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Chapter 8 black nose buddha

no water, no moon 奥修 14114Words 2018-03-20
A nun seeking enlightenment carved a wooden Buddha statue and covered it with gold leaf.The Buddha statue is very beautiful.Carry it with her wherever she goes. Many years have passed, and the nun still carries her Buddha image.She resides in a village temple with many statues of Buddha, each with its own shrine. Every day she burns incense in front of her golden Buddha statue, but to her surprise, the aroma drifts to other Buddha statues, so she designed a funnel, through which the smoke can only float to her Buddha statue, so that the smoke can be smoked. The nose of the golden Buddha statue was blackened, making the Buddha statue particularly ugly.

One of the biggest problems faced by everyone who walks the path is to draw a clear distinction between love and attachment, they look the same - they are not the same, they look alike - they are not not similar.Even, on the contrary, even hate is closer to love than attachment.Attachment is the opposite, it hides the fact of hate and shows the appearance of love, it kills love, nothing is as poisonous as attachment, like possession, so try to understand this, then we can enter into this beautiful story. This has happened to many people and it is happening to you -- because the mind is so confused about love and attachment.Those who look at things from the outside will always be victims: attachment for love, and once you have attachment, possession for love, you will go on missing the real thing, you have chosen a false coin, So you stop looking for real coins because you think they are real.You have been deceived.

Possession, attachment is false love, hatred is better, because at least it is real, at least it is a fact.Hate will become love one day, but possession will never become love, you can only grow into love if you let go of possession.Why does attachment look like love?What is the difference? - The mechanics are subtle. Love means that you are ready to merge yourself into others, it is a death, the deepest possible death, the deepest possible abyss, and you will fall into it and keep falling, there is no end, no bottom, It is falling into others forever, never ending.To love means that the other has become so important that you can lose yourself. To love is to surrender -- unconditionally.Because even if there is only one condition, you are important, not others; you are the center, not others.And if you are the center, the other is just a means, you are using the other, exploiting the other, finding fulfillment, happiness through the other -- and you are the end.But love said that to turn others into a purpose, to dissolve, to merge, it is a phenomenon of death, a process of death.That's why people are afraid of love.You may talk about it, you may sing about it, but deep down you are afraid of love, you have never been in it.

All your love poems, all your love songs are just a substitute for you to sing about love without being in love, to feel that you are loving without loving.And love is such a deep need that you cannot live without it: real love or some substitute is needed.The substitute may be fake, but at least for a while, temporarily, it gives you a feeling that you are in love, and enjoyment even if it's fake.Sooner or later you will know that it is fake, and then you will not try to make fake love into real love - then you will change lovers or lovers. There are two possibilities: when you know that this love is fake, you can change, you can let go of this fake love and become a real lover; the other possibility is to change the object.And this is how your mind works: Whenever you feel: "This love is not giving me the joy it promised, even on the contrary, I become more miserable" - you think that someone else is cheating you, not that you are cheating .

No one can deceive you but yourself... You feel others are cheating, others are responsible: change wife, change husband, change master, change god, change from Buddha's temple to Mahavira's temple, change Your religion, change your prayers, don't go to the mosque, go to church -- change the other person, and again you will have the feeling that you are loving, that you are praying.But sooner or later that falsity will be known again -- because it cannot satisfy.You can fool yourself, but how long can a man fool himself? ...and then you have to change the other again. If you start to understand the other is not a problem, and your love is false -- you have been talking, you have not been in it -- you fear, fear.Love is like death, and if you are afraid of death, you are also afraid of love.In death, only your body is dying, basic, that self still seems basic - still safe and sound, the mind that is important to you goes on into another life, your inner self-identity remains No change, only the outer attire, the clothes, change in death.

So death is never very deep, it is only on the surface.How can you be ready for love if you are afraid of death?Because in love not only the coat, not only the house does not exist, but you die -- the mind, the ego dies.This fear of death becomes fear of love, and fear of love becomes fear of prayer, meditation.These three things are similar: death, love, meditation.The route is the same, you have to go through it.If you have never loved then you cannot pray, you cannot meditate.If you have never loved and meditated, you will totally miss the beautiful experience of death. If you have ever loved, then death is such an incomparable, beautiful and intense experience in life, life can never be as deep as death, because life lasts seven or eighty years, death is just a moment - so intense, Life can never be this intense.And death is the culmination, it is not the end.It is the apex, the summit, and your whole life has been trying to reach it, and how stupid! —and when you reach the top, you are so scared, you feel so dizzy, you close your eyes, and you become so scared that you become unconscious.People die, they die in a state of unconsciousness, they miss the experience.

