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Chapter 41 short story black eyes

Can Xue's Selected Works 残雪 10786Words 2018-03-20
There is such a pair of black eyes, when I am hoeing, it hides in the weeds on the opposite side, and emerges from the green grass from time to time, looking at me intently and a little bit evilly.I looked at it with a hoe, and it sank lazily, never to be found again.How many times have I put down what I was doing and went to search carefully in the grass, but no, it disappeared, maybe burrowed into the ground, along the passage of those earthworms.I've noticed that the soil where it occurs is always very loose.I made up my mind a few times, and when I made up my mind, I dug down desperately with a hoe.It's a pity that the result of doing this is that in addition to cutting off some earthworms and letting a small amount of blood flow out, it also left a feeling of anxiety.I kept thinking: What if I got those black eyes?Digging is not a good way, not to mention such a pair of eyes that can float up and down and become invisible at any time, it is really difficult to obtain through digging.

It also showed up when I was carrying water.After I poured a load of water into the tank, the splash appeared at the bottom of the tank when it calmed down.It is slightly larger than a human eye, delicate, watery, and very focused.Such eyes, I can't look at them for a long time.It also blinked, and when it blinked, the long eyelashes covered it, showing infinite sadness.But overall it's aggressive, so serious and focused, and so sinister at times.Faced with such eyes, I am always timid. I never dare to confront them immediately, but always search for them afterwards. It would not be true to say that I never once found a trace of it.I did find a trace of it once.At that time, I searched for a long time in the half-person-deep winter thatch, and then I finally gave up.I was sitting in the grass to rest, when a bird made a strange call. I looked up, but I didn’t see the bird. When I lowered my eyes, I happened to meet its sight. From the purple roots, staring at me defiantly.I looked away, then suddenly reached out and grabbed it.Of course, the result was a handful of mud.I inspected the root of the winter grass again, and saw that there were indeed two small holes in the shape of eyeballs in the loose soil, and it slipped away from there.I pulled the winter grass out of the soil, and saw that the hole was full of large and small earthworms, which made people feel sick.Ah, I can't go any further, I stumble out of the grass with my eyes dim.

Why do you say there is an element of evil in that gaze?I can't tell either.It's just that when I look at each other, I have evil thoughts in my heart, and I want to destroy it.It seems that its evilness caused the evil in me.If I encounter it in the evening of spring, I will often attack the wall of the neighbor's courtyard secretly, and make a gap in the wall, making chickens fly.But no one will know that I did it. I am an honest gentleman in the village. I could neither bear the evil of those eyes nor their seriousness and concentration.Its seriousness and focus were all directed at me, it penetrated my internal organs, and set a fire in my stomach, and after a while my stomach was cramping and I ran away.I was clutching my chest and thinking about other things while running, trying my best to forget the scene just now.I ran to the ridge and sat down, and saw some children standing in a row in the distant field. They waved their hands and shouted: "Black eyes! Black eyes..." I blinked, and those children disappeared up.A pair of bare feet appeared next to me.It was the third uncle, with a pipe in his mouth, and he was staring at the large field of rape blossoms on the right.The bees were buzzing among the flowers, and Third Uncle seemed to have old tears in his eyes, as he wiped his blue shirt with a big hand.

"Third uncle, have you seen black eyes?" "That's a legend before the Great Migration. That's what you're talking about. Well, I didn't want to go to that valley at first, but your aunt is about to give birth, and there is only a midwife there. It's so dark, I'll help her How far she walked. When I reached the hut, my eyes were blackened, and I sat down on the ground unconscious. Just when I was about to lose consciousness, I saw it." "Who?" "That thing you said. A boy was born that night. The mountain was full of monkeys screaming. The midwife held up a broken washbasin and knocked and knocked at the moon."

"Just now, there was a child shouting over there." "Did you see it too? Good! Good!!" "Where is the child from?" "Those children, their clothes are still the same as before the Great Migration. You don't want to delve into this kind of thing, forget about them when you see them, or you will be troubled. When I was young, I was not convinced, but I wanted to walk towards them. , and was seriously injured." The third uncle staggered towards the house, and I saw the children leaning over the fence in his yard and then disappearing.I feel that the relationship between them and the third uncle is really mysterious.It seems that the only people in the village who know about black eyes are my third uncle and me.I asked everyone and they all said they hadn't seen it, what's going on?

