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Chapter 16 Shan Hai Jing Volume Twelve Hai Nei Bei Jing

Shan Hai Jing 佚名 2629Words 2018-03-20
Those east of the northwest Zou (z#u) in China. 【Translation】The countries, regions, hills and rivers in the sea from the northwest corner to the east are as follows. On the mountain of the Snake Witch, there are people holding a scorpion (b4ng) on ​​it, and it stands facing east ①.One is Guishan. [Notes] ①柸: That is, "飓", the sound and meaning are the same but the shape of the characters is different.Gallo, same as "rod".Stick, stick. [Translation] Snake Wu Mountain, on which a man stands facing east with a stick.Another way of saying is that Snake Wushan is called Guishan.

The Queen Mother of the West has a ladder and a hoopoe (stick) ①.In the south there are three green birds, which feed the Queen Mother of the West.In Kunlun Xu (q&) north. 【Notes】①Ladder: rely on, rely on.A few: short or small tables.Wins: Jewelry for women in ancient times. 【Translation】The Queen Mother of the West is leaning on a small table and wearing Yusheng on her head.To the south of the Queen Mother of the West, there are three brave and good-flying blue birds, looking for food for the Queen Mother of the West.The Queen Mother of the West and the Three Blue Birds are located in the north of Kunlun Mountains.

Some people call it Da Xing Bo, holding Ge.In the east, there is a dog country.The corpse of the second burden is in Daxing Bodong. 【Translation】There is a man of god named Da Xing Bo, who holds a long spear in his hand.To the east of him is the Dog Kingdom.The corpse of the second burden is also to the east of Daxingbo. The state of Dog Feng is called the State of Quan Rong, and it looks like a dog.There was a woman who knelt down into (柸) [cup] to eat.There is Wenma②, onyx (g3o) and red hyena (li6)③, eyes like gold, named Jiliang, and its longevity is a thousand years old. [Notes] ① Party: Right now.This is how it was drawn on the original picture, so this kind of words are used to explain it.There are many such cases below.

② Wenma: A horse with colored patterns on its fur. ③ Onyx: White. 【Translation】The state of Quanfeng is also called the state of Quanrong, and the people there all look like dogs.In the country of Quanfeng, there was a woman who was kneeling on the ground, holding a glass of wine and food, offering to others.There is also Wenma, which has a white body and red mane, and its eyes are shining like gold. Its name is Jiliang, and riding on it can make people live a thousand years. The ghost country is in the north of the dead body of two people, and it is visible for the faces of people and people.One said that the two gods are in the east, and they are human-faced and snake-body.

【Translation】Ghost Kingdom is to the north of the corpse of the two bearers. The characters there have human faces but one eye.Another way of saying is that the God of Erying is in the east of the ghost country, he has a human face and a snake's body. 蜪 (t2o) dog is like a dog, green, cannibalism from the beginning. 【Translation】The shape of the dog is like a normal dog, and its whole body is blue. It eats people from the head. Qiongqi looks like a tiger, has wings, and cannibals from the beginning.Eating quilts (p9) hair ①.In the north of the dog.One is from the foot. [Notes] ① was issued: that is, distributed.Be, pass "put on".This is what it looked like in the original drawing.

【Translation】Qongqi looks like a normal tiger, but has wings. Qiongqi eats people from the head.The person being eaten has loose hair.Qiongqi is to the north of the dog.Another theory holds that Qiongqi cannibalized people from their feet. Emperor Yao Terrace, Di Ku Terrace, Emperor Danzhu Terrace, and Di Shun Terrace, two each, and four in all directions, in the northeast of Kunlun. [Translation] The Terrace of Emperor Yao, Terrace of Diku, Terrace of Emperor Danzhu, and Terrace of Emperor Shun each have two towers, each of which is square, and are located in the northeast of Kunlun Mountains.

Big bee, whose shape is like a katydid (zh#ng)①; red moth, whose shape is like a moth②. [Notes] ① katydid: katydid, a kind of insect, the body is green or brown, and looks like a grasshopper. ② Moth: The ancients said it was a mayfly, which is now called an ant. 【Translation】There is a bee shaped like a katydid; there is a vermilion moth shaped like a mayfly. 蟜 (qi2o), which is written in human tiger, and shin (j@ng) has ■ (q!) ①.In Qiongqi East.One said it looks like a human being, owned by Kunlun Xu (q&) North. 【Note】①■: Calf. [Translation] Weed, with a human body but with tiger-like markings, and strong calves on its legs.The bird is in the east of Qiongqi.Another theory holds that the shape of the weevil is like a human, which is unique to the north of Kunlun Mountains.

阘 (t4) is not, with a human face and a beast body, blue. [Translation] Yan Fei has a human face but a beast's body, and his whole body is blue.According to the comparison of the corpse, it was a human being with a broken neck and quilt (p9), without a single hand. 【Translation】The corpse of the god Jubi has a broken neck and loose hair, without a hand. Ring dog, which is the head of a human animal.One is called a hedgehog shaped like a dog, yellow. 【Translation】Ring dog, this kind of person is the head of a beast and the body of a person.Another theory is that it looks like a hedgehog and looks like a dog, with a yellow body.