So love will help, because love will prepare for death, love will also prepare for meditation.In meditation you have to lose -- the other is not there -- you have to lose yourself.Love is deeper than death, meditation is deeper than love, because in love the other person is still there -- what else can you cling to, and when you are clinging, some part of you is still there, but in meditation there is no The opponent's. That's why Buddha, Mahavira and Laozi, they deny the existence of God.why?They know very well that God exists, but they deny that existence in order to make your meditation without any support.If the other is present, your meditation will at best be love: devotion, but total death has not yet been experienced.Total death is possible only when there is no other, you just dissolve, you just evaporate, you cannot cling to anybody -- yet the greatest ecstasy happens.

The word "ecstasy" is very meaningful, this "ecstasy" in English is so beautiful, so significant, there is no such word in other languages.Ecstasy means standing outside, ecstasy means you are completely dead, and you are standing outside yourself, looking at this death, as if your whole being has become a zombie.You are outside of it, looking at your own death -- and then the supreme blessing comes.If I tell you, you will be afraid: if I say to you, you are looking for the ultimate death, you will be afraid -- but you are looking for it.The whole religion is the art of learning how to die!

Love means death, but attachment is not death.Love means that the other is important enough that you can dissolve yourself, that you trust the other so much that you don't need a thought of your own - you put it aside. That's why people say love is crazy, people say love is blind, it is!Not that your eyes are blind, but when you put aside your ego, your mind, to everyone you look blind and crazy, this is the state of madness!You are not thinking for yourself, you trust the other so much that there is no need to think, because if there is doubt there needs to be thought, doubt creates thought, doubt is the basis of thought.If you don't doubt, thought stops.If you cannot think, where and how can the ego stand?That is why the ego is always doubting, never trusting.

If you trust, the ego does not arise, the ego disappears.So, all religions insist that only through faith, trust and love do you enter the temple of God - there is no other door.Through doubt you cannot enter, because through doubt you are still there.In trust, you disappear. Love is trust, it is the dissolution of the ego, the center shifts to the other, and the other becomes so important - it is your life, your very being, that you don't even have the slightest doubt about it, it is so peaceful and so beautiful that Because you don't have the slightest doubt, there is no ripple in your mind.Trust is total, total, and in that total trust there is a great blessing and happiness.Even if you think about it, you have a small glimpse of what it would be like, but if you feel it, then it is huge and there is nothing like it.But the ego creates a false trick.

It gives you attachment, possession instead of love.Love said: Be possessed by the other party.The ego says: Possess the other.Love says: Dissolve in the other.The ego says: Let the other party submit to you, make the other party yours, don't let the other party enter freedom, cut off the other party's freedom, let him be your circle, your shadow.Love gives life to the other.Possession and obsession kill the other party and deprive the other party of his life.That's why lovers, so-called lovers, always kill each other -- they are poisonous.Look at husbands and wives: they were lovers -- they thought they were lovers, and they started killing each other.Now they were two dead people, they imprisoned each other, they were just scared and tired, terrified of each other. Once, in a circus, there was a lion tamer, and extremely fierce lions were