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Chapter 9 givers should be thankful

no water, no moon 奥修 18340Words 2018-03-20
Master Chengzhuo wanted to build a bigger house because the place where he preached was very crowded. There was a businessman, Meijin, who decided to donate 500 pieces of gold to build a new house. Meijin gave the teacher the money, and said sincerely, "Okay, I'll take it." Meijin gave Chengzhuo a big bag of gold, but he was very dissatisfied with the teacher's attitude, because he gave a huge amount of money - a person only needs 3 gold pieces for a whole year's life.And the teacher didn't even thank him. "There are 500 pieces of gold in that bag," Umezu reminded.

"You told me before." Chengzhuo said. "Even if I were a rich merchant, 500 pieces of gold is a lot of money." Meizu said. "Do you want me to thank you for that?" Chengzhuo said. "You should thank me," Umezu said. "Why should I be grateful?" Chengzhuo said, "The giver should be grateful." There are only two ways to live your life, only two: one is the right way and the other is the wrong way.The right way is to give, share and love; the wrong way is to take, exploit and accumulate.Love and money are signs of both approaches.

Love is the right way, money is the wrong way, everyone lives in the wrong way.Why is this so?What is its driving force?Why is everyone wrong?Where are the norms?So we have to penetrate deeply, and only then can you comprehend this beautiful story.If you cannot understand the story, then you cannot understand Buddha, Jesus, Mahavira -- no!It is impossible because they are walking on the road of love and you are walking on the road of money, the two roads will never meet, they cannot meet. Sometimes you even want to understand Mahavira, Buddha, Jesus, you want to understand them about money.Jains go on and on about how much wealth Mahavira gave away—how much is key.If Mahavira was the son of a beggar, the Jainas would not worship him.He was the son of a great king, he had a big kingdom, a lot of money, a lot of gold, diamonds -- and he gave it up.Suddenly, he becomes important to you, and what matters is that he gave up the money, not him.

Even if you are close to Mahavira, you are close to him through money.How ridiculous!The Jainas have been constantly emphasizing that fact and exaggerating it because the real kingdom was not so big, it was just a small principality, because at that time there were two thousand kingdoms in India, it was like a small constituency.And Mahavira's father was not very rich, of course he was.When they first saw Mahavira, it was because he gave up money that he became very important.So they started exaggerating the amount of money he had given up, to the point where it was unbelievable, ridiculous, and whatever they said was wrong.Mahavira became important by giving up money.In your eyes, which one is really important?

Why didn't it happen to a Jain Tisankras from an ordinary family? — 24 are the sons of kings.Why didn't a poor man become an incarnation of a Hindu god?Why only Ram, Krishna -- the kings?Why didn't a poor man become a Buddha? — just Prince Gautama Siddhartha.How did it happen? These three religions all originated in India, the most remarkable!If a Thysankras was born in a poor family, you would not know him, if Buddha was born in a beggar's family, if he was like that, then you would not know him either.Your understanding can only be through him giving up money.Buddha is worthless -- he gave up money is a real thing, that attracts you, that hypnotizes you.

A person who is on the path of money cannot understand a person who is on the path of love -- it is impossible, they never meet.You can worship, but you will worship for the wrong reasons because you cannot possibly understand.Your worship is based on something wrong.What is the mechanism? First understand why love has become so impossible -- because that is the root -- why you cannot love.If you can love, never get attached to money, never can.Why can't you love?From the very beginning something is wrong in the mind of a child and that is why he cannot love.One thing: love is a natural phenomenon, you cannot manipulate it.If you start manipulating it, you're going to miss out.This is the natural state of things.Natural things are beautiful, extremely beautiful -- but you cannot manipulate them.If you manipulate, they become unnatural, something is wrong.A child is born -- you start manipulating his love, you say, "I am your father, love me." As if love is a logical syllogism! "I'm your daddy, so love me."

"I am your mother, so love me." "He's your dad, so love him." And love does not know "therefore", it is not a syllogism.We should never expect a child so that love can happen to him or her.We began to manipulate, to control, as if we were afraid that if he let go of his own spontaneity, then he might not love his mother—no need, he might not love his father—no certainty.You cannot depend: he may love, he may not love. So before it happens naturally, we start forcing the child, and the child has to obey because he is helpless.He starts selling his love, politics arises, he becomes a politician: he laughs, but deep down he is angry; he shows his love, and deep down there is no love -- he hates his father.Every son hates, that's why every society starts forcing the children to respect the father, to love the father.Because every culture knows that the son hates the father, so, "Before that hate breaks out, make that reciprocal pole!" Every daughter, every girl hates her mother, so, "Love mother, She is your mother, respect her!" We are so afraid that we create an opposite pole as a protection.

Why should a son hate his father?Not because he has to hate - it's a vicious circle.First, conflict is necessary and a natural part of growing up.A child is bound to struggle with his parents, otherwise he will never grow up.The first moment the struggle begins, the moment the child is born, the struggle begins at birth.The child wants to be born, the mother wants to keep, that's why it hurts so much. Physiologists now say that pain exists because of conflict.The child wants to be born and the mother wants to keep him -- this is conflict.That's why it hurts so much during labor.In animals, however, there is less pain.In primitive society, it is not so painful.Why does the more civilized a woman is, the more painful childbirth becomes?Because the more civilized you are, the more ego you have, the stronger you are.

