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Chapter 4 Is that so?

no water, no moon 奥修 13471Words 2018-03-20
The Zen master Hakuin was revered by his neighbors as a man who lived a pure life. One day, a beautiful girl who lived near Hakuin was found pregnant.Parents are very angry.At first, the girl refused to say who the father of the child was, but after a lot of trouble, she revealed Hakuin's name. Parents went to Hakuin angrily, but his only answer was: "Is that so?" When the child was born, it was sent to Hakuin's care - at which point he was discredited, although he was not disturbed by it. Hakuin took great care of the child. He got milk, food and everything the child needed from neighbors.

A year later, the child's mother couldn't take it anymore, so she told her parents the truth - the real father was a young man who worked in a fish market.The girl's parents immediately went to Hakuin, told him about it, expressed deep apologies, begged his forgiveness, and took the child back. When the Zen master willingly gave them children, he said, "Is that so?" What is a pure life?Why do you call it pure?Because whatever you call purity is not really purity, your purity is a calculation, a moral calculation, your purity is not the purity of a saint - his purity is innocence, your purity is a A kind of cunning is a kind of shrewdness.

This has to be realized first.If you understand it deeply, only then will you know what is a wise man, what is a saint, what is a man of knowledge.Because, if your measurement is wrong, if your most basic judgment is wrong, then everything will go wrong with it. True purity is like a child -- innocent, innocent, making no distinctions about what is good and what is bad, true purity does not know what is God and what is the devil.But your purity is a choice -- choose God over demons, choose good over bad, you have made a distinction, you have divided existence, and divided existence cannot lead to innocence.

Innocence blossoms only when existence is not divided, you accept it for what it is, you don't choose, you don't divide, you don't differentiate.In fact you don't know what is good and what is bad; if you know then you will calculate and then purity will be created, it will not be a flower. I'm going to tell you an anecdote.Khalil Gibran once wrote a beautiful story: A priest was going to a church. On the side of the road, he saw a man who was almost on the verge of death—bleeding, dying, as if he had been beaten. It was very severe, with injuries all over his body, bleeding all the time, and soaked in a pool of blood.

This priest is in such a hurry that he has to get to church on time, people must be there waiting for him, but he's a moral man - I won't say pure - he's a moral man, he thinks about doing What, he figured, and then he thought, "It's better to help this dying man, that's what Jesus said. It's better to forget about the church, the worshiping people, they can wait a while, but this man He must be helped immediately, or he will die." So he approached the man, but when he saw his face, he was startled, and it looked familiar, very evil-looking, and then he suddenly remembered a picture of a devil in his church— — This is the man!This is the devil, no one else!So he ran to the church.

The devil cried out, and he said, "Listen, priest! If I die, you will regret it forever, because, if I die, if the wicked die, what will happen to your god? If the wicked die So how do you know what is good? You exist because of me, think about it!" The priest paused, and the devil was right: if the devil were dead, there would be no hell, and if there were no fear, then who would worship God?All prayers are based on fear, you are afraid, your love for God is based on fear of the devil, your good is measured through evil, God needs the devil. The devil said, "God needs me! Without me, all the churches would close down, no one would go to church, and you wouldn't find a religious person if I wasn't there. I tempted them, and through my temptation they became Saint, have you ever heard that there was a saint who was not tempted by the devil? Your Jesus, your Zarathustra, your Buddha - all were tempted by me! I made them saints , so come back!"

The priest hesitated for a moment, but the devil was logical—the devil was always logical, he was logic incarnate, you couldn't reason with him, you couldn't argue, if you argued you'd lose, you couldn't argue with Win the devil's debate. The priest had to admit and agree, he said, "You seem to be right, where would we be without you?" So he took the devil on his back and went to the hospital.He waited until he was sure the devil was no longer in danger.As long as the devil survives, all churches, all priests and all religions will survive. The priest was a virtuous man, but not a pure one.His life is a mathematical calculation, and if you calculate, you have been defeated by the devil, and you cannot calculate better than that.If you argue, if you divide life, if it becomes a logical question, then you have no chance of winning, the game is lost, you are in a losing battle.

