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Chapter 32 (9) Respond to things with the heart, follow the pen with the mind

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 2324Words 2018-03-20
It is a popular custom to believe that there is a stepping stone to art, that mandarin ducks can be embroidered, and golden needles can be saved, and one only needs to learn the formulas and techniques to achieve success.This theory is enough to criticize poets and painters.However, it is overcorrected, all the realms where the intention is reached but the brush is not followed, and the state of the breath is swallowed but the brush is not reached, all of a sudden ignore it, and deliberately eliminate the inconsistency between the mind and the hand, so that those who have a taste of falsehood and are afraid of difficulties and tricks can write directly in their hearts. as an excuse.The husband and the art are also those who stick to the two ends of the mind and use the middle.The artistic conception of the image is a matter of the heart; the one who expresses the artistic conception of the image by means of driving is a matter of things.Each thing has its own nature: according to its nature, it is suitable for my heart; if it is against its nature, it must be strong to satisfy my heart; its nature must be irreversible, so it must break my heart to respond to things.The achievement of one art, but the combination of the three.Speaking from the heart, what is born in the heart should be in the hand, and what is in the hand is in the shape of things, as it is said in "Lu Lan? Jingtong": "The heart is not an arm, and the arm is not a vertebra or a stone. And wood and stone should respond to it.①" Speaking from things, the heart meets the hand, and the hand is combined, as it is said in "Zhuangzi? Instead of judging with the heart. ③" Croce insists on abandoning things ④, so he cares about one thing and loses another.The reason why everyone can be handy is because they are handy.With technical skills, you can respond to things you learn;You can't become a master if you only rely on skills, you can't become a master if you don't need skills, and it's not like you can't become a master if you need skills. "Painting with the heart, not with the hands", the theory seems new, but in reality, Wang Zi'an's "conceived draft" ⑤, Wen Yuke "has a well-thought-out plan"

Class ⑥ is not to draft on paper, but to make drafts in the chest.It varies from trial to success.Arrangement, deletion, addition and modification of the position in the chest, that is, the words and ink on paper, how can it surpass signs and abolish techniques.Drafting on paper is not all done by hand; drafting in the chest is not everything. Volume 45 of "Zhu Wengong Collection" "Answer to Yang Zi Zhishu" ⑦: "There is no separation between the inside and the outside of the body and mind. The so-called heart is fixed on the inside. And those who see the source of speech, hearing, speech, and silence are seen from the outside. That is to say, the use of this mind has never been separated from it. Now, where it is empty and not in use, it should be used and kept; when it is popular and used, it should be discarded without thinking about it. For the whole of the mind, even if you have half of it, you can still use it. I have lost half of it." Gao Panyou's "Study of Difficulty" says:

"The heart is not concentrated in a square inch, but the whole body is the heart." ⑧ Rongche's theory can be applied.Based on G. C. Lichtenberg Youying, seeing the famous actor Garrick in a play⑨, laughed and acted, and everything was wonderful. He sighed and said: "This person is actually in the muscles, but the soul is everywhere." "Liang Shu? Pei Ziye Biography" ⑩: "If you ask him about the speed of writing, Ziye replied: 'everyone can do it with his hands, but I can do it with my heart alone'. .” This is a good footnote of “drawing with the heart rather than the hand”. E. Mach talked about scientists' pursuit of physics⑾, and tried to label "economy" as the principle, saying that instead of doing experiments, they should be replaced by conjectures, so as to save energy.

Extending knowledge and making art, the heart is the same. (210-212 pages) ① "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals? Mastery": "Zhong Ziqi was sad when he heard the chime knocker at night, so he was called to ask about it." Three years have passed, and because of this sadness, Zhong Ziqi sighed, "Sorrow resides in the heart, and wood and stone respond to it." ② "Zhuangzi? The Way of Heaven": Lun Bian talks about cutting wood into a wheel: "Xu is sweet but not solid, disease is bitter but not intrusive, neither slow nor sick, what you get is in your hands but in your heart, what you can't say with your mouth, there are countless. What's in between."

③ "Zhuangzi? Dasheng": "Gongju spins to cover the rules, refers to materialization and does not judge with the heart." Gongju uses fingers to rotate and draw circles better than compasses. The ingenuity of fingers turning into compasses lies in the fact that the mind does not stay. ④Croce: Croce, the most famous Italian esthetician in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.He abandoned the method of transcendentalism. ⑤ Abdominal draft: "Tang Poetry Chronicle": "[Wang] Bo (word Zi'an) first grinds ink for several liters for the text, covers the face with a quilt and lies down, and suddenly writes it, without adding points at the beginning, it is called the abdominal draft."