The mother wants to keep the child inside -- unconscious fear that the child is leaving her.And this takes up the whole life.The child was leaving her, the child had to leave, or he would die in the womb.He had to kick the uterus and get out of it - that was natural.Once the mother understands this, there is no pain in labor and she helps the child to be born. If you help your child out, then he will never hate you.This is the problem: if you don't let the child come out, if you create barriers, because of those barriers, he will hate you.You are afraid of that hate, so you create the opposite.You force the child to love you, he is helpless, so he has to obey, not willingly -- he obeys reluctantly.Then hate remains deep within, and love becomes a mask, a semblance.After the child is born, then every day he has to leave his mother, he has to, otherwise he will never be independent, never be himself, must leave, every day in various ways, and the mother does not allow: "Don't come out of this Range! Don't run outside! Don't go into the street! Don't play with that boy! Don't go away!"

The mother creates more and more boundaries, and the more boundaries there are, the freedom is stifled, the child suffers -- hatred arises.Now what to do with this hatred? —Mother creates the opposite.But whenever you create the opposite, then you have gone in the wrong direction. One must understand and accept that hate, and not create the opposite.You have to know this is part of growing up.The child is bound to leave and you have to allow more and more freedom.Of course, you have to be very alert, because the child can hurt himself. So freedom shouldn't be a kind of chaos -- that's very delicate.But if you cut off all his freedom, then in that name the child may injure himself, and then you are creating a hateful mind.If a child begins to hate his mother, he will not be able to love any other woman, because the first woman already reminds him of hate.That's why you hate your wife -- because in the first place you hated your mother, you will never be at ease with women.A woman is never at peace.She will seduce you, and she will betray you.She will be the focus of your love, but that love will be superficial.Because if you cannot love your mother deeply, how can you love other women?impossible!

Behind every love, there will be a rushing stream of hate.Love has become divided, the opposite is being hidden -- and everything has become poisonous.The child will be farther and farther away, and one day he will fall in love with another woman, and that is the final separation.On that day, the child is actually born. The "birth" was done that day, and it lasted 20, 25 years, with pain and conflict every day.That final step, the child falling in love with another woman -- that's the point of separation. Now he has left the mother completely, now another woman has entered.That's why a mother can never be safe with a daughter-in-law - impossible!That's why there are so many stories against the mother-in-law - they can't get along, no way! ——Because this woman is the enemy, this woman is the enemy, this man is the enemy, and he (she) took their child away completely. Jesus had a saying - the most mysterious and impossible to reconcile with the mind of Jesus, and very dangerous, the language is very dangerous - Jesus said to his disciples: "Unless you hate your father and your mother or else you cannot come to me." People like Jesus who said that love is the Word, that God is love, raised love to the highest possible level and made it equal to meditation, and he said, "Unless you hate your father and Mother, you cannot come to Me." He was right, because you cannot come to the Master unless Jesus becomes your Father and Mother.Unless you completely leave your father and mother - that's your whole past, past connections, past relationships... completely, totally - how can you come to Jesus, how can you How about coming to the master? If you are still living the way you used to be, your present is a burden and your future is dark.You have to not live the way you used to, to break with the past completely, not to continue.Only then will your present be light and your future no longer be the mechanical progress of the past. Jesus is right: unless you hate your father and mother you cannot come to the master, that's why whenever you go to the master your father and mother are very troubled -- that must be the case.They're never bothered like that: you can go to a whore - they won't be bothered like that; you