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Chapter 125 7. Styles (1) Differences in literary styles between the North and the South

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 4084Words 2018-03-20
Literati look down on each other, so Ban Gu is short of Fu Yi①; the folk songs are private, so people in Qi only know Guan Yan②.Combine the two, but talk about art has a north-south view.Although in the era of the great unity of the heaven and the earth, the difference between this border and the other is often the basis of one's own strengths and the other's weaknesses.As for the situation of the tripod, the division of the world, the evaluation of the four beginnings and the six righteousness ③, it is more similar to the struggle between the Seven Kingdoms and the Five Hus ④, and it is also elegant and elegant.

"Three Kingdoms? Wu Zhi? Zhang Hong Biography" Pei Annotation quoted Chen Lin's book as saying ⑥: "My servant is in Hebei, separated from the world. The rate here is less than that of the article, and it is easy to be Xiongbo ⑦. Therefore, it is not true to make the servant suffer from this bad situation. .Jingxing is here now⑧, and his feet and sons are on the other side⑨, the so-called small witch sees the big witch⑩, and the air is exhausted." The northern text is not as good as the southern text Zhang Ben⑾.Li Yanshou's "Northern History? Wenyuan Biography Preface" briefly stated⑿: "Jiangzuo in Luoyang is especially elegant. Jiangzuo is more expensive than Qingqi⒀: Heshuo is more important than temperament⒁. Temperament is more rational than words, and Qingqi is more literary than its meaning Those with deep reasoning are easy to use at the moment, and those with Chinese culture are suitable for singing. This is a great comparison between the gains and losses of the northern and southern poets." According to the Dan's words, "quality wins", that is, literary loss⒂.It is the literati of the Northern Dynasties, Xing Shao and Wei Shoushi, who are the crowns⒃, and the "Northern Qi Shu? Concentrate on being thieves" (11); then they all went to the south of the Wujiang River, and failed to come out of their own devices (20).Zhang Zhuo's "Chaoye Qianzai" records that Yu Xin entered the North (12), which is called North Chinese affairs, "only Wen Zisheng's stele in Han Ling is worthy of common language (21), and the rest are all donkeys and barking ears."People from the south despise the north, which is old.Song Zijingkang Nandu (22), remnants of mountains and rivers, guarding the corners of the country, hearing the sound of chickens and dogs in Huainan and Huaibei (23), unexpectedly became the horses and cattle in the South China Sea and the North Sea (24).Yuan Yishan expresses its complaints about Hongyan's talent (25), the rise of the golden season, the fear of mulberry, and the pain of vicissitudes (26), which are expressed as sound poems, and the emotions are mixed with seven sorrows, and become poor in various ways.The strength of the north is the last faction of the people of the Song Dynasty (27), and those who have no foot to compete with it are also the same as the south wind (28).Although Fang Xugu regarded himself as the old man of the Southern Song Dynasty and the stamina of Xijiang (29), he had to say: "There are still literary talents and ancient classes, poetic rhythms It’s easy to ask questions about the rules and regulations.” Wang Yaofeng likes to call out writers of the Southern Song Dynasty (30), and the fourth poem of "Reading Poems of Song People" in Volume 8 of "Du Weng Lei Gao" also said:

"The back village is proud of the Four Spirits (31), and there is still a gap between the former sages. If you go to the Central Plains to unite the flags and drums, you will give way to the left mountain." The poems on the left mountain, the famous collection of "Zhongzhou", actually contain the Southern Song Dynasty. Therefore, Su Tianjue's "Guochao Wenlei" Volume 38 contains Songliu family Xuan Weng's "Tizhongzhou Poetry Collection" (32), which says: "The land has north and south, but the characters have no north and south, and the orthodox context has no north and south.

Even though they are thousands of miles away, they are all in Zhongzhou.And what's more, for those in Zhongzhou", "Zetang Collection" was lost. It can be said that the righteousness and the words are eloquent. (150-151 pages) ①Ban Gu: A famous historian in the Han Dynasty, author of "Han Shu".Fu Yi and Ban Gu jointly reviewed the classics.Cao Pi's "Dian Lun? Thesis": "It has been natural for literati to look down on each other since ancient times. Fu Yizhi and Ban Gu are brothers, but Gu is small (underestimated). He wrote with his younger brother Chao: "Wu Zhong regards his ability to write as an order of Lantai History, can't stop writing.'”

