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Chapter 42 short story meteor mountain

Can Xue's Selected Works 残雪 7539Words 2018-03-20
My sister finally left, and I couldn't convince her.The place she went to was the meteorite mountain more than a hundred kilometers away from here.She had met a shepherd down the mountain a few months earlier, they had fallen in love, and now she was running toward her love desperately.In my meditation, there is green grass on the meteorite mountain.As for how grass grows on the meteorite, that's not something I should figure out.Of course, that mountain is not necessarily a meteorite. In the quiet night, my boyfriend, Mr. Yuanpu, and I sat on the stone bench outside the house together, imagining various situations of my sister.We sighed for her, but felt a secret jealousy, because neither of us had ever experienced such a poetic life.

My younger sister has relied on me since she was a child, and she has to help her make decisions about everything. She is the most indecisive girl.Our two sisters were the survivors of a catastrophe, and later we came to settle down in this isolated countryside through the introduction of a distant relative.Life in the countryside is not peaceful, and the fierce competition for survival has already made me decisive and bossy.But my sister, no matter what life is like, always opens her eyes that don't know the world, and daydreams whenever she has time.I sometimes get impatient with her—especially when the farm work is busy, and sometimes I am proud of myself for protecting such a sister.

My sister's lover is a thin young man who owns five hundred black goats.It is said that there are several shepherds on the meteorite mountain, and his sheep are the most.He and his sister met in a restaurant in the town. At that time, the sister got up to leave after eating noodles, but forgot her vegetable basket by the table—she was going to the town to sell vegetable seedlings.The shepherd reminded her, and the two exchanged a few words.What happened next was unimaginable: my sister went to his house with this young man, and disappeared from my nose for three days before returning!The young man had a kind of disease, and when he had an attack, he would be unconscious in pain, and he could only fall down anywhere, and no one could help him.According to my sister, he fell ill twice in those three days, and of course my sister couldn't bear to go away.But the reason for not going away was not mainly for him, but for the sheep. "He was no longer my lover when he got sick." My sister recalled in a trance.I don't agree with my sister spending her whole life with this patient, but Mr. Yuan Pu obviously has the opposite opinion with me. He is very interested in the life of a shepherd, and greedily wants to extract as much mountain scenery from his sister's mouth as possible. .Later, I also became interested unconsciously.

"Huimin is an extraordinary young man." Mr. Yuanpu said to me before going to the village primary school. He was talking about the shepherd. From the outside, shepherd Huimin does not look like a patient. He has clear eyes, flexible movements, and is good at all kinds of hand-knitting.The first time he came to my house, he gave me two exquisite straw hats, and later brought straw sandals, bamboo baskets and so on.These things exude a charming fragrance, which makes me fascinated by the place where he lives.Every time he came by boat along that river, and then drove back at night, he never stayed overnight at our house.I really wanted to visit Huimin's place. When I revealed this idea to my sister, she was taken aback and shook her head again and again to veto it:

"Oh, don't go, don't go! You'll be disappointed in that kind of place!" "What do you mean?!" I flew into a rage. "Don't be mad! Why are you mad? I'm just saying it's not a good place." "It's not good, you still marry there!" "That's me, what am I? It's just me." Because the younger sister always said something inexplicable. "Let's be happy for her together," he said. Mr. Yuan Pu's words are also unbelievable.Mr. Yuanpu teaches in the village primary school, but he doesn't teach well. He always takes the children to swim in the river. One-third of the year the students take "swimming lessons".Because of his irresponsible teaching, many parents do not let their children go to school.For a period of time, he went to the students' homes almost every day to persuade their parents to send their children.We became a couple two years ago, at first I hated him, because I was a serious person, but later, I was attracted by his easy-going disposition, and I felt that he had the ability to resolve all conflicts in life .When I was with him, I thought about every word he said, and he was one of those people who couldn't figure it out.For example, just now, I didn't know why he was happy for his sister, and I didn't know what was so funny about him.

"Why go to that poor mountain valley to see?" Teacher Yuanpu said softly, "There must be a lot of trouble there. Let me tell you, you and I might as well keep a sense of mystery about your sister's new house from a distance." "It's not a poor valley there. He has five hundred sheep." "Who knows, seeing is believing." That time, my discussion with Mr. Yuan Pu broke up unhappy.At that time, my sister laughed at me as "looking for trouble".In just a few months, she really left, and I was the only one left in this empty old house.I didn't ask Teacher Yuanpu to move here, because I thought that once he moved, my relationship with him would be over, so it's better as it is now.

