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Van Loon Tells Stories from the Bible

Van Loon Tells Stories from the Bible


  • philosophy of religion

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 91041

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Chapter 1 words written in front

—To the dear children of Hansje and William: This book tells the story of the Bible, and I wrote it because I thought you should have more knowledge of the Bible, and I really don't know where you can find it.Of course you can ask you to read the original, but I'm not sure you can do so.Children your age have long been intimidated by the Bible because of its majesty and the indifference of those who think they have privileges over it.But if you don't understand these, your education is not complete.More importantly, in your future lives, you will often feel a great need for the wisdom contained in this ancient book.

For thousands of years, the "Bible" has been the most faithful and reliable companion of people.Some chapters of this book were written as early as 2,800 years ago, while others were written in later ages.For many centuries, the Bible was the only book your ancestors had, loved to read it, knew it by heart, and considered the Law of Moses to be the highest law in the world.Later, with the development of science, some people began to regard the "Bible" as merely a narrative of ancient historical events.They clashed with those who insisted that the Bible was from God, resulting in violent wars.There was a time when many people hated the Bible as much as their ancestors revered and loved it.

I don't want to tell you anything about these things. I am not preaching to you, I am not attacking a certain point of view or behavior, nor am I defending anyone.I just want to tell you what you should know (totally my opinion - and God forbid I'm trying to force others to agree) that you should have more understanding, tolerance and love in your life, because that's kind and beautiful, It is also sacred. The story in the "Old Testament" is easier to write. It is the story of a desert tribe. After experiencing a long-term wandering life, they finally occupied a small piece of territory in West Asia, settled down and established their own country.But the "New Testament" is more difficult. Its story revolves around a central character-a carpenter in the town of Nazareth.He gave his all and asked for nothing in life.In my opinion, there is nothing more interesting than the life story of Jesus, so I will narrate his story for you.As far as I know the facts, no increase, no decrease, I am sure, this is the way he most agrees with.

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