A naive man does not know who is God and who is the devil, a naive man lives from his innocence, not from his calculations, he is not shrewd, he is simple, he lives from one moment to the next So, for him, the past is meaningless, and the future is also meaningless, just this moment is enough. But your morality, your morality was created by priests, priests who help the devil, because the devil is eloquent, he is always right.Your morality is not pure, so whenever someone behaves as you think a pure person should behave, and he can control himself, then you honor him, you respect him, you call him a saint.Your saint is faked like you, because it is up to you to judge and rate who is a saint, and your morality is just a fear, a hidden fear, and the fake is so clever that you Never aware of it.

How can calculation be made naive?And without "becoming" innocence -- innocence is like a tree, innocence is like an animal, innocence is like a baby -- how can purity happen to you?It is not something you control, if you control it is repressed, the opposite is always present, if you are an ascetic, sex is hidden in the unconscious, waiting for the moment of assertion, rebellion; if you are non-violent, The violence is there.The opposite cannot be thrown away, the opposite is always repressed if you choose - and that is all you can do.Only in a naive mind does the opposite disappear, because there is nothing to choose: the opposite cannot exist without choice.

So, Krishnamurtis is always going on and on about not choosing and having no choice -- that is the root of innocence.But you can be deceived by choosing no choice: "Because Krishnamurti says: Don't choose! I will not choose." If you judge, desire has entered, desire is cunning.If you decide not to choose, your not choosing will be part of morality, not of purity. Just comprehend, not make a choice - not even choose not to choose, just comprehend the whole situation: whatever you choose, whatever you do, comes from the calculating mind, it cannot be real, your mind can only produce dreams , it cannot produce truth.Truth cannot be produced, nobody can produce it, it is!Have to see, there is nothing to do, just need to see -- without any prejudice, without any choice, without any discrimination.

A divine man, if he represses, if he denies the devil, is not a real divine man, the devil will be in the corner, and once you divide, you enter the battlefield of opposites -- you will be oppressed break down.If you don't judge, you don't know what's good and what's bad, whatever happens you just accept that it's happening, what can you do?Can't do anything, so you float like a white cloud, you don't know where you're going or why you're going, when the wind blows north, you go north, when the wind blows south, you float south, you go The wind floats, you don't say, "I'm going to the south, I can't go to the north." You don't fight. A pure man is not a soldier, he is a saint.And a virtuous man is a soldier, he is not a saint.Of course, the fight is inside, not outside; not with others, of course, but with yourself only -- but the fight is there. You don't need to be a fighter, and if you fight you fail, how can you fight the whole?You are just a tiny part, a part of an atom, how can you fight the whole?A pure man neither fights nor surrenders - for surrender also belongs to soldiers.First he fights, then he finds it impossible to win, so he surrenders, and his surrender is also second-hand, it comes through fighting. A pure man just exists, he is not a fighter, he does not need to surrender, there is nothing to surrender, there is no one to surrender, who will surrender?What to hand over?He was never in combat. Realization leads you to acceptance, and that acceptance gives you purity.But this purity cannot be respected by people, by neighbors -- they cannot understand it. Morality belongs to the country, but purity does not belong to the country; morality is time-dependent, while purity is