can be a drunk - and they won't be bothered like that. But to go to Buddha or Jesus, to go to a master, they are very troubled.In the unconscious, something is saying: "Now this is the final separation. Now if this boy or this girl goes to a master, then the parents will be completely shut down." - fear!Even if the son goes away with a woman, the mother may still have some relationship, some kind of relationship.But if the son goes away with Jesus, then all ties are broken and there is no possibility, because Jesus demands total surrender.A woman cannot ask for this, and a husband cannot ask for it. Only a master can ask for total surrender without hindrance. The child has to go, and when a child becomes enlightened he is completely broken, totally, totally broken with all the past, with the parents -- everything! There is another version that is also very mysterious and hardly sounds like Jesus did it.While he was preaching to the crowd, someone said, "Jesus, your mother is waiting for you outside. There are too many people. She can't come in. She wants to see you!" Jesus said, "No one is my mother! Tell the woman that no one is my mother" - looks very stiff and rude.But Jesus couldn't be rude, he couldn't be blunt.But sometimes truth is rude, truth is blunt.Jesus couldn't have lied, he was right: "No one is my mother." Once, when Jesus was a little boy, his parents came to a big Jewish temple for an anniversary celebration, and in the crowd, Jesus got lost, so they searched, and searched, all night—they were very troubled, worried —and at night they found him.He was sitting with some scholars, he was just a child and was discussing something unknown with them, so his father said, "Jesus, what are you doing here? We worry about you all day long." Jesus said, "Don't worry about me, I am dealing with my father's business." The father said, "I am your father, what kind of business are you dealing with here? I am a carpenter. " And Jesus said, "My father is there, in heaven, and you are not my father." Just as a child has to leave his mother's body or he will die in the womb - he has to come out of the womb - so mentally, one day he has to come out of the father and the "womb" of the mother, Not just physically, but mentally; not just mentally, but spiritually.When the spiritual child is born, he is completely out of the past, completely broken, and only then does he become himself for the first time, an independent entity, standing on his own feet, he is!Before that, he was just a part of the mother, or a part of the father, or a part of the family—but he was never himself. From the very beginning, mothers and fathers have been trying not to give freedom to their children, and love can only arise in freedom because it is a natural phenomenon.There is nothing you can do about it.If you do, then you will destroy all possibilities.They strive: "Love us!" - and the child has to obey, he is helpless.Just to survive, he has to make deals.Here's the deal: when a kid says, "Yes, I love you, Mom," and when he says, "I love no one like you," when a kid says, "I love you, Daddy." , there's no one like you, you're the only, best, greatest dad" when he's just making deals, he's just playing politics, he's become part of the deceitful game. At the very beginning, he did not know that love is a natural phenomenon.You must be free, waiting and praying for love to come.You can't do anything about it, it's a happening.Now this will not happen in the whole life, he is always manipulating, always trying to control, he is always false. Did you observe it? -- whenever you are in love you become two parts: one part is manipulating... and deep down you always know that you are manipulating.Men try to exploit women and women try to exploit men.Once they are married -- that is, once their love has become a bondage -- the whole hypocrisy gradually disappears and the authentic, real person appears, and there is conflict.Then the whole love disappears, because that love was not there in the first place.Otherwise, how could love disappear? Love is the most eternal thing in the world, the earth will disappear, the stars will disappear, the whole world will disappear-love will never!Love is an eternal phenomenon, the most divine phenomenon.How did it disappear so quickly?Even before the honeymoon is over, the love is gone, not in the first place.You're just trying to fool other people and yourself, how much longer can you fool?If you go on fooling for too long, it becomes such a burden that it becomes