Home Categories Poetry and Opera There are peach blossoms in the world

Chapter 10 Peach Blossom Water——Peach blossoms flow away, and there is no other world

quiet and comfortable I always have thoughts about him.If I could have met him earlier in the Tang Dynasty, even if we did not know each other, it would be fine. Let me be a person who passed by his side, a person who only met once, but was delighted because of him. Ask Yu why he wants to live in Bishan, laugh without answering, and feel free. Peach Blossom Flowing Water Then go, there is no other world than the world. ——"Questions and Answers in the Mountains" Li Bai He wandered alone in the mountains, watched the peach blossoms fall, and went away with the clear stream.My heart is very peaceful.Put down the complicated thoughts, let the rushing thoughts stop, let them drift away with the water like peach blossoms, and control the consciousness, and you will see mountains are mountains, flowers are flowers, water is water, and the whole world is clear.

Many people would think that at this time, he should have been deeply impacted by reality, and returned to the mountains with a strong sense of loss.This kind of view is actually based on the unconscious imposition of preconceived ideas, and it is determined that a person's retreat always includes dissatisfaction and regret for reality. This should be the case for Li Bai, who "can crush his eyebrows and bend his waist to serve the powerful", so he became like this. But maybe he realized that he was not prepared enough, maybe he felt tired and wanted to temporarily change his mind.He never retreated because of evasion, nor did he think about giving up.No matter where you roam, every retreat is the precipitation and cleaning of the soul.Store spiritual supplies and make better preparations for the next trip.To him, retreat is like a bird's long or short perch, and the next departure will be more active and longer than the last one.

Throughout his life, he was an active and engaged person who would not be easily disappointed.He has a carefree heart, majestic talent and insight.Ambition compelled him to display his talents, just as he couldn't stop the roc from spreading its wings and soaring nine heavens, so Li Bai couldn't be forced to only see a place under his feet. If he has restraint and pressure, the impact is more due to his inner reorganization and expansion, rather than external influence and pressure. Throughout Li Bai's life, he was always in a state of wandering, and the spiritual echo made me feel close to him naturally.When I read his poems, I will smile, like a man, my blood is burning like fire, my spirits will be high, and I will be sad... He is like my old man, I can't help but have the urge to reach out to hug him and kiss him.

After a long time, to perceive his emotions through the poems is just as heart-wrenching.Fortunately, every bit of his likes and dislikes can't be hidden, and he knows everything. I always thought, if I could have met him in Tang Dynasty earlier, even if I did not know each other, it would be good, let me be a person who passed by his side, a person who only met once, but was full of enthusiasm because of him. See him stepping into the wine shop, singing moving poems to the beautiful Kucha girl; listening to him playing the piano in the mountains, seeing off his friends; watching him sing to the moon, dancing shadow after shadow.No matter whether you are sad or happy, his talent will never dry up.The amazing verses are like peach blossoms on the branches of spring breeze, gushing out naturally.

Really, as long as I silently follow behind him and watch from a distance, I don't mind the long distance and wandering around.If I could get closer, I would be willing to sell wine for him and wash away the dust for him.If there is a chance to get closer, I would like to climb mountains and waters with him, see the peach blossoms in the flowing water, and travel to the end of the world.Just a confidant, not a lover. People who are also keen on wandering, the inside is a container, and travel is a way of self-cleaning.I like to empty myself again and again, and gain greater spiritual power by constantly accepting fresh stimuli.Like a flower receiving rain and dew, it closes slightly at night and blooms brightly during the day.

Li Bai is definitely not a person who is not good at talking and communicating, nor is his heart closed.Except for the social entertainment in the officialdom, he disdains to spare energy.In life, his social skills are beyond doubt, and his strong personal charm makes him have friends everywhere.He never worried about his livelihood, it was the unique open and prosperous era that made him.I once laughed and said that he seemed to carry an unlimited ATM machine with him. He walked all the way like a knight-errant, without the slightest sorrow of a literati. He is a wonderful person who is good at discovering the beauty around him.No matter where you go, you can make life bright and vivid.There are only two such people in my memory, and the other is Su Dongpo.

Whether it is the flowing water in front of the building, the weeping willows on the river bank, the fine wine in the cup, the flax rice in the countryside, or the bright moonlight in front of the window, all of them are interesting to him.He has a talent beyond the reach of the world, and even the most ordinary scenery, after his description, will touch the heart. He never pretended to be his own nature, never condescended to hide it on purpose.He drank and sang loudly, and let his life go wild.Said to a friend: "I am drunk and want to go, and the Ming Dynasty intends to bring the piano." I didn't deliberately perfunctory.Naive and wise, he never loses his innocence, and freely writes down what he sees, hears, and feels.The mind is free, so the talent is flourishing.

Li Bai has many poems about peach blossoms. I love this one the most. I love his state of mind at this time.At this time, the joy and tranquility in his heart are hard to describe.In the face of friends' letters and inquiries, I can only reply "There is no other world than this world"! Really not lonely, nor lonely.Do you know how rare it is to be in such a quiet state, how many brocades and flowers can you see? Life in the mountains is definitely not as lively as in the world of mortals, but this is exactly what I am looking for at the moment.If you insist on asking me what is the fun in the mountains, what is worth my nostalgia?I have nothing to say, I can only use the poems of my predecessors to answer you:

See the smoke in the mountains, and see the sunset in the bamboo. Birds fly up the eaves, and clouds come out of the windows. ——"Three Miscellaneous Poems in the Mountains" (Part 1) Wu Jun There is nothing in the mountains, and there are many white clouds on the mountains. You can only be happy with yourself, but you can't bear to send it to you. ——"Zhao asked where all the poems in the mountains were written to answer" Tao Hongjing What can I use to prove that I am happy?Happiness is happiness!For everything in the mountains, cleanliness is the first priority.Everything you have is still a thing of this world, and will not be disturbed or shaken.When people let go of their obsessions and their thoughts are no longer redundant, they will feel free, clean, firm and self-sufficient.

Tolerance is the most enduring force between heaven and earth.When the sun is clear, the green mountains are illuminated and charming; when the twilight is thick, the green mountains are hidden in the darkness; when the rain is torrential, the mountain streams are surging;All these changes will not damage its original appearance. There is another world, not to say that this place is separated from the world and turned into a fairyland, but because of the transformation of mood, it is the joy of suddenly being enlightened and blooming freely after experiencing another world. Qingxi symbolizes the tranquility of the mind and the state of flow and change, while peach blossoms symbolize the enthusiasm of the heart and a string of bright and continuous thoughts.Don't feel sad, don't force it to stay, just let it be and let it come and go.

The talented girl surnamed Liu at the end of the Ming Dynasty said, I think Qingshan is so charming, and Qingshan should be like this when he sees me. After being hit, hurt, or frustrated, people will naturally become discouraged and depressed.However, this bad mood, is it really strong enough to control the direction of the heart?not like this.Emotions can be subdued, and people can learn ways to possess a lot of wisdom, so that the heart becomes peaceful, firm and broad like a mountain. Thinking about it from another angle, the ideal that has not been achieved at this time is due to the lack of opportunity or insufficient accumulation, so we must wait more seriously.Every extra point of tempering will bring you one step closer to your ideal.
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