timeless; morality belongs to this society or that society: there are as many kinds of morality as there are societies; purity is one —Wherever you go, it's the same, like the taste of the sea: wherever you go, it's salty. Buddha, or Jesus, or Ramakrishna, if you taste them, they are all just like the sea -- the same.But a virtuous man is different, a virtuous man, if he is a Mohammedan, he will be different; if he is a Hindu, he cannot be the same; if he is a Christian, Then he will be different; a moral person must abide by the laws, social laws, there are many kinds of society, there are millions of morals; society will change, morality will change; purity is eternal - it transcends time, space .It is beyond the social atmosphere, the country, it is beyond the race, it is beyond everything man-made, purity is not man-made, morality is man-made. Now we get into this beautiful story -- it's true, it's a historical fact. The Zen master Hakuin was revered by his neighbors as a man who lived a pure life. They don't know, they don't understand that their concept of purity cannot apply to this person, they don't understand!They thought: He is a moral person.And he is not a moral man, he is a pure man, an innocent man - but not a moral man, he is a religious man - remember the difference - he is of eternal innocence , he is like a child.But people respect him because they do not understand the difference between moral and immoral purity. They thought he was a saint, but he was not the saint they thought he was.He is a saint, but he is not a saint that you can measure, your standard does not apply, you have to drop your measure to see, only then the saint, a real saint, will appear to you. One day, a beautiful girl who lived near Hakuin was found pregnant.Parents are very angry.At first, the girl refused to say who the father of the child was.After a lot of trouble, she said Hakuin's name. Parents went to Hakuin angrily, but his only answer was: "Is that so?" He didn't deny it, he didn't accept it, he didn't make any promises, he didn't say, "It's not my responsibility." He didn't say, "It's my responsibility." He just said things that didn't express any opinion. He said: "Is that so?"--as if it had nothing to do with him, was so separate, was so completely outside of it--just said: "Is that so? I am the father of the child?" What does it mean?This means accepting even what is not required to be accepted so completely.Because when you say "I accept", deep down you have said no; when you say, "Yes", there is an implied "No", even if he doesn't say "Yes", who said" Yes" or "No"?If it happened, if it was true, he was just a bystander.If people already thought he was the father, why bother calling them up and saying this and that unnecessarily?He doesn't choose, that's non-selective, he's not this or that, he doesn't justify himself. Purity is never justified, morality is always justified, and that's why morality is always so easily violated.You just go and look at a moralist, a Puritan, and he's offended; if you say something, he's offended, he immediately denies it, and he defends himself, but that's one of the basics of all seekers Psychological insight: Whenever you defend something, it means you are afraid. If this Hakuin had been an ordinary saint, he would have defended—and he defended for the truth, there is no doubt about it: it would soon be proved that the child was never his, that he was not the father.An ordinary saint, a so-called saint, a moral man, even if he is a father, he will defend.And this Hakuin—he's not the father, but he can't defend himself either. Naivety is insecure, that's why it is naive.If you justify it, make it safe, it's not naive - calculations have entered. What must have happened inside Hakuin?No!He just listened to the fact: "People have believed that I am the father." So he asked, "Is that so?" That's all, that's all!He doesn't respond - in one way or another.He won't say yes, and he won't say no.He does not