祙 (m6i) ①, which is the object person body, black head, and from (z^ng) eye ②. [Notes] ①祙: It is a charm, the ancients believed that when things are old, they become charms.It is what we call ghosts and spirits now. ②From: pass "vertical". 【例句】Socks, a monster with a human body, a black head, and erect eyes. Rong, it is a triangle with the head of everyone. [Translation] Rong, this kind of person has a human head with three horns on it. There is a rare beast in the Lin family, as big as a tiger, with five harvests and a tail longer than its body. It is called Zou (ch*) Wu, and it can travel thousands of miles in a day.

[Translation] There is a rare beast in the state of Lin, which is about the size of a tiger. It has five colors of markings on its body, and its tail is longer than its body. Its name is Zouwu. It can travel thousands of miles in a day. There are three hundred miles of pan-forest in Kunlun Xu (q&) south. [Notes] ①Fan Lin: The Fan Lin and Fan Lin mentioned above mean a forest with dense trees. [Translation] To the south of Kunlun Mountains, there is a vast forest with a radius of three hundred miles. From the (zh#ng) extreme abyss, three hundred ren deep ①, the constant capital of Wei Bingyi ②.Frozen people face, riding two dragons.One is the abyss of loyalty.

[Note] ① Ren: Eight feet in ancient times was one Ren. ②Dimension: Tong "Wei" and "Wei".Alone, only.Bingyi: also called Feng (p0ng) Yi, Wuyi, that is, He Bo, the legendary water god. 【Translation】From the extreme abyss to a depth of three hundred ren, only the God of Frozen End often lives here.The God of Frozen End has a human face and rides two dragons.Another way of saying is that Congjiyuan is called Zhongjiyuan. The mountain of yang pollution (y&), the river flows out of it; the mountain of Lingmen, the river flows out of it. 【Translation】Yangwu Mountain, a tributary of the Yellow River originates from this mountain; Lingmen Mountain, another tributary of the Yellow River originates from this mountain. In Wang Ziye's corpse, both hands, thighs, chest, head, and teeth were severed in different places. 【Translation】Wang Ziye's body, two hands, two legs, chest, head, teeth, were cut off and scattered in different places. Shun's wife, Dengbi's family, gave birth to Xiaoming and candlelight, and lived in a great river, where the spirits of the two daughters could illuminate a hundred miles away.One is Dengbei's. 【Translation】Emperor Shun's wife Dengbi gave birth to two daughters, Xiaoming and Zhuguang. They lived in the Daze by the Yellow River.Another theory holds that Emperor Shun's wife was named Dengbei. Gaiguo is in the south of Juyan ①, and the north of Wo (w#).The Japanese is a swallow. [Notes] ① Giant: Tong "giant".Big.Here are the adjectives. 【Translation】The state of Gai is to the south of the state of Yan and to the north of the state of Wa.The Wa Kingdom was subordinate to the Yan Kingdom. North Korea is in the east of Lieyang, with Haibei and Shannan.Lieyang belongs to Yan. 【Translation】Korea is in the east of Lieyang, with the sea in the north and mountains in the south.Lieyang belongs to Yan State. Lie Gushe (y6) is in Haihe Prefecture ①. [Note] ①Hezhou: According to the ancients, it is a small piece of land formed by the Yellow River flowing into the sea.A state is the land above the water. [Translation] Lie Gu shot at the river state of the sea. (She) Gu [She] (y6) The country is in the sea and belongs to Lie Gushe.Southwest, surrounded by mountains. 【Translation】The country of Gushe is located in the sea and belongs to Lie Gushe.The southwestern part of Shegu is surrounded by high mountains. The big crab is in the sea①. [Note] ① Big crab: According to the ancients, it is a crab with a radius of thousands of miles. 【例句】Crabs live in the sea. Lingyu has a human face①, hands and feet, and a fish body, in the sea. [Notes] ① Lingyu: the mermaid and salamander mentioned above, commonly known as salamander. 【Translation】Lingyu has a human face, and has hands and feet, but it has the body of a fish and lives in the sea. The big 鯾 (bi1n) lives in the sea ①. [Note] ①鯾: Same as "bream".That is, bream, which is flat on the side and has a particularly raised back, which is slightly diamond-shaped. It is like the so-called Wuchang fish now, and its meat is delicious. 【例句】Great squid live in the sea. The Ming group lived in the middle of the sea ①. 【Note】①Ming Group Township: It may be a tribe living on an island.Yi is Yiluo, which refers to the tribes and villages where people live together. 【Translation】Ming Zuyi lives on an island. Mount Penglai is in the sea. [Notes] ①Penglai Mountain: The legendary fairy mountain, on which there are palaces where the gods live, are all made of gold and jade, and the birds and animals are pure white, looking like white clouds from afar. 【Translation】Penglai Mountain stands in the sea. The city of adults is in the sea. 【Translation】The market where adults trade is in the sea.
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