Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume Six

Chapter 86 "Because we were young"

A young man came to see me yesterday and read me his new poem. The title of the first poem is: "Because We Are Young". I looked at his enthusiastic young face, and I followed him softly, "Because we are still young". Although it is said that "life at 70 is rare since ancient times", it was not uncommon in Mao Zedong's era; how many old people who have passed 70 are still fighting for socialism? At that time, I was surrounded by: The sky is full of imperialist beacons, feudal demons everywhere, mountains of bones, and rivers of blood and tears; national humiliation commemorates more than festivals, this is the China when I was young!

I can't see the future, I can't see the power of the people! I locked myself in a small study so that my ears could not hear the cannons of the people's revolution! Mao Zedong appeared in China, a thunderbolt of victory broke the sky, and the revolutionary people all over the world cheered loudly! The great leader stepped onto Tiananmen Square and solemnly declared the success of the Chinese revolution. Seeing the blue sky of the motherland, the bright sun shines on the earth. Thousands of sickles are waved, thousands of axes are raised, and hundreds of millions of smiling faces are overflowing with joy in their hearts!

I watched from the sidelines, thinking, 'What can you do? ' I asked myself. "Half a century has passed in hesitation, and the second half of my life must not be wasted! I must seriously transform myself and serve the people well. How to serve? Chairman Mao has already made it very clear, guiding us the way forward. Don't have any hesitation', share fate with them, breathe together; be familiar with their lives, understand their language, write about their hatred and joy; fight against enemies, unite yourself, and let literature and art become a powerful weapon. Oilman said:

'Revolution plus desperate, desperate revolution! ' The poor and lower-middle peasants said: 'Pick another plate of flowers to support Asia, Africa and Latin America! ' The liberated people are highly enlightened and powerful, and they only listen to Chairman Mao's words, armed with Mao Zedong Thought, and their shining red hearts shine on the world. "Look, young people, they don't talk much, they talk well! Zhuang language has taught me how to live in Mao Zedong's era! Live to be old, learn to be old, work to be old, revolutionary youth will never grow old.

You are the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and I am not the golden evening. We all strive to master Mao Zedong Thought, Mao Zedong Thought is the sun that never sets! " (This poem was originally published in Hong Kong "Ta Kung Pao" on December 17, 1972.)
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