② Guan: Spring and Autumn Guan Zhong, Xiang Qi Huan Gong.Yan: Yan Ying in the Spring and Autumn Period, who is equal to Duke Jing. "Mencius Gongsun Chou": "Gongsun Chou asked: 'Master, when you are in Qi, can the merits of Guan Zhong and Yanzi be restored?' Mencius said: 'Zi is sincere to the people of Qi, but he only knows Guan Zhong and Yanzi.'" ③Four Beginnings and Six Meanings: According to "Mao Shi Da Xu", there are four beginnings in poetry. According to Zheng Xuan, Feng, Xiaoya, Daya, and Song are the beginnings of the rise and fall of the kingly way.The six meanings are: Feng, Fu, Bi, Xing, Ya, and Song.

④ Seven Kingdoms: Refers to the feudal vassal states Qin, Chu, Yan, Qi, Han, Zhao, and Wei during the Warring States Period, competing for supremacy with each other.Wuhu: During the Eastern Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Xiongnu, Jie, Xianbei, Shi, and Qiang were the ethnic minorities in the north and west. ⑤ Xiangchai Shu: "Three Kingdoms? Wei Shu? Wang Su Zhuan" notes and quotes "Wei Lue" that Kui Xi calls "Zuo Zhuan" "Xiangchai Shu". ⑥Pei Songzhi, a historian during the Liu and Song dynasties of the Southern Dynasties, commented on "Three Kingdoms" written by Jin Chenshou.Chen Lin: One of the Seven Sons of Jian'an, with ten volumes of anthology.

7 Xiong Bo: Outstanding. ⑧Jing Xing: The words of Wang Lang, a scholar of Wei Jing in the Three Kingdoms. ⑨ Zibu: Zhang Zhaozi, a historian of Wu in the Three Kingdoms. 10 Little Witch: Chen Lin compares herself.Big witch: Refers to Wu Zhanghong and Zhang Zhao of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Ce started a business, and the two Zhangs were both consultants. Later, Zhang Hong assisted Sun Quan, and Chen Lin felt inferior to them. ⑾ Zhang Ben: Still foreshadowing.Public opinion was created in advance for the saying that the northern language is not as good as the southern language. ⑿Li Yanshou: A historian of the Tang Dynasty, who wrote a history of the North and South.

⒀Jiangzuo: Guidance to the literati.Their poems and essays pay attention to the expression of elegance, refinement and gorgeous literary talent. ⒁ Heshuo: Refers to the literati in the Northern Dynasties.They pay attention to the expression of straightness in their poems and essays. ⒂Quality wins and loses: It means that the literature of the Northern Dynasties is not as good as that of the Southern Dynasties. ⒃ Xing Shao: A writer in the Northern Qi Dynasty, when Wen Zi was promoted to the crown of scholars, he was called "Wen Xing" in the world, and Wen died, also known as "Xing Wei (Shou)".He has written thirty volumes of anthology.Wei Shou: A writer in the Northern Qi Dynasty, known as the Three Talents along with Wen Zisheng and Xing Shao, has 70 volumes of anthology.

⒄ "Book of Northern Qi": written by Tang Li Baiyao, fifty volumes.Ren Fang: A historian of late Han literature, with thirty-four volumes of poetry and prose and two hundred and forty-seven volumes of "Miscellaneous Biographies". (12) Shen Yue: Liang Wen historian, with a hundred volumes of anthology. ⒆Natural mechanism: refers to creation and creation. ⒇ Zhang Zhuo's "The Dynasty and the Field": Notes of the Tang Dynasty, one volume.Yu Xin: Northern Dynasties writer.At the beginning, he was an official in the Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty, and later in the Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties.

(21) "Chaoye Qianzai" records that Yu Xin traveled from the Southern Dynasties to the North, when Wen Zi was promoted to "Han Lingshan Temple Stele", which was praised by Yu Xin. (22) Jingkang Nandu: Song Qinzong Jingkang two years (1127), the Northern Song Dynasty died, Song Gaozong Nandu built the Southern Song Dynasty. (23) Chickens and dogs hear each other: See Chapter 80 of Laozi.Here is a metaphor for the closeness of Huainan and Huaibei. (24) The horses and cattle in the South China Sea and the North Sea are not as good as the wind: "Zuo Zhuan" Xigong four years: "Chu Zi envoy and teacher said: 'The king is in the North Sea, and the widow is in the South China Sea, but the wind, the horse and the cow are not related.'" The incompatibility between the North Sea and the South Sea is like the incompatibility between a horse and an ox.

