never see me begging for mercy.If loyalty is not tolerated, I would rather follow the former king underground and tell him who drove me here. Prince Warwick is here. Enter Henry V with his attendants. Good morning, Lord Chancellor, God bless Your Majesty! This rich new garment of Henry V, the title of the king, I do not wear so comfortably as you imagine.Brothers, you have some fear mixed with sorrow; this is England, not the court of Turkey, and it is not Amura who succeeds another Amura, but Harry after Harry.But grieve, good brothers, for, truth be told, that is well suited to your station; I am so moved by the sublime sorrow you have manifested, that I will mourn with you in my heart.Grieve therefore, my good brethren; but let this sorrow be a common burden for all of us, and not grieve too much alone.By Heaven, I want you to believe that I shall be your father and elder brother at the same time; let me enjoy your love, and I will work hard for you.Cry for Harry's death, and I'll shed mine too; but Harry living will turn every tear into an hour of happiness.

Lancaster That's what we hope your lord. Henry V You all look at me strangely; (to the Chancellor) Especially you, I think you must think I am very dissatisfied with you. Your Majesty has no reason to hate me if I can be justly judged. Henry V did not!Can it be easy to forget that I have received such a great insult from you with the dignity of a dignified prince?Hey!You don't count my reprimands and insults, but you dare to send the prince of England to prison!This is a trivial matter, can it be washed away with the water of the river of forgetfulness? At that time, the Chief Justice, I was using the power given to me by your father to represent your father himself; Your Majesty, when I enforced the law, I forgot my position, openly despised the dignity of the law and the power of justice, and insulted the court. Your Majesty, beat me from the seat of my judgment; I boldly exercise my power to imprison you, because your majesty has committed a serious crime of disrespect to your father.If I am wrong in this matter, then please think about it, Your Majesty is now on the throne, if Your Majesty also has a son who regards His Majesty's laws as if they are fashionable, and drags His Majesty's judges from the throne, Breaking the law and discipline, disrupting public order, and despising His Majesty's sacred authority, can His Majesty tolerate him silently?Put yourself in your place, supposing you were the father of such a son, hearing your own dignity so insulted, seeing your sacred laws so contemptuous, your own son so blatantly insulting you, and then please your majesty imagine For your majesty's sake, I use your power to give mild retribution for your son's violence; after such cool considerations, give me a just sentence, and by your lord, tell me that I am Where did the crime of dereliction of duty and bullying the king be committed.

Henry V You are right, judge; You can measure the weight of the law of the country, so continue to do your duty of justice and defeat; let your honor grow day by day, Till one day you see mine A son commits to you for offending you, as I do to you.At that time, I can also say like my father: "How lucky I am to have such a brave subject who dares to condemn my own son according to the law; how lucky I am to have such a son who is willing to give up his noble status and obey The punishment of the law." Because you have imprisoned me, I still place in your hand the spotless sword you have always worn, and may you continue to be brave, just and unselfish, as you used to treat me too.Here is my hand; you shall be the stern father of my youth, I will command at your prompting, I will earnestly submit to your wise guidance.My brothers, please believe me, my wild feelings have been buried with my father, but his immortal spirit still remains in me, I want to go against the expectations of the world, overthrow all expectations, Sweep away all the slander that people put on me because of my appearance.Before today, the tide of my blood was frivolous and impetuous; now it has receded into the sea and merged with the mighty dip, and henceforth its ups and downs will follow a solemn rhythm.Now we are going to convene the Supreme Council, and let us choose a few veteran ministers, so that our great country can be compared with other countries with a clean government, and it can handle it in time of war and peace; you, old man, will be my greatest reliance.After the coronation ceremony, I will gather my ministers and attend the court; may God see my sincerity, and prevent a royal noble from finding any reason to curse Harry for his early death. (same below.) Game 3 Gloucestershire.Xia Lu's garden Enter Falstaff, Shiloh, Sirens, Bardolph, Page, and Tawi. Shiloh No, you must see my garden, where we can eat a few apples I hand planted last year in an arbor, and some coriander seed and whatnot; come, Brother Sirens; and then Go to bed again. Falstaff By God, you have a very fine house. Shalu is very, very, very poor; we are all poor, we are all poor, Sir John.Ah, what a fine air!Spread the table, Taiwei; spread the table, Taiwei.All right, Tai Wei. Falstaff This David is very useful to you; he is