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Chapter 12 act four

The first yorkshire forest Enter the Archbishop of York, Mowbray, Hastings, and others. What is the name of this forest in York? Hastings This is Galtley Forest, archbishop. Lords of York, let us stop here, and send some spies to find out the number of our enemies. Hastings We have already sent for inquiries. York is fine.My friends and comrades of the great cause, I must tell you that I have received a recent letter from Northumberland, in a very cold tone, to the effect that he wishes he can raise a strong Troops, come to us himself; but this cannot be achieved, so he has retreated to Scotland, where he waits to move; at last he sincerely prays that we may break through all dangers and the terrible resistance of the enemy, and carry out our purpose. .

So Mowbray, the hopes we had put in him had fallen to the ground and been shattered. Enter an envoy. Hastings What news do you have now? The messenger was less than a mile to the west of the forest, and the enemy, in solid form, was advancing; and from the ground occupied by their whole army, I estimate their number to be about thirty thousand. Maubrena is exactly what we estimated.Let us move forward quickly and meet them on the battlefield. Enter Westmoreland. Which noble envoy of York has come to visit us? Mowbray I think it's the Earl of Westmoreland. Westmoreland Prince John, Duke of Lancaster, our lord, sends his regards to all of you.

Lord Yorkwestmoreland, please tell us in peace what you have come to do. WESTMOLAND Then, archbishop, I make you the principal object of my address.If the rebellion is what it is, but the riot of a mob, led by a few bloodthirsty youths, and supported by scoundrels and untouchables; Then you, venerable priest, and these noble lords, will never join their ranks, and use your honor to justify vile and cruel traitors and ugliness.You, Archbishop, by the peace of your country, your office was established, your beard was blown by peace, your learning was molded by peace, your white robe symbolizes purity, the Holy Spirit and peace spirit, why do you now stop your beautiful peace preaching, shout the rough and loud war slogans, exchange the classics for armor, the ink for blood, the short pen for the spear, and the sacred rhetoric for The horn on the battlefield?

York Why should I take such an action?This is your question to me.My simple answer is this: We are all very sick people; excessive pleasure and debauchery have made us burn like fire all over us, and we must bleed because of it; A disease that does not cure death.But, my most honorable Earl of Westmoreland, I do not call myself a physician, though I am now among these warriors, I do not wish to be an enemy of peace; To force the body and mind corrupted by excessive indulgence to obtain some reasonable restraint by means of terrible war, and to completely sweep away the obstacles that have begun to choke our vitality.Let me put it plainly again: I have carefully weighed the damage our arms can do against the damage we ourselves suffer, and found that our grievances outweigh our faults.We see which direction the trend of the times is heading for. Under the force of the environment, we have to adapt to the general trend and leave our peaceful and peaceful place.We have written our grievances into terms; in due course we will make them public.We tried to present these terms to the king a long time ago, but after much prayer they were not accepted.When we are insulted and wounded, and ready to complain about our grievances, we never have the opportunity to see the king, and those who prevent us from seeing him are the ones who have done us the greatest insult and injury.The crisis of the recent past--whose memory written in blood still vividly impresses,--and the dangers of every minute present, make us wear these ill-fitting arms; we do not want to break the peace, but It is to establish a real peace that lives up to its name.

Westmoreland When was your request denied?What can I do to you, the king?What nobleman ever set you aside, so that you were obliged to stamp the sacred seal on this book of illegitimate bloody rebellion, and made the cruel edge of rebellion the instrument of justice? York I will relieve my fellow citizens of the pain and persecution they have endured in their own country. A rescue like this of Westmoreland is unnecessary, and it is not your duty. Mowbray It is his responsibility, and ours, for we all feel the wounds of the past first hand, and the present situation is taking the honor of each of us with coercion.

O Westmoreland!My good Lord Mowbray, you have only to explain the misfortunes of the age as a factual inevitable consequence, and you will say that the time has caused you the injury you have suffered, and not the king. of.But it seems to me that you personally have no cause for complaint either against the king or against the present state of affairs.Haven't the lands of your noble and still young father, the Duke of Norfolk, been returned to you? Mowbray My father never lost his honor, what must be restored in me?The old king loved him very much, but he was exiled for reasons of necessity; Harry Bolingbroke and he were both on horseback and armor, with fire in their eyes, and blowing loudly. A loud trumpet calls them to battle, and nothing can prevent my father from driving the point of his spear into Bolingbroke's breast; ah!At that moment the late king threw down his rod, and with the throw his own life was lightly cut; become a sacrifice.

