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Chapter 8 (6) On Correcting Mistakes

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 1029Words 2018-03-20
(Huang Tingjian) The first sentence of the three quatrains in "Ci Yun Wen Qian Li Chun Ri" says: "I am looking at Oumei today, and I have sent Huangzhou to return. Let me ask the master of Fengyue in Huainan, who will bloom the peaches and plums for the New Year." Tianshe said it was Recalling Dongpo, Dongpo was relegated to Huangzhou; Ouyang Xiu and Mei Shengyu were the masters of Zepo.According to this poem, it was written in the middle of December of the first year of Chongning, when the valley had left Taiping Prefecture. "Outer Collection" contains one of the two poems written in Taiping Prefecture in June of the first year of Chongning: "Ou Liang's waist is a willow, and Xiaomei urges to shoot a big plum song"; and "Magnolia Order" says: "Ou Wumei Song Jun has more discretion." Ou Meiji is an official prostitute in Taiping Prefecture.Taiping Prefecture was established in Huainan County in ancient times, and Wenqian was born in Huaiyin, and Yin was in the south of the water; at that time, Huangzhou was relegated to resettlement, and Huangzhou belonged to Huainan Road in Song Dynasty.Therefore, it is called "Huainan Fengyue Lord".

Because of today's spring, Gai recalled the joys at that time, and has nothing to do with Luling and Wanling.The second volume of Wu Yuan's "Tui'an Relics" in the Southern Song Dynasty ③ "Taiping Junpu Ji" said that it was the Hall of Huichen.The women attached to the Tianshe Society are men and women. (Pages 10-11) ① Wen Qian: Zhang Lei, a Song poet. ② Tianshe: Ren Yuan, a Song scholar, noted Huang Tingjian's poems. ③Wu Yuan: A literati in the Southern Song Dynasty, he has "Zui'an Yi Ji". This article talks about annotations. The annotations require correctness. Only by having a correct understanding of the original text can the annotations be correct.Here it is said that Ren Yuan made a mistake in Huang Tingjian's poem, so he made a mistake because he only looked at the surface of the text and said "today Wang Oumei", and wanted to list Ouyang Xiu and Mei Shengyu as Su Shi's candidates for the imperial examination. want them.He didn't check the year when this poem was written, and he didn't consider that "Ou, Mei" was also mentioned in other poems when he wrote this poem.After such an examination, this poem was written in December of the first year of Chongning.Omei in his poems written in June of the first year of Chongning all refer to official prostitutes in Taiping Prefecture.In December of this year, he had left Taiping Prefecture, so he said, "I am looking forward to Omega today."This kind of investigation is not enough, and the "Huainan Fengyuezhu" in the poem refers to Zhang Lei. Zhang Lei was relegated to Huangzhou when he was resettled. Huangzhou Song belonged to Huainan Road, so he was called "Huainan Fengyuezhu". The "sub-rhyme potential" coincides.It's not enough to say this, let's cite Wu Yuan's "Ou Mei Song and Dance" as a testimony.It shows that if Mr. Qian wants to correct Ren Yuanzhu's mistakes, he needs to go through many researches and produce a variety of evidence before he can draw a conclusion.From here it tells us that in order to understand a poem, we can draw correct conclusions after repeated discussions on the difficult problems in the poem.

Some people have different opinions on Mr. Qian's explanation. They think that Huang Tingjian's poem: "Xian Ran looks at Oumei today", and Ren Yuan's note: "Wang Xizhi posted a cloud: 'The people today are Xing Ran.'" Xing Ran means that the character is no longer there, so I hope Ouyang Xiu, Mei Shunyu, Ren Yuan's annotations are correct.According to Wang Xizhi's post "Characters are invisible", "Xianran" refers to the characters, which means that the characters are not present.In Huang's poem "Xian Ran looks at Oumei today", "Xian Ran" refers to "hope", this "Xian Ran", like "Zhuangzi?Because Ou Mei refers to the official prostitutes of Taiping Prefecture, it is used to look forward to it; if it refers to Ouyang Xiu and Mei Shengyu, it is a senior and famous gentleman respected by Huang Tingjian, so it cannot be called "Xian Ran Wang".This means that the same "Xianran" is used to refer to characters in one meaning, and used to refer to "Wang" has another meaning, which should not be confused.This further proves that Mr. Qian's explanation is correct.

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