so heavy that you can no longer live.You can’t be an actor 24 hours a day and you can do it for a few minutes – on the beach, in the mountains, it’s great, you’re romantic, you’re theatrical. No problem doing it for a few minutes, okay, kind of a game - but for 24 hours?If you have to fake 24 hours then it becomes a tension of the mind that creates so much anxiety because you feel confined, imprisoned!When you feel that you are imprisoned, in prison, when you feel that someone else is responsible, you want to revenge, react, whatever your wife says you get angry, no matter what your husband says, your wife gets angry, so silence is Kim, the more silent you are, the better.But it happened because the real thing wasn't there in the first place. Mulla Nasruddin was in love with a tall woman who lived about a mile from the tram terminal, so Nasruddin usually walked home with her every evening.One day, just walking for a few minutes, Nasruddin said, "Give me a kiss." But she was so tall that Nasruddin needed a stool or something.So they looked around and they saw an abandoned blacksmith's shop where they found an anvil and he stood on that anvil and kissed the woman and they started walking home again.After walking half a mile, Nasruddin said, "One more kiss, dear!" The woman said, "No! I already gave you one, that's enough for tonight." So Nasruddin said, "Then what are you doing with this fucking anvil!" -- he was carrying that anvil! If you carry a burden, sooner or later... what's the use?If your love is a means to something rather than an end, then it can be a game, but it cannot be a real existence.Back then you were just playing. Nasruddin gave this woman a wedding diamond ring, she looked at it and said: "Beautiful, but there is a little flaw in the diamond." Nasruddin said, "My dear, have you ever heard that love is blind?" The woman said, "Yes, I've heard that, and I know that love is blind, but not completely blind." cunning!Manipulative mind!You can play even if you are blind, but how can you be really blind?You can play, but play cannot be life, deep down you have nothing to do with it, and you start hating. Love can only be natural, there is no other way for it.No matter what Dale Carnegies says, there is no other way of doing it.Love can only be natural, you cannot train for it, once trained you will always miss it.One must only wait, and wait piously.Children should be allowed to be free so that one day love will arise, but it takes a very brave mother and a very brave father. That's why I always say being a mother is the hardest thing in the world.Anyone can have a child, but very few are qualified to be a mother or a father, because to be a mother means to give the child so much freedom, so much love, that a natural love can arise in the child. A child will definitely fall in love with his mother, but he should not be forced.It may or may not happen.That's why it is a very brave act, it may not happen, no one knows, no one can predict, it is not mechanical.If it happens, then it will be the beauty of the mother, otherwise, the mother will keep praying that it will happen to other women -- but don't force it.If you force it, then the child will learn a trick, he will learn a trick.Now he will play tricks again and again -- with this woman and that woman, with this man and that man, the whole life becomes a trick, it is not real, it will be false. When love becomes false, money becomes important, here's the thing to realize.Why does money matter when love is fake?Because love gives you an inner security, and when you are in love you are safe -- no other security is needed.When you are in love you are completely safe -- no other security is needed.Love is enough, nothing else is needed.You may be a beggar in the street, but if you are in love, the emperor cannot compare with you in your safety, and even Solomon is a poor man before you. If you are in love, you are the richest man, and nothing can compare in any way to the wealth of love.You may have nothing, but you have everything.Just one moment of love and the whole life is enough!When you are in love you are never afraid of death, because you already know death -- the death of love.And it is so beautiful, it is so beautiful, it is such a blessing that now you can even accept real death, the death benevolence of the body.You will take it!Now there is no fear, because you know that there is such beauty in dissolving for a woman or a man -- isn't it even more beautiful when you dissolve in the whole being? Death