Home Categories Poetry and Opera There are peach blossoms in the world

Chapter 12 Thoughts of spring - the color of grass is green, the color of willows is yellow, and the fragrance of peach blossoms and plum blossoms

Addicted and worried Seeing that the grass is green and the willows are green, and the peaches in Qujiang are thick and colorful, tourists are still like weaving.Who would have believed that this would be a flashback to a prosperous age, the last spring of some people's lives? The red powder is the weak willow, and the golden flower is cured by the wine.Shengge can keep guests at dusk, and drunk kills frivolous children in Chang'an. ——"Spring Thoughts" Jia Zhi The frivolous children of this city who are having fun day and night, can you understand my melancholy? The rebels in Anlushan have approached Tongguan, and the city is far away from its glory.The country is about to fall, and you don't even realize it.Under the overturned nest, how can there be any eggs?Should I wake up in time, or let it go?So be it, it is a kind of happiness to live in ignorance and chaos.Since happiness is doomed to be short, why not hurry up and enjoy yourself in time?

When there is no cure, escaping is also a positive attitude towards life. Danger is always approaching with a harmless and pleasing appearance, hidden in the warmth of spring.Seeing that the grass is green, the willows are green, the peaches in Qujiang are thick and the plums are colorful, and there are still many tourists, who would believe that this will be the last spring of some people's life? Spring sorrow is like a light mist that diffuses in front of the stairs when you wake up in the morning. The beauty of a good day in the eyes of dignitaries and nobles is a fashionable topic that expresses emotion about the changes in life.Chunchou is used for appreciation and admiration, where it is true, it becomes deep hatred.

In 736 AD, a Hu man named An Lushan was taken to Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, for a crime.For the history of the Tang Dynasty and even the whole of China, this is an important watershed, a turning point that cannot be ignored.No one knew that this prisoner locked in the prison car would bring a deep and continuous disaster to the Tang Empire. Because he was good at flattering, An Lushan was not only exonerated, but also quickly won the favor of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty.In just a few years, he was repeatedly promoted and became the most powerful official in the Tang Dynasty.There are two main reasons why An Lushan won Xuanzong's favor: one is his well-behaved and smooth personality, and the other is his extraordinary dancing skills.The obese An Lushan dances the Hu Xuanwu without heaviness, which is amazing.He also tried his best to please Concubine Yang Gui.

Relying on his natural and excellent public relations skills, An Lushan gradually grabbed more power until he was named the king of the county.It was Tang Xuanzong who created the prosperous age, and it was also he who personally planted the root of the empire's decline. The deep crisis is deeply rooted in the fabric of the country, growing slowly, waiting for the opportunity to break through.Only those who are constantly alert and sober and prudent can perceive it.This kind of tact is hard won, and it is destined to be bought at the expense of pleasure.Most people are not that sensitive, and they don't want to live in a state of desperation.Even if you notice it occasionally, worry is just like a gust of spring breeze, gently blowing past your ears.

The empire is already in its heyday, and the once vigorous and aggressive court has gradually become glitzy.Wealth and honor paralyze the nerves of most people, and no one realizes the danger of decay. The obsession with art and love has replaced the enthusiasm for governing the country in the past—even the king of this country indulges in pleasure, let alone others?It is always easier to steal from happiness. Jia Zhi, a writer who is not well understood by people today, was well-known and respected by the world at that time.Jia Zhi served as a member of the Zhongshu Sheren in the Xuanzong Dynasty, worked in the Zhongshu Province, and was responsible for drafting the emperor's imperial edict. According to the "New Tang Book·Jia Zhi Biography", Jia Zhi was famous for his writing at that time, and both his father Jia Zeng and him were in charge of writing for the imperial court.The book on Xuanzong's appointment was written by Jia Zeng, while the book on his succession was written by Jia Zhi.Xuanzong praised that "the grand ceremony of the two dynasties came out of the father and son of the Qing family, which can be described as the second beauty."In addition to the gorgeous and dignified air that imperial literati must have when using their brushes, Jia Zhi's quatrains are also elegantly and movingly written.It can be read that he is deeply affectionate, and he is by no means a frivolous literati who is complacent about his own honor and honor.

What needs to be explained is that Jia Zhi's "Spring Thoughts" is not a work that hurts the time caused by the Anshi Rebellion.Some scholars believe that this poem was written when Jia Zhi was banished in the Suzong Dynasty, not before the Anshi Rebellion.In my opinion, knowing the background of this poem does not have much influence on understanding the original meaning, at least it will not go the other way.Whether it was before or after the Anshi Rebellion, looking at the time, his sorrow is deeply rooted in his heart and never stops swaying. In the era of exile, everyone inevitably has the worry of exile and the hatred of chasing guests.Jia Zhi was not the only one who lost his face in a hurry in the face of the accident?

After the turmoil, the nobles in Chang'an did not restrain themselves from being frivolous, and they were as indulgent as ever, arrogant and indulgent.As the saying goes, "When the scar is healed, forget the pain".For the lessons of history, even if they are bought in exchange for countless lives, once the time passes, people always choose to forget them habitually. Everyone has a feeling of refuge, and even, because of the lack of security, people who feel precarious, in order to get rid of the shadow of fear in their hearts, will devote themselves even more obsessively to the movement of creating happiness and paralysis, fighting fear with desire, and desire is raging like a flood .Like this, the frequency of fear strikes will slow down and weaken.

I have thought countless times, what is the spring in Chang'an like?What is the peach blossom under the moon in Chang'an?The poems of those Tang people brought me back to the imperial capital thousands of years ago, the bustling and vivid as if I experienced it personally.I miss it for too long, too many times, so long that I doubt it, that kind of beauty has nothing to do with others, it is just the scenery blooming in the distant thoughts. When mentioning the flowers loved by Tang people, many people immediately think of peonies.In fact, in the early spring of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty, the prosperous peach blossoms were also one of the flowers that people loved to see.There are a large number of peach trees in the Daming Palace, and there is a peach garden dedicated to peach trees in the Royal Palace.

Every spring, the scorching flowers bloom like clouds.Du Fu praised the spring scenery of Daming Palace in his poem "Feng He Jia Zhisheren Early Dynasty Daming Palace" written to Jia Zhi, and it is also known as "Nine Springs Drunk Immortal Peach". It's a good spring, the shade of the green willows is thick, and the peach blossoms are in full bloom.Every morning, the bell rang from the golden tower of the Daming Palace, and gradually echoed over the sky of the imperial capital.The red palace gate opened slowly, and thousands of officials filed in, walking on the steps paved with white jade, surrounded by imperial incense and fluttering banners.At this time, the morning dew is not yet.

The sun rose slowly. The palm fan made by "Fengmao" moves in the mist of incense, which is the emperor's guard of honor.The grand court meeting is about to begin, and imperial officials and foreign envoys are waiting for the emperor's court meeting. At night, the moonlight is blue, and the peach blossoms lose their charm under the moonlight in Chang'an, adding to the coldness of the pear blossoms.There is wine under the flowers, and there are people who sit and drink lightly.The man lamented that Dongfeng not only didn't help people dispel their sorrows, but the long spring days dragged their hatred even longer.

He said: The grass is green and the willows are yellow, and the peach blossoms are chaotic and the plum blossoms are fragrant. The east wind does not go away for the sake of blowing sorrow, but the spring day can provoke hatred. There is a sadness in my heart that I cannot express to outsiders.In the spring that belongs to the whole world, there are always some people who can't enjoy the carnival.
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