Lord Westmoreland Mowbray, you do not know what you are talking about now.The Duke of Hereford was considered the bravest knight in England at that time, and who knows who fate will smile on at that time?But even if your father were victorious in that duel, he could never carry his victory beyond Coventry; for the whole nation would be united in his rage, and all their prayers and loving allegiances would be devoted to Hereford, he was worshiped and blessed by the people far more than the king at that time.But these are idle essays, and have nothing to do with my mission here.I have come here, by order of our noble commander, to inquire of your grievances; and he told me to tell you that he is ready to see you in person, and that he will grant you, if your requests are just in his opinion, everything. Hostility can be ignored.

MOWBRAY This is what he is compelled to suggest to us, out of whim and without real sincerity. Westmoreland Mowbray, you are very presumptuous in such views.This is a suggestion made from compassion, not from fear, and lo!As soon as you look around, you can see our army, and on my honor, they all have infinite self-confidence, and never let the thought of fear enter their hearts.We have more famous men in our ranks than you, our soldiers are better trained than yours, our armor is as strong as yours, our name is honorable, why should we not be as brave as you?Do not say that we are compelled to suggest this to you.

Well Mowbray, we refuse to negotiate, that's what I mean. Westmoreana only shows that you are guilty of all crimes, because you have no reason to go on like this. Does Prince Hastings John have sufficient authority to make the complete decision on our terms on behalf of his father? With his status as the general, Westmoreland certainly has such power.I wonder that you should ask such a trivial question. York Then, Lord Westmoreland, I beg you to take this list, which contains all our grievances.Give us a proper compensation, on every clause we have proposed here; all those who have participated in our operation, whether past or present, must be pardoned in a certain and reliable form; If it is carried out, we will return to the obedient position of the ministers, gather our strength, and ensure eternal peace.

Westmoreland I'll take this list to the Lord Admiral.Meet us, my lords, before our two armies; may God help us to make peace, or we must settle our differences by force. Earl of York, we must make our appearance. (Exit Westmoreland.) MOWBRAY I have a feeling in my heart that our terms of peace cannot stand. Hastings You need not worry; if we could make peace On such wide terms as we insist, And endeavor to keep them, Our peace must be as solid as a rock. Mowbray Yes, but we shall never be trusted; and all frivolous provocations and accusations of pretense hereafter will remind the king of this incident.Even if we are loyal ministers who died for the royal family, under the winnowing of the storm, our grain and chaff will be indistinguishable, and good and evil will be confused.

York No, no, my lord.Note this: the king, weary of such fault-finding reproaches, found that killing a man whom he suspected made two greater enemies among the living; for he knew full well that he could not, by a momentary suspicion, root out the hostile forces in his country; that his enemies and his friends were inseparable, and that to remove an enemy was to make a friend centrifugal.Like a husband who is irritated by his fierce wife, she holds his baby aloft just as he is about to strike her, making him wary of throwing a mouse. Hastings And, the king has lately spent all his strength in slaying others, and now has no means of punishment; like a lion that has lost its claws, and has no power to attack. York You are quite right; so rest assured, my lord, if we can now get a compensation to our satisfaction, our peace will