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Chapter 5 dead man's answer

no water, no moon 奥修 14292Words 2018-03-20
Mamiya later became a famous teacher, but when he was studying with a master, the master asked him to explain the sound of clapping one hand. Although Gamiya worked very hard on this, one day his master said to him: "You are not working hard enough, you are too attached to food, wealth, some things - and that voice. If you die, it will be more difficult." better. The next time, Mamiya came to the master, and the master asked him again what to show about the sound of one hand clapping.Mamiya immediately collapsed, as if he were already dead. "You are really dead," said the master, "but what about the voice?"

Mamiya looked up and replied, "Oh, I haven't answered that question yet." "What?" shouted the master, "The dead can't speak, get out!" The absurd is the need to take you out of the mind... because the mind is reasoning, through reasoning you cannot get out of the mind, through reasoning you go forward, forward, but you are just going around in circles. That's what you've been doing for several lifetimes, one thing to another, but the other thing is the same part of the circle as the original thing, and you feel like you're moving forward because there's a change, but you Going in circles, you go on, on, round and round -- you cannot go out.The more you think about how to reason, the more you are creating more systems, technologies, and methods that are derived, and the more you are bound by it.Because the fundamental problem is: Reasoning cannot bring you out, because you are in the phenomenon of reasoning.

Need to be illogical, need to be beyond reason, need to be absurd, crazy - only they can bring you out, all the great masters have had this design - their design is absurd.If you think about these things then you will miss, you have to follow their line without any reasoning. That's why philosophy is not very helpful, only religion helps -- religion is total madness! Tertullian (Tertullian) once said: "I believe in God, because God is absurd." There is no reason to believe it. What reason is there to believe in God?Who can prove that God exists?There is no reason to justify - so faith.Faith means absurdity, faith means: there is no reason to believe, and you do.Faith means: no arguing, no arguments to prove -- and you stake your whole life on it.No one can prove that God exists, and you are jumping into this abyss.Any sane person feels that you've gone mad, and that's how all rationalists always feel.Buddha, Krishna, Jesus -- they have gone mad, they are talking nonsense.

In the West, there is a whole school of thought that proves that all religions are absurd.I'm a religious person, and I say they're right - they're right for the wrong reasons, they think, if you make sure that religion is absurd, then you demean religion and refute it, it's not true! Religious people are always saying, "We are absurd! We do not belong to this rational world, we belong to the world of the beyond, and the beyond must be absurd." What meaning can you get from religion?If you can get any meaning in religion then you have missed it, you are in the theological, philosophical, systematic world, but you have never touched that innocence which is beyond reason.

Tertullian was right, he was real, and he said: "I believe, because God is the absurd." To believe means to believe in the absurd.You don't need to believe the world around you - it's there!No one needs to believe it.How can you not believe it?It exists in such a way that everything that appears proves that it exists.Someone will throw a rock at you, and that's the proof, because you're going to bleed, you've been hit, the rock is there. But God cannot hit you like a stone, you cannot even touch him, no way!How to smell him?How to see him? —and you still believe, and to believe always means to believe in the absurd.

But what happens when someone can believe in the absurd?Then he was out of reason, and suddenly the circle stopped turning, the wheel stopped.Because you no longer give it any momentum.The debate stops, the thinking stops, and suddenly, you are outside of it, as if you have been awakened from sleep, and the greatest sleep is reason, because reason creates such beautiful dreams, it is so real that Everyone is deceived by it. Once you wake up from the vicious circle, there is only God and nothing else exists, so there is no need to believe, you already understand!But before you know it, faith is required.And all these philosophers who have been trying for centuries to prove that God exists, they are not religious, they are not serving God, they are doing a disservice.Because when you present evidence, then you make God a part of the mind, and when someone believes because God is proven, then he cannot get out of reason.

So, all religious people, all the masters, have devised how to bring you out of rational events.Zen has its own special technique, and that technique is the famous koan.A koan is an absurd mystery that you cannot solve, no matter how hard you try, your efforts are irrelevant. "Try harder, try harder," the master will keep saying, "You are not trying hard enough." And he is deceiving you, because whatever you do is not enough to answer the question -- because the question is unsolvable!It doesn't depend on whether you work hard or not, but if you do, do it totally, then suddenly you become aware of the absurdity -- never before.