Uncle San was my childhood idol, because he was the only one who remembered those old events in the village.He sometimes goes barefoot and sometimes wears straw sandals, unlike the villagers who always wear rubber shoes.When he walked towards people, he always walked quietly, without making any sound.When the third uncle came back from work in the field and lit his pipe, I would run to pester him and ask him to tell me about the offspring of that cat.It was a black cat he had raised in the past, always standing on the edge of the well and barking wildly on the eve of flash floods. The villagers called it "weather forecast".The third uncle was working in the field, and it just squatted on the field and remained motionless.In those quiet nights, amidst the howling of the wind, the stories in my third uncle's heart could not be finished.

The third uncle has not spoken for many years, and because of the pressure of life, I have long since stopped caring about those ancient anecdotes.I don’t know from which day, when I opened my eyes in the morning, I always saw those black eyes flashing outside the window glass. When I approached, they stared at me intently. When I went around the door, they disappeared.Because of these black eyes, my daily life has changed a lot. I have become an indecisive guy, and the efficiency of labor has also been greatly reduced.Sometimes, in a trance, I would even think: If I don’t grow crops or vegetables, I just lie in the field or on the ground and sleep, so what?Because of this negligence, an accident occurred in which all the cabbage in a field was eaten by insects.

Huamei walked slowly from there.Huamei used to be my fiancée, but she suddenly broke off her engagement with me.This buxom girl is always suspicious every time I meet.If I ignored her, she would stare at me with eyes full of resentment; if I approached her, she would think that I still had some hope for her, so she ignored me arrogantly.Now she stopped by the pond, and I knew she was looking at me contemptuously to see what I would do, and she knew very well in her heart that whenever this happened, I would completely collapse.Sure enough, I collapsed again. Under her gaze, I panicked like a rabbit, and I even wanted to run away.Huamei got some psychological satisfaction, she turned around suddenly, and left the pond before me.At this moment, I faintly heard the cries of a child in the pond. When I collected myself and searched carefully, I didn't see anything.I wondered, so many years have passed, why is Huamei still not married?Her parents are both honest peasants, how did they give birth to such a weird daughter?

I'm only twenty-six, and I feel old.I walked under the peach blossom tree, my steps were crooked, as if someone was pulling me from both sides.In retrospect, I have had unsteady walks since I was a child, especially on windy days.I tend to miss the target when I go out on a windy day.For example, I want to go to the old Wang's house at the entrance of the village. I walked in the wind, but I came to the cemetery at the end of the village; I couldn't move forward, so I put the bucket and went to fish in the ditch.Half-heartedness has become my nature.Later, the appearance of black eyes strengthened my disposition in this respect.Every time I look at it, I change my original intention and give up on myself.The first time I stared at it through the glass, I couldn't bear the pain, and then I slowly learned to restrain myself and try not to think of a dead end.I've learned to find something else to make it fade away.Whenever I was under its influence and became wicked, I would jump from a high embankment, often injuring my own foot in doing so.The foot is hurt, the evil thoughts are diverted, and the possibility of carrying out the evil plan is postponed.In spite of this, the dark eyes continue to entice me to be bad.I have tried to grab it countless times to see what kind of structure it is inside.Alas, these eyes really gave me a problem!

The third uncle told me that Huamei told him that she would be completely liberated only after I died.Although she broke off her engagement to me, she did not feel free, because she felt it was her duty to supervise my conduct.Hearing these words, I broke out in a cold sweat, and my murderous heart suddenly arose.Yet the black eyes appeared in good time.I ran wildly to the cliff of the back mountain, roared and threw myself down.I got hung up on those bushes, and my face, neck, and hands were slashed and I was a bloody man.After calming down and thinking about it, Huamei's words are not without reason.In my little world, isn't everything intertwined?If one side is destroyed by external force, won't the other side fight again?In the afternoon when I was injured, my third uncle came to see me. He smiled sinisterly, not sympathizing with me at all.As he went out, I saw two black wild bobcats following him through the slits of his swollen eyes.He talked to the cat as he walked.My parents didn’t come to see me. In their eyes, I have done a lot of bad things. They would not be surprised even if I lost my life. Especially my mother expressed doubts many times whether I was her own. She said that it is possible that I She was dropped by the midwife on the night of her birth.And I don't look like her at all.