completely under her control: she commanded them, and they obeyed.The most amazing thing, the thing that took everyone's breath away, was when the fiercest lion was commanded to come closer, it came up, and the lion tamer, the woman put a piece of sugar on her own tongue, and that A lion came up and took the candy off her tongue, and everyone was going crazy - it was exciting.Everyone applauds to show their appreciation. One day Nasruddin was there too and everyone applauded, but he was not moved at all, he said, "It's no big deal! Anyone can do it." The woman, the lion tamer, looked contemptuously at He glanced at him and said, "Can you do it?" He said, "Yes, anyone can do it—just like the lion did." Men are so afraid of women - that's what love has been through!Love, the so-called love, is killing each other.Otherwise, why is the world so ugly?So many lovers, each one a lover.Husbands love wives, wives love husbands; parents love children, children love parents, and friends, everyone, relatives, the whole world is in love... so much love - so much Ugly, so much pain? Somewhere, something seems to have gone deeply awry - right at the root.It's not love, otherwise the fear would go away - the more you love, the less there is fear.When love is truly perfect, there is no fear.But in possession the fear goes on and on, because when you possess someone you are always afraid that he will leave you, that he will go away -- the doubt is always there.The husband is always wondering: the wife may have fallen in love with her.They spy on each other, they cut off each other's freedom so much that it becomes impossible. But when you cut off freedom, when you cut off the possibility of the unknown, life is dead, stale.Everything becomes dull, meaningless, a boredom, a monotony, and the more this happens, the more possessive you become.When life is declining, when love is disappearing, when something is slipping from your hands, you become more possessive, more attached.You become more protective, you create more walls, more prisons, it's a vicious cycle. The more you imprison, the less life is alive, you will be more afraid of what is going to happen, and love is disappearing, so creating a bigger prison, then love will disappear more, a bigger prison will be needed.There are many subtle ways to achieve the effect: jealousy, constant jealousy, and possessiveness as if the other person is no longer a person, but the other person is just a thing, a commodity, because a thing is more easily possessed than a person , because it is impossible for something to rebel, it is impossible to disobey, it is impossible to walk away without your permission, it is impossible to love someone else. When love becomes a frustration -- and it will become a frustration because it is not love -- then gradually you start loving things.Look at people, the way they look at their cars when they are painting them - enchanted!Look at the romantic light on their faces when they look at the car - they're in love with their car. Especially in the West love has been totally killed, people are in love with things or animals: dogs, cats, cars, houses.It's easier to love things or animals: a dog is more faithful than a wife, and you can't find a more faithful animal than a dog--it's loyal and there's no danger.Wives are dangerous!Husbands are dangerous!He could leave at any moment, and there was nothing you could do, and when he went, your whole self shattered and you felt hurt.In order not to get hurt, you start strangling the husband or the wife so that they become like cars and houses -- dead things. But here's the pain: whenever you possess a person, he becomes a thing -- but it is a person you want to love, not a thing.Because a thing can be possessed, but the thing will not respond.You can love something, but the thing will not return your love. You can hug your car, but the car cannot hug you.You can kiss your car, but you can't get a car kiss. I once heard about