Home Categories Poetry and Opera There are peach blossoms in the world

Chapter 13 The romantic and gifted scholar is full of spring thoughts, and Xiao Niang is heartbroken with a paper book

Chaos and Enron I want you to grow old safely in this world until your hair is gray, and it doesn't matter if you meet me or not.As long as you live peacefully in this life, you will not be obliterated by the flames of war in this chaotic world. There is such a kind of person who indulges in the deep valley of the world and escapes from the cliff of the world.I am in love with the enchanting peach blossoms in full bloom, and also admire the quiet beauty of the blooming flowers. I can't forget the prosperity of Chang'an. Every morning at dawn, I put on the crown and gown to go to the Xuanzheng Hall of the Daming Palace. At that time, Jia Zhi invited Wang Wei, Cen Shen, and Du Fu to write a lively poem like "Early Dynasty Daming Palace" together:

The silver candles rise to the sky and the purple moss grows, and the Forbidden City is full of spring.Thousands of weak willows are green and trivial, and hundreds of twittering warblers circle around to build chapters. The sound of sword wearing follows the steps of the jade chime, and the clothes and hats provoke the incense of the imperial furnace. Let's bathe in Enbo Fengchi together, and serve the king in court. The Daming Palace, where the emperor lived, was in the northeast of Chang'an City, not a short distance from where the officials lived.Many people yearn day and night, wanting to be an official, but, to be honest, going to court is a hard job.Especially in the bitterly cold winter, at five o'clock, the sky is not yet bright, and Chang'an City is still sleeping soundly.The hardships endured by officials who braved the frost, rain and snow to go to court are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The legal system of the Tang Dynasty stipulates that officials, regardless of their rank, must go to court on time, and they must not be late or leave early.Do not behave inappropriately during the court meeting, otherwise the punishment will be very severe, ranging from a one-month salary penalty to loss of official position.At five o'clock, just as the sky began to light up, well-dressed officials had to wait at the gate of the palace. Most officials go to court on horseback. High-ranking officials can bring one or two servants with them to guide their masters, while lower-ranking officials with limited salaries have to go alone.

Riding through the cold streets and entering the inner city, the royal street is quiet, and the lanterns of the upper court are endless, like stars.The cold and dark fragrance is tangy, and the breath of spring is everywhere. Even if you close your eyes, you will know that spring is coming in the Forbidden City.At this time, all the people who come and go here are important people from the court. How can the dignified atmosphere of the celestial dynasty be imagined by those who have not been there? Under the seemingly ordinary statement is a touch of swagger, and there is no lack of pride in being valued by the emperor, and the joy of being in a high position.This pride is human nature.Jia Zhi and his good friend Li Bai were both high-spirited and high-spirited at the time.

At that time, the holy family was in prosperity, never thought that one day they would resign from the imperial capital, leave Fengchi, leave Chang'an, and become sinners who could not return to Beijing thousands of miles away.Whether it is Jia Zhi, Li Bai, or Du Fu, these literati who once entered the power center have long or short political careers, and their circumstances are also different, but this political experience makes their minds and bearings different from those of those who have not been in the first place in their lives. The poor scholars and literati.They are more willing to link their talents and destiny closely with the rise and fall of the empire.

Who would have expected it!Who would have guessed!One day, one day...the world will fall apart.The well-deserved Holy Lord Mingjun in the hearts of the civil and military officials of the Tang Empire and thousands of people will also flee westward in a hurry. Hong wrote a "Double Tone Near Ci Wuling Flower" in the section of "The Palace of Eternal Life·Wen Ling": Traveling thousands of miles, how many sad journeys.Looking at the overlapping places of clouds and mountains, it seems that I am chaotic and melancholy.The endless sound of falling trees resounds in autumn, and the lone goose in the sky adds sorrow. ... The flags and flags are curling up, the sun is behind the back, and the wind shakes the shadows.How can a horse stop, how can it stop!The sky is dark and cloudy, the mourning ape is heartbroken, and the cuckoo calls blood, so that people are afraid to hear it.It's okay if you don't kill people miserably, brother, if you don't kill people bitterly, brother!Depression is born, there are few people at the foot of Mount Emei, and the cold rain and slanting wind are blowing.