A new thing appeared in the village.I don't know from which day, the villagers began to go to a spring halfway up the mountain to get water to drink. It is said that drinking that kind of water can cure diseases.When I climbed to that place, I saw people lined up in two lines, one was to fetch water, the other was to fetch water and rush back. All the people were in a trance, as if they were sleepwalking, even children were like that. expression.My eyes swept to the left, I saw some commotion in the bushes over there, and after a while I saw the heads of those children floating on the leaves. "Black eyes, black eyes..." they were singing softly. This kind of collective water collection is like a kind of ritual, and the spring is also very strange, and it can't be drained, and because of this water collection, the relationship between the villagers has also been greatly changed.In the past, there was generally a very cold relationship among the villagers, but now there is a secret conspiracy among them.And I was obviously excluded.They were not happy that I went halfway up the mountain to observe their actions. As soon as they saw me, their trance-like eyes immediately turned clear, and it seemed that everyone was blaming me.But I couldn't bear to watch their actions, so I hid in the grass.Some were talking softly to someone, but not to them, as if they were talking to some spirit in the air.At the same time, I was horrified to see those singing.Children in ancient costumes are approaching people, each holding a branch in their hands.Finally they gathered, they were inserted in the middle of the line, and the villagers, as if they hadn't noticed it, led them forward.The children were very excited, jumping and jumping, and kept stepping on the feet of the villagers. The villagers were surprisingly tolerant, even resigned, because everyone's attention was not here.The children did not stay until the team all returned to the village, and they jumped into the bushes and disappeared. Now I am dimly aware that black eyes are directly related to something ancient.Of course, I can ignore it and continue my original life.The problem is that I don't want to ignore it. There is a strong magnetism in that evil gaze, which makes my blood boil when I meet it, creating a sense of thirst similar to taking drugs.As long as it appears, I am attracted, even if I get rid of it, the pleasure that happened is unforgettable, it is a pleasure accompanied by great pain, maybe one day it will destroy my stomach or my heart , but how can people take care of so many things?Those children, they hold the ancient secret, but how can I get close to them?I asked my third uncle about it, and my third uncle resolutely denied my attempt, saying that I "do not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth".When I thought of this, a dull voice said outside the door: "The spring water has been drawn." I jumped up and stretched my head out to have a look, and saw a child in ancient costume running with his feet spread.Of course he was lying, I saw the spring was full in the morning!Maybe he was threatening? The spring water has not been drawn.When I climbed up to that place early in the morning, I saw that pool of blue spring water overflowing with infinite vitality.Because of this water fetching, the decadent villagers suddenly became spiritual sustenance. I have never seen such a large-scale collective action in the village.Even the lazy dog, Gouyi, seemed so lively among the villagers, and usually, Gouyi didn't even bother to raise his head when he was basking in the sun in the yard.After the pilgrimage-like ceremony every morning, there are always children in costumes caught in the queue on the way back, and then they jump and hide in the bushes at the entrance of the village.Oddly, the black eyes sometimes don't show up. I was still very excited, I thought, did everyone in the village have black eyes?For example, Inuyi, when I passed him, I glanced at him, and found that the usual hazy eyes turned into a focused and evil stare.Yes, the eyeballs are still yellow, but how could those eyes be so familiar?There are so many black eyes around me now.On the one hand, I was thinking about things to avoid all day long; on the other hand, I couldn't help but keep meeting people in the village.I felt that I was already a little crazy. I was on the small road in front of the village, walking forward for a while, going back for a while, wandering around for a long time and still staying in place.I finally met a person, made eye contact with him, and two seconds later I ran away.It seems that a living person is more terrifying than a mere pair of eyes.Sometimes, at night, I would sneak into the haystacks wisely.It was dark inside the haystack, so I thought, if I use this place as a coffin and sleep without moving, wouldn’t all the indecision disappear?However, as the light penetrated into the hole and day came, I changed my mind and