Picasso; a woman, a female admirer, Picasso fan, once came to Picasso, and she said, "I saw your self-portrait in the art gallery, it is so beautiful, I am so Bewitched so much that I kissed the portrait with obsession." Picasso looked at the woman and said, "Did that portrait kiss you back?" The woman said, "What are you asking? How can a portrait kiss?" Picasso said: "That is not my portrait!" How can a lifeless wife kiss back?How can a lifeless husband kiss back? This is pain: if you want to possess, you are killing.The moment you succeed is also the moment when the whole glory is lost because now the other person cannot answer, the other person can answer only in freedom, but you cannot allow freedom because you are not in love, love never possesses, cannot, Because that's what it is. Not just loving a man or a woman: if you start loving Buddha, you will also repeat the whole process.You will do the same and you will possess the same.That's why so many temples have been made -- possession.Christians think that Christ is theirs, Christ cannot belong to anyone, but Christians think that He is theirs, they are possessors... No one can possess Christ -- they are so big and your hands are so small, they cannot be possessed.Love can never be possessed, it is such a life force, such an infinite force that you are so small, so insignificant, you cannot possess it.But Christians have their Christ, Hindus have their Krishna, Buddhists have their Buddha. Among the Jains there are two sects -- they have divided their Mahavira.There are several temples in India: the temples belong to both sects, so there is always a struggle, there is always an appellate court case, because there is a difference in time: in the morning, the Swetambers worship; in the evening , Digambers (Digam-bers), another sect worships.They change because the Swatabhas set their sights on the statue of Mahavira, and the Digobes worship Mahavira with their eyes closed.So it is impossible for them to worship the same statue.First of all, they have to close their eyes, or turn their false gaze away, only then will they be at ease, and that is their Mahavira.But to what extent is it yours or mine?Is Mahavira a thing, a house, a shop, a commodity?But lovers are false lovers— They are actually possessors, not lovers. This has happened to a great extent in religion, which has shown itself to be more of a danger than a blessing to the world.Through this possession religion becomes a sect -- so you go on worshiping dead things and nothing happens in your life, so you think that something is wrong with religion.There is nothing wrong with religion.Mahavira can transform you, Krishna can give you all his light, but you don't allow him.Surely Christ could be your Savior, but you wouldn't allow it, the Jews had him crucified, and you - you embalmed him in church, now he's a dead thing - to worship, Good to possess, but how can a dead Christ transform you? And priests know this very well, that's why I never met a priest who was a believer.Priests are always unbelievers in their hearts, because they know the whole business, they know this Christ is dead.When they worship, it's just a gesture, for people to see. Once, this is a historical fact, on December 31, 999, there was a legend all over the world, especially in the Christian community, that the last day was coming on January 1st. On January 1, 1000, the Last Judgment Day is coming, and the world will disappear, and everyone will have to face God. So, on December 31, 999, all Christians around the world closed their shops, closed their offices - even people gave away their stuff, because there would be no world on the morning of January 1.People kissed each other, hugged each other, even went up to their enemies and asked for forgiveness, and that night, it was a different world.It's all over because tomorrow won't be the future, so why be an enemy?Why not love?Why not enjoy it?People are celebrating - the end is