is a melting.If you know love, then there is no fear of death; if you don't know love, then fear becomes the center of your being.How do you protect yourself?So you make castles and bank accounts: these are just maintenance of death, and when you are afraid of death, you are also afraid of life, because life is always dangerous. You have to live on unknown paths, and that is dangerous: death is waiting for you around every corner.A person who is afraid of death gradually shrinks and also becomes afraid of life.He won't go on a plane, he won't go on a train, because there will be accidents.He wouldn't be friends with a stranger because who knew...?He won't fall in love with a woman because who knows if she'll cheat?He cannot be trusted.If love never happened, then you can never trust.You are always doubting, suspicious.How do relationships grow amidst doubts? If love has never happened, then you can never reach the master.Even if Buddha comes to your town, you will miss him.You don't go there because these people are dangerous.They can hypnotize you, they may lead you astray.They may disrupt your regular world, where you make money, accumulate, and you become more and more successful every day: the factories are getting bigger, the bank balance is increasing, everything is going so smoothly.Why should it be disturbed by new and external factors?So let nothing from outside come in, live in your prison, get shelter and safety. If you know how to love, then you will not be afraid of death.When you are not afraid of death, only then will you be able to live! —How can a man live because he is afraid of death?Even he was afraid to breathe because of the germs. I knew a poet, and he was a great poet, but I always wondered how he could be a great poet—he couldn't even be a human being.He must know the tricks of language, he must be a linguist, he must be playing tricks with words, but it cannot be a great poem, because great poetry comes from life—and he is so afraid.Once, when he was traveling with me, his wife told me: "Don't let him stay with you, because he will cause trouble."—the trouble started because he didn't drink the tea in the hotel. "Who knows? Maybe someone poisoned it," he said. So I said, "Who is against a poet? Who wants to poison you? Nobody cares about you!" But he couldn't drink. He said, "I'll bring a stove and make tea." And he doesn't eat from the hotel either, because who knows...?He fears everything, how does this man live?It seems that there is only one thing, and that is immortality. But life brings death, and death is the climax!If you don't want to die then don't want to live -- that's the only way, there is no other way, because if you live then you are going to die.Life brings death!So the logical way is not to live, the less you live, the less likely you are to die.If you don't live fully, if you kill yourself, then you will never die again, you are finished.Life is gone, and now you won't die either.So a man like that is already a dead man.You'll find these dead bodies walking, working, doing things in markets, in universities -- but they're dead bodies. Life needs to stretch, and fear does not allow you to do so, so safety becomes the whole content—how to be safe, how not to die becomes the whole art of life.And I'm going to tell you that the whole art of life is how to die happily, how to die happily, how to allow death -- because if you're ready to die, then you're also ready to live.If you are ready to die, then you are also ready to love.If you are ready to die then you are also ready to meet the divine, there is no other way, death is the door. What do I mean when I say that death is just the door?You have to not be there, you have to disappear, you have to lose yourself.What does it mean to be safe?No matter what happens, you have to be there, you have to support your ego.That's why money has such a great significance, because money will help you not to live.A poor man has to live, a rich man does not. I once heard of a very rich man who had to be carried on a stretcher when he rode in a car—even from the porch to the room.He came to a new city, a new restaurant that he had never been to, and when he was carried on a stretcher, the manager thought he was paralyzed or something, so he asked the rich man's wife, "Why?" Is it?"