followed the villagers like a dog. The third uncle was the only one who didn't go to the spring to fetch water.He stood among the fallen leaves in the yard, covering his forehead with one hand, and was observing the wild geese in the sky.There were two bloodstains on his bare feet, where he had hurt them.The third uncle's eyes did not have that kind of light either, his eyes were melancholy and peaceful, and a little absent-minded. "For a while, the village seems to have returned to before the Great Migration." He said with lowered eyelids. "Don't the third uncle feel embarrassed in the village?" I asked curiously. "I'm an outsider, and besides, I have a problem with my feet and I can't wear shoes." He answered irrelevantly. "I've seen a village under the ocean!" he added. There is an old laurel plant in the third uncle's yard, and the flowers on it are suffocatingly fragrant.Under this tree he used to tell me so many anecdotes of antiquity that I often fell asleep listening to them.In the dream, I couldn't help sneezing when I smelled the fragrance, so the third uncle hugged me into the house quietly.There was once a worry about the laurel withering overnight. At that time, there was no moon, the sky was low and dark, and the little lights fluttered in the wind, and the village seemed to disappear.The strange thing is that after the big tree passed, it gradually turned green again, with dense new leaves and full of vitality.When asked about the strange event of the third uncle, the third uncle only vaguely said that it was related to the Great Migration, and he did not want to talk about it.At this moment, my eyes fell on the old tree, and I saw a very thick side branch being chopped off.Third Uncle was smoking his pipe, also looking at the hanging branches. "It's almost finished." The third uncle said calmly. While Uncle San was talking, the village water fetching team was passing by his yard. Uncle looked at them, with an expression that seemed to want to go over and join the team, but he couldn't make up his mind.I secretly laughed in my heart: "Third uncle, third uncle, you will not be indifferent." Although the nectar of life has been regained, the villagers are much thinner than before, especially those women, as if their bodies have been boiled dry, and their eyes have become so hollow.As soon as the evening arrived, the villagers went to the yard one after another and stood there blankly in a daze.The group of children in ancient costumes sometimes flashed out from the path, gesticulating and gesticulating while shouting.I took a closer look and found that these children had grown up a lot.It turns out that ancient people can also grow.But it is very likely that they are just the actors of the ancients. I watched those children disappear on the village road quickly, and thought to myself, our hometown is really a magical soil. These villagers who look anemic on the outside actually have huge energy in their hearts.Did third uncle really distance himself from these people?Why did he keep the distance?Perhaps to maintain a closer, imperceptible bond.As I grew older, I gradually understood that those classic stories in my third uncle's heart were just a reflection of his relationship with today's people.I still remember a conversation between my third uncle and the lazy dog ​​Gouyi, which was held in the third uncle's main room.When Inuyoshi talked about the hardships of life, the toil of farming, and the roughness of meals, what he said was all lazy people's views.The third uncle listened with a smile at first, and then suddenly asked Quanyi, "Won't you put aside these troubles and pick up a load of big cakes and travel around the world?" "Where are you going?" Inuyoshi asked, staring blankly. "Those places like ravines, places you've never been to." "I understand." There was a light of hope in Quanyi's eyes, "Third Uncle, don't forget me, Quanyi, when something good happens to you, it's not good to be alone." Perhaps in the eyes of Quanyi, the third uncle is the most interesting person.This sleepy lazy man has never drawn a clear line between reality and dreams. In his opinion, only the third uncle's life is the most enviable, so he struggled to get closer to the third uncle during the conversation.But his habits are too stubborn, so despite his struggles, he can only stay in his daydreams, and often, he doesn't even recognize his parents.But in the eyes of the third uncle?I think, in the eyes of the third uncle, Dog Yi is not only the object of conversation, but also a kind of spiritual supplement.The third uncle is a bit like a dream interpreter among the villagers. The relationship between the third uncle and the women is even more strange.He looked at them with the same melancholy eyes, as if they had come to this world by accident and they would all disappear before long.Once, I wanted to ask Mrs. Li to help my third uncle sweep the lawn. The third uncle said sadly: "No need, what if