⑥ Have a well-developed mind: Su Shi's "Yuandang Valley Yanzhu Ji": "So to paint bamboo, you must first have a mature bamboo in your mind." ⑦ Zhu Wengong: Zhu Xi posthumous title. ⑧ Gao Quanlong: A writer in the Ming Dynasty, with twelve volumes of "Gaozi's Last Letters". ⑨G. C. Lichtenberg: Lichtenbeck, German physicist and satirist in the eighteenth century. Garrick: Garrick, an English dramatist and actor in the eighteenth century. 10 "Liang Shu": written by Tang Yao Silian, fifty-six volumes. ⑾E. Mach: Mach, an Austrian physicist and philosopher in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

This article talks about the creation of things-meaning-pen-words, from observing external objects, to forming artistic conception or theme, to expressing with pens, and becoming words.Here, it is based on "mandarin ducks are embroidered from the king's point of view, and the golden needle is not given to others." It is believed that seeing the embroidery method of the golden needle, that is, learning some writing methods, can write and draw directly from the heart, and can only become a "poetry cellar". Like "Lei Shuo", Wang Renyu of the Song Dynasty wrote ten thousand poems called "Jiaozi", that is, many but not exquisite.Those who are like painters can only become painters, that is, they can paint but cannot become famous artists.Lu Ji's "Wen Fu" said: "The meaning of constant trouble is not called the thing, and the writing does not catch the meaning." Liu Xie's "Literary Mind and Carving Dragons? Shen Si" said: "The meaning is taught to the mind, and the words are taught to the mind. Secrets are boundless, and sparseness is boundless. Thousands of miles away." From observing external objects to forming an idea, that is, the main idea, there is an unavoidable distance between the idea and the object, the so-called "intention does not call the object".If you have "meaning" and express it in words, you are afraid that "the text will not meet your meaning".From things to ideas to words, it is called "closeness is boundless"; if there is a distance from things to ideas to words, it is called "sparseness is thousands of miles".Mr. Qian said that "the mind arrives but the brush does not follow, the breath swallows but the pen does not arrive", that is to say, the mind can weigh things, so it is called "the mind arrives", and "the speech does not catch the meaning", so it is called "the pen does not follow", which is the expression of words Can't express.Mr. Qian also separates the two ends of mind and matter, from the observation of objects to the formation of artistic conception, it is a matter of the heart.Writing the artistic conception of Xingxiang into words is a matter of things, that is, a matter of handwriting.Mr. Qian also quoted "Lu Lan? Mastery" saying that someone's heart is sad, and when they hit the chime, they make a sad sound, which is the wood and stone that respond to the heart.It also draws the wheel and cuts the wheel, which is handy, and the heart is in the hand.Gongji uses hands instead of compasses, which means "referring to materialization", that is, fingers are transformed into compasses.Here we point out how to break the distance between the heart and the hand, that is, break the distance of "unsatisfactory writing".From the handy way of chopping the wheel, and from the fingering and materialization of the circle drawn by Gongji, we can see that the wheel is handy in the long-term practice of chopping the wheel.In order to break through the "unsatisfactory writing", it is not enough to know a little writing method, but to be handy in long-term writing practice.Mr. Qian said, "Really accumulate strength for a long time, learn from talents, and become skillful through practice." That is to accumulate real practice to achieve "pointing and materialization", and practice makes perfect.The so-called Wang Bo's belly draft, Wen Tong had a well-thought-out plan, he drafted it in his mind, made deletions, additions and changes in his mind, and did the work handy in his mind, so that he could write it immediately.

Mr. Qian also pointed out: Zhu Xi said: "There is no separation between the inside and the outside of the body and mind."After a long period of practice in writing, you will be able to do it with ease, and you will be able to express what you think of in your heart with your handwriting. In the end, your heart will become materialized, your heart will be consistent with your hands, how your heart thinks, how your hands write, and the dexterity of your heart is fully expressed in your hands.It's like the performance of a famous actor, all the wonderful thoughts of the soul are completely expressed in the muscles.This is the very high state of creation.But there is still a need to think with a heart and a heart, to break the problem of "meaning does not measure things".Liu Xie discussed this issue in "Shensi", and Lu Ji discussed these issues in "Wen Fu". This is another issue.

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