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Chapter 27 Section 27

State prosecution 周梅森 5749Words 2018-03-20
Jiang Zhengliu saw Ye Zijing's excited expression when she re-entered the meeting room, and he knew it was time for a showdown. A showdown was expected, Jiang Zhengliu thought, it wasn't that he was going to have a showdown with Ye Zijing, but that Ye Zijing was going to have a showdown with him, and he had to accompany him.You Zijing is emotional, just because the criminal who set the fire was a former bankrupt coal miner under the command of your husband Huang Guoxiu, and you turned a deliberate fire into a careless fire, how dare you make my dignified Changshan City Public Security Bureau so passive!You and the procuratorate under your leadership are the ones to blame and suffer for themselves!Don't think that if you win over Wu Chengyi, a deputy director who has ulterior motives, you will capture the Public Security Bureau. You are very wrong, Comrade Ye Zijing!The director of the Changshan City Public Security Bureau is still Jiang Zhengliu, and the Public Security Bureau can't be overturned anytime soon!

The situation was very good, Wang Changgong and Lin Yongqiang were not confused, and the conclusion of the fire was not accepted at all. When reporting in the provincial capital, although Tang Zhaoyang disagreed with setting the tone and argued with Wang Changgong for a long time, he still agreed with Wang Changgong.The thing is very clear: the tone of arson has been set today, and the procuratorate must prosecute accordingly! Ye Zijing was so apolitical that she interrupted Mayor Lin Yongqiang's speech and shouted to report again!Don't even think about it, what do the leaders want you to report?Didn't you report it in the materials earlier?Now it is time to follow the instructions of the leaders and complete the prosecution of this arson case according to the requirements of the provincial and municipal leaders!

Sure enough, Lin Yongqiang was very upset: "Comrade Ye Zijing, please sit down, I didn't say I want to listen to your report!" Ye Zijing really did it, and stood there stiffly: "Then, Mayor Lin, I ask you to change your words: before the 'August 13' fire is formally judged by law, please stop talking about arson, okay? There is a huge difference in the difference of one word! The report sent by our procuratorate clearly stated that the case has undergone major changes..." Lin Yongqiang got angry, and stood up from his seat, with a stern tone: "Comrade Ye Zijing, what do you want to do today? Huh? Please pay attention to position yourself, I and the leaders here don't need you to remind me! "

Ye Zijing is really tenacious: "Mayor Lin, this case involves accurate identification and involves the lives of two citizens. I must make a serious and careful report at this meeting! I just figured out the situation: the public security agency believes it was intentional. We, the procuratorate, cannot approve of setting fire! Today, Comrade Jiang Zhengliu is also present, and I think that Comrade Jiang Zhengliu and I can put the issue on the table in front of provincial and municipal leaders and comrades, and have a thorough discussion! Otherwise, whether it is Whose instructions, whether Comrade Chang Gong or you, Mayor Lin, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to carry out!"

Wang Changgong stared at Ye Zijing, tried his best to suppress it, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, his face was extremely ugly. Tang Zhaoyang seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say anything, and broke the pencil in his hand with a thud. Lin Yongqiang had probably never encountered such a situation before, and he slapped the table: "Procurator Ye, since it is difficult for you to implement the instructions of Governor Wang and the municipal party committee, then there is no need for me to continue. Now, please come and give us Make instructions! Secretary Tang, I, and Governor Chang Gong, including the Standing Committee members and mayors present here, are all listening!"

Wang Changgong stood up suddenly: "Forget it, I won't listen to Comrade Zijing's instruction, I have to rush to Nanping soon, there is a meeting in Nanping City!" Folder, get up and go. Tang Zhaoyang, Lin Yongqiang and the participants were very surprised, they all stood up and went out to see Wang Changgong off. Wang Changgong stopped everyone: "Comrades, please stop and continue the meeting. We must come up with a result!" After Wang Changgong left, everyone sat down again, and Ye Zijing stood up stubbornly again, with a hint of crying in her voice: "Secretary Tang, Mayor Lin, comrades, first of all, I declare that this is not an instruction, how can I have the right to give it to you?" What about the leaders here to give instructions? But as a chief prosecutor, I must report clearly the matters within the scope of my duties..."

