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Chapter 55 Spring is beckoning - to my dear Japanese comrades in arms

In 1964, it was really a year when "the four seas were churning and the five continents were shaking"!On January 9th, we were pleasantly surprised to hear the anti-American storm that the Panamanian people had accumulated for a long time broke out.On January 26, we heard hundreds of thousands of Japanese people’s high-pitched and passionate anti-American patriotic demonstrations. I just came back from Japan. What about the mood? A banner map of the Mishima Islands in Japan appeared in front of my eyes, and more than 40 raging fires were burning on it, surrounded by thousands of people waving flags and shouting "Yankees go back!" The great Japanese people of the slogan... My heart is filled with excitement and pride. I know and see many passionate and resolute faces: workers, farmers, students, intellectuals, urban petty bourgeois, religious people, small and medium-sized Entrepreneurs... all the Japanese people who are oppressed and exploited by the U.S. imperialists are uniting to encircle and push them out of the beautiful and sacred land of Japan like fetid pus!

Dear comrades-in-arms in Japan, from our decades of anti-imperialist and anti-American experience, we deeply know that your struggle is arduous, tortuous and long-term.But the world situation has changed drastically now. The oppressed and exploited people all over the world have awakened. They all realize more and more clearly that the U.S. imperialists are their worst enemy, and more and more of them stand up bravely. Tighten the noose that is tied at one end of the homeland and around the necks of the U.S. imperialists, and use all directions to exert force together. In the end, the arrogant and domineering U.S. imperialists will surely be hanged alive on their necks. On the "throne" of the "World Overlord"!

Dear Japanese comrades-in-arms, we thank you. Your heroic and massive anti-American struggle is the greatest support for the Chinese people who have always insisted on "opposing imperialism and defending world peace". The greatest support of the broad masses of the people, free and democratic, we are connected by flesh and blood, and we are closely related.Let us all tighten the noose in our hands at the same time, and win more of our own compatriots to join the team of the noose, and hasten to send our common most ferocious enemy to the grave he has dug himself! Beijing is in the midst of a strong Spring Festival atmosphere. The news of your vigorous anti-American struggle has brought us infinite joy and hope for the Spring Festival.While I was writing, snowflakes were flying outside the window, "Flying snow welcomes spring", a particularly beautiful and bright spring is waving to us from the gaps in the snowflakes.Dear comrades-in-arms in Japan, let me congratulate you here on Chunxi, and wish you the final victory in your indomitable struggle. We look forward to and care about your final victory.

Because your victory is our victory, and also the victory of the oppressed and exploited people all over the world! (This article was originally published in People's Daily on February 11, 1964.)
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