be like a broken limb rejoined, which grows from a broken limb once. Be extra tough. Mowbray hoped so.The Lord of Westmoreland has returned. Re-enter Westmoreland. The prince of Westmoreland was near by, and asked the archbishop to meet him between the positions of the two armies. Mowbray Then in the name of God, Archbishop of York, go you. York asked Your Excellency to pay his respects to His Royal Highness, and here we are. (Exit each.) another part of the second forest Enter Mowbray, Archbishop of York, Hastings, and others from one side; John Lancaster, Westmoreland, Colonel, and Attendants from the other. Long gone Lancaster, Mr. Mowbray; hello, good Archbishop?How do you do, Lord Hastings?Good day everyone!Archbishop of York, when your believers hear the call of the bell, surround you, and listen to you devoutly preaching the scriptures, who does not admire you as a saint of high morals?And here you are, an armed warrior, drumming a mob of traitors, and exchanging Bibles for swords, and life for death, and that's out of character for you.The man who sits high in the heart of a king, and looks up to the sunshine of his favor, should once turn against his king, alas!In his position of honour, what havoc he would cause.That is the case with you, archbishop.Who hasn't heard someone tell you how well you know God's scriptures?To us you are the spokesman of God, the teacher who opens our ignorance with the divine majesty of heaven.what!Who can believe that you misuse your high position, like a hypocritical favor steals the name of his king, and use the will of heaven as an excuse for lawlessness?With a feigned ardent faith in God, you have stirred up the subjects of God's agent, my father, and driven them here to break the peace of God and their King. York My good lord of Lancaster, I do not come here to break your father's peace; but I have said to Lord Westmoreland that this confusion of times makes us seek our own security , had to gather strength to take this extraordinary action.I have already listed our various dissatisfaction, which is the reason for this war, and sent it to His Highness for review. They were all despised and ignored by the court; if our legitimate demands can be accepted, this A disaster of war can be eliminated invisible, and we will return to the common ways of our subjects and fulfill our bounden duty of loyalty and obedience. Mowbray, or else, we're ready to test our fortunes, to the last man. Hastings Even if we fail this time, our successors will make persistent efforts to carry out our original intention; if they fail, their successors will still follow them and rise up; will end, and our children and grandchildren will continue to fight for our rights. Lancaster Your views are too shallow, Hastings, and the future will never turn out as you imagine. Westmoreland, Your Highness, please answer them directly, what is your opinion on their conditions. Lancaster They all please me; on the honor of my blood, My father was misunderstood, And his right and wrong Stealing authority, And misinterpreting his will, To this unfortunate effect.Archbishop, your grievances shall be expeditiously sought to be remedied; and on my honor they shall be remedied.If this pleases you, send your men back to their own country, and we are ready to do the same; here between the two armies, let us drink and talk and embrace each other, so that every one of them will see each other. Leave the impression of our reconciliation and go back to their home happily. York I trust in the noble promises made to us by your highness. Lancaster I have promised you, and will not break my promise.I wish you good health with this glass of wine! Hastings (to a general) Go, captain, and tell all the army the news of peace; let them take their pay, and go their separate ways; I know they'll be glad to hear it.Go, captain. (Exit the general.) To the honorable