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Chapter 40 Chapter 39 Team

quran 3678Words 2018-03-20
This chapter is from Mecca, and the whole chapter consists of seven or five verses. Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1 This classic is revealed from the Almighty, the most wise Allah. 2. I sent down to you this Book which contains the truth. Worship Allah and obey Him sincerely. 3 Truly, there is only Allah who deserves sincere obedience.Those who have idols as protectors other than Allah say, "We worship them only because they can bring us closer to Allah." Allah will decide what they argue about.Surely Allah will not lead the liar and the lonely. 4 If God desires to adopt children, He will choose those whom He wills from among His creatures.Praise be to Allah, who is above all things.He is the one and only Allah.

5 He created the heaven and the earth based on the truth; He cut off the night to make up the day, and made up the day to make up the night;Verily, He is indeed Almighty and All-forgiving. VI From a man he created you, and made his like his consort.He sent down eight animals for you.He created you in your mother's womb, and created you again and again in the triple darkness.That is Allah, your Lord, and the kingdom is His alone; there is none worthy of worship but Him.How are you perverted? 7 If you are ungrateful, then indeed Allah needs nothing from you, and He does not take pleasure in the ingratitude of His servants.If you give thanks, then He is pleased with your thanks.A guilty person does not bear the guilt of others.Then you return only to your Lord, who will tell you what you have done.He is indeed the Omniscient One.

8. In times of trouble, pray to his Lord, and turn to him.Then, when he bestowed him a favor, he forgot that he had asked Allah to relieve his affliction, and set up some rivals for him so that others would stray from the way of Allah.Say, "Enjoy your unbelief for a while! You must be in Hell. 9 (The situation is better, is it you?) Or is it the person who concentrates on serving the Lord at night, kowtows and stands at attention, guards against future generations, and hopes for the Lord's grace? ’ You say: ‘Is the knowledgeable equal to the ignorant? Only a sane man can become enlightened.’

10 Say, "My servants of faith! Fear your Lord. He who does good in this world will be rewarded. The land of Allah is wide; but he who perseveres enjoys full and immeasurable blessings." remuneration." 11 Say: "Indeed, I have been commanded to worship Allah and to obey Him faithfully. 12. I am commanded to be the first to obey. " 13 Say, "If I disobey my Lord, I do fear the judgment of the great day." 14 Say: "I worship only Allah and surrender to Him with all my heart. 15. Worship whatever you want other than Him! You say, "It is true that the loser is the one who loses himself and his family on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, that is a clear loss."

16 Above them, there are layers of fire; below them, there are also layers of fire.That is what Allah used to frighten his servants.O my servants!Be in awe of me. 17 Those who turn away from worshiping the devil and turn to God will hear good news.Announce good news to my servants! 18. They listen to words and learn from their best.These people have been led by Allah, and these people are indeed wise. 19. Do you still want to save the judge who deserves to be punished (will go to Hell)? 20 But those who fear the Lord will enjoy the upper house in the future, and the upper floor will be built with towers, and the rivers will flow down. This is the promise of Allah, and Allah will not break the promise.

21 Don't you know?Allah sends rain from the clouds, then makes it seep into the ground and becomes a spring; then, out of it, all kinds of crops grow, and then the seedlings wither, you see it turns yellow, and then He makes it into pieces.In it, indeed, there is an instruction for the reasonable. 22. Allah opened up his mind for Islam, so those who can accept the light of the Lord are the same as narrow-minded people?Alas for those whose hearts are hardened in memory of Allah, such are in clear error. 23 Allah has revealed the most beautiful precepts, which are the scriptures that are consistent and repeated; those who fear the Lord tremble for him, and then they are quiet for the memory of Allah.That is the way of Allah, by which He guides whomever He wills, and whoever Allah leads astray has no guide.

24. On the Day of Resurrection, are those who defend themselves against punishment with their faces like those who are not punished?Or will say to the unrighteous: "Try your reward!" 25. Those who were before them (had denied the angels), so judgment came to them from where they did not expect. 26. Allah caused them to try insults in this world, and the punishment in the Hereafter must be greater.If only they knew... 27 In this, I have indeed set up various parables for people so that they can be enlightened. 28 This is an Arabic song of innocence, so that they will be in awe.

29. God gave a parable: A slave is shared by many dissident partners; another slave belongs to one master; are the two slaves equal?All praises are to Allah!Otherwise, most of them don't know. 30 You are going to die, and they are going to die too. Trinity Then, on the Day of Resurrection, you must argue with your Lord among yourselves. 32 Who is more righteous than the one who spreads rumors in the name of Allah and denies the truth that has come?Is there no dwelling place for the unbelievers in Hell? 33 Those who convey the truth and those who admit the truth, these people are indeed in awe.

34. With their Lord they shall enjoy as much happiness as they will.That is the reward for those who do good; 35 So that Allah would atone for them for their sins and reward them for their good deeds. 36 Can Allah not satisfy His servant?They threaten you with gods other than God, and whoever God leads astray has no guide; Thirty-seven Whoever God guides, no one can lead him astray.Is not Allah the Almighty and the punishing Lord? 38. If you ask them, "Who created the heavens and the earth?" they will surely say, "Allah." And you say, "Tell me, those idols, which you pray to other than Allah, can remove them if Allah wants to do me harm. His harm? If Allah desires to do me good, can they withhold His bounty?" Say, "Allah is my suffix, and he who trusts trusts only in Allah."

