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Chapter 2 biblical legends

How were the Old Testament and the New Testament written, and what legends has happened to this holy book over the centuries? The pyramids are a thousand years old. Babylon and Nineveh had become centers of vast empires. The vast Nile River Valley, Tigris River Valley, and Euphrates River Valley are full of busy people everywhere.At this time, a small tribe living in the desert, for some reason, decided to leave their home in the Arabian desert and go north to find a more fertile land that is more suitable for survival. These immigrants are the later Jews. Centuries later, they provided mankind with one of the most important works—the Bible.

Some time later, one of them gave birth to the greatest and most merciful teacher of mankind. But unfortunately, we know nothing of the origin of this strange people, neither who they were before nor where they came from, and, although they played a great role in human history, they left Off the stage of history, wandering around the world. So, in this chapter, our story in general is somewhat vague, and the details may not be true. Still, archaeologists kept digging in the land of Palestine, and as time went on, they learned more and more. I will give you as true a narrative as possible based on the information I have at hand.

In the west of Asia there are two great rivers, which originate from the mountains and flow into the Persian Gulf.People living on the banks of the great river lead a comfortable, easy, and lazy life.Whether it is the residents of the cold mountains in the north or the residents of the hot desert in the south, they all try to find a place to live in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.As soon as they found more fertile land, they did not hesitate to move their families. They kept fighting and conquering each other, and on the ruins of one civilization emerged another civilization.They built big cities like Babylon and Nineveh.More than 4,000 years ago, this area was transformed into a true paradise on earth, the envy of inhabitants everywhere.

But when you look at the map, you find another great country next to it, with millions of small farmers toiling in the fields.They lived on the banks of the Nile, and their country was called Egypt.This country is separated from Babylon and Assyria by a narrow strip.Much of what Egypt needed came from the distant, fertile plains countries; and Babylon and Assyria also got much of what they needed from Egypt.Therefore, the countries on both sides opened up commercial avenues in that narrow and long area to conduct business exchanges. Today, that area we call Syria, was known by many different names in ancient times.It consists of low hills and open valleys with sparse vegetation and barren land.Only a few small lakes and streams add life to the monotony of bare rock.

From very ancient times, the area through which the trade roads passed was inhabited by various tribes who migrated from the Arabian deserts.They belong to the same Semites, have the same language, and believe in the same gods.They kept fighting, fighting, making peace, fighting again, fighting on and off, fighting on and off.Whenever there is a chance, they will sneak attack on the other party's city and rob the other party's wife and livestock.Like ordinary nomadic tribes, they regard violence and the sword as the highest authority. They vaguely recognize the king of Egypt or the king of Babylon or Assyria to rule over them, and when the tax collectors of these great powers come down the road with armies, the quarreling shepherds become very submissive and deep. Bow deeply to show yourself as a docile servant to Pharaoh Memphis or King Akkad.But as soon as the officials left, the life of the tribal war continued.

It is not necessary to take these battles too seriously; they were the only outdoor sports the ancients could enjoy.Moreover, these battles are often not very damaging, and young people can make their skills more agile. The Jews, who played an important role in human history, started from such a small tribe that was constantly fighting, wandering around and trying to gain a foothold on the commercial road.Of course, we know next to nothing about its historical origins.Many scholars have made some convincing guesses, but plausible guesses cannot replace the facts and cannot fill in the gaps in history.Some people say that the Jews came from a place called Ur in the Persian Gulf. This may or may not be true.Instead of telling you these flimsy guesses, I'd rather just tell you a few facts that historians have confirmed.

It is very likely that the ancestors of the Jews lived in the Arabian desert.Then they left the desert and entered the fertile plains of West Asia, the exact time we do not know.We only know that they wandered for many centuries, always wanting to have a piece of land of their own.We also know that at some point the Jews crossed the desert region of Mount Sinai and entered Egypt for a period of time. From then on, however, Egyptian and Assyrian texts began to appear to account for events covered in the Old Testament, and we are able to learn a little about these events. The following story is familiar to everyone—how the Jews left Egypt, how they trekked hard, and how they became a powerful tribe—how this tribe occupied a land called Palestine on the Commercial Road and established a country—— And how the country fought for its independence for centuries until it was conquered by King Alexander of Macedon, and later became a small part of a small province of the Roman Empire.

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