Earl of Westmoreland, this glass of York's health! Westmoreland I salute your lord's cup; If you knew how much I've suffered to make this peace, you'd drink it with pleasure; but my love for you I may hereafter confess to you without concealment Out. York I sincerely appreciate your kindness. Westmoreland was humiliated and convinced, and reconciled with joy and shame.Good health, my good cousin, Lord Mowbray! Mowbray It is a good time that you wish me health now; for suddenly I feel a little ill. Yorkers are always elated before bad luck strikes them; Westmoreland So cheer up, brother; for sudden sorrow is a harbinger of joy to come. York trusts me and I'm mentally very happy. Mowbray It's a bad omen, in your own words. (Inner cheers.) The peace of Lancaster is proclaimed; hear how they cheer! Mowbray was happy after his victory. The Peace of York was a victory in itself, for both sides were honorable submitters, but neither was defeated. Lancaster, my lord, and send our troops away. (Exit Westmoreland) Archbishop, if you agree, I want both armies to pass here, and we'll have a good look at your formation. Go to York, good Lord Hastings, and make them line up for a week's rounds, before they are disbanded. (Exit Hastings.) My lords of Lancaster, I believe we can settle together to-night. Re-enter Westmoreland. My lord of Lancaster, why do our troops stand still? The officers in Westmoreland stood firm because they were ordered by His Highness, and they dared not leave until they heard His Highness's personal order. Lancaster They know their part. Re-enter Hastings. Archbishop Hastings, our army has long been disbanded; like a herd of loose calves, they are running north, south, east, west; Gone, leaving no one left. Good news from Westmoreland, Lord Hastings; for your high treason, traitor, I arrest you; people were arrested together. Mowbray Is this a fair means? WESTMOLAND Is this assembly of your party honorable? York Will you thus break your faith? Lancaster I have not pledged my faith to you.I promise you to try to make up for all the grievances you have complained about, and I swear on my honor that I will do my best; but you, a group of unpardonable traitors, must be punished as you deserve.You foolishly dismissed your own armies, and that is exactly what happened to you when you acted rashly.Beat our drums!Drive out the scattered deserters; it is not us, but God who has laid this victory today.Come, take these rebels to the execution ground, which is the final bed of the rebels. (same below.) another part of the third forest Trumpets sound; armies clash.Enter Falstaff and Colville, meet. What is the name of His Majesty Falstaff?What kind of person are you?Where are you from? Colville I am a knight, general; my name is Colville, and I come from the valleys. Well, Falstaff, then Colville is your name, knight is your rank, your birthplace is between the valleys; Colville shall remain your name, traitor is your new title, prison It's where you rest, and it's as deep as a valley, so you're still a Colville in the valley. Colville Are you not Sir John Falstaff? Falstaff Whoever I am, I'm as good a man as he is.Are you willing to surrender, or must I sweat for you?If I break into a sweat, it is the tears of your relatives, mourning your death.So bring up your fears and tremble to me for life. Colville I think you are Sir John Falstaff, so I surrender to you. Falstaff I have hundreds of tongues in this stomach, and each tongue announces my name.If I had a normal stomach, I'd be the most active man in Europe; it's my stomach, my stomach, my stomach that's killing me.Our Lord is coming. Enter John Lancaster, Westmoreland, Brent, and others. The Lancastrian battle was over, and there was no need to pursue them now.My lord of Westmoreland, send the troops back to their ranks. (Exit Westmoreland) Falstaff, where have you been hiding all these