This refers to Huainan and Huaibei belonging to two dynasties. (25) Yuan Yishan: Yuan Haowen, a writer of the Yuan Dynasty.There are 20 volumes of "Yishan Poetry Collection" and 10 volumes of "Zhongzhou Collection".Hongyan: Guangbo. (26) Fear of mulberry: "Easy? No": "Its death is tied to mulberry." The fear of mulberry is the fear of subjugation.The pain of vicissitudes of life: the change of the sea into mulberry fields is the pain of subjugation. (27) The end of the rivers and lakes school: "Jianghu Collection" compiled by Chen Qi in the Southern Song Dynasty, including "Previous Collection", "Later Collection", "Sequel", etc., ranging from 28 schools to as many as 64 schools, are Jianghu poets, It is called the Jianghu School. "Siku Zongmu" stated: "The style of poetry in the late Song Dynasty is humble, and the records do not have to be exhausted." (28) The south wind does not compete: "Zuo Zhuan" in the eighteenth year of Xianggong: "Shi Kuang said: 'No harm. I sing the north wind, and I sing the south wind. The south wind does not compete, and there are many dead sounds.'" That is, the south is not as good as north. (29) Fang Xugu: Yuan Fang Huihao.Because he was born in the Southern Song Dynasty, after the Song Dynasty fell to the Yuan Dynasty, he claimed to be an old man, and he was the stamina of the Jiangxi School.There are eight volumes of "Tongjiang Collection" and thirty-seven volumes of "Sequel". (30) Wang Yaofeng: Qing writer Wang Wan, styled Shaowen, nicknamed Dunweng, later named Yaofeng.He has written 62 volumes of "Blunt Weng Class Draft" and 30 volumes of "Continued Draft". (31) Houcun: Liu Kezhuang, a writer in the Song Dynasty, called himself a layman in Houcun.Four Lings: Four poets of the Southern Song Dynasty, Xu Zhao (named Linghui), Xu Ji (named Lingyuan), Zhao Shixiu (named Lingxiu), and Weng Juan (named Lingshu). (32) "Guo Chao Wen Lei": "Yuan Wen Lei", seventy volumes, edited by Su Tianjue in the Yuan Dynasty. "Zetang Collection": written by Song Jiaxuan Weng, six volumes. This article talks about the differences in the styles of poetry and prose between the north and the south. This is due to the different regions, cultural customs, and styles of study in the north and the south, and the styles of poetry and prose are also different.In particular, due to political reasons in Chinese history, there were two divisions between the North and the South. First, the long-term split between the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and then the confrontation between the Southern Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty. See. (1) During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the opinion of literary critics about the North and the South was mostly manifested in the fact that Southerners despised the North.For example, because Chen Lin went to Hebei to vote for Yuan Shao, she became an outstanding writer in an environment with few literati. However, in his letter to Zhang Hong, a fellow villager in Guangling, Jiangsu, he said that compared with Zhang Hong and Zhang Zhao, he was still ashamed It is better to create public opinion for the theory that the northern language is not as good as the southern language. Wen Zisheng, Xing Shao, and Wei Shou were all outstanding figures in the literature of the Northern Dynasties, but from the "Northern Qi Book? Walking in the south of the Yangtze River, he failed to come out of his own way", so Xing and Wei ridiculed each other as "stealing" and "thief". "Chaoye Qianzai" also records that Yu Xin, a southerner, went to the north and looked down on the northern language, thinking that only Wen Zisheng, who wrote "Han Lingshan Temple Stele", was worthy of speaking with him.It can be seen that "people from the south despise the north, because it is old".It is pointed out here that the reason why people from the South despise the North is mainly related to the cultural and psychological factors accumulated in China over a long period of time. What is the difference between the literary styles of the north and the south? According to Li Yanshou’s "Northern History? Wenyuan Biography", the southern style is elegant, noble and elegant, emphasizing form, and gorgeous diction. It is good at poetry and suitable for singing songs; The style of writing is simple, noble and upright, emphasizing content, high-spirited, good at writing, and convenient for practical use.In a nutshell, the northern language is more rational than its diction, and the southern language is better than its meaning. Because the natural environment and living habits of the southerners and the northerners are different, resulting in differences in temperament and temperament, which are already traditional, and naturally have different styles when reflected in poetry. Let’s talk about the style of folk songs first. There are obvious differences between the north and the south. There are many euphemistic and tortuous love poems in the south, such as "The morning thoughts go out of the front door, and the evening thoughts return to the back. ("Midnight Song") The longing for the lover is deep and reserved.The lyrical momentum of the northern folk songs is bold, the realm is grand, and the emotion is rough, such as "Chile River, under the Yin Mountain, the sky is like a