defend, he is open and defenseless.Innocence is defenseless, it is utterly receptive and open. Whenever you defend, whenever you say this is not the case, then you are afraid.Only those who are afraid can defend, and those who are not afraid cannot defend themselves.Fear always wears armor.If someone accuses you of dishonesty, you immediately have to defend yourself. Why?Why are you so worried about this?Why resist?Because you know you're dishonest and that's why you hurt.Truth hurts because the wound is there.You know you're dishonest, and if someone says you're dishonest, you can't laugh, you get serious, you have to defend, otherwise people will know, you have to fight, otherwise, everyone will think so . If people know you are dishonest, then it becomes difficult to be dishonest.Because you can only continue to be dishonest if people believe you are honest, that's the math, people have to believe you are a real person, only then can you lie.If everyone knows you're a liar - it's over!So how can you lie?Even lying requires a trust around you, you can only be a thief if people believe you are a saint, then it is very easy to be a thief because people will not protect themselves for you. An immoral person always defends his personality, he wants to prove that he is a person, but this shows that he has no personality.If you are not dishonest and someone says you are, you say, "Is that so? Maybe, maybe, who knows?" You say, "I'll look again, I'll look inside again me, you might be right." But it's honest.How can a dishonest person say, "I'll have a look, I'm going to find out...you may be right." This is real honesty, the person cannot be dishonest.But you are dishonest, and you are offended when people say that about you.All your defenses are because you are offended and you are always ready, ready to answer.You bring your personality: "I'm a person." Fear creates an armor, now deep psychology has recognized that all personalities are armor, a child is born, he doesn't know what is good and what is bad, then he has to be taught to differentiate, if he keeps doing What happens in the mind of a child if it is considered bad, and he is punished?What happens in his consciousness?In his innocence he could not have understood what was bad in it and why it was bad.But dad and mum - they are powerful - they say, "This is bad, if you do something bad, you will be punished; if you don't do it, you will be liked and you will be rewarded." He has to obey them, because they are powerful, and he has to repress himself, repress his innocence, an armor is made around him.He becomes afraid of certain things that he definitely shouldn't do, otherwise he will be punished, and he should be doing certain things for which he will be rewarded. Greed is created, fear is created, so he has a lot of experience, where he will be punished, where he will be rewarded.Gradually, a personality is created around his consciousness, and personality means creating habits that society considers good and eliminating habits that society considers bad—this is personality.And this personality is the armor, because if you don't make it, society will destroy you, society will not allow you to exist.To exist, to survive, you have to create a personality, otherwise you will go to prison, you will be punished. Why are you so against criminals?Why do you punish them like this?Not because their crimes are that big, not because justice demands it, no, you're taking revenge, they don't obey society, they don't obey you, social structures, established institutions, they're rebellious, you're saying:" It's bad." And they're still doing it - society wants revenge.And your courts and your judges are not really just men, they are hangers, they are murderers that society retaliates in the name of justice, they murder, they kill, but in the name of justice. Does it help that a man steals, he is a thief, and he goes to prison for ten years, five years, seven years?Did that stop him from