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Chapter 55 (12) Li He feels the fleeting time and stays in a hurry

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 1645Words 2018-03-20
It is not uncommon for me to play Changgu Ji carefully, to let go of my complaints, and to let it out from time to time.In terms of the speed of time, the short life span, the endless changes in the world, and the end of life, every time I feel sad, I will sigh forever. "Heavenly Ballad" said: "East refers to Xihe can walk horses, sea dust is born under the rocky mountain." "Haoge" said: "The south wind blows the mountains to make flat land, and the emperor sent the sky to move the sea ②. The queen mother's peach blossoms are red a thousand times , Peng Zu and Wuxian died several times ③." "Qin Wang Drinking Wine" said: "The ashes of the robbery fly all over the past and the present", and "Ancient Traveling" said: "The white scenery returns to the west mountain, and the green flowers are far away. Where is the present and the past, a thousand years old Float with the wind." "Guo Xing Gong" said: "Drop the curtain several times to be young and old, and the days can be locked for a thousand years." "Drilling a Well" said: "One day can make a thousand years, and there is no need to flow down." "Sun Travel" Then he said: "In the daylight, Kunlun shines like Shusi. Nair shone the stone, and Hu was the selling man. Yi bent the bow to belong to the arrow, ④ that didn't reach the foot, so that he couldn't run for a long time, and he taught the morning light and dusk." "Dancing Lyrics" said: "The sun in the east is never broken, and the light of the sky is never old." "Xiang Quanjiu" said: "Xihe hired six bridles, and he was never idle day and night. Playing Wuyan bamboo, smashing horses and pan peach whips." "Dream "Heaven" said: "Yellow dust, clear water and three mountains, change for a thousand years like a horse." They all deeply feel that the sun and the moon are passing by, the vicissitudes are changing, and the metabolism of personnel and affairs is not consistent.Others may reminisce about the past, so they can enjoy themselves in time. Changji only focuses on the luck of heaven, which is also one of the ends of his out-of-the-world law and far-reaching human feelings.The so-called "there are many short meanings in the world" and "there is no one hundred years in life, one often worries about a thousand years old" are not true.Li Taibai also wrote "Sunrise and Journey", which briefly said: "People are not vital, and they can linger with them for a long time.

The grass does not thank the spring breeze, and the wood does not complain about the autumn.Luyang He De, stationed in the scene to wave Ge ⑤.Going against the way and going against the sky, there are many false accusations.I will cover the big pieces, Haoran and Ming Wei are in the same family ⑥. "From the perspective of fortune, it is not as good as the rise and fall of personnel, and it is different from Changji. However, when the time is right, those who look at Changji's feelings and want to stay in a hurry will go against the road. Huaihai changes into birds, but my life does not change; , the deceased is like this ⑦. The feeling of a thousand years of suddenness is due to the one who is as long as the dew in the morning. Yishan's "Sunset Tower" quatrains say: "If you want to ask Gu Hong where he is going, he doesn't know his life experience."; Those who are in a desperate mood. (58-59 pages) ① Wabi: Frustrated and in a trance.

②Tian Wu: God of water, able to move the sea, see "Shan Hai Jing? Overseas East Jing". ③Peach Blossom of the Queen Mother: "Han Wu Internal Biography": The fairy peach of the Queen Mother blooms once every three thousand years, and bears fruit every three thousand years.Peng Zu: Doctor Yin, lived to be more than 800 years old.Wu Xian: ancient god witch. ④Yi: Tang Yao came out in ten days, and Yi shot down in nine days, see "Huainanzi? Lan Ming". ⑤Luyang: The Duke of Luyang fought against Han, at dusk, Luyang swung his sword, and the sun retreated three quarters.See "Huainanzi? Lanming".

⑥ Ming: Natural vitality. ⑦Huaihai turns into a bird: Guo Pu's "Poetry of Youxian": "Huaihai turns into a small bird, and I live alone." Li Shan notes: ""Guoyu": Zhao Jianzi sighed and said: "Sparrows enter the sea and become clams, pheasants enter the Huaihe River and become mirages, turtles, fish and turtles can't be transformed, but humans can't, mourn your husband!" " Luoxi Liuge: Ninety volumes: Li Bai's "Huangge Pian": "Huangge was born in Luoxi." The dead are like this: see "The Analects of Confucius? Zihan".

This article talks about a kind of thought reflected in Li He's poems, that is, feeling the speed of time and the short life span, and sending out endless sighs.For example, "East refers to Xihe can run a horse, and the sea dust is born under a rocky mountain." It means that Xihe drives the sun eastward as fast as a horse, and time passes quickly.In nature, the vicissitudes of life change into mulberry fields and dust rises, which shows the great changes and highlights the shortness of life.Another example is "the south wind blows the mountains to make the land flat, and the emperor sends the heaven and Wu to move the sea." "The queen mother's peach blossoms are red a thousand times, and Peng Zu and Wuxian died several times", which means that after millions of years, the long-lived Peng Zu and the god witch will die several times, which still shows the shortness of life, even the long-lived Peng Zu Same.Another example is "the ashes of the catastrophe fly all over the past and the present", Buddhists say that the world has experienced disasters of flood, fire and wind, everything is wiped out, and life is rebuilt, which is called a catastrophe.After the catastrophe, the ashes fly away, the disaster does not happen, and the past and the present are peaceful. It will take countless years, which shows the shortness of life.Another example is "Baijing returns to the west mountain, and the green flowers go far away. Where does the present and the past end, and the thousand years are blown by the wind." It refers to the sunset on the west mountain, with blue clouds in the sky, and the cycle of day and night is endless.As long as a thousand years old, it is as fast as the wind.It also means that time flies and life is short.The various verses quoted below also talk about the long time and the shortness of life.

Mr. Qian pointed out here that some people feel that time is fleeting and life is short, "so you can enjoy yourself in time", but Li He is not like this.He said in "Hao Ge": "The green-haired horse is full of money, and the willows in the spring are full of smoke. The zither people persuade me Jin Quxi, who is the god's blood not congealed?" Drinking and having fun, but Li He believes that the spirit and blood cannot be condensed to live forever, and there is not much time to enjoy the time.He didn't want to have a quick gratification.Li Bai also lamented the shortness of life, but Li Bai advocated taking advantage of the changes and going with the times.But Li He is different. He "felt the passing years and wanted to stay in a hurry", lamenting the speed of time and wanting to keep it.For example, "Bitter Days are Short": "I will cut off the dragon's feet and chew the dragon's meat, so that it will not be able to return to the morning and stay at night. Naturally, the old will not die, and the young will not cry." Legend has it that Xihe drove the sun in a dragon-drawn cart to cycle in the sky. Okay, so he wants to kill the dragon. Killing the dragon can stop the car, and time will not fly by.

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