You'll suddenly start laughing, the whole thing is ridiculous!And if you can laugh, laughing madly when reason is out of function... Have you ever seen a madman laugh?His laugh is totally different from yours, yours is deduced, it has a reason: someone tells a joke, someone slips on a banana peel in the street, that's why you laugh, There is always a reason, something ridiculous happens.Why do you laugh when a person slips on a banana peel?Why?What is humorous about it?That is: the ego is the most absurd thing in human beings, when a man slips on a banana peel, then even a banana peel is stronger than you, the whole absurdity of the ego is confirmed, man is not what—

Even a banana peel can throw you off balance. The whole civilization of man is egocentric, man has started to have a whole culture, a nation, great dreams, because he is the only animal that can stand upright on two legs - that's why man has always thought that he is not an animal, he is different Yes, he is the only one, he does not belong to the animal world.But when you slip on a banana peel, suddenly the upright posture is lost, and suddenly you fall into the animal world, you are a helpless animal, nothing else, that's why you see a human being Falling is so funny. think about itIf a beggar stepped on a banana peel and fell, you would not feel so ridiculous, but if the prime minister fell, then you would laugh harder, why?Because a beggar is a beggar, he is already part of the animal world--too little.But this Prime Minister, President, King, Queen - you would never believe that the Queen of England would fall like a human!impossible!They've created around them a false sense of innocence, and all it takes is a banana peel to bring things down, and you're out, you're just helpless people, and not just helpless people, but animals too— — four-legged, not two-legged.

It's ridiculous, you laugh, but there must be a reason.Look at a madman laughing - there is no reason in it, that's why you call him crazy, you ask him, "Why are you laughing?" If he can tell why, then he is not crazy, if he can't answer why, Then you would say that he has gone beyond reason. When the koan is understood for the first time...not solved, because the koan cannot be solved, the koan cannot be solved, it cannot be solved, there is no way to solve it, impossible, it is a dead end for the mind— You can't move anymore, and suddenly you're stuck, and the master keeps saying, "Work hard! You're not working hard enough." And the more you work, the more you get stuck, you can't move; you can't go back, and you can't Forward - stick.And the master goes on knocking on you: "Quick, quick, work hard, work hard! There comes a moment when you can no longer retain any part of your being, you put your whole being into it! And you are still stuck.

Suddenly, when all your energy is involved, you become aware, and it happens only when you are fully involved, you throw everything in, and only at the pinnacle, at the pinnacle of energy, do you This is the awareness that the question is absurd -- that it cannot be answered.Laughter pervades your whole being, a crazy laugh, and with that laugh everything changes, transforms. This is number one. Number two -- and then we can get into the story -- number two: you're all great imitators.Imitation is easier than authenticity, because imitation is only superficial. Essence needs your center, needs you in your wholeness, and that requires too much. Only on the surface you participate, in the depths you do not enter.It is very easy to imitate, and entire cultures and societies depend on it. Everyone is telling you how to act, and whatever they teach you is just imitating.Religious people -- so-called religious people, priests, theologians -- they are also teaching you: Be like Jesus, be like Buddha, be like Krishna. No one will tell: Just be yourself.nobody!It seems like everyone is against you, no one allows you to be yourself, no one gives you any freedom, you can be in this world but you have to imitate others. The whole thing is absurd because they have said the same to Buddha, they are saying to Buddha: Be like Rama, be like Krishna.He doesn't follow them, that's how he becomes a Buddha, because he never becomes a victim of imitation, so he becomes enlightened, no one can imitate, and if you imitate you will only be a fake. I heard it once: a lion and a rabbit entered a restaurant and suddenly everyone became alert and they couldn't believe their eyes.Rabbit said to the waiter, "Give me a lettuce—without dressing!" The waiter was a little scared, but he still asked, "What would your friend want? What should I bring him?" Rabbit said: "No." The waiter said, "Isn't he hungry?" The rabbit stared at the waiter and said, "If he was a real lion, do you think I would be sitting here? He's an actor." The whole world has become unreal, all actors, no one is real, and it is very difficult to find a real person.If you can find a real person, don't leave him, just be close to him, his reality is contagious, just being close to him is enough to transform you, no need to do anything.This is what we call "satsang": being close to a real person, a real person, an authentic person, nothing more!Just being close to him, seeing and feeling his presence - that's enough. But society has made you imitators, actors, you are not real, you are false, you were never allowed to be who you are, that is what you can be, nothing else is possible.You can try, imitate, but only on the surface.Deep down, you will still be yourself...and that's the way it should be.The falsity imposed on yourself does not become your being, how can it be?At most it could be a coat, a gesture, a superficial gesture. The whole world is rooting for you to be copycats.So when you go into the temple, near the master, you go back to the old way that you have been doing in this world, and there, too, you start imitating, and there, they will be totally useless, they will be a hindrance .In this world, that's no problem, because the whole world is of imitators.If you are real there you will be in trouble; if you are false you will be accepted.The only thing this so-called world wants to do is to make you a shadow, not a real person, because a real person is dangerous. Only shadows can be conquered, shadows can obey, shadows will follow, whatever they are told, they will do.A real person doesn't always say yes, sometimes he says no, and when he says no, he means no!You cannot conquer him, you cannot subdue him. So, from the very beginning we train our kids to be fake, and that's what we call personality.If they really become false, unreal, we praise them, we give them medals, we say they are real, this falseness is called true, perfect; and if the child rebels, to be his himself, then he is a problem child, he has to go to psychoanalysis, or he has to be sent to some institution where he will be corrected -- something is wrong with him.And there's nothing wrong with him, he's just asserting his rights, he's saying, "Let me be myself." There was a kid named Tommy who was attending a wedding for the first time.A guest asked: "Tommy, who do you want to marry in the future? When?" Tommy said, "Never! I don't want to get married." The man asked in surprise, "Why?" "I've lived with married people for so long, they're so fake," he said, while his mom and dad were there, "I don't want to get married because I want to be myself." The wife does not allow the husband to be himself, nor does the husband allow the wife to be herself; no one allows anyone to be himself or herself, because such a view is dangerous. depressed!And this has depressed society, and if it's sad, it must be, and that's natural.False people cannot be happy, at most they are sad, at most, at their culmination, they will be sad, depressed.Freud once said that happiness is impossible and hopeless for human beings.He's right - man has always been on this road, and if man continues on that road - there can only be sad, depressed, hopeless states where people just carry themselves like a bag: No dance, no vibrancy of energy, no life force, no singing, nothing, no flowers -- just dragging on. False people can only be that way, but when they get too tired, very tired of society, they