stealing when he got out?No, on the contrary, he will come out more like a thief, because in prison he will meet the masters, there he will learn the secrets of the trade, there he will know why he was caught, he Where it goes wrong, it won't be so easy to catch him next time, he'll be more skilled, he'll be more alert. Your punishment never changes anybody, but you go on punishing, you say, "We punished him to change them." No!You are taking revenge, and you know deep down that not only is society doing that, but you are doing it too.Are you a father or a mother -- you punish your child, have you ever watched your mind?Why are you punishing?Look deep inside and you will find that vindictive mentality, and you will say, "We are educating him, if he gets away with it, how will he understand?" But these are just reasonable statements.Inside the father feels hurt because the child has disobeyed, he has become rebellious, he has been doing something that is not allowed -- the father's ego feels hurt. If you look at some of the old scriptures, the Old Testament and other scriptures, then you immediately feel that God is very vindictive, that He is throwing you into hell, not because of a just need, but because you disobeyed.In the "Old Testament", it is written: obedience is a virtue, disobedience is a sin.It is not a question of what is said to you, obedience is virtue and disobedience is sin. " If obedience is compulsive, then a personality emerges.Then little by little the child starts learning, he learns, he starts calculating -- what to do, what not to do.Innocence has been poisoned, innocence is no longer there, now calculation has come in and he knows how to influence you, how to manipulate you, how to be a good boy so that he can be rewarded, how not to be a bad boy. The armor of this personality works in a double way, he wants to protect himself in society, but deep down the consciousness doesn't know what is good and what is bad, so he has to fight with himself all the time.The personality becomes a double-edged thing: on the outside, it is a defense against society; on the inside, it is an endless struggle. What do you do if you fall in love with a woman and she is not your wife?Society has taught you that it's immoral, but even your feelings have invested in love because feelings don't know what's immoral, what's moral.Something happens and you can't do anything about it, your personality starts to fight and he says, "This is immoral, stop it, control it! Don't go down this path, it's wrong." So you start fighting, this Struggle creates anxiety, your spontaneity is lost, you are a human being in the eyes of others, and you cannot lose your honor because then the ego is also lost. Inside, you also think you are a human being, you start to feel guilty, you start to punish yourself.In many monasteries, many monks have fasts - not prayers as a religion.And just punishing themselves, they feel guilty, keep guilty, very difficult to find a monk without guilt, very difficult - because everything is wrong: it is wrong to look at a beautiful woman, it is wrong to eat delicious food Stuff is not right, comfort is not right - everything is not right, guilt goes on and on, so what to do now? The only thing left is... he is not a criminal because he did nothing, so society cannot punish him, and you all give him respect, so what should he do?He has to punish himself, he will go on a hunger strike, he will stay awake for seven days: he will not let himself sleep, he will not let himself be comfortable, he will not eat good food, he will not look at all beautiful things One look—he doesn't enjoy anything, that's how he punishes himself, the more he punishes himself, the more honorable he is in the eyes of others, and he's just a twisted patient. He is sick, he is a disease, he should be studied, not honored, something is wrong in him, his mind is not easy - divided, fragmented, he is constantly against him Own.This is what anxiety means: when