Before leaving, my sister told me that she really left because of those sheep. If the sheep were lost, they would lose their source of livelihood, and Huimin and she would have to starve to death. "Those sheep are like magicians." When she explained this, Teacher Yuanpu looked into the distance and said casually, "Okay, okay." Now we are sitting under the laurel tree, inhaling the rich fragrance, Teacher Yuan Pu's long pale face showed a little bewildered expression under the moonlight. "I think it's my younger sister who is sick. The lonely mountain will make her mature quickly, and the disease will be cured. I have been to the meteorite mountain many times before. It is difficult for sheep to live on that kind of bare rocky mountain." Stand up there," he said.

"What Huimin and my sister said is not the situation you described at all." "Maybe things have changed over the years. But a rocky mountain, you can't turn it into pasture." "Then you are still happy for your sister?" "My joy comes from the bottom of my heart." "Anyway, I'm going to go by boat." "Ah, don't destroy your dreams." I finally went to Meteorite Mountain by boat with Teacher Yuanpu.Although it was smooth sailing, the boat traveled for four days and four nights in the river, during which there were two stops on the shore.

When we docked at the shore for the first time, Teacher Yuanpu and I went ashore to buy a few boxes of matches.I opened the matchbox and found it was empty, so I told the lady boss.The fat woman raised her eyebrows and screamed, and immediately two big black men rushed out.Teacher Yuanpu dragged me into a gallop.That night I kept arguing until dawn. In my dream, I went into that black shop again and again, and was kicked out again and again.I also waved my fists, making the bed boards ring non-stop, making Teacher Yuanpu unable to sleep.When I woke up, our black-covered boat had gone a long way. Sitting on the deck and looking up, there were strangely shaped stone mountains on both sides, and there was not a single tree on the mountain.I kind of believe Yuan Pu's description of the meteorite mountain.But it takes four days and four nights to get there by boat along the water, which I can't figure out anyway.I told the boatman what I thought.The boatman didn't understand at first, so I said it again, and the boatman looked at Teacher Yuanpu and me with pity, and said in an irrelevant answer:

"With your two thin bodies, you shouldn't be going to that kind of place." Teacher Yuanpu and I spent the next two days in a daze.From the morning of the third day, the mountains on both sides of the river heard the howls of terrible beasts, one after another, as if a big attack was about to be launched.Ask the boatman, he said it was tigers, there are many tigers in this place.We had never seen a tiger before, and our faces turned pale with fright.The boatman also said that as long as the boat does not stop at the shore, there is no danger.But in the evening, he parked the boat on the shore again.When we questioned him, he acted as if he hadn't heard, took the things on his own, and went ashore to drink.At this time, the cry of the beast was getting closer. Teacher Yuanpu and I hugged each other, trembling in the cabin.At one point we felt that something heavy was boarding the ship, and both of us believed that the end was coming, but after waiting for a long time, there was no movement.I was more courageous than Mr. Yuan Pu, so I held my breath and opened the cabin door a crack, and sure enough, I saw a huge monster squatting on the bow.After a while, I heard the boatman come back drunk and sang a little tune, thinking that he must fall into the tiger's mouth.However, nothing bloody happened, the boat moved slowly, and the tiger on the mountain was still roaring fiercely.