your servant, and also tends the fields for you. Shallow A good servant, a good servant, a very good servant, Sir John.Verily, I drank too much at supper; a good servant.Please sit down now, please sit down.Come on bro. Silence, boy!we want (sing) Eating, drinking and joking all day long, Thank God, no worries, no troubles; Beauty is rare, delicious food is easy to find, Youth play everywhere. be happy Be happy forever. What a happy man Falstaff is!Good Mr. Silence, I must toast you later. Xialu Taiwei, pour some wine for Brother Bardolph. Taiwei, brother, please sit down; I will come as soon as I go; dearest brother, please sit down.Little brother, good brother, please sit down too.Please!Please!Although there is no delicious food, you can drink as much wine as you can; please don't be too lazy to accept my sincerity. (Down.) Be happy Xia Lu, brother Bardolph; and my little soldier, be happy too. Sirence (sings) There are fierce wives at home, and they are looking for happiness; Which woman is not a long tongue! Good friends meet, shake their heads, The room is full of spring, and there is laughter. be happy Be happy, be happy. FALSTAFF I never imagined Mr. Sirence to have such a passion. Sirence who am I?I've been happy once or twice before. Taiwei re-enters. Taiwei invites you to try this pot of rough-skinned apples. (Put a basin in front of Bardolph.) Xialu Taiwei! Master Taiwei! ——I'll come to accompany you in a while. ―Would you like a glass of wine, sir? Sirence (sings) A glass of good wine is strong and fragrant, I wish my lover stays forever in Shaoguang; Why so many years?A thousand laughs. Well said Falstaff, Mr Sirence. It's a beautiful night in Sirence, and we ought to have a good time. Falstaff wishes you long life and health, Mr Sirence! Sirence (sings) Fill the glass and pass it over, Let me drink to my heart's content. Hello Bardolph, welcome!If you need anything, just ask. (to the page) Welcome, my little thief, welcome!I'll drink a toast to Brother Bardolph and all the good men in London. Tai Wei I hope to see London before I die. Bardolph Perhaps we can meet in London, Tavy— Xia Lu, you must have a drink together; ha!Isn't it, brother Bardolph? Bardolph Yes, my lord, we'll have a good drink out of a big mug. Sharon is great.This fellow will never leave you, that's what I can assure you; he won't desert his friend, and his heart is true. Bardolph I would not leave him, sir. Xialu, that really sounds like a king's words.Feel free to use it, you're welcome. (knocking at the door) Look who's at the door.Hello!Who knocked at the door? (Exit Tai Wei.) Falstaff (to Sirence) Well, it's yours, and it's a good drink. Sirence (sings) I wish to be a drunken knight, Don't envy others. Don't you think so? Falstaff was. Sirence?Then you can say that I am an old man who still refuses to show weakness. Taiwei re-enters. Tai Wei told the master that there was a man named Bistor who brought news from the court. Falstaff From the court!let him in. Enter Pistol. O Falstaff, Bistor! Sir John Pistor, God bless you! FALSTAFF What brings you here, Bistor? Pistol is not a strong wind that pulls down mountains and trees, nor is it a miasma that hurts people and animals.Dear knight, you are now one of the greatest men in the land. By the Holy Mother, Silence, I think he's the fattest man besides Farmer Puff. Bistorpoff!Pooh, you cowardly, vile coward!Sir John, I am your Pistol, your friend, and I have come hastily on horseback, to bring you great tidings, blessed joys, golden ages, and priceless tidings. Falstaff please speak them in the common language of the world. Pistol, hum, I despise the vulgar world!I speak of the treasured mountains of Africa and the joys of gold. Falstaff, low Assyrian knight, what news?Please tell King Coffeych. Sirence (singing) Robin Hood, John and Redcoat. Do the wild dogs on Pistol's dung pile dare to bet against the god of poetry?Is the good news going to be disrupted?Well, Bistor, it's time for you to lose your temper. Brother Xia Lu, I don't know your origin. Pistol, it's your fault. Xia Lu I am sorry, my brother, if you bring news from the court, then, in my humble opinion, you have only two options, either to announce the news, or to conceal it.To tell you the truth, I also have some power under the king. Which prince is Pistor under, old slave?Speak up, or I will kill you. Shilu is under King Harry. Bistor Harry IV or Harry V? Shalore Harry IV. Pistol Pooh, who cares about you outdated official!Sir John, your little lamb is king now; Harry V is the king now.I speak the truth; and if Pistol lies, make fun of me for a boastful Spaniard. Falstaff what!Is Lao Wang dead? Pistor died straight as a nail in the door; everything I say is true. Falstaff go, Bardolph!Get my horse ready.Mr. Robert Shirlot, choose your own office, and leave it all to me.Bistor, I give you double honor. Happy day, Bardolph!I'm not happy to be a mere knight. Bistor Hey!Did I not bring good news? Falstaff helped Mr. Sirence into bed.Mr. Xia Lu, my Lord Xia Lu, you can do whatever you want, Goddess of Fate invited me to be her housekeeper.Put on your boots; we'll be riding all night.Ah, dear Pistol!Go, Bardolph! (Exit BARDOLPH.) Come, Pistol, tell me more; think carefully of