times?Wait until it's over, and here you come.If you neglect the military situation like you, one day a gallows will be crushed by you. What Falstaff says to you, my lord, I have prepared; I know that condemnation and reproach are always the rewards of bravery.Do you think I'm a swallow, an arrow or a projectile?Will an old man with limited mobility like me run like a thought?I have come here with all my ability; I have overturned a hundred or two hundred stage-horses; and after such a journey and toil, I have, by pure and unblemished courage, captured John Cole. Sir Elville, a fiercest knight and valiant foe.But what is that?He capitulates at the sight of me; and I could just as well say, like that Roman hawk-nosed fellow, "I come, I see, I conquer." Lancaster is mostly the face he gave you, not necessarily your own strength. Falstaff I don't know.Here is him, and I leave him to you; put it in today's book, my lord; or, by God, I'll make it a ballad, with my own likeness on the cover , Colville knelt down and kissed my feet.If I were compelled to take this course, you would all be worthless gilded counterfeit coins by comparison, and I would cover you with my light in the sky of honor, as a full moon makes all The stars are dimmed; otherwise you would no longer have to believe what a noble man says.So let me enjoy my due rights and let meritorious people rise to the top. Lancaster, your body is too heavy, I don't think you can climb it. Falstaff Then let my merit shine. Lancaster Your skin is too thick to see through. FALSTAFF At any rate, my good lord, let me do something for it. Lancaster Is your name Colville? Colville is, Your Highness. Lancaster You are a known traitor, Colville. A famous loyalist of Falstaff has him captured. My lord, Colville, my actions are directed by those of higher rank; if they had obeyed my command, you may not win so easily this time. Falstaff I don't know how they sold themselves; but you, like a good man, gave me yourself for free, and I thank you for your kindness. Re-enter Westmoreland. Lancaster Have you bid them cease the pursuit? The Westmoreland officers and soldiers have returned to their respective teams, and the prisoners are awaiting execution. Lancaster sent Colville with his party to York to be executed immediately.Take him away, Brent, and be careful not to let him escape. (Exit Colville with Brent and others) Now, my lords, we must hurry to court; I hear my father the king is very ill; our news must reach him before we come In the ears of my lord, Sir, (to Westmoreland) I beg you to take a step first and comfort him with this good news, and then we can return home in peace. My lord Falstaff, leave me to return by way of Gloucestershire; and when you are at court, my good lord, I beseech you to speak kindly for me. Lancaster Farewell, Falstaff; in my place, I'll give you more praise than you deserve. (Exit all but Falstaff.) Falstaff I hope you have some wit; that's much better than your dukedom.To tell the truth, I didn't like this young cool boy; no one could make him laugh, but that was no wonder, since he didn't drink.Such unsmiling children never prosper; for the bland drink cools their blood, and their usual diet is nothing but fish, so they suffer from a sort of anemia; and if they marry, Only a few girls will be born.Most of them are fools and cowards; and some of us would be like them, were it not for something burning in our blood.A glass of good white wine does twofold.It ascends to the mind, dispels all the stupid, dull and cloudy miasma that surrounds the mind, makes it sharp, quick-witted, creative, and full of lively and interesting images. Terrific rhetoric.The second function of good white wine is to warm the blood; a man's blood is cold and still, and his liver shows a pale color, which is the sign of weakness and cowardice; The heat makes it flow from the inside to all parts of the