"Why must it be a tiger? It could be something else." When Teacher Yuanpu said this, his teeth were chattering, and he completely lost his usual nonchalant demeanor. When we finally reached our destination, the howling of the beast stopped.Teacher Yuan Pu has been here several times many years ago, and he said that everything has changed beyond recognition.At my urging, he took me up a rough mountain road with vague memory.The mountain in front of me is indeed a stone mountain, not to mention trees, not even a root of grass grows.The slope of the mountain is not too steep, and the dark red rocks stretch continuously. "The meteorite mountain is behind this mountain." Teacher Yuanpu pointed with his finger. I'm about to meet my sister, but I can't be happy at all, my heart is completely cold.My sister told me a big lie, why did she come to such a poor place? "We've arrived." Teacher Yuanpu announced, and sat down on the side of the road. I glanced around blankly, thinking he was joking.All around me are stones and stones; where is there any house? "You are so paranoid, why don't you take a few more glances into that mountain?" After he reminded me, I vaguely found the emerald green skirt drying on a stone, which was my sister's skirt.But I haven't seen the house yet, I think, even if there are no sheep, people must live in the house.Teacher Yuanpu saw my thoughts, and there was a hint of ridicule in the corner of his eyes. "Let's go," he said lightly.Hearing the sound of crackling footsteps, my sister appeared in front of us as if she had emerged from the ground, and then Huimin also appeared.Both of them were very thin, their faces darkened to the color of coal, but they were in good spirits. "My sister must be uncomfortable. I say this every day, but she still comes! Hey, we are not prepared at all, we..." My sister chirped. She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the foot of the mountain. I'm relieved that they don't live on the damn mountain. "Your dress..." I reminded her. "Are you worried about losing it? There will be no problem. You think, who will come to this mountain? This is my mountain and Huimin's." The rocks on the mountain also continued to the flat ground below. There were some grasses growing sparsely between the rocks on the flat ground, and occasionally a bush, but I never saw a single bird.The place is like a stone village, and the villagers gather in a clearing to carry a large pile of rocks from one place to another.I searched carefully with my eyes, trying to find the houses where the villagers lived, but I couldn't find them. "We're home." Hui Min said to Teacher Yuan Pu behind her. "Where?!" I yelled. My sister squeezed my palm hard, and reprimanded me for being so embarrassing. When you come to the next step, the hole will become wider.Huimin lit the oil lamp. "Sit on the ground wherever you want," they said as they placed the oil lamps in the recesses of the stone walls. The cave was as big as a large house, and the ground was hewn flat.I looked back and saw that my sister and Teacher Yuanpu had already sat down comfortably, so I sat down too.There was not a single piece of furniture in the cave, nor clothes, dishes, or the like.How can this be called a "home"? "We eat and drink on the mountain! You can't imagine this kind of life!" My sister said excitedly. "What if it rains and water flows into the hole?" "Here we are, even my grandfather has never seen rain." Huimin said softly. Huimin's way of talking reminds me of those fragrant straw things.I asked him where the black goat was kept.At first he looked at me in surprise, but then he seemed to understand something.He didn't answer my question, but suggested to take Mr. Yuanpu and me to see "the land they depend on for a living".He stood up and blew out the lamp, and we were outside the cave again. I stared at the ground for a closer look, and soon saw some other similar holes lined up to the distance.It seems that the village on this rock is not small. The field was far away, and we walked for a long time along paths hewn in the stone.When the trail ended and the mud appeared, we heard some muffled voices. It was a long and narrow area between mountains, and the red soil was divided into many long squares with clear boundaries. "This is our piece." Huimin said, pointing to the third piece from the past. His patch of soil was covered with sweet potato vines.Looking at the other soils, they are all sweet potatoes. "The soil here is very fertile, and we don't need to take much care of planting sweet potatoes to get a good harvest." My sister said proudly. I saw a few men sitting on the field over there, and it was they who made the first voices I heard.Now they are watching us from a distance. Each piece of land is about two acres, and the sweet potatoes in the field are growing gratifyingly.It is a bit strange that sweet potatoes can be planted on the side of a rocky mountain where it does not rain. "They rely on groundwater." Huimin pointed to the sweet potatoes and said, "Groundwater is invisible." "So how did you know there was groundwater here?" I asked. "Just look at the sweet potato vines." He bent down to grab a handful of dry soil, and continued, "The surface layer of soil is dry, and if you dig down, the bottom is still dry soil. But there is indeed groundwater! No one has ever dug into the groundwater, we see it from the vines and stems of the sweet