something happens? I'm sorry for her, this woman is sick." In fact, Mrs. Li is not sick at all and is in very good health.But the stronger a certain woman was, the more desperate Third Uncle looked at her.This led the women to call him "crazy".However, Mrs. Li really died, she died in autumn, the season when everything matures.Her vigorous body fell into a small ditch, and it is said that she had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage.The third uncle frowned and didn't say much for a whole month. Our place is really a magical soil, even the wild geese are different from other places, they are much bigger.Indeed, the daily lives of the people here are influenced by the formation of wild geese.Not only the third uncle, everyone loves to observe wild geese.Maybe they are envious of their full energy, maybe they are lamenting their iron will, I don't know the specifics.The only thing I know is that these people are high-minded fellows, and the weird things they think have nothing to do with their daily labors.Why is there such a habit?Or that kind of mysterious inheritance. Day after day passed, the spring was still full, but a few frail villagers died in loneliness.Others also looked more and more debilitated.One day, I was taken aback by those kids.At that time, I was taking a nap in the grass, and a gust of wind whizzed by.I looked up and saw a few big men coming towards me. When I got to the front, I realized that they were actually still teenagers.Those ancient costumes looked small and stretched tightly on them.Then they stopped, didn't sing, just let out a shriek after another, and disappeared like the wind.Wherever they passed, the leaves fell to the ground. It seemed that some danger was approaching.Now the third uncle is out of the hospital.He sat quietly on that rock, sometimes wiping away tears.One of the villagers showed a vicious look. I saw Yuanwen, a big and skinny man, snatched a bucket from a child. He drank water in the middle of the road like an animal, and got completely wet. He didn't care about the child. cry.Since the last time I saw the children in ancient costumes grow into half-grown teenagers, they have not appeared in the village's water fetching team.They now appear far away, sometimes seen across a mountain, and they no longer sing.Now the villagers really have black eyes.At night, even through the earthen wall, I can feel that look, a look that makes me wonder and fear.All night I thought and thought, and all I saw were those eyes.Then the eyes invaded my dreams again.I can never finish those endless deserts, the sand in the desert is sometimes blown up by the wind.When the sand was blown up by the wind and made it difficult for me to breathe, the black eyes appeared, and the black eyes were all over the sky.The people wrapped in the sand are sometimes lazy dogs and dogs, and sometimes Huamei.I shaded my eyes with my sleeve, I wanted to see them, but I couldn't.In the end I was always suffocated and passed out. During the day, I really wanted to ask Huamei if she had been to the desert at night.I turned my face away, not looking at her, and asked like that: "Hua Mei, do you have the habit of going out at night?" "Is it necessary to travel? I think about you every night, and I have to make one decision after another before dawn. I'm afraid this kind of thing will wear me down." "Have you decided?" "I've decided many times, but it's useless. People like you are always dull." Her conclusions irritated me.After leaving her, I stood on the road with my legs apart as if to prove something, and I was waiting for someone to come. It was Mrs. Hua Chun who came.Hua Chun's sister-in-law's usually teary eyes seem to be nailed to my face now.I tried my best to roll my eyes up to meet her gaze.My whole body was soaked from exertion, and my vision was blank.At this time, I heard Mrs. Hua Chun say loudly behind me: "The capers I made haven't been taken out to dry yet." I regained my sanity and saw that she had gone a long way.Recalling afterwards, this woman's gaze was not only as sharp as an awl, but also very lewd.She even grabbed my crotch when I was powerless to resist.What a nonsense woman! The third uncle admired Mrs. Hua Chun very much. When I told him this, a gleam of anger suddenly flashed on his sad face. He held my hands tightly and asked me to repeat the scene. He also opened his mouth greedily, like To suck every word I say into his lungs.When I said, "It's abominable to use hands and feet," his eyes turned into a warm peace, and he whispered, "Why bother? You!" "But it's always suffocating at night." "That's okay." At this time, he moved his feet on the edge of the rock, and I saw that the piece of soil he had just stepped on was full of holes drilled by earthworms, and there were clearly two prismatic holes in those small holes. Slightly larger holes, similar to the ones I've seen before. "Our land is really rich in products." I sighed with infinite