go to the masters to find the truth, and there, too, they do their old ways, so there they are will miss too.It's okay to be false to false people, because it's not easy to be true to them.But when you are seeking truth, when you come to the Master, a drive happens to you to know what is true, and you are not allowed to imitate, and if you imitate, you are carrying the old form, your A pattern of being, and that pattern of being becomes an obstacle. In religion, imitation is not allowed.But look at the case of religion: you will see churches, temples, mosques, there you will find the greatest imitators, and that means religion does not remain -- churches, temples are now graves of death.With Jesus one has to be real, but with the Vatican Pope you have to be a copycat, now Christianity in the Vatican is a part of society. Jesus was never part of society, he was a stranger, all truly religious people were strangers, they were outsiders, and when they died, the church raised their bodies, then the church was part of society, It is socially operated, socially controlled. Society has many cunning tricks. If you escape the market, you will fall into the church, because the church is just an extension of the market. The market feeds the church, the market controls the church, and the market is the real owner of the church.The priest does not represent the holy, he represents the market. The clergy represent the social economy, and Marx was right when he said that religion was already in the hands of the capitalists, or the feudalists, or those who exploited and had power.Religion has been manipulated like a tool of exploitation.For the original Sankaracharya, for Jesus, because they are not part of society, they exist in the wild, they exist like strangers, they exist against society and imitation, they To exist as messengers of God, that is what it means to be an incarnation, that is what it means to be a son of God, that is what it means to be a prophet, a Baigamber—they exist as messengers of the transcendence. Keeping these two points in mind, we get into the story. Mamiya later became a famous teacher... Remember, only a true disciple can become a teacher.He who has never been a disciple, who has never known what a disciple is, who has never been a learner, cannot be a teacher.Before you can teach, you have to learn, but everyone wants to be a teacher without being a student, your ego wants to be a master and not a disciple - so you will be a false master, then not only are you in danger You'll also lead many other people into danger, a blind man leading others—and they're sure to fall into a trap. Remember this because the ego always wants to teach, give advice, teach, it is so beautiful in nature, sometimes in you you can catch this ego because you are doing that too and you can't give up opportunity to teach.You've missed a thousand opportunities to learn, but you can't pass up a single one... There's a conversation, and you jump in; someone asks a question—you don't know what the question means, you don't know what the answer is, but You will answer because the ego feels so good when you appear to be knowledgeable, you know, and others are ignorant, that's how attractive it is to be a teacher, to teach!You are the one who knows, and the other is the one who is ignorant. It's the old trick: you have wealth and others are poor; you have jobs and others don't; you know and others are ignorant.Whenever you feel that others have been thrown to the bottom, you are at the top.That's why there are so many teachers and so few real masters in the world, but that will always be the case, it has been. When Mahavira was born, he was a true guru, and the Jains of India have been waiting for a teerthankara for many, many years, and the twenty-fourth guru will come, the second Fourteen great masters are waiting, Jainism has a kind of mathematics, in each "kalpa" - a stage of the universe - twenty-four great masters are born, so twenty-three have been Birth, the twenty-fourth still has to wait, there is a long wait for the twenty-fourth, but how do you know who is the twenty-fourth?When