what you hope to gain yourself.Put on your boots, put on your boots, Monsieur Xialu; I know that little Wang is thinking hard about me.Whoever's horse, we ride away; the laws of England are at my disposal.Blessed are those who are close to me, but our Lord Chancellor is going to be very unlucky this time! Pistole let the eagle take his lungs!People say, "What about the life I used to live?" Well, here it is.Welcome to these happy days! (same below.) Fourth London.street The servants waited to speak quickly, Mrs. Gui and Taoer? Paste on the table. Mrs. Gui No, you wicked man; I wish I were dead, that you should kill me; you broke my shoulder blades. The Inspectors handed her over to me, and she was bound to be whipped, and one or two of them died for her lately. Taoer send someone, send someone, you are lying!Come on, let me tell you, you bloody ugly bastard, if the child in my womb is unborn, it will be a more sinful crime than beating your own mother, you paper-faced villain! Mrs. Gui!I wish Sir John was here; he'd make somebody bleed if he were here today.May God allow the baby in her womb to be born. If Officer A has a miscarriage, you'll have to pick up a dozen pillows again, and now you're only carrying eleven.Come, I command you both to follow me; for the man whom you and Pistol beat is dead. Taoer, let me tell you, you skinny portrait carved at the foot of the incense burner, I will definitely let you know how bad it is, and give you a good beating, you villain in green!You hungry, filthy executioner!If you survive this beating, I will never wear short skirts again. First Sergeant Come, come, you female knight, come. Mrs. Gui!Will justice prevail over power?Well, being a human being always has to endure some hardships in order to have a comfortable life. Taoer, come, you villain, come; take me to the magistrate. Mrs. Gui Well, come on, you vicious hungry dog! Tao'er is dead!Dry bones! Sister Gui, you fleshless corpse, you! Come, peach, you skinny thing; come, you villain! The servant armor is very good. (same below.) Scene 5 Square near Westminster Abbey The second servant went up and spread the ground with rushes. Internal servant A brings more rushes, and more rushes. Second Chamberlain has already blown the trumpet twice. First Chamberlain When they come out after the coronation, it's always past two o'clock Hurry, hurry. (same below.) Enter Falstaff, Shiloh, Pistol, Bardolph, and the page. Falstaff Stand by my side, Mr. Robert Shirlot; I will ask the king to bestow on you a great favour.I'll wink at him when he comes near; watch what face he'll make on me. Pistol God bless you, good knight! Come Falstaff, Bistor, and stand behind me.what!If I had time to make some new uniforms, I should certainly spend the thousand pounds you lent me on them.But that doesn't matter; it's still good, although the clothes are shabby, it can show my eagerness to see him. Xia Lu is exactly. Falstaff That can show the sincerity of my love. Xia Lu is exactly. Falstaff my faithful. Xia Lu is right, right, right. Falstaff rode day and night to see his colour, without thinking, remembering, or having time to change my attire. Xia Lu is not bad at all. Falstaff's dusty face and sweaty body, I stand here waiting for him wholeheartedly, forgetting everything in the world, as if I have nothing else to do but look at him. Pistol is so-called mindful, and knows nothing else; that is everything. Xia Lu is right, right. Pistole, my knight, I will fan your noble rage, and make you rage.Thy peach, Beauty of thy noble soul, Is imprisoned in their filthy prison; The meanest and filthiest hand seized her.Awaken the Nemesis with the snake from her dark cave, for they have taken Peach.What Bistor said was entirely true. Falstaff I'll make them release her. (Cheers and horns blare.) The Pistol sea roared there, and the horns blew loud and clear. Enter Henry V with his retinue, and the Chancellor among them. Falstaff God bless your majesty, King Hal!My majestic Hal! Pistol, God takes care of you and takes care of you, most honorable and noble boy! Falstaff God bless you, my dear boy! Lord Chancellor Henry V, speak to that arrogant fellow. Lord, are you crazy?Do you know what you're talking about? Falstaff my lord!My God!I am speaking to you, my darling! Henry V I don't know you, old man.Kneel down and pray to heaven; how unworthy is the majesty of gray hair that hangs over a buffoon's head!I have long dreamed of such a man, so fat-bodied, so old and wicked; but now awake, I hate my own dreams.From now on, don't let your body become fat, but practice your virtue more diligently; don't be greedy for food and drink, and you must know that the grave is waiting for you with three times as wide mouth.And now answer me not with idle jests; think not that I am the same, for God knows, and the world shall see, that I have cast away my old self, and I will likewise cast off those companions that were with me.When you hear me come back to my old self, come to me again, and you will be the same teacher and guide of my debauchery as ever; and until that day comes, you must guide me Just like people who do evil, accept my sentence of exile. You are not allowed to stay within ten miles of where I am. If you dare to