emotion. "I'm leaving this hot land." The third uncle said with a smile. His hands were rubbing in the air, like hemp rope.The hemp rope may have hung down from the clouds in midair.He rubbed and pulled a few times, as if to prove the existence of the hemp rope. "Third Uncle, you won't leave me, will you?" "how could be?" "What's in the ravine?" "That's what I've been thinking about too." The feeling of suffocation is getting worse and worse. Now not only when the same person is looking at each other, not only in dreams, but also when walking on the road, it will suddenly occur.When it happened, I sat down on the ground and clasped my head in my hands.Once the number of seizures increased, I gained experience, and later the seizures did not affect my sense of the surroundings.Although I couldn't breathe, my mind was extremely clear, and my eyes became deep.Sitting on that muddy floor, I seem to see what happened thousands of years ago.I saw a little old man carrying a bag of sunflower seeds, walked a few steps, bent down and buried a few sunflower seeds in the soil.He looked a little like my father, but he was by no means my father.There are long hairs on the back of his hands, and the nails are also long, like claws.Could it be that he is the ancestor of our family?I saw the old man twice, and when I tried to see him again, he never appeared. One attack was by the spring, and I really saw the black eyes in the water. It was not a pair of eyes, but a person, a person without form, and it wanted to speak to me.The evil in those eyes has been removed, they are no longer aggressive, they are now pure and bottomless.I think, in the past, it was my breathing that caused the trouble. As long as I stopped breathing, things became simple.When I had a seizure by the spring, there was no sound at all around me. I really want to ask my third uncle about the little old man who grows sunflowers.But recently my third uncle has lost his sanity. Really, he no longer recognizes me.He was lying under the rotten linen tent, his two festering hands were still rubbing the hemp rope, rubbing it, and pulling it in the air. "Third Uncle Third Uncle, you won't leave me, will you?" "how could be?" "Do you know who I am?" "You are the evil spirit at the other end of the hemp rope, who stole my sweet-scented osmanthus." When I walked out of my third uncle's house, I ran into the lazy dog ​​Gouyi walking in. Gouyi pushed me away with his elbow and walked in ostentatiously.Hearing warm greetings from inside the house, although I was curious, I couldn't go in again.The third uncle and Quanyi have a spiritual connection, so he doesn't recognize me, but he recognizes him.As I walked, I looked back at the big yard of my third uncle.The old osmanthus tree had fallen in the middle of the yard, and the bamboo fence had become riddled with holes.I remembered that Uncle San once had a son, but he jumped into a deep pool and disappeared.The third uncle refused to go to the deep pool to find his son's body, but since then he has observed the wild geese every day.He told me that he wanted to find clues about his son's disappearance from the rigorous formation patterns of the wild geese.At that time, I thought Uncle San was talking nonsense, and that his son's death had made him overly sad.Everything is withered now. Suddenly, a hallucination appeared in front of my eyes. I saw that the soil in the yard was loosening, and some places were bulging. Those raised parts were all ant nests, and thousands of ants came out.I stopped and watched the activities of those ants carefully. I saw that there seemed to be wars in several places, and the ant colonies piled up like hills looked very scary. A layer of corpses.I collected myself, and then I was sure that what I saw was not a hallucination.At the root of the old sweet-scented osmanthus tree, more ants gathered, so many that the root turned out of the ground turned into a big ball, and those ants were also very big.I dare not get too close, I think if I get too close, my life will be in danger.But even at a distance of two or three meters, I saw that even stranger thing.On the black ball, in a slightly recessed place, the living ants raised their two eyeballs, the eyeballs were bitten and riddled with holes, and they completely lost their spirits.Outside the black ball, on the edge of the pit, other ants carried another pair of black eyes, and those eyes were also lifeless and without any expression.I was so disgusted that I couldn't bear to watch it, and besides, there was a pungent stench coming from the open window of the third uncle, which made me want to go crazy. When I stumbled into the door of my own house, the sole of my right foot suddenly felt itchy.I hurriedly took off my shoes and socks to take a look, and I saw a pair of eyeballs on the soles of my shoes, which were covered in blood.I endured the fear and picked up the two wet things and threw them out the door, and then I quickly changed