coming. All over the world, Christians ended everything.Only the offices of the Vatican in Rome are open -- because the pope knows very well, the missionaries know very well that this is not going to happen, it is just a superstition, and they have created the whole thing.But the pope didn't even offer a single thing. The missionaries know it, they know Christ died - and you are a fool, you are praying to a dead thing.But it is impossible for them to tell you, because this is a trade secret, and only through it, exploitation is possible.For it was to their advantage that they could not have been agents between the two had Christ lived.A living Christ will come directly to you, and He will not allow a mediator, a broker.He will never allow it!Christ will not allow the priest to come and stand between lovers and himself - he will face them, he will appear directly in front of you.So for priests, a living Christ is dangerous, but only a dead Christ is good. When Mahavira was alive, the priests never liked him; when Buddha was alive, they never liked him -- when he was alive, they were always against him.Immediately after he died, they came and organized around him, built a temple, and started exploiting you.The priests are against Mahavira, Buddha, Krishna, but the priests know that when they die, their names can be exploited. But you have to remember very well that your love, your prayer, your worship, if it becomes possession, then you are killing, and if you kill Krishna, how can he use it? What about your metamorphosis?And how does he bring you Krishna consciousness?impossible! Now we get into the story and it's beautiful! A nun seeking enlightenment carved a wooden Buddha statue and covered it with gold leaf.The Buddha image is so beautiful that she takes it with her wherever she goes. Many things have to be understood - even literally.A nun...because it's a woman's heart-possession.That's why not a monk, but a nun.But don't think that only women can possess, and men can also possess, but at that time they have a woman's heart, not a man's heart.Why are women more possessive than men?Because possession comes from fear.Men are less fearful than women, that's why -- men are less possessive than women.Because he is less fearful, he is therefore less possessive.The female mind has more fear, fear is its nature, always trembling, and because of that fear, the woman is more possessive.She will not be happy unless her possessiveness is completely satisfied.And when she possesses it completely, she cannot be happy, because the man is dead.Life exists only in freedom. Therefore, a nun was chosen in this story.But it's good to remember that if you're a man, then this story makes no suggestion and doesn't matter - your mind may still be female.Only very few men exist.You may be a woman and still have the fearless mind of a man.So not by sex, but by attitude.A man may be a woman, and a woman may be a man—symbols simply indicate attitudes. What attitude? If you are a man and still possessive, you have a female mind.If you are a woman and not possessive, you have a male mind.It is said that Mahavira insisted that no woman would enter enlightenment unless a woman became a man.People take it literally, and they miss the key.They think that no woman will go into enlightenment, so every woman is trying and has to be born as a man in the next life, only then she can go in.That is stupidity -- but no female mind can go into enlightenment, that is a fact, because the female mind means fear and possession, and with fear and possession, without love, without meditation, there may be no way into enlightenment. There was a woman who became enlightened.The Jainas - the followers of Mahavira and the followers of Tisankras - are very troubled, what to do?So they changed the woman's name to the man's name, and they just forgot the whole thing.A woman named Mallibai became enlightened—now what to do with that theory?So they changed the name: they called