you are yourself against yourself, you are in anxiety, and constantly fighting yourself will create tension. You can't let anything happen because you're always afraid, and if you allow it, then all the things you repress will come out, you can't relax, your so-called saint can't relax!Even in sleep they cannot relax because they are afraid to relax, and if they relax, then what will happen?Then the body will say, "Enjoy!" Then the mind will say, "Find something delicious, look for something delicious." Then the body will desire: to find a woman, to find a beautiful person to hug, to find Someone you can mingle with. If you relax, all your inhibitions will also relax.So it is impossible for saints to relax, they are afraid to relax, they are tense, constantly tense, and you can feel the tension.If you approach a saint there is a tension around him, and if you approach a saint you also become tense.But with a real saint, a sage, he's a pure man -- not a moral man -- he's relaxed all the time, if you go up to him you feel relaxed, but then you maybe Feel scared because if you feel relaxed then your own repressions will start to arise. Many people come to me and they say, "It's dangerous! Because when we meditate and relax, many things that stopped disturbing us before begin to disturb us again." Just a few days ago a married man came to me with six children and he said, "I've never looked at other women in my life, never! But what's going on? I'm meditating and The first time - I'm 48 years old now, with six kids and a wife, everything is fine - suddenly women become very attractive to me, what to do?" He was afraid, he must have been repressed for 48 years, now, Suddenly, he learned how to relax, but when you relax, you relax completely, so all that has been suppressed is also relaxed. He was young again for the first time, "actually", I told him, "you were never young, and now you are young again, so women are attractive, but don't be afraid, everything will change now Be attractive: the trees will look different, the flowers will look different - and women? Everything will be different. And if you are afraid of that, then existence will never be beautiful for you of." "And when the whole existence has become beautiful, then you have come to the gate of God, which was never possible before, and you are afraid of a woman - what will happen to you when God comes? He will be so so beautiful that you'd forget your wife altogether! What would you do? You'd be afraid of a little woman—what would you do when a supreme beauty would stir the world, everywhere? So Don't close..." But he said, "You may be right, but what about my family? I already have children." These are fears.With a suppressed mind, relaxation is the most dangerous thing.You come to me and you ask, "How to relax?" You don't know what you're asking, because your society has trained you how not to relax, your society has taught you how to control, and here I am teaching you how Relax, that's totally antisocial, but God is antisocial, transcendence is antisocial.Your society is made by sick minds like you who make the rules and the rules - and sick people who are always very effective at making the rules and the rules are repressive and miserable themselves and they want to Let others be in a state of depression and pain, they will not allow you to be so happy. Look at the headmaster of an elementary school, who, with the authority in his hands, is killing the natural joys of children—society has not yet destroyed them—spontaneity.Look at this principal: sad, angry, always angry, always killing nature, Tao, spontaneity, only when these children are getting old and dead, he will be happy, then he will be comfortable , he has done his job well. Psychologists say that those who are attracted to schools to become teachers are sadists.If you're a sadist there's no place like school, you can do anything to the kids because they're so vulnerable and helpless, you hit them and they can't