into dry shoes and socks.However, the soles of my feet swelled rapidly. Since there was something wrong with my feet, I lay down on the bed obediently.I stared at the tent above and felt that what had just happened was really unbearable. "Hua Mei, there is an ant in the corner of your eye." "Hmph, let it go, damn it, I'm not afraid." Huamei waved her hand so boldly that I shrank my head in front of her.This makes me very unhappy.Her eyes had become less aggressive these days, but she still acted arrogantly, as if she were a princess and I was a servant.She always takes care of everything like this, as if my whole life should be arranged by her.Today I am determined to rebel against her. "Ants can eat out their eyeballs. I have seen it with my own eyes." I said. "So what, I've eaten once." I immediately felt that I had said something stupid. I have known her for so long, and I have never seen her feel afraid of anyone or anything.For example, now, she just let the ant crawl around the edge of her eyeball, she didn't even blink!Her proud gesture seemed to mock me for being a coward, but not only mocking, but, for example, suggesting something very ambiguous.Why does this girl, who has broken off her engagement with me, insist on pestering me like this?Doesn't she have another life?When I thought this way, I couldn't help but glanced at her again, and I saw something that shocked me, that is, the ant that was still crawling in the corner of her eye just now was dead.The two big words "very poisonous" flashed in my mind. "I've eaten it once." Huamei's voice turned into a murmur, "That's my brother. The little guy is only three years old. He fell into the ant pit and was eaten up like that. We went to At the time, only toenails and fingernails were left. Miserable." She walked away and left me behind.On the other side of the fence her father was beating his chest and cursing at her, the old man turning white with rage.Huamei could never stay at home except when she was sleeping. Her family members drove her out and became furious when they saw her.So she was always working in the fields, or just walking around the village.As she got older, the family's anger seemed to grow with each passing day.Now even if they see her outside, even if they are far away, her family will scold her badly.I saw her trembling in the haystack that I also avoided, while her parents were cursing her across the street.It is surprising that Huamei, who is not afraid of anything, is so afraid of her family.Could it be that her brother's death had something to do with her?Was she the one who lured him into that ant pit?When she didn't break off my engagement with me earlier, she really liked to take me to see those ant pits.Sometimes looking at it, she would ask me to stick out my tongue to lick those ants on a whim.Of course I'm not that stupid, I'll do what she says, it's tantamount to getting burned.She grinned next to me, her eyes bulging out.Once she actually bent down and licked the ants with her tongue.Instead of congregating on her tongue as I expected, the ants scurried away as if she were an anteater.Then her tongue was swollen for days and she complained it was an ant bite, but I knew it wasn't.At that time, I thought with trepidation, if I got married, would she pose a threat to my life?All these years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the toxicity in her body is still so strong. The third uncle's life and death are uncertain, and the stench in his room wafts far.Sloth Gouyi comes and goes in and out of his house more and more frequently.Except for Inuyi, the villagers seem to be forbidden to enter.There is no green in the third uncle's yard.I looked at the homestead under that house and thought, maybe there is a giant ant nest under there?Will the third uncle be eaten up by the ants?One evening, I looked straight over and saw Gouyi standing in the middle of the window, and later he pressed his face to the glass, when his eyes suddenly turned into two black holes, with no eyeballs inside.I didn't believe it at first, but when I got closer and looked carefully, I found that it was true.I've been waiting outside until he comes out.But he was wearing a pair of sunglasses, so he couldn't see his eyes.As soon as he went out, the weak groaning in the third uncle's room stopped, and butterflies with pockmarked wings flew in groups, making the situation more and more suspicious.但我不能进去了,因为三叔屋里有只恶狗,是犬义放的,只要我一靠近门槛它就死命地叫,还扑上来咬。我又发现往里飞的蝴蝶里头还夹杂了那种大灰蛾,丑陋得令人起鸡皮疙瘩的那一种,草里头的黑毛虫大约是它们变的。这一群一群的都往那扇门里头飞去,有一些说不定正在屋内的阴暗处产卵吧? 我离开三叔的家,用力呼出一口浊气。在我的前方,硕大的月亮显得分外亮丽,村里到处弥漫着桂花的香味,我的身体在这香味里浮动着向前游去。这是个美丽的夜晚,天空呈现出少见的深蓝色,无比的温柔。村人们都在家中没出来,灯火将白色窗纸映成柔和的黄色,窗户隐藏在樟树浓密的叶片间。我明白了,是这些饮用了生命琼浆的、骨瘦如柴的、眼神既严肃又暧昧的人们,正是他们,使我们的家乡变成了如此美丽的梦幻。这就是所谓"热土"的含义吧。我忽发奇想地在这个晚上登上了后山,来到了生命之泉旁边。现在那镜面般的水中只有月亮,没有黑眼睛了。我站了一会儿,背后就传来了歌声,那歌声不再是清亮的童音,而是浑厚的男中音了。这回他们唱的歌我一个字也听不懂,但我知道他们就在那丛灌木的后面。此刻没有风,却有暗香浮动,山下的村子在我的眼前时隐时现。
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