—he felt sorry, "Your husband looks quite well, is his leg paralyzed or something?" The wife said, "No! There's nothing wrong with his legs, it's just that he doesn't have to walk—he's a rich man." A rich man doesn't need to live, he can be supported!A poor man must take to the streets, among the crowds, to take risks.The poor cannot be fed without earning a living.That's why the rich man is gradually shut up alone in his wealth, he lives alone, even then he does not allow his wife to come into the room.He might find an explanation: "We're not poor, so why should my wife and I live in one room? We're rich, and we can live in two separate rooms."—but the real thing is otherwise situation. Hitler never allowed anyone to live in his room because he was afraid.Who knows? —The wife may be a spy.He had never been married, only before he committed suicide—three hours ago, because then there was no fear.He married when death was certain, not before—because a wife is a dangerous thing.Who knows? ——She may be associated with some foreign power, maybe she is a communist, and at night, she may kill people. He loved many women, but he never allowed any woman to live with him, never let any woman enter his room at night.Only three hours before, when he had decided that there was no escape--death was certain, the enemy was bombing Berlin--he had called the priest at night, and the priest had been awakened from his sleep, and he had been taken immediately Going down to the basement where he lived, he told the priest: "Now the wedding!" By the time the wedding was over, the two of them walked into the room and died of poison. What kind of person is this?But you will find such people everywhere.When there is fear, no one can be a friend, then everyone is an enemy, and you have to protect yourself.The rich man is more protective of himself, that's why there is so much emphasis on money, so crazy!You can't even know what's going on, why are you so crazy about money? Mulla Nasruddin was dying, he opened his eyes, he looked at his wife, and his wife said, "Here we are, Mulla, you go quietly, peacefully, to God in prayer , we're all here." Mulla Nasruddin looked at the faces -- his eyes were blurred, he was dying, it was hard to see clearly, and he asked, "Where is Rahman?" -- his eldest son. "He's standing on your right," said his wife. Then he asked: "Where is Raheem?"—the other son. His wife said, "There he is, at your feet." "So where is Abdul, where is Fared?" he asked. All the people were there and his wife said, "You rest, we are all here." Nasruddin immediately became worried and said, "So who is running the store? If everyone is here, then Who's running the store?" He's dying, and he's dying in just a moment.No, life has no meaning, and death has no meaning—store, who runs the store?Even at the last moment there is no temple in mind -- only shops, markets, money. Why is money so important?It protects your love, it protects life, it protects death, it protects God, so Mahavira and Buddha dropped it.Apostasy is just to realize that this whole arrangement is against life, against love, against God, and they give up!It's not because of money, they're throwing it away, but because they realize that with this protection they're killing themselves: it's poison. So they fled the palace. So when you know that money is crazy, a new life begins.Safety, the pursuit of safety and security means that you are dead, that life has left you.Constant striving to be safe means that you are not yet capable of love, otherwise love is safe enough and no other safety is needed.A moment of love is eternal life - without the fear of death, a lover can die relaxed, with love, he knows life, he is with gratitude, even just a moment of love happens...he has tasted its glory , the gift, all the happiness that has befallen him, he will thank God for giving him this moment--he did not deserve it. Who is valuable?No one is worth anything.Have you ever wondered about this - are you alive?Is your life worthwhile?How do you earn it?You have seen the flowers and the trees and the birds in the wind and the sunrises, so many mornings, so many nights and stars.How do you earn your life?It is graceful.You are not valuable, you can't earn it in any way, you are only the beauty of God. But when someone knows love only for a moment, the whole life is nothing.So all the birds you've ever seen, all the songs you've heard, and all the musicians in the world - nothing!So the sun dimmed, and the stars lost their music.If you have experienced the moment of love, then the whole world is only darkness and shadows, projections, not reality. If you experience one moment of love, you will always be singing a song of gratitude to the Divine with