potatoes, which grow in the soil and are crispy and sweet. It's kind of like when we were in the mountains..." He squeezed Let's not talk about it. "What about being on the mountain?" I turned around and asked my sister, with a bit of disdain in my tone, "What kind of mysteries can there be in that kind of rocky mountain?" "It's a big mystery!" said the sister mockingly. I think she is mocking me.Looking at Teacher Yuanpu again, he was also winking at me, and I was so angry. Seeing that my face was not good, my sister quickly explained: "Don't be angry, we are talking about water. Think about it, it never rains here, and there is no well in the village. How do we live? The secrets are all on the mountains. You pat the stones, and the water will come out. ." "There is such a thing!!" "Yes. But the spring water doesn't just come out when you want it. People have to be patient, and there will be changes after reaching the extreme. I wasn't used to it before, but now I can't leave this place." We ate dinner at home.Huimin and her sister brought sweet potatoes from a smaller hole next to them, and we peeled them with knives and ate them raw.My sister said that there is only this way of eating here because there is no water.I have never had such delicious sweet potatoes.But this sweet potato doesn't have much water in it.I felt thirsty soon after the meal and remembered that I hadn't had a drink all day.But when I observed the three of them, they didn't look thirsty at all.Teacher Yuanpu changed subtly as soon as he arrived at Meteorite Mountain. I think he has forgotten that he is my boyfriend. In this place that is unfamiliar to me, he naturally became an "insider" like my sister. ".Thinking of this, I controlled my thirst, acted as if nothing had happened, and sat there with my back against the stone wall. "How beautiful the moonlight is," said the younger sister hoarsely, her voice tinged with eroticism. "Let's go to the mountains to find our lost love!" As she spoke, she walked out excitedly.The two men seemed a little listless, but they still managed to follow behind her.I remembered that she said that there is water on the mountain, and I cheered up. The mountain is not very steep, but it is bare and there are no supports to help climb. After climbing for a while, I feel exhausted and thirsty even more.Coupled with the fact that I haven't showered for several days, it is extremely uncomfortable.Looking up at the three people around him, all of them remained calm.Aren't they thirsty?I can not help saying that: "I'm dying of thirst." My sister got behind a boulder and came out with a teacup in her hand. She said to me: "I left this half glass of water yesterday." I grabbed the cup tremblingly, and just took a couple of sips when I suddenly felt embarrassed.I handed the cup to Teacher Yuanpu, but Teacher Yuanpu firmly refused.I stared at him dumbfounded when my sister reached out and took the cup away.My sister didn't drink either, and she hid her cup behind a rock. Although my body was very dirty, the air on the mountain was very pure, the moonlight was beautiful, and there was not a cloud in the sky.On a mountain like this where not a single tree grows, I feel that I am in danger.The biggest threat now is thirst, and because of the two sips of water just now, I am even more thirsty.As I climbed up with everyone, I thought about going back to find the cup.Waves of regret rolled in my heart.Why didn't I drink up that glass of water just now?Why do you want to talk politely to these hypocrites? When I really turned around and walked down the mountain, my sister shouted to me: "You will get lost!" Because I was afraid of getting lost, I had to follow them far away.After a while, my feet didn't seem to be my own anymore.The three figures in front are getting smaller and smaller. No matter how hard I try, I can't keep up with them. How energetic they are.After a few days of fatigue and fear, coupled with the current thirst, I couldn't do it at all, and I fell to the ground thinking about it in my heart. The moment I fell to the ground, I heard the sound of rushing water. I concluded that it was an illusion, so I closed my eyes and ignored it.But the sound of running water was getting louder, and the water washed over my feet and wet my pants.I jumped up, and then hurried down to drink water.After I was full, I wanted to take a bath, but there was no one on the mountain anyway, so I took off my clothes and took a shower.The water rushed down from above, and the water splashed high on the stones.I really don't understand this kind of thing.When I finished my shower and got dressed, the water stopped, and the wind blew, and the water marks on the rocks disappeared without a trace.At this time, I saw Teacher Yuanpu coming with his head down. He came down from above. "Where's my sister?" I asked him loudly, and couldn't help but think in my heart: What a beautiful moonlit night. "She is enjoying a fiery love with Huimin, in the cave over there." He pointed to somewhere behind him in a trance.His wet hair was still dripping water on his face when he came up to me. "Where does the water come from?" He didn't answer my question, but hurriedly pulled me to sit down, and buried his bewildered face between his knees.At this moment, he became my boyfriend again.I stroked his wet hair and asked him softly what happened just now.He said vaguely: "It's crazy, this damn