Mahavira came, he was the twenty-fourth, and the other eight claimed that they were the real masters— And those eight led many astray. They are great teachers, but not masters.They can speak, they can preach, they can argue, they are argumentative, debaters, and they influence many people -- because you can be influenced by debate, you can't be influenced by existence, because to see To exist, you have to keep raising your consciousness higher, higher, and only then can you see the peak.How can you see the top if you are in the valley?You must improve yourself. It is difficult to see Mahavira clearly, but there is Goshalak, there is Prabuddhakatyayan, there is Poornkashyap and others, they are very Ordinary, but extraordinary minds, in the usual sense, they have not become conscious, they are not enlightened, but they are great scholars, greater than Mahavira, they are great debaters -- they Can render anyone speechless—the ax of logic, the braider of hair.When they claimed, many people heard them and Mahavira remained completely silent for 12 years. Who will go to him?Every village kicked him out, wherever he went, people kicked him out because he was always silent - that's one thing - you always suspect a silent man, maybe from the CIA, FBI.So every village suspects Mahavira because this man doesn't talk, he doesn't even look at people, and he's naked!That creates more trouble because people ask, "Why are you naked?" and he remains silent, so he's either a hidden criminal or a naked lunatic, because only a lunatic is naked naked.Why is he naked? —An immoral person, because being naked in society is the most immoral thing. Then, no answer! - he is either stupid, won't answer, or suspicious: maybe he is some foreign agent, or something, and they kick him out of town, and he's been kicked out for 12 years, and we say people are waiting for him . But it's not enough to just wait, you need to have eyes to see.The Jews have waited thousands of years for Jesus, they are still waiting, and Jesus has happened, what will the human mind do with it?The Jews are still waiting for the Messiah to come, and He has come! Twenty centuries passed, he came among them, he knocked on their doors, they refused to believe him - because he didn't speak the way they expected, and how can a messenger of God speak the way you expect?He is not part of you, he is from the other side, he cannot speak your language, whatever he says will destroy you, he will destroy you.You as you are must be destroyed, only then a new man will be born, but the Jews refuse to believe, they are still waiting. Understand well!If he musters up his courage again... I don't think Jesus will take his courage again because of the way you treated him, that's enough!If he muster his courage again, if he forgets what happened 20 centuries ago: how you crucified him, how you insulted him, how you were rude, if he forgets, come again , knocking on the door of the Jews - again they wait - they will again reject him. They can accept ordinary people with extraordinary minds, but they cannot accept people with extraordinary states of being, because to see that existence you have to transform yourself.Being like you cannot see, being like you cannot comprehend Jesus. Remember well that the ego wants to be a savior, the ego wants to be a tidhakra, the ego likes to proclaim what is not his, the ego is a great proclaimer, nothing but it proclaims, goes on proclaiming.Teachers are plentiful - be alert or you may become a victim. Remember well: don't give any advice to anyone unless you have learned it, unless you have gone through the process of discipleship, and discipleship is difficult because you have to surrender, you have to let go of your ego, you have to Become selfless, and this is a paradox: unless you become selfless, you can never be yourself, the illusion has to be let go, only then the real can emerge: the false coin has to be thrown, only the Only then can we begin to explore the real, the authentic. Mamiya was a famous teacher, but when he was studying with a master, the master asked him to explain the sound of clapping