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Chapter 102 (2) Metaphor

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 1878Words 2018-03-20
("Suiyuan Poetry Talk") Volume 5: "Meng Dongye chanted blowing the horn cloud ①: "It seems to open the mouth of a lonely moon, but it can say the heart of a falling star." It’s amazing, the so-called likes and dislikes are people’s nature.” According to Pan Deyu’s "Yangyizhai Poetry Talk" ② Volume 1: "Dongye Wenjiao’s poems are like this, Dongpo said: 'I heard Cui Cheng's old man playing Xiaojiao tonight, and I started to listen to it. I know the beauty of this poem.' Dongpo doesn't like Dongye's poems, but only likes these two sentences, which is different. These two sentences are remote and unreasonable, and they are also the lowest sentences in Dongye's collection." Regardless of what Zicai said, "mountain tops", "water surfaces", "stone feet", "river mouths" and so on are all pierced.Du Lao's "You Daolin Two Temples" chanting the mountain is called "covering the heart and soul", and the six "quatrains" are called "the rapid rain shoots the stream at the foot, and the slanting light turns to the tree waist"; Ren Fan's "Ge Xianjing" says "the pulse corresponds to the heart of the mountain" ③; Huangfu praised Gu Kuang as "piercing through the moon and threatening the heart of heaven" ④, especially when hanging it as a taboo.And why are you arrested?The third volume of Gui Weigu's "Zappu" is called "head" ⑤, and the cover is taken from others.Suiyuan doesn't understand the meaning of taking things close to the body, and the knowledge is under the sutra.For example, Zhu Nanjie's "Xueyin? Chuihong Pavilion" at the end of the Song Dynasty 6 has a poem saying: "The sky meets the waist of the water"; the chapter "Book Fan" of the Ming Dynasty Yu said: "The eyes of the stone dry mountain are white, and the clouds shoot the water head red"; it is really "unreasonable" "Ear.Moreover, the two sentences of Dongye can be seen in the poem "Xiaohe", which are not chanting corners; so it is said:

"It's not a human rhyme, but it's useless to be a human bird." Dongpo mistakenly followed it. "Yuekou" does not mean that the moon has a mouth, but that the mouth is shaped like a moon; "star heart" does not mean that a star has a heart, but that the tail is shaped like a heart.The crane's beak and ox horns are all curved and sharp, approaching the crescent moon, so Dongpo probably misunderstood it. (242 pages) In the 21st chapter of Wang Tingna's "The Lion's Roar" in Ming Dynasty, Chen Jichang was afraid of the inside⑦, and said: "My wife's hand is not ginger. Why did I hit the ear half a month ago? It's still hot." From the shape of ginger, Jiang Zhi is extended. taste.Wordsworth said ⑧: "The language already has crescent eyebrows and moon eyes. If you want to give these ignorant and ruthless things with all your five senses, we are alone." Novalis said ⑨: "The metaphor is very strange. If you compare the taste of love with sweetness, then the nature and nature of all sugars will be beautiful." Every time Gai makes a metaphor, it can come out sideways and multiply.A tree has its roots, and a family has its ancestors.According to this meaning, the poet is cunning, or he is calm and pretends to be true, but he is full of the whole, such as "Yingying crows like tears" in Yishan, and "termites fight thousands of miles of blood" in the valley; In fact, there are no three corners, such as Xiangshan's "Woodpecker Song" says: "A cone can't untie knots, a thread can't pierce teardrops, and fire can't burn away the snow on the temples", it is true.Although the roads are opposite from the words, but the same results are strange and coincidental. (344-345 pages) ①Meng Dongye: Tang Mengjiao characters. "Blowing the Horn" should be "Xiaohe".