take a step further, once you are found, you will be executed.I can provide you with a certain amount of living expenses, lest the lack of money drive you to commit crimes.If I hear that you have really repented and rehabilitated, I can also promote you according to your ability and qualifications.Xianqing, please be responsible for carrying out my orders.go! (Exeunt Henry V and retinue.) Mr. Falstaff Charlot, I owe you a thousand pounds. CHARLOU Well, it is, Sir John; give it back to me now, and let me take it back. Falstaff can't do it, Mr. Shallow.You needn't be troubled by it; he'll secretly send me to him.You see, he had to put on this look on purpose to hide from the eyes of the world.There is no doubt about your promotion; I can certainly make you a great man. Xialu I don't know how I got so big, unless you lend me your corset and stuff it with some straw.Sir John, please return me five hundred of my thousand pounds. My brother Falstaff, I am right; what you have just heard is but a smokescreen. Xialu I fear you will die in this smoke, Sir John. Falstaff need not be afraid of the smoke; go and dine with me.Come, Adjutant Pistol; come, Bardolph.I must be called to the palace tonight. Re-enter JOHN LANCASTER and the CHAIRMAN, followed by the police officers. Lord Chancellor, Send Sir John Falstaff to Fleet; Take his fellows with him. My lord Falstaff, my lord! Lord Chancellor I cannot speak to you now; I will hear you later.take them down. Bistor was not happy in life, and drank his sorrows by drinking. (Exeunt Falstaff, Shiloh, Pistol, Bardolph, page and constable.) Lancaster I am satisfied with the king's wise disposition this time.He had originally meant to keep his old companions adequately maintained; but now he resolved to banish them all together, until they, reversing their past behavior, knew they were done. That's exactly what the Justice is. The Lord Lancastrian has called council, my lord. The Justice is exactly. Lancaster I'll wager that before the year's over we'll take our domestic swords and national wars to France.I heard a little bird sing like this, and its song seemed to make the King very happy to hear it.Come, please. (same below.) Epilogue A dancer makes a speech. First, my concern; second, my salute; and last, my speech.My apprehension is that you will be offended after seeing the play; my salute is my due courtesy; my address is to ask your pardon.If you're waiting now to hear a good speech, it's hard on me; for what I'm about to say I've made up myself, and I'm afraid it'll make me a big fool.But without further ado, I'll just take such a risk.Let me tell you--though I am a wise man without going into details--I caught up with the end of a dull drama some time ago, and I begged you to forgive me, and promised to make up a better one for you.My original intention was to use this play to pay off.If this business also loses money, I am of course bankrupt, and you, my good creditors, will be disappointed too.But since I promised to show my face here, I am willing to put my whole body at your disposal here; if you are merciful and willing to lend me a little leniency, then I can also pay you at a discount, and like the big brother. Like most debtors, I promise you endless promises.If my tongue cannot beg you to forgive me, will you order me to beg you with my legs?Although there is no such easy thing in the world that you can dance off the debt lightly by dancing, but as long as you don't offend others in conscience, you can accommodate everything, so I will do it that way.Ladies and ladies here have pardoned me; if gentlemen here will not forgive me, then gentlemen and ladies are at odds, such a strange thing is unheard of in such a party of guests . I would also like to ask everyone to be patient and listen to me.If your appetites have not grown weary of fat, our humble author will continue the play, with Sir John, and your amusing part, the fair Princess Catherine of France.As far as I know, Falstaff will sweat to death, unless your ruthless criticism has killed him; for Orcasso died for religion, and we are not playing him.My tongue is weary; and when my legs can't move, I'll wish you all a good night.Now I will kneel in front of you, praying for the health of our Queen. Notes: Job, a saint known for his patience with poverty, see Bible: The Book of Job. Groat, the name of the ancient British silver coin, four pence. Mrs. Gui couldn't understand the legal term "robbing prisoners", and mistakenly thought it meant "seeking help", so she said, "quickly rob some prisoners." Pentecost (Wbeeson week), the seventh week after Easter.I have always been taught. Noble (Noble), the name of the ancient British gold coin. Pistol mistook the Roman general Hannibal for Cannibal, meaning "man-eater". Atropos, one of the three goddesses of fate in Greek mythology. In ancient times, it was considered to be the two planets farthest apart. When Amurath, the Turkish emperor, came to the throne in 1595, several of his brothers were hanged. Oldcastle, the leader of the Lola sect in England in the fifteenth century, and the early companion of Henry V, the character of Falstaff is said to be shaped according to him.
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