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Chapter 5 create eve

One day, the two offered sacrifices to the Lord.Abel offered a lamb, and Cain offered grain as an offering. Children tend to be competitive and love to tease each other. The firewood on Abel's altar was burning brightly, but Cain's firewood couldn't light, and Abel watched him from the side. Cain said Abel was making fun of him, Abel said no.Cain told Abel to go away, but Abel wouldn't go, so Cain beat him, but he hit him so hard that Abel fell to the ground dead. Cain was so frightened that he ran away. The LORD knew everything. He found Cain in the bush and asked him where his brother was. Cain refused to answer. How do I know?I'm not a babysitter!

Of course, lying does no good.Just as Adam and Eve were exiled, Yahweh forced Cain to leave his home, and Cain never returned home, although he lived a long time on earth. The younger son died and the older son ran away. Adam and Eve were very sad. They later bore many children, whose lives were accompanied by the toils and misfortunes of life.They were very old when they died. The descendants of Adam and Eve continue to multiply in the world.They traveled east, west, and north into the mountains and south across rivers. But Cain's evil deeds have affected later generations. People beat people, killed each other, and stole. Girls were often kidnapped by men from neighboring villages.

The world was a mess from the start.Perhaps a fresh start should be made, and a new generation may follow Jehovah's will. At that time there lived a man named Noah, the grandson of Methuselah (who lived to be 960 years old), and a descendant of Cain and Seth, brother of Abel. Noah was a pious man and lived in harmony with others.If humans have to find new ancestors, Noah is the best choice. So Yahweh decided to leave only Noah and his family, and everyone else would be destroyed.He told Noah to build a boat four hundred and fifty feet long, seventy-five feet wide, and forty-three feet high.

Noah and his sons cut down huge cypress trees for the keel of the ship, pitched the sides of the ship to keep the cabin dry, and built a roof of planks on the third deck to withstand the storm. Before setting off, Noah and his family went all over the mountains and plains to catch all kinds of animals, which can be used as food and sacrifices. They hunted for a week, and the ark (that was the name of the boat) was filled with the sounds of animals, not used to being in cages, gnawing at the bars. On the evening of the seventh day, Noah, his three sons, their wives, and their children boarded the boat together.

It began to rain in the middle of the night, and it continued to rain for forty days and nights, and the earth was completely submerged.Noah, his family, and the animals on board were the only survivors of this terrible flood. Later, in Jehovah’s mercy, the wind blew away the clouds, and the sun shone on the raging waves, just as they did at the beginning of creation. Noah opened the window and looked out cautiously. His boat was floating on the boundless water, with no land in sight. Noah sent out a crow, which flew back.Noah sent out a dove again, and the dove could fly farther than all the birds, but the dove came back too, and it couldn't find a branch to perch on.

A week later, Noah let the pigeons out again for a full day.In the evening, the dove flew back to the ark with a fresh olive branch in its beak. Obviously, the flood began to recede. Another week later, Noah released the dove for the third time, this time it did not come back, Noah thought it was a good omen.Soon, the Ark approached land, and they stopped at Mount Ararat in what is today Armenia. Expelled from Paradise The next day, Noah landed on land, immediately built an altar, and offered sacrifices to Yahweh.At this time, a huge rainbow appeared in the sky, which was a sign of Jehovah's blessing to his faithful servant.

In this way, Noah and his children - Shem, Japheth, Ham and his wife became farmers and shepherds again, and they lived a peaceful life. But it is doubtful whether they learned a lesson from this catastrophe, for there is such a thing, Noah had a vineyard, and made his own wine, and sometimes he drank too much, and behaved like the average drunkard . Shem and Japheth were deeply saddened by their father's behavior, and kept to their duty.But the third son, Ham, took pleasure in it, and laughed. After Noah sobered up and learned of Han's behavior, he was very angry and kicked Han out of the house.The Jews believed that Ham went to Africa and became the ancestor of the black people, and considered this a disgrace to them.

Since then, there has been no news of Noah.It is said that one of his descendants, named Ning Lu, is known for his proficiency in hunting.Regarding Shem and Japheth, there is no further record in the Bible. But their descendants did something that displeased the Lord.They migrated to the Euphrates River Valley and established the city of Babylon. They liked this fertile place and decided to build a tower reaching the sky as a place for tribal gatherings.So they started burning bricks and building the foundations. But Jehovah thinks that the whole world must be inhabited by people, and they should not be fixed on a small plain for their entire lives.

When the workers were busy building the tower, the Lord suddenly made them forget their original common language.And speaking of different languages, various languages ​​rang out on the scaffolding for a while. If workers, foremen and designers suddenly you speak Chinese, I speak Dutch, and he talks in Russian or Bolivian, they cannot work together.So they gave up the idea of ​​gathering under the tower to become a nation, and soon scattered all over the world. This is the original story of the world.In the following chapters we deal only with the experience of the Jewish nation.
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