Home Categories Portfolio Dwarf Sweet Potato's Selected Works: The Moon
Dwarf Sweet Potato's Selected Works: The Moon

Dwarf Sweet Potato's Selected Works: The Moon


  • Portfolio

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 27424

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Chapter 1 ancient poetry

" The moon rises brightly, the outstanding people look at it, and the worry is comfortable.Work hard. The moon rises and shines, the people are outstanding, and the people are relaxed and corrected.Work hard and quietly. The moon rises brightly, Jiaoren Liaoxi, Shu Yao Shaoxi.Work hard. Jiangnan willow and flowering willow are soft.When the flowers fall, they stick to the wine cup, and the wicker brushes people's heads from the lower part.Each is romantic. The moon in the south of the Yangtze River is like a mirror and a hook.It looks like a mirror without invading the pink surface, like a hook without hanging the curtain head of a painting.Long is the sorrow of separation.

A setting sun spreads across the water, half river rustling and half river red.Poor on the third night of September, the dew is like a pearl and the moon is like a bow. Freshly cracked, Qi Wansu, as fresh and clean as frost and snow. It is cut into acacia fan, which looks like a bright moon. In and out of your sleeves, shake the breeze. I am often afraid that the autumn festival will come, and the coolness will take away the heat. Abandoned donations are in the box, and kindness is in the middle. The sky and the autumn light, the love is hurt, and Jin Yingzhi is near the Chongyang Festival.

First try of thin clothes, new taste of green ants. Gradually some wind, some rain, some coolness. The courtyard at dusk is desolate and panicky, and when I wake up, I worry about the past. Nakan Eternal Night, the moon is empty. Hear the pounding sound of the anvil, the sound of the gnat is thin, and the sound of the leak is long. Lu Benzhong Hate the king is not like Jiang Louyue, north and south east and west, north and south east and west, only follow each other without separation; Hate the king, but it is like the moon in a river, temporarily full and still lose, temporarily full and still lose, how long will it be until the reunion?

The bright moon is born on the sea, and the end of the world is at this time. The lover resents the distant night, but lovesickness begins at night! When the candle is extinguished, the light is full of pity, and the clothes feel dewy. I can't bear the gift from surplus hands, and I have a good time for sleeping and dreaming. On the night of October 12th in the sixth year of Yuanfeng, I undressed and wanted to sleep, and entered the house under the moonlight, so I happily set off.Those who thought nothing of being happy went to Chengtian Temple to find Zhang Huaimin. Huaimin hadn't slept yet, so they met each other in the courtyard.

The courtyard is like stagnant water, empty and bright. The water is covered with algae and water lilies, covered with shadows of bamboos and cypresses. There is no moon in any night, no pines and cypresses anywhere, but there are few idlers like the two of us. The tide of the Spring River is even with the sea level, and the bright moon on the sea coexists with the tide. Twinkling and twinkling with the waves for thousands of miles, where is the spring river without moonlight! The river flows round Fangdian, and the moon shines on the flowers and forests like hail; Frost flows in the air without being aware of flying, and white sand on Tingshang cannot be seen.

The river and the sky are all the same color without any dust, and the moon is alone in the bright sky. Who on the riverside sees the moon for the first time?When did Jiangyue shine on people at the beginning of the year? The generations of life are endless, and Jiang Yue looks similar year after year. I don't know who Jiang Yue is waiting for, but I see the Yangtze River sending water. The white clouds are drifting away, and Qingfengpu is full of worries. Who's boating tonight?Where is Acacia Mingyue Building? The poor moon wandering upstairs, should be taken away from the makeup mirror.

The Yuhu curtain can't be rolled away, but the finger on the anvil is still coming. At this time, we look at each other but don't hear each other, and I hope that the moonlight will shine on you. The swan geese fly long and light, and the fish and dragons dive into the water to write. Last night, the dream of Xiantan fell into flowers, and poor Chun Ban did not return home. The river is flowing like spring, and the moon is falling in the river pool, and the moon is slanting westward. The slanting moon sinks and hides the sea fog, and Jieshi Xiaoxiang has an infinite road. I don't know how many people will return in the moonlight, but the falling moon shakes the trees in the river.

"I didn't know the moon when I was young, and I called it a white jade plate; I also doubted the Yaotai mirror, and flew in the blue clouds." "The autumn moon shines on the white wall, and it is as bright as mountains and cloudy snow." "People today don't see the moon in ancient times, but this moon once illuminated the ancients."
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