one hand. He went on to become a great teacher, but he had to go through life as a master's disciple, and he was asked to solve a problem: one of the most famous Zen koans, "Find out what is the sound of one hand clapping !" Immediately the mind says: "It is useless! The search is useless, futile, because how can one hand clap? The other hand is always needed to clap, and how can there be sound in clapping with one hand? -- because the sound is Two things collide to make it, all sounds are made by two things colliding, so how can one hand do it?" So if you are a good logician, you will leave this master immediately , he's talking nonsense, it's impossible, you'll never succeed no matter what you do - it's simple logic, simple truth, but you missed the point, that's the point! Many times in many lifetimes you have left the master because his demands were impossible to be fulfilled, but a master always demands the impossible, only then can you change, and asking for the possible you will It is still the same, whenever your mind thinks it is possible, it is in it; whenever your mind thinks it is impossible, it is beyond it.Try to do the impossible, religion is the effort to achieve the impossible, religion is the effort to make the impossible happen. ...he was asked to interpret the sound of one hand clapping. If he is an argumentative person, then he will walk away immediately.Mamiya knew it was impossible, but he was still with Shifu. "But when the master says this, there must be a reason, maybe it is impossible, or it seems absurd to me, but when the master is asking, there must be something, and I can't see clearly now." That's loyalty, that's trust. If you say, "I can't understand, I won't make any effort unless you explain to me first." It is impossible for the master to explain to you, because there is nothing to explain, there is no explanation, only your consciousness Change will give you eyes that can see clearly, and you will laugh with the master, and then there will be no explanation. The master asks for the impossible because he asks for trust, and if he asks for the possible -- no trust is needed, you can reason it out, you can figure it out.When you can figure it out, you trust your mind, but when you can't figure it out, when your mind feels powerless and refuses to do anything, and you still don't go, This is trust, and the palace still does not leave - he believes in the master. Although Mamiya was very hard on it...he got to work. There are only two possibilities: you either reject the master or you reject your mind.The struggle is not between you and the master, the struggle is between your mind and the master, and when the mind is defeated there is no barrier between you and the master - you become one, the disciple becomes the master, the master becomes Disciple, all barriers are broken, the barrier is the mind, and the mind will say this and that, will try... The master is mad: "He is asking for something impossible - no one can do it, don't Waste of time! Find a reasonable person!" But Gamiya tries, he works very hard at it, he rejects the mind -- to reject the mind is trust, and the mind is rational, so trust is irrational. One day, his master said to him, "You haven't worked hard enough." And he's been working hard, but the masters are tough, you can never satisfy them, they'll keep beating you, try, try, try - because you don't know how much you can do, you're on yourself Know nothing. When you say, "I'm working hard," the master knows that it's just a part of you working.Psychologists say that even a very gifted person, even a genius, never uses 15% of his energy, and even Einstein never uses 15% of his energy, let alone ordinary people?They use about 3%, up to 5%, 95% of your life energy is wasted, so when you say, "I'm working hard," you don't know what you're talking about, you're using Fragments may be working hard, but this is only one-tenth of the parts, and the remaining nine parts are asleep.The master wants you to be totally involved, because when you are total, only then will you transform. "You're not working hard enough, you're too