gratitude.Then there is no death -- love knows there is no death.Love knows only life, you only know death.Love - you bypassed it, you didn't even experience it, you bypassed it, and now money matters. Money is a sign of death, money is a dead man's love. So looking at a miser, the bills in his hands are not just money.I have seen a miser once - when he saw the banknote, there was so much romance in his eyes, all lovers never had such affectionate and lovely eyes, looked into his eyes!A light appeared in his eyes, his existence became a poem, he was a completely different person... no, Majnu was not so happy when he saw Laila.No, Shiri will not be so happy when she sees Farihad. This man is one of my relatives, so I have had many opportunities to see him, he is completely monetary, a Buddha on that road!He was never married, he would always say, "It's too expensive, I can't afford it, I'll get married someday." He's dead, he's never married, he's been a celibate.但是他会对此自圆其说,他会说:"这就是独身(brahmacharya)。"他会说:"这就是独身生活。在经典中,在吠陀经中,一个独身者的生命是最高的生命。"但是他只是一个吝啬鬼,甚至是一个精液的吝啬鬼,那就是他的禁欲——不是一个独身者。 所以你会发现禁欲者,100个人中有99个只是吝啬精 液。他们害怕释放:如果精液从身体里跑出来,他们的收支平衡……他们的独身是便秘的一种,他们满身臭气!你永远不会从他们那里得到任何芬芳,他们是吝啬鬼——但是他们会自圆其说。他们总是通过推理来生活,从来不通过心—— 因为心是危险的东西。 推理总是要抓取东西,而心总是想给予。心是给予者,心永远不是一个吝啬鬼,所以一个吝啬鬼从来不相信心。他会渐渐地杀死心,他只是成为脑袋。在他里面没有感情——感情是危险的。他不去感觉,他变得不敏感,他不允许他本性中有任何的敏感性,因为一个乞丐过来,他乞求……如果你有感情,那就很难说不。但是如果你只有脑袋,那么你会自圆其说,你会说:"我不相信乞丐,这是不利于经济,也不利于文化——你看上去很健康,去工作吧!"你会自圆其说,你也知道这些理由只是表面的,内心深处,你不想给予——那是本质。但是你无法接受一个你不是一个给予者的事实。 你生活在文字中、推理中、自圆其说中,不断地隐藏这个你正在扼杀你的情感的基本事实。如果你在追求金钱的道路——每个人几乎都是,或多或少——于是会看见你内在正在发生的整个现象,你正在扼杀自己。你无法阻止生命前进,生命会到达死亡,你无法保住它,它不受你的控制。它必定会走——当它来,它也一定会走。在它离开你之前,你只会制造出焦虑,就是这样。 如果你接受生命的潮涨与潮落,生命的出生与死亡,如果你接受,那么你无需制造任何焦虑。你能爱,在死亡的过程中,去爱!让爱发生,不要试图安全,不要害怕死亡。死亡会来,会给生命开花的机会。如果生命真正地开花,那么死亡将会是顶峰,不是终点。它是一个高潮、顶点。它将是最高的顶点,是登峰造极,不是终点。 死亡的一刻,对一个通过爱自然地生活的人而言——爱是唯一正确的生活之路——对他而言,死亡的来临,是最美丽的狂喜的降临,他带着心灵的歌去死,带着周身的狂喜与颤动去死,他要与神圣的爱人相聚。他已经懂得怎样去爱和怎样去给予了。所以在死亡的时刻,他也能给予。 他将他的整个存在返回给自然:身体,气归于气,火归于火,土归于土,天空归于天空。他给予,他是个给予者,生命归于源泉、归于梵天(Brahma)。他不执著。在死亡的那一刻,如果你执著,那么一切都会变得丑陋。但是如果你的整个生命已经成为了一个执著者,那么你就无能为力了。如果你一直执著、执著、执著、总是害怕、恐惧,从来不允许爱,那么在死的那一刻,你将会错过可能有的最高的顶峰,那是可能的。这些就是两条道:一条是正确的,一条是错误的。 现在我们来进入这个故事,你们会明白的——但是要通过心来领悟: 诚拙师傅要建造一个更大的房子,因为他讲道的场地非常拥挤——他的情况一定是和我一样。 有一个商人,梅津……他还没有来到我这里——梅津,一个商人决定捐送500块金子用来建造新的房子——500块金子确是蛮有份量的一笔钱。 梅津拿钱给老师,诚拙说:"好,我收下。"——但是这对吝啬鬼来讲是行不通的。 这个人一定是吝啬鬼,否则你怎么会积聚了500块金子呢?这还不是全部,这一定只是一小部分,只占他的积聚的百分之一。但是为什么,如果他是一个吝啬鬼,他还要将钱给这个师傅呢?看着这个矛盾:如果他是一个吝啬鬼和追求金钱的人,他不应该给师傅钱。但是我知道那个原因——那也是恐惧的一个部分,那是要在另一个世界中制造安全。 他一定是靠近死亡了,他一定已经是个老人了,追求金钱的人们总是衰老的,他们从来不是年轻的——因为死亡总是在附近,他们一直在颤抖。他一定已经感觉到死亡随时会来临,他也必须为另一个世界作出安排,他一定拥有好几百万的金子……只是500块。这只是安全起见:"将它给这个师傅,人们说他开悟了,将这500块给这个人,他会照顾好另一个世界,他或许会给一张资格证书。人们说他跟神的关系很好,他的名字记载在一些好的书中。不管怎样他对我将会是有帮助的。" 这是在黑暗中摸索,一个错过生命的人正在思考着另一生。记住,只有错过这一生的人才去想另一生。如果你能够错过这一生,那么你也能错过那一生,因为你是同样的你,即使你勉强进了天堂,你也会将它变成地狱:因为你会带着你的习惯,你的头脑的机制,你的作用——你会带着你的全部的过去。你会将它变成一个地狱! 你能够呆在天堂吗?我无论如何也看不出来,你不可能呆在那里。无论你走到那里,你都将地狱带在身边,它是你的一部分。所以那些明白人说,地狱和天堂并不是外在的,它们在你里面,它们存在于你的品质中。在这个地球上,人们已经生活在天堂了,在这个地球上,你是在地狱中。好好记住,无论你到哪里,你是在那里为你自己提供地狱,你到了那里,立刻在你的四周制造出你的地狱,你不会做任何新的事。头脑是旧的,它一直以一种形式来绕着圈地运作。 这个梅津一定是个吝啬鬼,但是现在死亡正在靠近,他一定也在想另外一个世界,这辈子他已经失去了,现在另一辈子不能失去。必须做些努力,但是那必须通过金钱来做。看着头脑:他以为通过金钱,可以买到生命;现在他以为,通过金钱可以买到神;他以为通过金钱可以买到爱;现在他以为通过金钱可以买到天堂。但是这个头脑一直聚焦在金钱的神经病上,他仍然是疯狂的,钱仍然是手段,他做任何事都通过金钱来做。 那就是为什么师傅的行为是这样的,他说:"好,我收下。"好像没有什么。那就是他的意思:好像没有什么,500块金子——只是一把土。 师傅说:"好,我收下。"好像它是一个负担,他正在帮梅津的忙。始终要记住,如果你带着钱去给师傅,这正是去接受治疗。理解这个故事是非常容易的,当治疗是给你时,就非常困难了。 就在几天前,有人打电话来,他通常给社区一些钱,他说:"现在我不再给了,因为看起来一点儿也没有感谢,甚至都不让我与奥修单独会面,好,我不再给了。"他就是在这里,他应该好好地领悟这个故事,因为当你不在其中时,更容易理解这个故事,非常容易!但是当你在其中时,那么就变得非常困难了。500块金子,那个人应该给我,对吗?那么我会告诉他:"好,我收下!" 梅津给了诚拙大袋金子,但是他非常不满意老师的态度,因为他是给了一笔很大数目的钱——一个人全年的生活只要用3块金子。而老师甚至都没有谢谢他。 看看那个头脑,对金钱神经过敏的头脑。他正在说什么呢?他在说:"我给的这一大袋金子——一个人全年的生活只要用3块金子!"他以为人是通过钱来生活的。或许是需要金钱,但是没有人能通过金钱生活。金钱或许是需要的,这并不够。如果只有金钱而没有其它的话,那么你死了才更好——越快越好!因为你不必要地生活着,你只是在混日子——这不是生活。 有记载耶稣说过的一句话:"人不能只靠面包活着。"他也知道面包是需要的,没有人能够没有面包地生活,那是对的。但是还有一个更高的生活层面,在那里没有人只靠面包活着,如果那里只有面包,那么自杀吧!——因为一再地吃着同样的面包是没有用的。 但是这个只通过金钱而活着的人以为,一个人全年的生活只用3块金子,而这些是500块金子——一个人能活很久、很久!通过这块金子是可能过很长久的日子。而这个人是什么样的呢?——甚至他连谢也不谢。 他很不满意。每当你有条件地给予时,由于无法满足,你总是不满意的。 每当你无条件地给予时,你会感到很深地满足,因为没有理由不满足。每当你给予,并享受给予时,每当给予是目的本身时……这个人会舞蹈起来,因为师傅已经接受了——足够了!他应该感谢师傅:"我担心你是否会接受它,因为我非常知道:这对你而言只是泥土,而你接受了,你真好,你的慈悲这样的深。"他一定跳起舞,感谢师傅。他会很深地快乐与幸福。但是不,这不可能,因为这不是目的,它是手段,他想要师傅帮他的忙。 如果这个人到了神那里,那么这人会给神一大袋金子,并等待着神的谢谢。将一切都给予你的神,你能够给他什么呢?而一个师傅他就是一种象征——神的象征,具有同样的品质。那就是为什么我们称马哈维亚为"巴关(Bhagwan)",为什么我们称佛陀为"巴关"——因为有同样的品质。你能给他什么呢?一切都是通过他来到你身上,起码你正在回家,起码你应该感谢,你已经被接受了。 但是一个拜金狂无法明白这点,他想要师傅帮他的忙,因为他已经这样做了,而这太多了,对他而言,这是这么多,他关心的是他的态度,这是这样大的一笔数目——500块金子。一个人全年只用3块金子——因为头脑在比较,头脑什么都不懂,它只知道比较,这就是他的头脑! 