② "Yangyizhai Shihua": written by Pan Deyu in the Qing Dynasty, ten volumes.Appreciate the achievements and evolution of poetry in the Qing Dynasty. ③Ren Fan: A poet in the late Tang Dynasty. ④ Huangfu holds the right: Tang poet Huangfu Shi word. ⑤Gui Weigu: Gui Fu, a writer in the Qing Dynasty, with the word Donghui and the name Weigu, has ten volumes of "Zha Pu". ⑥ "Xueyin": the name of the collection, one volume. ⑦Wang Tingna: Ming playwright.There are two volumes of the script "The Lion's Roar".Chen Jichang: Song Chen Zhen character.His wife was sexually jealous, and the guests at the banquet played tricks. The wife hit the wall with a stick, and the guests dispersed.Su Shi has a poem: "Suddenly heard the roar of the lion in the east of the river, and the palm fell on the stick, and the palm was at a loss."

⑧Wordsworth: British Romantic poet in the eighteenth and ninth centuries. ⑨ Novalis: German romantic poet at the end of the eighteenth century. Coc2 metaphor is originally a rhetorical device, using another to describe this, or using one to describe another, is to express thoughts or feelings euphemistically for the sake of image, and to add literary grace.Two metaphors are quoted here, one is to draw meaning from people, and the other is to use things to describe people, and both use the similarity or similarity of their parts as a comparison, which is novel and wonderful. 1. In Meng Jiao's "Xiaohe" poem, because the shape of the moon resembles a mouth, "the mouth of the moon" is used as a comparison; because the shape of a star resembles a heart, "the heart of a star" is used as a comparison

For comparison.Su Shi, who is full of talent, highly appreciated this, but Yuan Mei's talent was not as good, and he actually pointed it out as piercing, and Pan Deyu was even worse, thinking it was "unreasonable".Yuan believes that this difference of opinion is caused by "human nature", but in fact it is the difference between the depth of literary and artistic accomplishment.Here are many metaphors, such as "mountain top", "water surface", "stone foot", "hekou", etc., and Du Fu chanted the mountain with "heart and heart", calling it "xi foot" and "tree waist". Calling "mountain heart" and so on are all compared with the similarity or similarity of its parts. "Shantou" refers to the upper end of a mountain, just like the upper end of a human head; Waist; "river foot" is the end of the water flow, just like the foot at the lower end of the human body.Mr. Qian pointed out that this is "taking the righteousness of the body closely, and knowing it under the scriptures", which is what Gui Fu said "wood is called by its head, and the righteousness is taken from people".This kind of rhetorical technique is often used in the West. For example, Wordsworth's words "moon eyebrow" and "moon eye" are cited here

As a comparison, it also uses the five senses to describe ignorant and heartless things.Li Shangyin has more anthropomorphic metaphors, such as "A warbler's cry is like tears", "The wax torch turns into ashes and tears dry before it dries", Huang Tingjian also has "Termites fight fiercely for thousands of miles of blood" and so on.The use of this rhetoric can undoubtedly enhance the appeal of art. Second, there is another kind of metaphor, which uses ignorant and ruthless things to describe people.For example, Wang Tingna's "The Lion's Roar" is cited here. From the image of ginger, the flavor of ginger is extended, and the spicy taste of ginger is used to describe the viciousness of beating people with hands. It is extremely tortuous and very appropriate.Novalis uses the sweetness of sugar as a metaphor for the taste of love, etc., which are similar to each other in China and foreign countries, and they are all extended to use things as a metaphor for people.

The birth of a metaphor, "A tree has its roots, and a family has its ancestors", from which can be derived several wonderful metaphors, such as Bai Juyi's "Woodpecker Song", which uses an awl to untangle intestinal knots, a thread to pierce teardrops, and fire to burn snow on the temples. The comparison is the idea of ​​drawing inferences from one instance and "seeing a coincidence". In the section "Guan Zhui? Guimei", a British poet is quoted as a nursery rhyme: "A needle has a head but no hair, a clock has a face but no mouth, a lead wire has eyes but cannot see", which is similar to Bai Juyi's poem.

In his article "Reading Laocoon" (see "Four Old Essays"), Mr. Qian talked about the "separation of metaphors" in Buddhist books, that is, comparing parts with similarities. Then it can also be said that these two passages cited The metaphor of is an example of "separation".
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