attached to food, wealth, things—and that voice. It would be better if you were dead." What does this master mean?These are the worlds that the average person is attached to. Food is an attachment, and when one rejects sex, it becomes an even greater attachment. In a monastery, in a Buddhist monastery, you deny sex, you live the life of an ascetic, and when you reject sex, your whole energy becomes more and more attached to food, and that is the problem to realize , because sex and food are two of the deepest things within you. If you are too sexually obsessed then you are not so obsessed with food; but if you are not too sexually obsessed then the whole energy goes to food.So all your saints - those who have rejected sex - will always be after food.Look at the saints of Hinduism, the monks of Hinduism all have big bellies, why?Why are these Hindu monks with big bellies?They go on eating, eating, eating - but this is a natural phenomenon, one has to understand why, they have rejected sex, where can the energy that is flowing towards sex go now? Food and sex are fundamental, food is more fundamental than sex, because you can live without sex, but you can't live without food, life without sex is no problem, and really, those who live with sex You will find it easier not to have sex, because the other person will get involved, the other person will create problems, you have enough problems yourself, and the other person will create more!That's not to say that when two people have sex, the problems only double— No, they multiply, it's not simply adding, it's multiplying. So those who have had sex know very well that sex creates more problems than it solves, but when you know it, you're in it and you can't get out.This is the problem: experience comes through experience -- but then it is useless because you are already in it.And if you tell someone who is still outside, he will not listen to you, because he will say that it is very difficult to be alone, and you need another person to share.When he starts sharing, he doesn't know what's going to happen... because then you're going to start sharing problems - there's nothing else to share. Food is more basic than sex, and the first moment a child is born needs food—not sex.The child can live without any sex for 14 years, but the first day, the first moment, the first cry is the need for food, because food is the root of your biological existence, sex is not the root of your biological existence, sex is a social creature The basis of the body's existence - not yours.Without sex society will disappear, you can live, but without sex you cannot reproduce, children will not be born, society will disappear. If all people become ascetics -- that is unthinkable -- then there will be world peace, real peace, because there will be no one, there will be global suicide.But you can exist without sex, that's not a big problem. So whenever your energy flow to sex stops, the energy starts to flow to food, these are the basic conditions. Hindu monks or other monks, they eat too much all the time, so in every scripture - Jains, Buddhists, Hindus - they make a rule for monks not to eat too much, why?Because they have stopped having sex, now they know that they will eat too much, so many regulations have to be made to protect the monk, otherwise he will become a foodie, he will go crazy-eating, eating, eat. Eating gives you sexual pleasure, because both the sex center and the mouth are connected, that's why kissing is so sexy, otherwise, why...?If you kiss someone passionately, immediately you will feel a rise in sexual energy, why? — because mouth and sex are so far apart, no, they are connected, they are two poles of one energy. So whenever you're sexually horny, the whole energy moves to the mouth, so you're bound to eat more, chew gum, chew betel nuts or something, or, nothing else, then you Must keep talking, because talking moves the mouth, that's why people keep talking all day, not even enough during the day, if you sit next to them at night, you'll see they're still talking say. Mulla Nasruddin went to the doctor and said to him, "Please help me! I'm getting upset right now, my wife talks too much at night." The doctor said, "Where is your wife? Bring her and I will show her." 