In all fairness, the choice of words and sentences are not bad, but the artistic conception is really cramped!Frustrated!Can't get rid of the sourness of literati.I can't agree with Hong's image of Tang Minghuang to the death.The Tang Minghuang he wrote was too rustic and lost his identity. A man who only knows how to talk about love is helpless when things happen, and he has no point to think about things. For example, in the play, when he hears about An Lushan's rebellion, the first thing he is worried about is Yang Yuhuan's delicateness, fearing that she will be too hard to accompany her... I I feel dizzy when watching a movie, what kind of thinking is this?

Hong wrote that Emperor Ma Weipo of the Tang and Ming Dynasties rushed all the way to Chengdu after the Mutiny, lamenting that the situation was dangerous and the journey was difficult.Also sad that the confidante has died, this body is good and suffering, she has no imperial bearing at all, with the mentality and tone of a bereaved wife and a despondent literati.This kind of desolation can be used to describe these literati and courtiers accompanying them, but it is really ridiculous to use it on Li Longji. If you want to understand the historical situation that is close to the real situation, you should read Jia Zhi's "From Shu to Shuofang on the way to Shuofang, Wei Zuoxiang Wenbufang Shangshumen". And later the power adjustment made within the Tang Dynasty in response to this crisis-Tang Xuanzong Zen was located in Prince Li Heng.After Li Heng ascended the throne as Suzong, he gathered people's hearts and fought again.This is more fair.Even though Li Longji was wrong for indulging in love, why did Hong write it so wretchedly!

I stayed in the land of Shu, looked back at Chang'an in the middle of the night, and dreamed of returning to the capital someday.Chang'an is the shattered moonlight, a gorgeous dream that can be shattered at the touch of a touch, Chang'an is already an isolated island submerged in a sea of ​​blood, the Daming Palace is ruined, pear blossoms are like snow, peach blossoms are stained with blood, the color of blood is overflowing, look a little longer , The bloody beauty has turned into a thick black that covers the sky and the sun.People are lonely ghosts, and Chang'an City is the gate of the previous life on the Wangxiang Terrace.

Jia Zhi was unlucky, having witnessed the downfall of this prosperous age with his own eyes, and he was also lucky. As Xuanzong's accompanying minister who fled west to Shu, at least he was not exiled, so he was turned into a traitor, or turned into ashes.At that time, this was the experience of many hard-working talents.Wang Wei, who is also famous all over the world, was exiled in the capital during the Anshi Rebellion, and unfortunately became a false official. Although he was exonerated in the future, his reputation would inevitably be damaged. In the end, he had no intention of official career and devoted himself to practicing Buddhism, and lived in seclusion in Wangchuan Villa. It is hard to say that it has nothing to do with this twists and turns.

Wang Wei clearly knew that the spring of Datang had passed!The landscapes, fields, clouds and moon shadows in his works have always been exquisite and fascinating, and his perception of natural changes has always been so delicate and sensitive. "Peach red is full of rain, and willow green is full of morning smoke."——This spring is different from previous springs, and the spring of the Tang Dynasty will not come back again.Living in seclusion is not just a simple disheartening, so many people died in this catastrophe.For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, he can only pray for the dead, and repent of his vanity in his youth—know how to cherish life, live with a more gentle heart and a more peaceful attitude, and repay the old, instead of wandering in the officialdom and getting old in a hurry. go. Li Bai also wrote about the title of "Thinking of Spring", and his extraordinary skill made him famous as soon as he put pen to paper. "Swallow grass is like blue silk, and Qin Sang has low green branches. When the king's arms return to the sun, it's when the concubine is heartbroken. The spring breeze doesn't know each other, so what's the matter?" This simple and graceful poem has a natural beauty without embellishment.It reads just like the wind blows the lotus, the water surface is clear and round, and the wind flows naturally. The frivolity that was not mentioned in Li Bai's poems, Jia Zhi pointed out in the poems, is the young people of that era.The beauty is enchanting and charming, and he seduces the amorous young man who is passing by on a horse with Gu Pan - it is also the young man who is merciful and never returns, which makes the beauty hate and hurt in the future. "The romantic talent is full of spring thoughts, and Xiao Niang's heart is broken by a paper book."Every story has its own predecessor, and every love affair has its own life experience. "The spring breeze enters the curtain, why is it too affectionate"?I can't come back, I hope to come back.Better late than never.I want you to grow old safely in this world until your hair is gray, and it doesn't matter if you meet me or not.You and I are like two opposing cities, never approaching each other, silently facing each other, willing to be like this.As long as you live peacefully in this life, you will not be obliterated by the flames of war in this chaotic world.
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