dome, covering the four fields. The sky is blue, the wild is vast, and the wind blows and the grass looks low." ("Chile River" song) Besides the style of literati, the south emphasizes form and tone, such as Liang Shenyue's "Climbing Beigulou": The six generations of old mountains and rivers have risen and fallen for hundreds of years, the prosperity is now lonely, and the city and the city were noisy in the past.Moonlit night glass water, spring breeze willow-colored sky. When you are hurt, you are nostalgic for the past, and weep in front of the gate of the country. And Wu Jun's "Farewell to Relatives as a Gift to the Xiangjiang River" No. 3: You stay in Zhumen, and I go to Guangjiang.The city is high and you can see it, but you can't hear the wind.The flowing apples are circling around, and the fallen leaves are still in abundance. There is no reason to share the rewards, the mountains and rivers are white clouds. Although they are poems with different themes, they are all written in a subtle, natural and smooth manner, giving people a sense of fresh style, and the rhythm has a rhythmic style.The style of northern literati's works is not as distinctive as folk songs, which may be due to the imitation of the south wind, but lacks the bold and unrestrained spirit of the north.Such as Wei Shou's "Song of Holding the Qin": The spring breeze gently enters the Qufang, and also sends the fragrance of flowers in the small garden.The white horse and the golden saddle never returned, and the red make-up and jade rods went down. Also, Xing Shao's "Si Gongzi": Qi Luo day by day, peaches and plums have no color.Thinking of you, you have not returned, how can you know each other when you return? Both of these two were famous writers in the Northern Dynasties, but not many of their poems have been handed down. Judging from these few clear poems, they were indeed greatly influenced by the fragrant and erotic poems of the South. Interesting, but not a sense of masculine style.Leaving aside the literature, let’s talk about poetry alone. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the north was indeed inferior to the south. It was not until Yu Xin from the south arrived in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and Wang Bao also stayed in the north. Their fresh and beautiful style attracted the competition of northern scholars. Only through imitation, a new situation emerged in which the northern and southern styles influenced each other. (2) The demise of the Northern Song Dynasty and the partiality of the Southern Song Dynasty to Lin'an (now Hangzhou), brought about changes in the literary world.Although Huainan and Huaibei are the same as usual, they have become two different societies from the Southern Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty.Yuan Haowen from Taiyuan had a good cultural upbringing of the Han nationality and his own extraordinary talent. He lived in the Kingdom of Jin and suffered from the destruction of his family. This made him show his talents in many ways and became a master in the literary world of the Jin Dynasty.His writer Han Ou, poet Du Fu, and Ci learner Zhou Bangyan, enriched himself in many ways, "produced sound poetry", "became poor and various", which is not comparable to the late Jianghu schools in the south.Wang Wan of Qing Dynasty was fond of extracting poems from Southern Song writers, but when he commented on Song poets' poems, he pushed Yuan Haowen as a representative of the Central Plains. This evaluation is not too much.Let's take a look at the style of Wuhaowen poetry, such as: The Southern Dynasties resigned the ministers and the Northern Dynasties guests, Qichi was scattered and colorless.Holding the king's hand at the edge of Yangping City is not like a bronze camel in Luoyang Mo.Last year the spring breeze brought the geese back, and this year the geese follow the autumn wind.In the sound of wild geese in the spring and autumn wind, pedestrians feel at ease at dusk.At the foot of the Yangtze River with big waves and golden mountains, Wu Er's boats are as fast as horses.Enjoying the wind and smoke in West Lake in October, I want to make new poems more chic. ("Send Zhang Junmei to Nanzhong") Also, "Huaizhou Zicheng Late Looking at the Young Room": The green hills outside the river lie on the screen, and the lonely people in Bingzhou lean on the high city.Where is the ten-year old hidden?A piece of sadness can't be painted.Taniguchi's evening clouds are solemn, and the forest shoots are clearly visible in the afterglow.Luoyang saw that the soldiers were still full, and the elegy in the middle of the night was not calm. The two poems are deep and desolate, and they are evocative and tearful when read, creating their own tone and style. Finally, Mr. Qian quoted the words of Yuan Su Tianjue as a summary of this article: regions are divided into north and south, but people are not divided into north and south, because the cultural traditions inherited by the north and the south are common, no matter how far the north and the south are, they are all Zhongzhou culture.The development of poetry after the Yuan Dynasty further confirmed Su's thesis.It can be seen that Su Tianjue's opinion is "righteousness and eloquence".
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