body.It will make a man's face shine, and it will be like a beacon, telling him all the people in this little kingdom to arm; Those who live deep in the hinterland and the lowly slaves will gather under the command of their commander's soul. With such a strong military force, the commander will immediately become full of energy and do all kinds of brave things; but this kind of courage is It is derived from white wine.So martial art is nothing without wine, because it is by the power of wine that it exerts its prestige; learning is but a heap of gold guarded by the devil, and only good wine can give it a degree. Take it out and make it public.So Prince Harry is brave; for the natural cold-bloodedness he inherited from his father, like a barren land, has been taken by him with great effort, drinking a good amount of white wine, as irrigation water. Fertilizer, plowed it, so that he became fervent and brave.If I had a thousand sons, the first principle of humanity I would teach them would be to abstain from all tasteless wine, and to make white wine their lifelong indulgence. Enter Bardolph. What is the matter with Falstaff, Bardolph? Bardolph's army has been disbanded, and all have returned. Falstaff let them go.I'll go through Gloucestershire, and call on that Mr. Robert Shirlot; I can already rub him between my fingers, and with a little work, I'll get him into my trap.Come. (same below.) Fourth Westminster.Jerusalem Bedchamber Enter KING HENRY, Clarence, Gloucester, Warwick, and others. King Henry, my lords, if God will bring to a happy conclusion the strife that bleeds at our gates, I will lead our youth to nobler battles, and let our swords be for the protection of saints. Teach and play high.Our battleships are ready to go, our troops are assembled and on standby, and the candidate for the regent after I go to the country has also been determined, and everything is in line with my wishes.Now all I need is a bit of physical health, while I wait for the news that these rebellious traitors are tied up. Warwick We have no doubt that your Majesty will soon succeed in both respects. King Henry Humphrey, my son, where is your princely brother? My lord Gloucester, I think he went hunting at Windsor. Who was King Henry with him? Gloucester I know not, my lord. KING HENRY His brother Thomas Clarence is not with him? Gloucester No, my lord; here he is. What orders does Father Clarence have? King Henry nothing, but I wish you well, Thomas Clarence.Why are you not with your prince brother?He loves you, and you are so alienated from him, Clarence.You are his favorite among your brothers, and you should value his affection for you, my boy, and perhaps after my death you may stand in his place of honor with the rest of your brothers. Do your best to reconcile and communicate with each other; so don't alienate him, don't colden his favor for you, and don't deliberately ignore his will, his favor cannot be lost.As long as his will is respected, he is a merciful and loving man, who has tears for pity, and a generous hand to help the poor; but if anyone provokes him, he will become a flint , as gloomy as severe winter, as ruthless as ice and snow in spring.So you have to watch out for his temper.When he is happy, you can speak sincerely of his faults; but when he is in a bad mood, let him have his way, until his anger is exhausted, like a whale out of water. After jumping and jumping furiously, he finally collapsed and fell down.Listen to me, Thomas, you shall be your friend's patron, a golden band that binds your brethren, so that though vicious gossip may be poured into it, as violent as gunpowder or aconitum, your flesh and blood Blood can also join together forever without leakage. Clarence, I'll do my best to respect him. KING Why don't you go with him to Windsor, Thomas? Clarence He's not there to-day; he's lunching in London. King Henry Who is with