我曾经听说:穆拉·那斯鲁汀死了,很快地去了,或者说很快地被送进了地狱,他到了那里,撒旦已经在那里等了他很久了——他正是他要在那里久等的人,撒旦接待了他,欢迎他,那斯鲁汀对这魔鬼说:"伙计,我在这个天堂里真快乐!" 魔鬼说:"那斯鲁汀,你错了,这不是天堂。" 那斯鲁汀说:"那或许是你的想法,我是印度人——对我来讲,这就像一个天堂!" 头脑就是相对而论的,500块金子!他是给了他的生命,那颗心正在那袋金子里,那500块不是金子,它们是他的心,他已经出卖了他的生命来换取了这个金子,他是为这大袋金子而死的——甚至连谢都不谢,这太过份了,师傅做得不对,他不满意。 如果你对师傅有任何想法,那么你总是会得出是师傅做得不对的结论。记住这点:如果你想——我重复一次——那么你总是会得出是师傅做得不对的结论。如果你看,不是想,那么你会知道他做得总是对的。 他思考、计算,他如此盘算:500块金子——他的整个生命都在那个袋子里了,而这个人却只是说:"好,我收下。" "那个袋子里有500块金子。"梅津提醒道。 商人以为:"或许他忘了,或许他正静心在别的地方,因为这怎么会发生,那500块金子……而他只是说:好,我收下。他是在胡来!"所以商人提醒道。 "那个袋子里有500块金子。"乌梅竹提醒道。 "在此之前你告诉过我。"诚拙说。 他说:"这不必要,为什么要重复?我已经听见了!" 这更过份了:对来的人没有一点谢意,甚至他也不接受提示,而且还令人感到他有一点生气,因为他说:"在此之前你已经告诉过我,不需要……" "即使我是一个富有的商人,500块金子也是一大笔钱。" 梅津说。 这个就是头脑的问题。他说:"即使我是一个富有的商人——我有足够的钱,但是即使那样,500块金子也是一大笔钱。所以对你而言,只是一个乞丐,这就是整个世界。对我而言它是一大笔钱,你对待我的态度就好像它无足轻重,你在侮辱我。" 一个将焦点集中在金钱上的人无法理解一个具有爱心的人。具有爱心的人总是显得像一个乞丐,一个疯子,不是这个世界的——他不会理解。他是以疯狂的方式来行动。不管怎样,你或许会敬拜佛陀和马哈维亚,如果你在某个地方遇到他们,你会以为他们发疯了。即使你不说——因为这是这样的不礼貌——但是你会领悟成这个人坐在树下已经浪费了他的生命,他可能会赚很多钱——这对佛陀来说有过很多次了。 当他离开家,到了另一个王国,只是要回避亲戚和家庭,因为他们在那里干扰他,他们不断地来,劝说他,试图要他回去。所以他离开了他的王国,到另一个王国去了,那时他才知道那些人到处都有——你无法逃避。一个王子到了邻国的传言已经流传到了那里,甚至邻国的国王也来了,他说:"我的儿子,你年轻,你不谙世事,你不成熟,我经历过,我是以我的经验来对你说,回家去吧。这真傻!这个年纪的傻念头迷住了心窍。人必须要忍耐住。这个年纪,当一个人年轻的时候,人总是理想主义的。但是以后经验会证明它是错的。不要做一个嬉皮士,回去吧!" 佛陀听了,他说:"来自你自己的经验,你或许是对的,但是我在那个世界已经过了好几辈子了,什么也没有达成。好,足够了。我是根据这个经验离开的,不是根据一个年轻人的一些浪漫的理想主义。" 那个老人不会听进去,他说:"如果你不想回去,那我理解——或许有些麻烦,你或许与你的父亲、或与你的家庭感情不和,或有什么不对劲,那么就不回去,到我这里来。我有一个美丽的女儿,与她结婚,这个王国就是你的了。"佛陀说:"我结婚了,我已经离开了一个非常美丽的女人,不可能找到另一个像她那样美丽的人了,但是即使是美丽的女人,她也不会给我那个终极——而我正在探寻那个终极。" 那个老国王走了,说:"你疯了,不可救药的疯狂。" 无论佛陀走到那里,这都会发生。他是这么年轻、这么美丽,他从来不曾上街。无论他走到哪里,任何人都知道他是一个王子,他不是一个乞丐——于是每个人都会给他忠告,要他回去。 头脑是以它自己的观念存活着,思想是以它自己的观念存活着,你无法将头脑搁在一边,然后看着。这个来到佛陀那里的老人错过了一个机会,它或许几百万辈子都不会再发生了。但他却正在教着最伟大的老师,他正努力教佛陀一些东西,他想对方应该从他那里学到一些东西,而他自己却什么也没有得到过,他不曾去过任何地方。 这个人说:"那个袋子里有500块金子……即使我是一个富有的商人,500块金子也是一大笔钱。"——而你只是一个乞丐,这没有说,但已经隐含在其中了。"你应该知道它的意义,我正在做着什么,这样大的贡献,而你只是说:好,我收下。" "你是不是想要我为此谢谢你?"师傅说——因为师傅们从来就是答非所问,他们回答你所问的意义,他们从来不回答你的问题,因为那是毫无关系的,他们总是回答隐藏在问题背后的东西——为什么你在隐藏这些东西。 你的兴趣并不是要证明金子是重要的,你的兴趣也不是要证明那500块金子是一笔大数目——那些只是理论上的。你正在隐藏着别的什么东西。师傅立刻抓住他,说:"你是不是想要我为此谢谢你?"——他正中下怀! "你应该谢谢,"梅津说,不是"我希望和我想,"而是"你应该"。 这个人不是一个给予者,他从来不是一个给予者,即使在他给予时,他都不在给,即使在他捐送时,也是在交易。他说:"你应该谢谢,我做了这样伟大的事,现在这是你的责职,不是我的欲望或我的要求。" "为什么我应该谢谢呢?"师傅说,"给予者应该感谢。" 对头脑、对一个指向金钱的头脑来讲,要去领悟是不可能的:给予者应该感谢。而这是爱的道路上的顶点。 那些有爱心的人,他们知道给予是这样的美丽和这样的祝福,他们知道你给的越多,你也就越是拥有;你给予越多的爱,那么内在你也就拥有越多的爱;你不断地扔得越多,分享越多,它涌出来也越多——它是永恒的源泉。一旦你知道给予越多,也就拥有越多,那么你就学会了基本的精神算术。于是你不会永远地隐藏起来,于是你总是在寻找一个能接受它的人,于是你总是在寻找一个可以分享它的人,因为他会使你更新鲜。旧的去了,新的会来,它总会来临。 你像一口废井,因为你不给任何人任何东西,你从来不让人分享你的水,水已经变臭了——给予!让人们来,让他们喝你的水,那样才会使源泉新鲜。旧的水被提取的一刻,新鲜的水正在进入。在深处你的井便与无限的海洋相连结了。你的井只是通向海洋的一扇门。给予者会知道,分享者会知道——然而他会感觉到感谢。每当有人从你那里拿走一些东西时,一样新的事物就已经来到了你的存在中,你的存在会因此更新。你越给予,你便一次又一次地变得年轻。给予者始终是年轻的。不给予的人总是衰老的、死气沉沉的、腐朽的。 师傅说:"给予者应该感谢。你应该感谢我的接受——我接受像钱那样的东西。你应该感谢,因为钱对我而言是空无。"在这个世界上,这或许是必要的,因为一个师傅也一定是活在这个世界上的,这或许在这个疯狂的世界中是交换的意思,因为一个师傅一定也活在这个疯狂的世界里——但是这是空无。它只是意味着大家认同的发明,好让我们能够交换东西。 社会能够没有钱而存在,社会曾经几千年没有钱地存在过,社会再次没有钱也能存在的那一天迟早会到来,因为通过钱来生活是这样的沉重,这样没有用,这样的不必要。但是,因为至今为止世界还是贫穷的,那就是为什么金钱还必须被使用。但是越是富有……美国会第一个抛弃金钱。当钱足够时,不需要再带着它——为什么要带着它?那真傻,它是沉重的。很快地,地球会不需要钱了。但是师傅们总是已经知道了,总是,这只是一种市场的设计,但是一个师傅必须与你一起生活。 如果你去一家疯人院,那最好假装你也疯了,否则你会遇到麻烦的。如果你要努力地证明你是一个神圣的人,那么疯子们会杀了你。他们这样对待耶稣,他们这样对待苏格拉底,他们这样对待曼苏(Mansoor),这些是非常天真的人,他们在疯人院里,他们不是发疯的,他们是天真的,但是他们不知道疯人院的规则:即使你不疯,你也要假装疯了。因为疯狂是那里流行的硬币,在那里它是钱。不要在疯人院里做一个局外人,否则疯子们会聚集在一起杀了你。如果你试图让你不发疯,那就意味着你正在对他们说:"你们疯了!"—— 那是不堪忍受的。 一个开悟的人也必须与你们一起生活在这个世界上,他必须用你们的技巧、你们的诡计。 有一次,在日本,发现有一个开悟的人总是被抓住——有时偷东西,有时做些别的犯罪行为,一些小的事情:他会偷小数目的钱,而他是一个开悟的人!——那时他被送到监狱。在他一生中有26次被送进监狱,但是他的那些门徒们知道他:最后一次出狱已经是78岁了。那些门徒们说:"现在不要再做这样的事了,你为什么要一直做这种事呢?" 他说:"那么谁去监狱里,使看守们、那些被关的小鸟们静心呢?谁去那里呢?我必须去偷,那是到那些人那里的唯一的方法,这对我来说,没有什么。我一直在帮助真正受难的人。我需要去那里。但是那是我能进去的唯一的方式,否则他们不让我进去。那是要用的唯一的钞票。"——一个开悟的人必须与你们这些囚犯们生活在一起。 但是,如果你准备去领悟金钱的神经病和爱的狂喜,那么你会明白这点:给予者应该感谢。给予和感谢!——因为别人能够拒绝。对这个吝啬鬼来说是不可能的,他无法明白有人会拒绝500块金子。他不知道,他可以被拒绝。师傅也许会将那个袋子扔出寺庙,说:"不要把这个垃圾带到这里来。" 有一个人来,他也带了500块金币——这些吝啬鬼也有他们的算术:500块金币看起来是最高的、极限,他们不可能再超过它——他来到拉玛克利利希那(RamaKrishna)那里。拉玛克希那甚至更加危险,他不仅会说:"好,我收下。"他行动更粗鲁,他说:"没问题,到恒河,将这全部扔掉。"那个人毫无办法,因为拉玛克里希那已经说了——他害怕起来。对他来讲,去恒河,将500块金币全部扔掉是不可能的。但是当拉玛克里希那说……仍然,他犹豫着。拉玛克里希那说:"为什么你在犹豫?你不是给我钱了吗?那么这是我的钱了!你只要去将它扔进恒河里,因为现在我不需要它,恒河需要它。" 所以那个人去了,走得非常慢,当然,他没回来!一个小时过去了,两个小时过去了,拉玛克里希那派了些门徒,看看那个人怎么样了,他是不是会淹死他自己来保住钱? ——吝啬鬼们正会那样做。所以门徒去了,他正在做什么呢?有一大群人,他已经制造了一个伟大的景观。他拿了一块金币,将它扔在了石头上——哐!that voice!很多人在那里,于是他数着:101,102,103……都扔进了恒河。 那些门徒跑来说:"那个人是一个很好的表演者!他召集了一大群人,他一个一个地扔,一个一个地数,整个过程非常慢。" 拉玛克里希那走过去,鼓着掌对那个人说:"当一个人积累时,数数是需要的,但当一个人放弃时……你正在做什么呢?"当要扔掉时,可以把整袋都扔掉!但是人们放弃时还在数数——他们并不曾放弃。 给予者应该感谢,给予并感谢。如果你能遵循这个原则,那么旧桶就跌落了,水都跑出来。整个的幻象消失了,没有水——没有月亮。那时你能够看看天空,看看真正的月亮,它总是在那里,但是你抓到的是投影。 爱是真正的月亮,钱是投影。
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