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Chapter 39 Chapter 38 Sade

quran 2680Words 2018-03-20
This chapter is from Mecca, and it has eight or eight verses in total. Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1 Sade.Refers to the famous swear. Two No!Unbelievers are self-important and contrary to the truth. 3 Many generations before them have I destroyed, and they cry, but the time of flight is past. IV They were astonished, because a warner from their own people came to them.The disbelievers say, "This is a magician and a liar. V Will he make many gods into one god?This is indeed a strange thing. " 6 The nobles among them stood up and said, "Go away! Persevere in worshiping your gods! This is indeed a predetermined thing.

VII In the last religions we do not hear such words, which are only forgeries. VIII Is instruction down to him, and not to us? "otherwise!They are suspicious of my teaching, otherwise!They haven't tried my sentence yet. 9 Have they the treasury of the mercy of your almighty and bountiful Lord? 10 Do they have the national right of heaven, earth and everything?If they have, let them rise by the ladder! - They are a rabble of parties united, and they are going to lose there. 12 Those who denied the messenger before them were the family of Noah, the people of Ad, Pharaoh who was mighty,

13 The Thamudites, the clans of Lot, and the inhabitants of the forest.These are the parties, 14 None of them has not denied the messenger, so my punishment is inevitable. 15 These people only wait for a cry, and it will not delay for a moment. 16 They said, "Our Lord, before the day of reckoning, send us the punishment we deserve!" 17 Bear with them what they say, and remember my servant, Dawud the Mighty, who indeed turned to Allah. 18 Surely We have made the mountains obey him, and they praise morning and evening. 19 And gather the birds together, and all obey him. 20 I strengthened his kingdom, I rewarded him with wisdom and words.

21 Has the story of two parties coming to sue come to you?At that time, they entered the inner sanctum over the wall. 22 At that time, they went to see Da Wude, and he was terrified of them.They said, "Don't be afraid! We are two parties. The defendant once bullied the plaintiff. Please judge us fairly. Please don't take sides. Please guide us on the right path. 23. This is indeed my friend. He has ninety-nine ewes, and I have one ewe, but he says, "Give it to me!" ’ He beat me in the debate. " Ersi Dawude said: "He has indeed bullied you, because he asked you to return your ewe to his ewe. There are many fellows who do bully each other, but those who believe and do good are not, but they are very few." Dawude thought I was testing him, so he begged his Lord for mercy, bowed down, and surrendered to Him. ※

25 I have forgiven his faults, and he has indeed obtained favor and a beautiful home with me. Twenty-six up to five virtues!Verily We have appointed you to be ruler of the earth, and judge justly for the people, and do not follow your lusts, lest they turn you from the way of Allah; whoever turns away from the way of Allah will be severely punished for forgetting the Day of Reckoning. 27. I did not create heaven and earth in vain, as the unbelievers conjecture.Sad!Those who disbelieve will be burned at the stake. 28 Shall I make those who believe and do good like those who do evil?Have I made the fearful like the presumptuous?

29. This is an auspicious scripture that I have sent down to you, so that they may meditate on its verses, so that sensible people may become enlightened. 30 I gave Sulaiman to Dawud, and that servant was beautiful!He is indeed a refuge in Allah. At the time of Trinity, in the evening, he reviewed the horse team that could stand still and gallop. 32 He said: "I did love the cavalry in memory of my Lord, until they were veiled." Sansan said, "You drive them back!" He began to stroke the legs and necks of the horses. 34 We have tested Solomon, and we have cast a body on his throne, and he has surrendered to Allah.

35 He said, "My lord, please forgive me, and grant me a kingdom unfit for anyone to inherit. You are indeed a bountiful one." Thirty-six I once subdued the wind for him, and the wind flowed to where he wanted to go according to his orders. Thirty-seven I subdued for him all demons that could build or dive, Thirty-eight and many other demons in chains. 39 "This is what I bestow on you. You can give it to others, or you can keep it. You will never be liquidated." 40 With me, he has indeed gained favor and a beautiful home. 41 You should remember my servant Ayub.At that time, he prayed to his Lord, saying: "The devil has indeed brought me torment and punishment."

42 "Touch the ground with your feet! This is cold water for bathing and for drinking." 43 I have rewarded him with his household, and with those like them.That is a mercy that descends from Me, and also for teaching sensible people. 44 "Take a handful of grass in your own hands, and strike with it. Don't break your oath." Surely I have found him stoic, and that servant is beautiful!He is indeed a refuge in Allah, 45 You should remember my servants Ibrahim, Ishaq, and Yaergubai, they are all capable and discerning. 46. ​​I made them sincere people, because they have a pure virtue - always thinking about the future life.

47 They are indeed chosen among me, and they are indeed pure and good. 48 You should remember Ismail Yi, Al Yesel, and Le Keefler, they are all pure and kind. 49 This is a teaching.Those who are in awe shall enjoy a beautiful destination—— 50 Paradise everlasting, for whom the gate is always open. May 1 They were in the garden, leaning on their beds; they were in the garden calling for all kinds of fruit and drink. Fifty-two They have a partner of the same age who does not despise indecent assault. 53 This is what is promised to you after the day of reckoning. May 4 This is indeed my sustenance, which will never be exhausted.

55 This is true.The libertine must find a worst end— 56 That is Hell, and they will enter it.That bedding is nasty! Fifty-seven This is a fact.They will try the punishment, the punishment is a hot drink, and a cold drink, 58. There are other drinks of all kinds that are equally bad. 59. These are the troops that march with you, they are not welcome, they will go to Hell. 60 They will say, "No! You are the ones who are not welcome, you have lured us to this place, and this is a bad end!" 61 They will say, "Our Lord! Whoever tempted us into this place, let him receive double punishment in Hell."

62 They will say, "There are many people whom we thought were wicked, why do we not see them now? 63 Have we ever made them a laughing stock?Or have we looked down upon them in the past? " June 4th The debate among those who live in Hellfire is inevitable. 65 Say, "I am only a warning. There is no one worthy of worship except Allah, the One and Most High. 66 He is the lord of heaven, earth and all things. He is almighty and forgiving. " 67 You say, "That's great news, 68 But you forsake it. 69. When the gods in the upper world were arguing, I didn't know what happened to them. 70 I have only been told that I am a frank warner. " 71 When your Lord said to the gods, "I will make a man out of clay, 72. When I created him and breathed my spirit into his body, you should bow down for him. " Seventy-three All the gods kowtow together, July 4, but Ibu Yousi is arrogant, he was originally an unbeliever. Seventy-five The Lord said, "O Yibuyou! Why don't you kowtow to the man I made with my own hands? Are you arrogant? Or are you noble?" 76 He said, "I am more noble than he; you made me of fire, and him of clay." 77 The Lord said, "Go out of Paradise! You are exiled indeed, 78 You will be rejected by me until the day of retribution. " 79 He said: "My Lord, please have mercy on me until the day of the resurrection of mankind." 80 The Lord said, "Surely you will be spared, August 1 until the day of the resurrection. " 82 And he said, "By your honor, I will tempt them all, 83 But not tempt your pure servant. " 84 He said, "Surely my word is truth, and I speak only the truth; 85. I will fill Hell with you and those of mankind who obey you. " Eighty-six You said: "I do not ask you for any compensation for conveying the mission, I am not an impostor. (or falsified). 87 This is but an instruction to the world, 88. After a time you must know news of this teaching. "
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