him?do you know? Clarence was still Poins and his inseparable entourage. Weeds are the easiest to grow on the most fertile soil of King Henry; he, the noble shadow of my youth, is covered by fungus; so I can't help but worry about what's behind me.My heart weeps with sorrow when I imagine the chaotic and absurd days that will be upon you when I die forever and sleep with my fathers.Because if he doesn't know how to restrain his willful nonsense and blindly shows off his enthusiasm and blood, once he is in power, he can do whatever he wants, ah!At that time, how will he spread his wings and fly towards the oncoming danger and death. Your Majesty Warwick, you are worrying too much.The prince is with those people only to observe their characters and behaviors, just like studying a foreign language. In the future, I will hate it deeply and no longer need it, His Majesty certainly understands this.Like so many vulgar terms, the prince will in due time reject his men; and their memory will be a living standard and measure, by which he may judge the good and bad of men, mistakes serve as a useful mirror. The King Henry bees built their cells in decaying carcasses, and probably wouldn't fly away. Enter Westmoreland. King Henry Who is this?Westmoreland! Westmoreland wishes the health of my king, and may new ones follow when I report my good news to your majesty!Prince John kisses His Majesty's hand.Mowbray, Bishop Scroop, Hastings, and their party have all been punished by Your Majesty's law.Now there is no longer a traitor's sword drawn from its sheath, and the goddess of peace has planted her olive branch everywhere.The circumstances of the disturbance this time were written in detail in this memorial and presented to the imperial court. King Henry, Westmoreland!You are a migratory bird that heralds the spring, always singing the news of spring when the winter is over. Enter Hackett. KING HENRY Behold!There is another news. Harcourt Heaven keep your majesty from his enemies; when they rise against you, may they be doomed, like those I shall tell you!The earls of Northumberland and Lord Bardolph, with a large army of Englishmen and Scots, plotted against them, but were defeated by the magistrates of Yorkshire.The course of the war is written in this memorial, please read it, Your Majesty. KING Why does this good news make me uncomfortable?Doesn't fate always come with happiness in both hands, and write her tidings in the worst words?She sometimes gives a man a good appetite and leaves him no food, which is her favor to the poor in health; Full Fukuzawa cannot be enjoyed.I should be rejoicing now at these happy tidings, but my vision is blurred and my head is in dizziness.Ouch!Come here, I can't stand it anymore. Your Majesty Gloucester be at ease! Clarence, my lord father! Your Majesty Westmoreland, lift up your spirits, lift up your heads! Warwick, rest easy, princes; you know this is a common ailment of your majesty.Stand back and give him some air and he'll be fine in a while. Clarence No, no, he couldn't bear this pain long; the constant cares and worries broke the walls of his mind so weak that his life would burst out of them. I am horrified by the gossip of the Gloucester folk, who have seen the grotesque phenomena of nature.The season suddenly changed, as if a few months had been skipped at once. The Clarence River had three high tides without a drop in between; and the old men who have seen it all say that it happened before our great-grandfather Edward fell ill and died. Warwick spoke softly, princes, the king has woken up. Gloucester's stroke must have cost him his life this time. KING HENRY Pray you help me up, and take me into another room.gently. (same below.) Scene 5 Another bedroom King Henry lies in bed; Clarence, Gloucester, Warwick, and others stand. KING HENRY Make no sound, my good friends; Unless some one will softly play some music to my weary spirit. Warwick asked the musicians to play in the compartment. King Henry put the crown on my pillow for me. Clarence, his eyes sunken, he was greatly changed. Warwick, speak softly!Be quiet! enter the prince. 