Marebe Mallinath, and they changed the statue.You will never find a statue of a woman.And this Marebe—or Marenas—is such a rare existence that they must acknowledge her among the disciples of Tisancras.So one of the 24 Tisanklas is a woman, but you'll never find her because she's called Marenas. So people feel that no woman has achieved enlightenment.But this is true in a different, deeper consciousness: no female mind can enter -- because fear cannot enter it, possession cannot enter it. There was a nun seeking enlightenment who carved a wooden statue of Buddha... It is very difficult for a female mind -- man or woman... But the mind, if it is female, makes a statue, you make others, you cannot be alone. A statue means that the other has been made.No one exists, but you cannot be satisfied with nothingness, you have to cling to something, so there are so many temples and so many statues -- they are made by the female mind.That's why whenever you go to a temple, you don't find many men there, but many women will be there, and if some men come, then those are "henpecked" husbands, who follow their wives Come, they don't come directly, but after the wives, they have to come. When Mahavira preached, 40,000 people made his disciples - 30,000 were women and only 10,000 were men.what happened?That's the ratio, and that's my ratio!If four people come—three women, one man.A man comes with difficulty but leaves very easily. A woman comes very easily but leaves very difficult. She is persistent and leaving is very difficult for her. The female mind creates some difficulties, obstacles.If you start becoming possessive then you are missing out.You have to remember: the fear has to be let go - only then will it come.Fear has to be dropped because fear is ego.If the fear is there, the ego is also there, and then you make a statue and cling to it, and the statue is not leading you to the end, because you made it.You may wrap it in gold leaf, it may look beautiful, but it is a dead thing.You may make a statue of gold, but it will not help -- it is a dead thing! The Buddha image is so beautiful that she takes it with her wherever she goes. It became a burden, it had to be carried, protected, and she couldn't sleep well because someone might steal it.She could not go out without it, for it might be possessed by someone else, it might have been taken from her.Her whole mind was around it, to possess it, the statue became the center, the center of her possession, her fear, her worship, but it was not love. Years passed and that nun kept carrying her Buddha image.She resides in a village temple with many statues of Buddha, each with its own shrine. Years passed and nothing happened.With a buddha nothing can happen, because how can you carry a buddha?You can only take one statue with you.A Buddha must have been lived, not brought along.You have to melt yourself in the Buddha, not carry him like your possession. If you dissolve in the Buddha then he is alive, but then the Buddha is dangerous because you will never come back!It is a point from which no one can return, and once you have fallen, then you have fallen into it and there is no turning back.There is fear and trembling, and you are afraid that you may be lost.And your fear is real, you will be lost. But with the statue there is no fear, you carry it.That statue will be lost one day, but you will not be lost.You can make another one, even prettier.No difficulty - it's your creation.Entering the temple: what did people do? —makes statues, his own work!Now he is bowing, weeping and weeping before them.And the whole thing is false because the basis is false.Your tears, your prayers—to whom are you speaking?Before whom are you weeping and weeping? Your own work, your own toys, no matter how beautiful and valuable, it makes no difference, but you are your God-Creator, and you weep and shed tears before them, and you think that something is about to happened.You are just doing it