mountain. I never thought..." Looking down the mountain, I saw some fires floating, and it was the villagers of Stone Village who were going home.I imagined my sister and Huimin's erotic night, and I also wondered why she came to this poor place to settle down.I think Teacher Yuanpu was also thinking about the same question as me, but he understood them better, so he was more stimulated.He had never been more depressed than he was now.During the tens of minutes that Teacher Yuanpu left me, what kind of horrible scenes did he experience to become like this? I started thinking about going down the mountain.Although the slope of the mountain is not large, there is no formed road.I didn't find it difficult to follow them when I came up, but now it's a bit dangerous to go down and I can't see the way clearly. "You should die of this heart." When Teacher Yuan Pu said this, he still didn't look up.I asked him what he gave up on, and he said: "Rattlesnakes are everywhere. You haven't seen them yet. We can't move now. If we move, they will come out. We can only wait until dawn." He stretched out his right hand towards me. Under the moonlight, I saw snake teeth marks and blood on the palm of his hand.The strange thing is that the bitten place is not swollen at all, and the hand is still moving freely.Teacher Yuan Pu stared at the two teeth marks, gritted his teeth and said: "Venom is in my heart, do you understand this kind of thing? I'm so sick." He became talkative, maybe he was feverish. "I was very excited when I came here, and I can't go back when I come. Did you see the villagers here just now? When you saw them sitting in the sweet potato field, you thought their job was to grow sweet potatoes? No, that's not them at all." The work! The soil here is very fertile, and the sweet potatoes don’t need to be inserted. Their real job is to lift stones, and they play with those stones all year round! I have seen those stone tombs they built, it was many years ago... ..." I felt that Teacher Yuanpu's emotions were too intense, so I deliberately changed the subject and said: "Sister and Huimin don't play with rocks, they play on the mountain." "No!!" Teacher Yuanpu roared, even in the dimness I could see that his face turned purple. "They've been getting rocks up the hill too, and the rocks are their love! Listen, do you hear that?" Yes, I hear you.The sound of the explosion seemed to come from the deep and deep core of the earth, muffled and a little illusory. "That's the explosives they made." Teacher Yuanpu said coldly. I didn't dare to touch him anymore, I moved away a little, and hesitantly squeezed out this sentence: "You won't die here, will you?" He didn't answer.Only at this moment did I know that this man's heart was so far away from me, I hardly knew what he was thinking.How did he become my boyfriend?How does he feel about me?He's sitting on this rocky hill, and he's had a fatal blow, and I don't even know what that blow was.See, he wept, and as he wept he said, "How short life is, and I have not lived enough." When my sister found me in the morning, I was lying on the rocky ground hugging Teacher Yuanpu tightly.We became one person in the dream.My sister has disheveled hair and looks tired, but there is a resolute expression on her face that I have never seen before.Hui Min, who was standing next to her, was holding a steel drill and an iron hammer, her face was as black as coal. "We worked all night underground. You see my feet hurt." My sister walked around in front of me with a limp, and Hui Min gently supported her. The love between the young couple was touching. That day, even though my sister begged to stay, we didn't go to her house after we went down the mountain. Although the journey back to the village was against the current, our boat only took two days and two nights. Now Teacher Yuanpu has moved to my place.We always sit under the laurel tree in the silence of the night, turn our faces to the direction of the meteorite mountain, and immediately think of what happened there.Teacher Yuanpu told me with certainty that there would be nothing in this world that could attract him like a meteorite mountain, but he didn't want to go to that place again, and the last time he accompanied me was his last time.He didn't look decadent when he said that, and I was so happy for him. Now, Huimin and her sister are no longer specific people in our memory, and we still worry about them, but neither of them will take a boat to see them.I even feel that it is fortunate that my sister married there, so that I have such endless thoughts.Maybe she was just born to work underground.As for Teacher Yuanpu, I feel that he is two people. He lives in the village, but he has another life. In that life, he becomes a kind of person like Huimin.It was my combination with Teacher Yuanpu that made me gradually discover my sister's true heart.On that raging mountain of stone, my sister found everything she had longed for since she was a child.Since her fiery passion can shoot water from stones, there is nothing she cannot do.Everything before was like a dream.It seemed strange that the usually quiet younger sister was suddenly taken away by this dry and thin young man.In fact, this matter is also predestined, probably Huimin has been waiting there, waiting for her sister to grow up, and then the next thing will happen.
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