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Chapter 4 god made light

How is the world created?Jewish point of view. "Where did we come from?" This is the oldest question of mankind. Some people will ask this question to death, not expecting to find the answer, but they are excited that they have the courage to face this question, like a brave soldier who dares to face a battle that cannot be won.They refuse to surrender and go to eternity with the proud word "why" on their lips. But most people in this world demand a rational explanation for what they don't understand, and if there isn't one, they create one. Five thousand years ago, the story of the creation of the world in seven days was circulated among the people of West Asia. This story came from the Jews.The Jews were the first people to believe in one God (we will tell what happened when we talk about Moses below).Before that, people vaguely believed that land, sea, trees and flowers, birds and men and women were created by different gods.

The Semitic tribes that later developed into the Jewish nation were also initially polytheistic, just as their neighbors had been for thousands of years. However, the stories we see in the "Old Testament Genesis" were written more than a thousand years after Moses died.At that time, the Jews already regarded "one God" as an absolute fact.Whoever doubted the "existence of the Lord" faced death or exile. Now you can understand why the poets, describing the Hebrew theory of the origin of all things, refer to the laborious labor of creating the world as the whim of God, whose name is Yahweh, the ruler of heaven.

The following is the story that believers heard when they worshiped in the temple: god made light Before the creation of the world, there was chaos, the earth floated in the dark, silent space, there was no land, only full of sea water.The Spirit of Jehovah floated on the sea, thinking great, and Jehovah said: "Let there be light", and there was light."This is called the day," says the LORD. Soon, the light disappeared and darkness returned."This is the night," says the LORD; and he rests, and the first day is over. Then the LORD said, "Let there be a sky, and a dome over the sea, and clouds in the sky. The wind will blow over the sea." This was done, night came, and the next day was over.

Then Jehovah said: “The land will come out of the water.” Immediately the mountains came out of the water, pointing straight to heaven.At the foot of the mountain, there are large plains and valleys.Yahweh also said: "Let the ground be plants that bear seeds and trees that bear fruit." Then, the land was green, the vegetation was tall and tall, the morning sun blew slightly, and day and night alternated. The third day's labor was over. Then, the LORD said: "Let the sky be filled with stars to divide the seasons and the year, month, and day. The sun governs the day, and the night is the time of rest. Let the quiet moon point out the direction for those wanderers who cross the desert, and help Let them find shelter." When this was done, the fourth day was over.

Then the LORD said, "Let there be fish in the water, and birds in the sky." So he created fish, big and small, and all kinds of birds, and let them multiply, inhabit, and enjoy themselves in the water and on land. Joy of life, when night comes, the birds put their heads under their wings, the fish dive, and the fifth day is over. Then Jehovah said: "All these are not enough, there must be reptiles and animals that walk." So he created the ox, the tiger, and other animals that are still alive or have disappeared.When all this was done, Yahweh took a handful of clay, molded a statue in his own image, gave it life, and named it Man.He was placed above all living things, and finished his work on the sixth day, and the LORD was satisfied with what he had made, and he rested on the seventh day.

On the eighth day of Library of World Literature, a man appeared in his new world, and his name was Adam.He lived in a garden full of flowers, and gentle and lively animals came to play with him and relieve his loneliness.However, he still feels unhappy because all animals have companions.Only he was alone, so Jehovah took a rib from Adam and created Eve.Adam and Eve roam the gardens hand in hand, exploring their home.Their home is called "Eden". Then they came to a tree, and the LORD said to them, "Listen, this is very important, you can eat as much as you want from the garden, but not this one, because it is a tree of wisdom, and you ate from this tree. If you eat the fruit from the tree, a person will understand justice and evil, and his soul will not be at peace. Don’t get close to this tree, otherwise, the consequences will be very dire.”

Adam and Eve agreed, and after a while, Adam fell asleep, but Eve didn't sleep. She was wandering in the garden, and suddenly, there was a sound in the grass.Oh, a cunning old snake. At that time, people could understand the words of animals.The serpent told Eve that he had heard what the Lord said, but he would be a fool if he believed those words.Eve thought so too, so when the snake gave her fruit from the tree, she ate it.When Adam woke up, Eve gave him the rest to eat. Jehovah was very angry and drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden. Now they can only live by hard work. Soon, they had two sons, the elder brother was named Cain, and the younger was named Abel.

Both children helped with the housework, Cain worked the fields and Abel tended the sheep, and of course the two brothers quarreled like any other.
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