stupidly.Temples are full of stupid people who don't know what they're doing: bowing before their own work.Now, how will this help you? She carries - many years have passed, may have passed many lives - still carries her Buddha, she has nowhere to go, just wandering from place to place, from life to life, from From one state of mind to another, from one mind to another -- but just drifting, going nowhere!So she got tired of traveling: there seemed to be no goal to reach, nowhere nearer to it. So...she resides in a village temple with many Buddha statues, each with its own shrine. But there are many Buddha statues there.In China, in Japan, they built some very big temples of Buddha.In China, there are 10,000 Buddhas in a temple, and 10,000 shrines in a temple!Ten thousand statues!But even ten thousand statues won't help.One Buddha is enough, but ten thousand statues are not enough. Why is the mind always functioning in boredom? —One statue does not work, so make two.That's arithmetic: two statues make three -- ten thousand statues!A man wanders among ten thousand statues and nothing happens, nothing happens, because out of a dead thing life never arises, out of a dead statue a man never changes. Find a Living Buddha!If you cannot find a living Buddha, then close your eyes and look there.If you cannot find him without, then you will find him within, because buddhas never die, they exist, just look for them - they are always there, they may just be in the corner of your house and you never Don't look, or you are so familiar with the neighbors and familiar with that corner, you feel that you know it.No one knows -- you may have met Buddha in a beggar. Open your eyes!If you are carrying a statue, your eyes are closed.This woman may have missed many Buddhas because of this statue, because she thought she already had it.She had got the Buddha, so what was there to see? So she stayed in a temple.People who live with statues always reside in temples, people who live with statues cannot reach the ultimate goal, they have to stay on a certain side of the road, by the side of the road—a shrine, a temple. Many people just dwell in temples, they wander, they search, and then they have nothing to find, it is impossible, not because the object is very far away -- the object is very near, much closer than you can imagine -- but Because they are carrying statues.Those statues have blinded them, their eyes are closed because of their statues, their hearts are burdened with their statues, their writings, their scriptures—dead things. I have heard that in ancient times, it used to happen: a king, a very learned man, wanted to marry a girl, but ordinary girls would not work, he wanted a perfect woman, from astrology Looks perfect.So he asked a lot of astrologers, very difficult - many years passed, his youth was almost gone, he was not young anymore, because these astrologers are clumsy people, and math takes time , sometimes finds a woman who still lacks a quality - not perfect. In fact, you can't find a perfect person, impossible, because perfection always means death.If man is alive, that means imperfection - that's why we say that whenever a man is perfect, then he is not born again.Because if you were perfect, how could you have been born?You have passed through this world, you have gained, you have grown, and you are not allowed to return. Then the king said to his advisor, "Enough, if not perfect, then near perfect, but my youth is past, I'm 38 years old, just find a woman!" Women find it—not 100 percent, but 99 percent.And the time to really search is when the king wants to make love to this woman, because he wants a rare and outstanding child.It was very, very difficult, many scriptures were searched, and other scriptures, many smart people were called from far away countries, they searched, they discussed -- and the king is already 44 years old! So, one day he got tired of it, he drove those people away, he burned all the scriptures, and said to his wife: "Enough is enough! Now we have to make love" - ​​they have so far Never had sex.