39. Say, "O my people! Work in your condition! I am a worker, and you will soon know, 40 Who will be punished for insult, and who will be punished eternally! " 41 Verily We have sent down for the world your scriptures containing truth, that whoever follows the right way benefits himself, and whoever goes astray suffers his own harm.You are by no means their guardian. 42. At the time of death, Allah takes away the souls of those who are not yet dead, and Allah takes the souls of those who are not yet dead, when they sleep.Those whose dead he has judged, he withholds their souls; but those whose dead he has not judged, he puts their souls back for a certain period.There are indeed many signs in this for a thinking populace.

43 Otherwise, they want intercessors instead of Allah.You said, "Even if they don't have any sovereignty and don't understand anything, can they intercede?" 44 You say: "Allah decides whether to allow intercession or not; the kingdom of heaven and earth is His alone. Then you are called to Him alone." 45. When someone mentions only Allah, those who do not believe in the Hereafter will be filled with disgust; when someone mentions gods other than Allah, they will be happy. 46 Say: "O Allah, Creator of heaven and earth! O All-knowing One of the shadows! You will judge your servants' disputes." 47. If all that is on earth belong to the unjust, and an equal portion is added to it, they shall use it as a fine for the torment of the Day of Resurrection.Judgments that they did not expect will be revealed to them from Allah. 48 The evil they committed in life will also be revealed to them; the punishment they mocked in life will come to them. 49 When a man is in trouble, he prays to me; and as soon as I bestow upon him my favor, he says, "I have received this favor only because of my special knowledge." No!It was an experiment, but most of them didn't know it. 50 Those who came before them had said this; but the wealth they had acquired was of no use to them, 51 Therefore they have suffered the consequences of their sins.The unrighteous among these people will suffer the consequences of their sins, and they must not escape the punishment of God. 52 Don't they know?Whomever Allah desires to be rich, He makes him rich; Whoever God desires to be poor, He makes him miserable.There are indeed many signs in this for the believing people. Fifty-Three (Say:) "O my self-inflicted slaves! Do not despair of the favor of Allah, for Allah forgives all sins; indeed He is Forgiving and Merciful. 54 Return to your Lord until judgment comes upon you, and you have no help. 55. Before judgment comes upon you suddenly and without knowing it, obey the most beautiful precepts that your Lord sent you. " 56. Lest anyone say, "Woo hoo! I have neglected my duty to Allah, and I am indeed a mocker." 57 Or say: "If Allah guides me, I shall be a fearful one." 58 Or when seeing the punishment, say: "I wish I could return to the world, then I would become a doer of good." Fifty-nine No!Many signs of MY have indeed come to you but you have denied them, you have become inflated, you have become disbelievers. 60 On the Day of Resurrection, you will see the faces of those who slander Allah turn black.Is there no dwelling place for the arrogant in Hell? 61 Allah saves the Bodhisattva from suffering and makes them successful, and they suffer no misfortune and no sorrow. 62. Allah is the Creator of all things and the Guardian of all things; 63 The keys of heaven and earth are his only; those who do not believe in the signs of Allah are the losers. June 4 You say: "O ignorant people! Did you teach me to worship gods other than Allah?" 65. You and those before you have received revelations: "If you associate things with the Lord, your good deeds will be of no avail, and you will become a loser. Sixty-six No!You should worship only Allah and you should be a thanker. " 67. They do not know God well.On the Day of Resurrection, the earth will be in his grasp, and the heavens will be rolled up in his right hand.Praise be to Allah, who is above all things, He is above what they used to match Him! 68 When the trumpet sounds, all who are in heaven and earth will faint unless Allah wills.Then, the horn sounded again, and they suddenly stood up, looking around. 69. The earth shall be brightened by the light of its Lord, and the books of merit shall be set forth; the prophets and witnesses shall be called, and they shall be justly judged and not wronged; 70 Everyone enjoys the full reward of their deeds, and Allah knows their deeds. On July 1, the unbelievers will be cast into Hell Fire one by one. When they come to the front of Hell, the gate of Hell will be opened, and the god who is in charge of the prison will say to them, "Has the messenger of your people not come and read to you the signs of your Lord, and warn you of this meeting?" They said, "No! Those who disbelieve deserve a judgment of punishment." 72 Or say to them, "Enter into the gates of Hell, and dwell there forever! Evil is the dwelling place of the arrogant!" 73 Those who fear the Lord will be invited into Paradise one by one. When they come to the front of Paradise, the gate of the garden will be opened, and the god in charge of the garden will say to them, "Peace be with you! You are already pure, so Please go in and live forever!" 74 They said, "All praise is to Allah! He has fulfilled His promise to us, He has made us inherit Paradise, and we can live in Paradise as we please. How well is the wages of workers!" 75 You will see the gods surrounding the throne, praising their Lord, and they will be justly judged.Or: "All praise is to Allah, the Lord of the world!"
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