穆拉·那斯鲁汀说:"你没有理解我的意思,对她没什么可看的,给我看看,好让我保持清醒!这真有趣!我会睡着了……而她一直在说,这真有趣,她说着如此美丽的事,显示了这样美丽的事,当她醒着的时候,从来不会那样说,当她醒时,她一直在讲些废话,所以,请帮帮我,好让我保持清醒,继续听下去。" 如果你观察人,他们整晚都在讲话——不停地,他们的嘴一直动着,他们发着声音,做着各种事情。如果能量的一极停止了,那时另一极便开始动,因为无论如何能量都必须被释放,你无法容纳它,这就好像你只吃而不拉,会怎么样?你必定会呕吐,没有其它的出路,因为如果你吃进去,那么东西必定要出来。如果你吃进去,那么性能量被制造出来,于是它就必须被释放出去。如果你不用性来发泄,那么另外的发泄的渠道必须被找到。 这个间宫一定变得太执著于食物了,师傅说,你太执著于食物、财富、一些事物——和那个声音。 当一个人被定型,当一个人被执著所制约,他或许会离开这个世界,但是那没有关系,他或许会抛开所有的东西,但是执著还在,会在新的方向上下功夫。你或许会离开皇宫:于是除了两件袍子,你什么也没有,但是你会执著于那两件袍子,整个的执著,整个执著于皇宫的能量,现在就执著在两件袍子上,这没有什么区别,你能继续放弃一些东西,但是执著还是一样。 这个间宫来到了寺院,他已经离开了他原来的生活,他已是一个佛教的和尚,现在已经一无所有了,一个佛教的和尚不允许有很多东西:一只盛食物和水的碗,三件袈裟,一张睡觉的席子——就是这样,没有什么需要烦恼的,他能背在背上行走,因为一个佛教的和尚必须是一个流浪者,他必须带上他所有的东西,没有其他人为他背东西:佛陀制定了这条戒律,好让你无法收集东西。如果能允许别人来背,你或许会不断地收集东西。 就很少的东西——但是执著!师傅说,你仍然执著于食物、财富……他现在已经没有财富了,但是没有财富,执著还可能在,因为不是客观事物的问题,是主观感觉的问题。 ……和那个声音——那也变成问题了,如果你太执著于静心,静心成了你的世界;如果你太执著于你的祈祷,祈祷就变成了障碍。 在哈西德文学中有一个美丽的传说。哈西德人物是世界上最美丽的人之一——犹太教的反叛者,他们有一个传说,一个有价值的传统,而那传统就是无论你的头脑要求什么,都不要将那东西给予头脑。等待!如果你想给予的话,只有当那个动念消失时才给予;如果头脑说:"我饿了。"不要给予食物,等待!当那个动念消失了再给予食物,但是不要在头脑要求时给予,不要跟着头脑,你要做主人。 有一次,一个巴尔·谢姆(BaalShem)的门徒病了,快死了,当一个人快死时,必须做祈祷,最后的祈祷,在人离开他的身体之前,必须做最后的感恩和祈祷,他正躺在病床上,不住地翻着身,非常不安,所以巴尔·谢姆问——他来看他,并作最后的告别,他说:"有什么问题吗?"他说:"是的,因为头脑说:做祈祷!而我不能做它,除非那个动念离开了,当那个动念离开了我才会做祈祷,但是我不知道那时我是否是活着还是死了!所以我一再地翻着身,好让我能活着而那个动念离开。" 巴尔·谢姆对其他在场的门徒说:"看!这个人懂得什么是祈祷。" 因为如果执著在那儿,你在做着祈祷,那么祈祷就变成这个世界的,因为执著会把一切改变成物质性的,甚至当你执著着做祈祷时,祈祷也会是一个罪过;当你做祈祷时,并不执著,不是头脑的动念,只有那时祈祷才会成功。 所以师傅说:"那个声音也已经变成了执著,你在不断地想着如何解决它,不要执著,解出它,好,但是不要执著!努力用功,但是不要疯狂。"——你死了才会更好些。 但是间宫误解了,就像通常所有的门徒那样误解了,师傅说,你死了才会更好些。师傅在对谁说:"你死了才会更好些"?对头脑,不是间宫,因为间宫不会死,间宫是不死的,是头脑、自我正在试图解出这个无法被头脑解出的问题。 只有当念头停止时,问题才会被解决,当头脑做了一切所能做的事,然而却是徒劳的,才会说:"没有出路了,我退休了。"当头脑退休时,剩下单独的你,第一次没有念头——意识在,观照在,但是思想不在——问题解决了,你听到了一只手鼓掌的声音。 有一种声音,印度教称它为奥姆卡(omkar),"嗡 (AUM)"就是这声音,如果你是完全宁静的话,你会听到它,而它不是由任何两样东西碰撞而产生的,它不是由两只手鼓掌而产生的,它不是通过撞击产生的,它是宇宙的音乐,它正是存在的音乐,它不是被制造出来的,它就是在! 印度教说的正相反:宇宙是由这个声音创造的,这个宇宙正是那个声音的蜕变,无始无终……万物之根本,而佛教、耆那教、苏非教、哈西德教的所有那些悟到的人的经验都是一样的,经验是相同的:不断地有一种声音、一种旋律——如果你变得宁静了,念头不存了,你会第一次听见它,它无处不在!它正在存在的核心,这整个存在正是那个声音的蜕变。 这些神秘家曾经说过,即使物质也只不过是凝结的奥姆卡,石头也只是凝结的"嗡",这就好像当今的科学家们说,物质只是由电凝结而成,只是由电的振动凝结而成。神秘家们曾经说,物质只是由声音凝结而成,只是声音的振动而已。 现在在科学与这些神秘家们之间架起一座桥梁有了一种可能,如果你问科学家们,他们会说声音只是电的振动;如果你问神秘家们,他们会说电只是声音的振动。那就是为什么印度人有些故事是通过音乐能制造出火,有一种特定的声波,火便能被创造出来,而现在这也是科学事实。 不停地制造出一种特定的声音便能打击出如此多的热力——在此,你能自己试试,晚上冷了,你站在外面,只要做奥姆卡,尽量地在你内在用"嗡"来振动,嗡的声音正是从你的脚趾头振动到脑袋,突然间,你会感到寒冷已经消失了,身体是热的。在一个非常非常冷的晚上,结冰的晚上,如果你继续做它,很快,你就会出汗,马哈维亚就是那样过赤身裸体的生活的,佛教的和尚们在冷到零度以下的西藏就是那样过着赤身裸体的生活,他们整晚坐在下着雪的天空下,而他们正出着汗,他们不停地制造着那种特定的声音。 但那个声音也并不是你创造的奥姆卡,因为那是制造出来的,那是两手一再鼓掌的声音,有一种不是被制造出来的声音,或者,正是来自那个声音的创造,那就是为什么"嗡"已经成为最本真的宇宙的象征,"嗡"不是一个词,它是一个声音的象征,万物凝结成它,或者,万物都是通过它而显现的。 间宫的师傅说:"与其你执著食物、财富、一些事物——和那个声音,还不如你死了才会更好些。如果你死了,那才会更好些。"间宫误解了,他以为这会是一项技术,他想:"我能操纵死亡,所以我会死。"但是你怎样能操纵死亡呢?如果头脑是操纵者的话,那么你是活着,你能模仿,但是,你将活着。 甚至自杀也不是自杀,因为是你的操纵,你不会消失,但是你无法自杀,自杀是不可能的,你去,你自己上吊——是你在做,头脑在场,这个头脑会领着你走向新的生命,进入一个新的子宫。你无法自杀——只有一种自杀是为人所知的,那就是三摩地(Samadhi),但那时头脑不是操纵者,那就是为什么佛陀死了,真的死了,他不再出生了,因为头脑不在了——谁能引导到新的欲望,谁还能引导到新的动机,谁还能引导到新的肉体呢?头脑已经离去。 只有一种死亡,那就是念头的死亡,但是头脑做不到,因为如果你通过头脑来做,那么头脑还是做者并且继续活着。 下一次,间宫来到师傅面前,师傅再次问他有什么可显示……因为这些问题并不是你能回答的,你必须通过你的眼睛,通过你的存在,通过你的脸才能显示答案,答案必须通过你被显示,你必须变成答案。你无法给予答案,因为如果你给予,那是头脑在给予——你就能是答案。 所以……他被再次要求显示关于一只手鼓掌的声音。 间宫立即倒地,就好像他死了。 他模仿着,他以为:"师傅已经说过:死!——死会更好些。"所以他以为这是非常好的,所以他倒地,因为头脑正在起着作用,这就是头脑得出的结论要这样做。 "你真的死了。"师傅说:"但是那个声音呢?" 间宫抬起头来回答道:"噢,我还没有解答出那个问题。" 这真美,因为师傅正在说:"如果你死了,问题也就解决了,那声音呢?你一定已经听到它了。"因为当头脑不在了,那么它一定会被听到,那时你不可能听不到它——如果头脑不在的话。当头脑不在时,它总是在!就是因为头脑,头脑的混乱,于是你无法听见它,它总是存在,那个韵律一直存在。即使头脑停止一小会儿,它就在那儿,你就能知道它—— 你永远不会弄错它! 所以,师傅说:"你真的死了,但是那个声音呢?" 间宫抬起头来回答道:"噢、噢、噢……我还没有解答出来。" "什么?"师傅吼道,"死人不会说话,滚出去。" 只有头脑说话,如果间宫保持沉默……但是他怎么能保持沉默呢?因为他只是在模仿,他不是真正的沉默,即使你死了,你也不可能欺骗一个师傅,模仿无法骗人。 师傅说:"死人不可能说话。"当头脑消失时,师傅问:"那个声音呢?"——没有回答会出现,整个存在就是回答,门徒保持沉默,他正在显示他自身,现在没有必要,师傅会明白并没有真正地要求回答,如果你回答的话,所有的回答都是错的。 同一个公案,发生过很多次了——一只手鼓掌的声音。它发生在临济身上,他被要求参预同样的公案,那时他不断地用功、用功、用功,努力、努力,而师傅不断地激励他,向前、向前。一天,它发生了——头脑消失了,声音被听见了。 临济来到师傅那里,师傅问:"那个声音呢?"临济打了师傅,而师傅说:"对,你已经听见了!"——因为问题是愚蠢的!师傅说:"我正等待着不用打你的时刻,现在你能打我了,现在没事了,现在我不需要打你了,完成了!现在你走吧,去教别人一只手鼓掌的声音。" 并不要求回答,你必须通过你整个的存在来显示,但是这只能够当念头已经消失时才会发生——没有水,没有月亮。
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