fight back, you do something And they can't fight back, they have to live with it, and you're doing them a favor, so you're not blamed, you're helping them grow. Pascal has said that the whole society is mad, and those children fall into the hands of people so mad that they are innocent by nature, but we turn them into mad people in our care.Some of them escaped by the back door: they became criminals; some of them escaped by the front door: they became saints. Saints and criminals have a similar quality, that is, rebellion.But the criminal has gone wrong in his rebellion, which is destructive, not creative, whereas the saint is also a rebellious path -- but creative. Parents are very angry.At first, the girl refused to say who the father of the child was, but after a lot of trouble, she revealed Hakuin's name. Parents went to Hakuin angrily, but his only answer was: "Is that so?" When the child was born, it was sent to Hakuin's care - at which point he was discredited, although he was not disturbed by it. To a sage, a pure person, it makes no difference whether you respect him or not, and it really doesn't matter what you think of him. Why does what other people think affect you so much?Why do other people's opinions affect you so much?Why should you care so much?Because you don't know who you are, you depend on what other people think of you, and that's your only self-knowledge.If they say you are good, then you are good; if they say you are bad, then you are bad.But inside you cannot say, "Their opinion is their opinion. If I am good, then I am good; whatever they say makes no difference. If I am bad, then I am bad." , the whole world may reverence me as a saint, but if I am bad, I know I am, and the honor cannot become my replacement - it is useless. If I am good, The whole world might say I'm bad - bad, evil, devil incarnate - what difference does it make?" A man who knows himself is never disturbed by what you think of him, but a man who does not know himself - he is always disturbed, because all his knowledge consists of your opinion, All his knowledge is just a bunch of material composed of people's opinions about him.This is not knowledge, not self-knowledge, this is the ignorance of the ego, which is concealed and feigned by you with other people's opinions, your whole identity, your whole imagination is made by other people, and you must have been Be anxious because others are constantly changing their opinions. Opinion is like the weather: it's never the same, in the morning it was cloudy, and now the clouds have cleared, and now it's sunny, and a little later it's going to rain.Opinions are just like clouds, just like the weather, what can you do?Look at Richard Nixon: one moment he was everything, the next he was nothing, opinions have changed, and those who were for him were the ones who were against him—the same people! This is so beautiful: the same people who put you in the presidency will also bring you down.There is a dynamic, there is an inner law: people who respect you do not respect you deep down, people who love you hate you because they are divided, they are not one.So when they help you get that throne, one of them -- the love part is done; now what happens to the hate part?The hate part kicked in immediately.So once a person becomes respectable, then the weather is already changing, once a person is president or prime minister, the voters are already changing, in fact, the moment they vote, part - the love part is done .Now the slow part will go up, so the same people that put you on the throne, the same people that will take you down. Only saints are free from interference.why?Because he never pays attention to what you say, what you say is actually nonsense, you don’t know anything about yourself, and you say something about Mahavira, Buddha, Christ, you don’t know anything about yourself, and You say with such certainty that Jesus is good or bad, that's bullshit!Only a person like you would pay attention