但是那个女人也老了,他也老了,而对做爱而言,就有一个问题:如果你较早地开始了做爱,那么你能一直做爱直到生命的终点;如果你不是较早开始做爱,那么不久你会无法做爱,因为做爱是一种机械的事。 机械装置需要效率,所以如果一个人当他14岁时就开始做爱,那么他可以一直做爱到80岁。不要以为如果你在年轻的时候做爱太多,那么在年老的时候你会无能,那你完全错了。如果你做爱太多,以后你才能够做。而你是无法做太多的爱的,记住这点,因为身体不允许。太多是不可能的。在身体中有一个恒温器——太多是不可能的,无论你做什么,总是在这个限度以内。但是这次国王却阳萎了——他无法做爱,妻子是冷淡的。他们已经错过了最佳的时机,他们再也没有生孩子,于是他们不得不领养孩子。 这就是所发生的:你不得不领养一个佛,你不得不领养一个神,它不是你生的——而神必须由你来生,否则它就是虚假的神。但是你一直在错过,因为你已被经典、聪明的人们、占星术和各种各样的胡扯占据了这么多,你是这样被文字、塑像、寺庙、仪式、礼节所困扰,一旦生命被礼节完全充塞时,生命就消失了,一旦你逻辑地安排一切,生命在那里也就不再发生作用了。 这个女人最终驻留在一个寺庙里,而我要告诉你:永远不要住在寺庙里!因为寺庙只能是一个晚上的庇护所,它不可能是永久的居留处。永远不要住在寺庙里,永远不要在一个宗派中,永远不要定在梵蒂冈或者波瑞·商羯罗查尔雅(PuriShankara-charya)那里,永远不要停留在一个派系的头脑中。 你可以休息一下,那没有问题,待一个晚上,到了早上,在他们抓住你之前,离开!继续行程——除非你到达终点:只有那里才是寺庙。但是在那里,你不会发现有任何塑像,在那里,你会发现真实——不是塑像,不是肖像,而是真实。不要停留在一张肖像上,不要停留在虚假中,不要停留在复写本中。探寻那个本源,那个真正的源泉。 那个女人驻留下来了——她不得不停留下来。当你带着一尊木头的佛像,你怎么能够开悟呢?如果木头的佛像能够给你开悟,那就不会有问题。一尊木头的佛像就是一尊木头的佛像,你能带着它,你能与它玩。 每天她都在金装的佛像前烧香。 那佛像是木头的,只是用金子装贴了,但是她习惯叫她的佛为"金佛"。那金子只是一层皮,里面只是一尊木头的佛像,没有其它的。而你能够掩藏,通过金子你能够掩藏任何东西。当爱不存在时,妻子身上就有很多金子。一尊木头的佛像在金箔的包装下——而你认为一切都没有问题了。妻子也认为一切都没有问题了,因为丈夫每次来都带来越来越多的装饰品。当爱情死亡时,装饰品却变得越来越活跃。当爱存在时,也就不需要装饰品了。 你永远无法将金子装贴在一个真正的佛的身上,你能吗?佛会不允许,他会逃走。他会说:"等一下!你正在做什么?你要杀死我!"金子会杀人。生命永远无法用金子来包装——只有死亡,只有死亡会让你做……生命不会允许你这样胡来。 但是她称她的木头的佛像为"金佛"。 那个尼姑每天都在她的金装的佛像前烧香。但是出乎她的意料,香气都飘向其它的佛像。于是她设计了一个漏斗,通过漏斗,烟只能飘向她的佛像。 这就是一个占有者的头脑:甚至不允许香气、香、烟飘向其它的佛像——其它也同样是佛像,"但是我的佛像是佛像,你的佛像什么也不是。"在寺庙里其它都是佛。它不是有的是克里希那,有的是拉姆(Ram)——那样的分别会太多。她并不曾呆在那样的寺庙里,而是佛教徒的寺庙,所以她能呆下去。但是这尊是她的佛像,而那些不是她的。 当真正的爱存在时,它并不在乎给谁。当爱存在时,你爱你的爱人,但是你不可能去设计一个漏斗,好让你的爱只到达你的爱人那里。爱是这样的现象,当它发生时,它会不断地超越你的爱人,总是不断地、一直在超越,它扩展到每一个人,它就像湖中的涟漪。 如果你向湖中扔一块石头,一朵涟漪泛起,尔后它会不断地扩大、扩大直至最终。如果你爱一个人,它不是直线形的,它是圆形的,一种波被创造出来。当你爱一个人时,那你正在扔一块石头在爱之湖中。现在每个人都受益了,不仅仅是你所爱的那个人。如果你只爱那个人,你试图对他好,那么你只是在做这个尼姑所做的事。This is impossible!当有人在爱时,那么他的爱会不断地传到四周。你无法使它管道化,它不是这样的东西——河流可以被管道化——它是海洋,它不可能被管道化。执著能够被管道化,而不是爱。 当你向湖中扔一块石头时,它会落在一个特定的点上,那是没有问题的。于是爱会不断地扩大。当你恋爱时,你便落入了一个特定的点,有一个特定的人。但是那只是开始,不是结束,那时爱会不断地扩大,那时整个世界都受到了恩惠。每当有一个人在爱时,整个世界都受到恩惠。在石头落下的地方有一个中心,波浪会从那儿泛起,一直到最终。那儿会有一个中心——爱者,被爱者。但是爱不可能停在那里,它是在不断成长的东西,没有人能够包住它。所以爱人只是成了门,只要开着——那时整个宇宙都受到它的恩惠。 但是这个可怜的尼姑就像你,就像人类的头脑,通过人类的愚蠢运作着。她不喜欢她的香气飘到其它的佛像上去——而其它的塑像也是佛的塑像。 当我爱一个人时,我在那里找到了神性。爱显示了一个人的神性。一旦它显示了,那么所有的佛像……于是每个人都是神性的:树是神性的,云是神性的,街上的乞丐是神性的,每个人都是神性的。如果爱已经发生了,你已经看到了一个人的本来的面孔——只有在爱中显示——那么每个地方的佛都是佛,所有的塑像都是佛像,那么整个世界就成了一个寺庙。 但是那时你不用担心,那时你不用担心你的香气正飘向别人,你不用担心你的爱人的香气正飘向别人,你会感到快乐:通过你整个世界正在得到恩惠,通过你整个世界正在受到祝福。如果你害怕,你试图包住它,那么它即是占有,它会扼杀爱。不要试图包住它,不要试图占有它!让它成长,帮助它成长,帮助它到达每一个人!只有那时你会得到它,因为只有当整个世界得到它时,你才可能得到它。 但是这就是问题:每当你爱一个人时,你要包住他,限制他,就好像你将树栽在盆里来限定它一样,不仅仅是根,而且是整个树——那样你会将它杀死。树必须朝向天空,它必须向天空伸展,它的花会给很多人以芬芳,它的分枝会给很多人以树荫,很多人将会受到它的果实的恩惠。当然,根是在你里面,但树却不断地成长。爱就可能是最伟大的树:它能伸入整个天空,它不可能被限制,它不可能被包住,你不可能使它有限——爱的自然本性就是无限的。 但是出乎她的意料,香气都飘向其它的佛像,于是她设计了一个漏斗,通过漏斗,烟只能飘向她的佛像。 那么发生了什么呢?这是一定会发生的: 这样便熏黑了金装佛像的鼻子,使佛像变得特别难看。 这正发生在每一个爱人和情人的身上,那时香气便不再 是香气,它只是成了烟——香气需要扩散。那时鼻子被熏黑了,而所有的佛现在都有了黑鼻子。 看看你的克里希那,看看你的佛陀、你的马哈维亚,他们的鼻子都被熏黑了——因为你,你的占有。你的祈祷是占有,它不是真实的。耆那教徒们不允许任何人进入他们的寺庙,因为你不是一个耆那教徒;印度教徒们不允许贱民们进入寺庙,因为你不是更高种姓的。所有的寺庙都被熏黑了,因为他们占有:"我的寺庙!"我认定"我的"那一刻时,那么它就不再是一座寺庙了,因为寺庙怎么能是我的或是你的呢? 寺庙就是寺庙! 一次,我因为打开一个教堂的门而被拖上了法庭。那个教堂最起码关闭了20年。教堂里的敬拜者离开了,他们并不在印度——它是为一个英国的基督教宗派所拥有。在镇上没有人,甚至没有人来看管它。这是座美丽的教堂,但是已经完全残破了。那时几个基督徒过来对我说,他们说:"我们并不属于那个派别,但是我们没有教堂,所以你能不能帮助我们?你来打开这座教堂的门,我们要开始敬拜。"我说:"好吧。"所以他们撬开了锁,他们打扫了教堂——他们清洁了基督的黑鼻子。 我为所有的人打开了它,所以我说:"教堂属于谁并不是一个问题,教堂是那些来敬拜的人的,是他们的。"但是两三个月后,消息传到了教堂的拥有者那里,他们派了一个律师,他将我拖上法庭,因为,"你为什么打开这座教堂?" 地方法官问我:"你为什么打开这座教堂?它不属于这些人,它不是他们的财产。" 我说:"教堂不可能是任何人的产财,它是那些敬拜的人的,是他们的。教堂不是一种财产,这完全不是法律上的问题!" 地方法官说:"不要将我们引向歧途。我们不可能讨论哲学,这是一个法律上的问题!" 教堂是一个法律上的问题?是的,它已经成了法律上的问题,寺庙是一个法律上的问题?如果寺庙是一个法律上的问题,那么它属于这个世界而不是那个世界。所以,我说:"好吧,你可以关闭它,如果它是一个法律上的问题。你可以关闭它,但是要好好记住,这就是宗教怎样被扼杀、被谋杀的。"它完全不是一种财产!但是所有的教堂、所有的寺庙都已经成了财产,它们是我的或者你的——于是佛的鼻子被熏黑了,使它显得特别难看。所有的寺庙、所有的教堂,已经是丑陋不堪了。 它们必须被真正的摧毁、清扫,好让地球干净起来,只有那时真正的寺庙才能存在——当这些寺庙消失时。它们已经是你们的市场的一部分,你们的法庭的一部分。它们现在已经再也不是超越的象征。 头脑就是这样的东西,它将一切变成占有,因为自我只有占有才能够存在。而自我是障碍,自我只有在水中反射时才能被抓住,自我永远无法知道真实。现在放下这只桶!为什么要等待一次偶发事件?放下这只旧桶,让水流动——没有水,没有月亮。
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