亲王谁看见克莱伦斯公爵吗? 克莱伦斯我在这儿,哥哥,心里充满着悲哀。 亲王怎么!外边好好的天气,屋里倒下起雨来了?王上怎么样啦? 葛罗斯特病势非常险恶。 亲王他听到好消息没有?告诉他。 葛罗斯特他听到捷报,人就变了样子。 亲王要是他因为乐极而病,一定可以不药而愈。 华列克不要这样高声谈话,各位王子们。好殿下,说话轻点儿声;您的父王想睡一会儿。 克莱伦斯让我们退到隔室里去吧。 华列克殿下也愿意陪我们同去吗? 亲王不,我要坐在王上身边看护他。 (除亲王外均下)这一顶王冠为什么放在他的枕上,扰乱他魂梦的安宁?啊,光亮的烦恼!金色的忧虑!你曾经在多少觉醒的夜里,打开了睡眠的门户!现在却和它同枕而卧!可是那些戴着粗劣的睡帽鼾睡通宵的人们,他们的睡眠是要酣畅甜蜜得多了。啊,君主的威严!你是一身富丽的甲胄,在骄阳的逼射之下,灼痛了那披戴你的主人。在他的嘴边有一根轻柔的绒毛,静静地躺着不动;要是他还有呼吸,这绒毛一定会被他的气息所吹动。我的仁慈的主!我的父亲!他真的睡熟了;这一种酣睡曾经使多少的英国国王离弃这一顶金冠。我所要报答你的,啊,亲爱的父亲!是发自天性至情和一片孺爱之心的大量的热泪和沉重的悲哀。你所要交付我的,就是这一顶王冠;因为我是你的最亲近的骨肉,这是我当然的权利。look!它戴在我的头上,(以冠戴于头上)上天将要呵护它;即使把全世界所有的力量集合在一支雄伟的巨臂之上,它也不能从我头上夺去这一件世袭的荣誉。你把它传给我,我也要同样把它传给我的子孙。 (Down.) 亨利王(醒)华列克!葛罗斯特!克莱伦斯! 华列克、葛罗斯特、克莱伦斯及余人等重上。 克莱伦斯王上在叫吗? 华列克陛下有什么吩咐?您安好吗? 亨利王你们为什么丢下我一个人在这儿? 克莱伦斯我们出去的时候,陛下,我的亲王哥哥答应在这儿坐着看护您。 亨利王亲王!Where is he?让我见见他。他不在这儿。 华列克这扇门开着;他是打这儿出去的。 葛罗斯特他没有经过我们所在的那个房间。 亨利王王冠呢?谁把它从我的枕上拿去了? 华列克我们出去的时候,陛下,它还好好地放在这儿。 亨利王一定是亲王把它拿去了;快去找他来。难道他这样性急,看见我睡着,就以为我死了吗?找他去,华列克贤卿;把他骂回来。(华列克下)我害着不治的重病,他还要这样气我,这明明是催我快死。瞧,孩子们,你们都是些什么东西!亮晃晃的黄金放在眼前,天性就会很快地变成悖逆了!那些痴心溺爱的父亲们魂思梦想,绞尽脑汁,费尽气力,积蓄下大笔肮脏的家财,供给孩子们读书学武,最后不过落得这样一个下场;正像采蜜的工蜂一样,它们辛辛苦苦地采集百花的精髓,等到满载而归,它们的蜜却给别人享用,它们自己也因此而丧了性命。 华列克重上。 亨利王啊,那个等不及让疾病把我磨死的家伙在什么地方? 华列克陛下,我看见亲王在隔壁房间里,非常沉痛而悲哀地用他真诚的眼泪浴洗他的善良的面颊,即使杀人不眨眼的暴君,看了他那种样子,也会让温情的泪滴沾上他的刀子的。他就来了。 亨利王可是他为什么把王冠拿去呢? 亲王重上。 亨利王瞧,他来了。到我身边来,哈利。你们都出去,让我们两人在这儿谈谈。(华列克及余人等下。) 亲王我再也想不到还会听见您说话。 亨利王你因为存着那样的愿望,哈利,所以才会发生那样的思想;我耽搁得太长久,害你等得厌倦了。难道你是那样贪爱着我的空位,所以在时机还没有成熟以前,就要攫取我的尊荣吗?啊,傻孩子!你所追求的尊荣,是会把你压倒的。略微再等一会儿;因为我的尊严就像一片乌云,只有一丝微风把它托住,一下子就会降落下来;我的白昼已经昏暗了。你所偷去的东西,再过几小时就可以名正言顺地归你所有;可是你却在我临死的时候,充分证实了我对你的想法。你的平生行事,都可以表明你没有一点爱父之心,现在我离死不远了,你还要向我证实你的不孝。你把一千柄利刃藏在你的思想之中,把它们在你那石块一般的心上磨得雪亮锋快,要来谋刺我的只剩半小时的生命。Hey!难道你不能容忍我再活半小时吗?那么你就去亲手掘下我的坟墓吧;叫那快乐的钟声响起来,报知你加冕的喜讯,而不是我死亡的噩耗。让那应该洒在我的灵榇上的所有的眼泪,都变成涂抹你的头顶的圣油;让我和被遗忘的泥土混合在一起,把那给你生命的人丢给蛆虫吧。贬斥我的官吏,废止我的法令,因为一个无法无天的新时代已经到来了。哈利五世已经加冕为王!起来吧,浮华的淫乐!没落吧,君主的威严!你们一切深谋远虑的老臣,都给我滚开!现在要让四方各处游手好闲之徒聚集在英国的宫廷里了!邻邦啊,把你们的莠民败类淘汰出来吧;你们有没有什么酗酒谩骂、通宵作乐、杀人越货、无所不为的流氓恶棍?放心吧,他不会再来烦扰你们了;英国将要给他不次的光荣,使他官居要职,爵登显秩,手握大权,因为第五代的哈利将要松开奢淫这条野犬的羁勒,让它向每一个无辜的人张牙舞爪了。啊,我的疮痍未复的可怜的王国!我用尽心力,还不能戡定你的祸乱;在朝纲败坏、法纪荡然的时候,你又将怎样呢?what!你将要重新变成一片荒野,豺狼将要归返它们的故居。 Prince!恕我,陛下;倘不是因为我的眼泪使我哽咽得说不出话来,我决不会默然倾听您这番沉痛的严训而不加分辩的。这儿是您的王冠;但愿永生的上帝保佑您长久享有它!要是我对它怀着私心,并不只是因为它是您的尊荣的标记而珍重它,让我跪在地上,永远站不起来。上帝为我作证,当我进来的时候,看见陛下的嘴里没有一丝气息,我是怎样的感到寒心!要是我的悲哀是虚伪的,啊!让我就在我现在这一种荒唐的行为中死去,再没有机会给世人看看我将要怎样洗心革面,做一个堂堂的人物。我因为进来探望您,看见您仿佛死了的样子,我自己,主上,也几乎因悲痛而死去,当时我就用这样的话责骂这顶王冠,就像它是有知觉的一般,我说:“追随着您的烦恼已经把我的父亲杀害了;所以你这最好的黄金却是最坏的黄金:别的黄金虽然在质地上不如你,却可以炼成祛病延年的药水,比你贵重得多了;可是你这最纯粹的,最受人尊敬重视的,却把你的主人吞噬下去。”我一面这样责骂它,陛下,一面就把它试戴在我的头上,认为它是当着我的面前杀死我的父亲的仇敌,我作为忠诚的继承者应该要和它算账。可是假如它使我的血液中感染着欢乐,或是使我的精神上充满着骄傲,假如我的悖逆虚荣的心灵对它抱着丝毫爱悦的情绪,愿上帝永远不让它加在我头上,使我像一个最微贱的奴隶一般向着它颤栗下跪! 亨利王啊,我儿!上帝让你把它拿了去,好叫你用这样贤明的辩解,格外博取你父亲的欢心。过来,哈利,坐在我的床边,听我这垂死之人的最后的遗命。上帝知道,我儿,我是用怎样诡诈的手段取得这一顶王冠;我自己也十分明白,它戴在我的头上,给了我多大的烦恼;可是你将要更安静更确定地占有它,不像我这样遭人嫉视,因为一切篡窃攘夺的污点,都将随着我一起埋葬。它在人们的心目之中,不过是我用暴力攫取的尊荣;那些帮助我得到它的人都在指斥我的罪状,他们的怨望每天都在酿成斗争和流血,破坏这粉饰的和平。你也看见我曾经冒着怎样的危险,应付这些大胆的威胁,我做了这么多年的国王,不过在反复串演着这一场争杀的武戏。现在我一死之后,情形就可以改变过来了,因为在我是用非法手段获得的,在你却是合法继承的权利。可是你的地位虽然可以比我稳定一些,然而人心未服,余憾尚新,你的基础还没有十分巩固。那些拥护我的人们,也就是你所必须认为朋友的,他们的锐牙利刺还不过新近拔去;他们用奸险的手段把我扶上高位,我不能不对他们怀着疑虑,怕他们会用同样的手段把我推翻;为了避免这一种危机,我才多方剪除他们的势力,并且正在准备把许多人带领到圣地作战,免得他们在国内闲居无事,又要发生觊觎王座的图谋。所以,我的哈利,你的政策应该是多多利用对外的战争,使那些心性轻浮的人们有了向外活动的机会,不致于在国内为非作乱,旧日的不快的回忆也可以因此而消失。我还有许多话要对你说,可是我的肺力不济,再也说不下去了。Oh, God!恕宥我用不正当的手段取得这一顶王冠;愿你能够平平安安享有它! 亲王陛下,您好容易挣来这一顶王冠,好容易把它保持下来,现在您把它给了我,我当然对它有合法的所有权;我一定要用超乎一切的努力,不让它从我的手里失去。 约翰?兰开斯特上。 亨利王瞧,瞧,我的约翰儿来了。 兰开斯特祝我的父王健康,平安和快乐! 亨利王你带来了快乐和平安,我儿约翰;可是健康,唉,它已经振起青春的羽翼,从我这枯萎的衰躯里飞出去了。现在我看见了你,我在这世上的事情也可以告一段落。华列克伯爵呢? 亲王华列克伯爵! 华列克及余人等重上。 亨利王我刚才晕眩过去的那间屋子叫什么名字? 华列克那是耶路撒冷寝宫,陛下。 亨利王赞美上帝!我必须还在那边等候死亡。多年以前,有人向我预言我将要死在耶路撒冷,我的愚妄的猜想还以为他说的是圣地。可是抬我到那间屋子里去睡吧,哈利必须在耶路撒冷终结他的生命。 (same below.)
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