to your crap.A saint is not like you, and that is the difference. After the child was born, he was sent to Hakuin to look after him—by this time his reputation had been discredited. Obviously, of course, those who thought he was a saint came to think he was a devil, and he committed a great crime, because sex is the greatest sin for man. You are so against life that sex has become the greatest evil -- because it is the source of life.You are so dead, that's why sex has become the greatest evil, because sex is the most dynamic phenomenon in the world, nothing else is so alive as sex.You come from it, the tree comes from it, the bird comes from it -- everything comes from it, everything comes alive through it: it is the fundamental source. 在这个世界上如果你能给出什么事物与神相提并论的话,那就是性,那就是为什么印度教制造出他们的标志湿婆林伽(Shivalinga),印度教真是罕见的——在这个世界上无以伦比——非常勇敢的人制造了湿婆林伽,湿婆的性器官,神的标志。 性是世界上最神圣的事,但是为什么你要称它为罪恶呢?因为在最初你已经被教导为它是罪恶的,你已经完全忘记你是来自于它,而你已经完全掩盖了事实:当你的性能量在你生命中消失时,你就会死。在你的存在中,性能量的颤动就是生命。 那就是为什么年轻人是更富有活力,而老年人就少一些活力,在年轻人与老年人之间,有什么不同?——年轻人的性能量是汹涌的,老年人的库存已经消失,现在,曾有的量正在消失,它已经变成涓涓小溪,当性能量消失的那一刻,你就死了。 性就是生命——而我们使它成了最大的罪恶。在深处,我们是反对生命的。 所以当你得知一个圣人有了性的关系时,那么所有的名誉立即消失。如果他是一个贼的话,那就不会那么糟,你会原谅他。如果他在算计着钱——你的圣人们正在算计着——那你也会原谅他,不是一个大的问题。贪婪不是一个大的问题,无论他在做什么你都会原谅他,但是性呢?impossible! 我们已经变得如此拚命地反对性,基督徒们说耶稣并不是通过性出生的,因为耶稣怎么能通过性,通过原罪来出生呢?耶稣怎么能来自于性呢?每个人都是通过性出生的——耶稣不是。正是因为性是这样危险的事,他们说耶稣是通过神灵出生的,耶稣没有父亲,没有性交的过程,他是由没有与异性性交的子宫出生的。 为什么这样荒唐?但是撇开耶稣和基督徒们,就你!要是你以为你的父亲在某个时候或其他什么时候一定是在与你的母亲做爱,你也会感到内疚,你是怎样出生的?你不是一个私生子,但是只是想到你的父亲与你母亲做爱……整个事情便会显得丑陋,整个事情显得如此丑陋,以致于你无法想象你的父亲会做那事——别人或许会做,但是你的父亲?impossible!你的出生是来自于一个禁欲者的父亲,一个禁欲者,那就是基督徒们正在说的耶稣。 当你确定一个圣人,一个像白隐一样的伟大的圣贤,使一个女孩怀孕了,显然不仅仅是对他失去敬意,而且他必定要受到最大的侮辱,而他也不可能向整个小镇乞讨。人们一定会向他扔石头,同样是那些常给他花冠和鲜花,并跪在他的脚下的人们——同样的人们!但是白隐并没有受干扰。 白隐对那孩子非常照顾,他从邻居那里弄到了牛奶、食物和一切孩子所需要的东西。 一年以后,那个孩子的妈妈再也无法忍耐了,所以她将真情告诉了她的父母…… 这对她一定是太沉重了,看着白隐的名誉扫地,看着白隐所受的侮辱,看着整个镇子都在反对他,看着他为孩子乞讨,乞讨奶粉、食物,而他总是在吃闭门羹,这对她一定是太沉重了。 ……所以她将真情告诉了她的父母——真正的父亲是一个在鱼市工作的年轻人。 他们总是在鱼市工作——真正的父亲们。 那女孩的父母立即去找白隐,告诉他这事,并表示深深的歉意,请求他的宽恕,将孩子领回去。 当禅师心甘情愿地给他们孩子时,他说:"是这样的吗?" 在痛苦中,在快乐中,圣人总是一样的;受人尊敬,遭受侮辱,圣人总是一样的;在生命中,在死亡时,圣人总是一样的。他只是一再地说同样的五个字:"是这样的吗?"一再地不表示意见,一再地不作任何承诺,什么都不说,只是接受一个事实:"如果那是这样的,好。" 这是纯洁的意识。无论生命带来什么,欢迎它。如果它带来痛苦和侮辱——接受它,欢迎它;如果它带来荣耀,快乐——欢迎它,接受它。不要在这两者中作任何分别,如果你作了区分,那么你的平衡就失去了,而平衡就是纯洁。 当你是平衡的,你就是一个圣贤,当平衡失去了,你也失落了,你就成了一个罪犯。罪恶并不是你做出来的,罪恶是当你的内在失去了平衡而发生的,它不是一种行动,它是一种内在的平衡。它就是马哈维亚称之为沙米亚克娃(samyaktva)——内在的平衡,既不是这个也不是那个;优婆尼沙经称之为"内第"(neti),内第——不是这个,不是那个,只是在两者之间——既不移向这个,也不移向那个,因为如果你移动的话,即使很少的移动,除了你以外没人觉察到的移动……记住这点,没有人能觉察到你内在的平衡,只有你能觉察到它,它是如此的细微!但是即使一个小小的动,你便不再平静了,你就不再轻松了,你已经失去了神性。 一个细微的偏向意味着什么呢?它意味着你已经选择了,它意味着已经作了区分,它意味着你已经说了这是好的,那是坏的,它意味着期望已经进入,它意味着欲望已经发了芽,它意味着现在你有动机了。 如果白隐说:"对!所以你们终于知道了事实!"那便意味着他完全不是圣贤,因为那意味着整整一年他都等待着这一时刻,他并不是活在现在,而是为了将来。他会认为:"有某一天或总有一天真相一定会大白,人们会再次尊敬我,当他们终于知道那孩子不是我的,他们会再一次尊敬我,我的名誉将会恢复。"于是他就会等待,但是平衡已经失去…… 如果白隐不是一个圣贤,他一定会这样想,并对神祈祷,祈祷神将真相告诉人们,但是为什么呢?如果一个孩子已经属于你,这件事已经发生了,而人们以为它就是你的孩子……他精心照看孩子,就像一个父亲——如果生命已经将孩子带给了你,谁是真正的父亲又有什么关系?It doesn't matter!孩子需要一个父亲,那就是事实,而白隐给孩子那样的父爱,没有一个父亲能那样做,即使孩子是你的,要像他那样照顾孩子也很难做到。 这不是孩子的罪过,他并没有反对孩子。如果你处在白隐的位置,你一定会杀了那个孩子,因为是他导致了你的痛苦,你一定会杀死那个孩子,然后搬到人们能再次尊敬你的另一个村庄,因为他们不认识你,你一定会做一些维护你名誉的事——你的整个威望被损毁了。而白隐只是照顾孩子,并不在意所处的村庄,人们说什么都不是问题,这都毫无关系。孩子需要一个父亲,所以白隐成了父亲,他不受干扰,他没有反感。 于是,一年以后,当你如此爱护地照看孩子后,情感的联结产生了——一定是如此,即使孩子不是你的也会变成你的了。与一个孩子生活了一年,为孩子承受了如此多的痛苦,为孩子承受了如此多的牺牲——一个深深的联结,一个深入的关系产生了,一个人会变得执著。但是当那女孩的父母再一次来到时,他们告诉了他全部的过程,请求他的宽恕,要将孩子领回去,当禅师心甘情愿交还孩子——没有一点执著的颤动,他只是顺从地交还了孩子——他说:"是这样的吗?"——就好像什么事也没有发生过!这整个一年已经是一个梦,只有梦会破碎,而你是觉醒的。 在这个世界上,一个圣贤生活在你们中间,就好像他是生活在一个梦中,你们是影子,他生活在你们中间就好像他是在扮演一个角色,他并不卷入,他在那儿,但又不在其中——他是一个局外人,而如果你保持一个局外人的话,那么迟早你会明白:没有水,没有月亮,因为当你被卷入时,水被制造出来,那时你便与水影生活在一起,于是你无法趋向真实,你与不真实生活在一起。 你的执著造成了错觉,错觉不是在你的外在,这个摩耶(maya:幻觉)不是在你的外在,它是在你的内在,在你的心态中:执著,选择,赞成这,反对那,分别,喜欢和不喜欢,它是在你里面,你制造了你的幻觉,然后你就生活在其中,于是你被云雾所遮蔽,在这个云雾状态中,你能看到的只是投影,你从来无法看见真正的月亮。 这个白隐依然平衡,无论外在发生什么,一点都不会影响到内在,内在依然平衡——没有波澜,没有外在渗入的震颤,他宁静得好像这是一个梦,无论什么来临,接受它。他不会成为一个做者,一个克塔(karta),他只是一个观照者。 这五个字:"是这样的吗?"是观照的灵魂,不作任何判断,只是说:"是这样的吗?"而这就是他内在的一切:"是这样的吗?如果是这样,好。" 一个圣贤认可一切所发生的,他没有选择。当没有选择时,那也就没有水。没有水——投影消失了,摩耶消失了——没有月亮。
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