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Chapter 56 (13) Comments on Sikong Tu's "Poetry"

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 1651Words 2018-03-20
(Li Shangyin) An article in "Jinse" borrows Bixing's excellent lyrics to explore the profound and secret purpose of coquettishness, and sings three sighs, with a long-lasting sound, which is also the best in our country.Sikong Biaosheng's "Poetry" is too many words to reason; Zao Caixun is too busy to deal with, and the meaning is too suffocating and difficult to understand. It should only be regarded as a good poem, and it should be appreciated without seeking a deep understanding.In the fourth volume of Gu Yutanghan's "Baishishanfang Poetry Notes", there is an imitation of "Poems"②, and the title says: "I imitated the twenty-four chapters of Sikong Biaosheng's "Poems". When Bo Kui saw it, he laughed and said:

This four-character poem is also.In order to prepare for one body, all of them are concentrated. "Biao Shengyuan's "Pin" is also regarded as a "four-character poem" to watch ears. During the Daoguang period, Jinxi Li Yuan re-wrote "Chang Tan Cong Lu" ③, a dirty book for village scholars, but there is only one comment in Volume 6 "Poems" It is impressive to see the saint. There is a saying: ""Shi Pin" originally used the style of poetry, and then used the style of poetry to match the shape of the body.It is like using a mirror to look at people, and then using a mirror to look at a mirror. "That is to say, "Poetry" is used as the concept of poetry, and it is said that using poetry to talk about art is not friendly. Taoism inherited it, such as the first cloud in "Huashu? Daohua" ⑤: "Use one mirror to reflect the shape, and the rest of the mirror to reflect the shadow, and the mirror and the mirror reflect each other, and the shadow is passed on; the shape is no different from the shadow, it is the shadow. It is no different from the shape. "Western mystics say that there are arms ⑥, and there are similar ones. Poets of later generations commented on poems ⑦, and they often ridiculed "imitating images with images" and "reflecting mirrors with mirrors". It is not allowed to be wiped. There seems to be no reference to Li's books in the works of "Shipin", a commentary on Biaosheng in our country. (371-372 pages) ①Sikong Biaosheng: Tang Sikong's illustrated characters, there is a volume of "Shipin".

② Gu Han's word is Jiantang, and there is "Worshiping Stone Mountain House Poems". ③Li Yuanfu, born in the Qing Dynasty, has nine volumes of "Chang Tan Cong Lu". ④Looking at the mirror with a mirror: "Guan Zhui Bian" page 115: "The Shurangama Sutra Volume 7: "Take eight mirrors, hang them in the void, and face the mirrors placed in the altar, making them form and shadow. " ⑤ "Huashu": six volumes, written by Tan Qiao in the Five Dynasties. ⑥Western mystics: Meister Eckhart, a German mystic philosopher in the 13th and 4th centuries.

⑦ Later poets: refers to Heber, a German poet in the nineteenth century. In this section, Li Shangyin's "Jinse" poem is used to comment on Sikong Tu's "Poetry".Mr. Qian believes that "Jinse" "uses Bixing's wonderful words to explore the deep and secret purpose of coquettishness".Mr. Qian quoted Du Fu and Liu Yuxi in his appreciation of "Jinse" cited above to compare poems with jade qin, and jinse and jade qin are very comparable.Another example is "Zhuang Sheng is fascinated by butterflies in his dreams at dawn, and Wangdi entrusts the cuckoo in his spring heart", all of which are all allegories and false objects, such as simulacrums, such as flying butterflies to symbolize Zhuangsheng's Yixing, and cuckoos to see Wangdi's mourning. Take the blunt.

It is easy to "confuse" because it expresses one's heart by doing things and expresses one's heart;This is the so-called "image thinking" in French and German psychology since the 18th century; the images of "butterfly" and "cuckoo" and other foreign objects are used to express the heartfelt thoughts of "dream" and "heart". Adding "the bright sea and bright moon" and "the warm day in Lantian", this is the specific description of borrowing Bixing's excellent words. Mr. Qian also said that "Jinse" "examines the profound and secret purpose of coquettishness", which can be found in Zhu Heling's "Notes on Li Yishan's Poetry Collection Preface":

""Li Sao" entrusts Fangcao to resent the king and grandson, and uses beauties to describe the gentleman, so it is the ancestor of the Yuefu in the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties. The ancients who were unwilling to be friends with the monarch and ministers often sent their long-distance affection to Wanluan, and deeply resented Jian Xiu ( Refers to the matchmaker), in order to preface his loyalty, anger, boredom and lingering. After the Tang Dynasty to Taihe, the eunuchs were violent and the party disaster spread. If he thinks about suffering, Zhuangyu can't do it, so he can't slander it. It's not a crime to say it between Yaotai, Yuyu, singing, feasting and dancing pavilions, but it's enough to persuade him. His "Zizhou Yin" says: "Chu The rain is full of affection, and there is a trust', which has already been explained from the next note.

My old saying is: Yishan's poems are the preface of Fengren, and the legacy of Qu Song Dynasty, which is also the one that is transformed from the depth of Zimei (Du Fu). " This is about Li Shangyin's poem "the deep and secret purpose of studying coquettishness".Zhu Heling's preface is mainly about Li Shangyin's poems.There are two kinds of Li Shangyin's poems: one is marked, and the other is titled with the first two characters of the poem. This "Jin Se" is untitled.However, the "very deep and secret decree" in "Jinse" is more vaguely written in "Wangdi Chunxin entrusts the cuckoo" and "The moon and pearl in the sea have tears".

The poem "Jinse" said about its "excellent words borrowed from Bixing". Mr. Qian pointed out that "what the heart thinks, what the emotion feels, the allegory of the false, and the simulacrum". "The deep and secret purpose of coquettishness", so there is "one song and three sighs", "the last sound is far away", which has become the "unparalleled and outstanding" work of this style.This is because it is full of emotion and "very deep and secret purpose", which makes people feel endless.Sikong Tu's "Poetry" is also "a fable and a simulacrum".It is used to discuss poetry and explain the twenty-four kinds of poems. In addition, it has no emotion and secret purpose, so it cannot be compared with Li Shangyin's poems.Mr. Qian pointed out that "Poetry" is a four-character poem, and using poetry to talk about art is like looking at a mirror with a mirror.Poetry reflects life, just like a mirror reflects shapes, and what you see in the mirror is a shadow.Looking at the mirror with a mirror, the shadows in the shadows are not as friendly as the shadows.Poetry reflects life, and "Poetry" is summarized from poems. Poetic theory combines specific poems to discuss poetic quality, which is more intimate.Leaving the specific poems and using image metaphors to describe the quality of poetry is not intimate enough, and it cannot be compared with Li Shangyin's poems that use image metaphors to compose poems.

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