Lin Yongqiang patted the table again, almost yelling: "If you know that you are not qualified to give instructions here, don't say it!" Tang Zhaoyang knocked on the table and reminded: "Hey, hey, Mayor Lin, don't be so angry!" After saying this, he gently criticized Ye Zijing, "Comrade Zijing, don't be too self-centered. , don’t be so self-righteous! Your procuratorate said it was a fire, and the Public Security Bureau said it was arson. We temporarily accepted the statement of the Public Security Bureau, used the word arson, and you jumped up again and again, not quite Is it plausible? If we temporarily use your statement, using the word "fire", will Comrade Jiang Zhengliu also jump up like you? If so, can we still talk? Isn't it just a temporary statement? What's the hurry!"

What?Setting fire is just a way of saying?Jiang Zhengliu looked at Tang Zhaoyang attentively, and couldn't help being surprised. Ye Zijing also seemed to understand the meaning of the words: "Secretary Tang, then...then you mean..." Tang Zhaoyang skillfully stopped Ye Zijing from asking: "Comrade Zijing, what I mean is very clear. From Governor Wang to me and the comrades present, including you, the Chief Prosecutor, everyone should be responsible for the law and the facts. !" Lin Yongqiang realized something, and gently reminded: "Secretary Tang, we have to issue a result!"

Tang Zhaoyang didn't answer at all, looked at Lin Yongqiang, and said, "Comrade Yongqiang, I think Comrade Zijing is also right. We should pay attention to the words we use, and I hope comrades pay attention, and don't mention arson again." , Whether it was a fire or arson, please sit down with the procuratorate and the public security for further analysis and research, before they come to a consensus, first use a neutral word 'fire', '813' fire!" After a pause, and The clear instructions said, "After the meeting, Secretary Tian and Secretary-General Wang of the Political and Legal Committee will stay. You, Comrade Zijing and Comrade Zhengliu will continue to study carefully, so we will not discuss it here! After all, we provincial and municipal leaders are not legal experts. The nature of the fire cannot be determined by any one of us, and the leadership of the party does not mean that we arrange specific cases, this is a matter of principle!"

The wind direction of the meeting suddenly changed, and it became extremely sudden, and the participants including Lin Yongqiang were stunned. Jiang Zhengliu noticed that Ye Zijing's eyes welled up with tears, and nodded to Tang Zhaoyang. After a long silence, Jiang Zhengliu asked, "What if our police and prosecutors can't unify in the end?" Tang Zhaoyang said: "It's easy to handle. Let the provincial public security department and the provincial procuratorate decide together. If not, there is the Supreme People's Procuratorate. The Changshan Municipal Committee can neither substitute power for the law nor have the obligation to be your referee. member!"

It wasn't until this moment that Jiang Zhengliu realized that the conclusion of arson was not accepted by Tang Chaoyang. The secretary of the municipal party committee had actually fought a roundabout battle with the leader of the provincial party committee, Wang Changgong, and further confrontation between him and Ye Zijing was inevitable. However, Tang Chaoyang is Tang Chaoyang after all, and he clearly denied the tone that Wang Changgong set for everyone in the provincial capital, but in his concluding speech he kept saying that he would implement Governor Wang's "important instructions" and he was concerned about the unstable situation of unemployed workers and The families of the victims expressed some opinions on the movement, instructing relevant departments, especially the public security organs and procuratorial organs, to keep abreast of the situation and report the situation to the municipal party committee and the municipal government in a timely manner, so as to eliminate all unrest factors in the bud and maintain social stability.Tang Zhaoyang requested that the "August 13" fire case be prosecuted as soon as possible, but the specific time has not been set. After the meeting, Secretary Tian of the Political and Legal Committee, Secretary General Wang of the Municipal Committee, and him and Ye Zijing all stayed behind. Ye Zijing didn't wait for the leaders to leave before attacking: "Jiang Ju, what's the matter with you? Why did you set fire again? You Wu Ju know the situation best, and your Wu Ju agrees with the nature of the fire." Yes, why did you report the arson to Governor Wang again? Bureau Jiang, it’s okay for me to be wronged, but facts are facts!" Seeing Ye Zijing mentioning Wu Chengyi, Jiang Zhengliu couldn't help feeling angry, and deliberately pretended to be confused and said: "Hey, Ye Jian, why do you say that? Old Wu has cooperated so well with you, so why didn't he get along with you? I He and Political Commissar Xu have never endorsed the theory of a fire. After seeing your report, I asked Lao Wu to find you! Is this true? Report to Governor Wang, not personally, but from our Public Security Bureau Report, Lao Wu should have known in advance, why didn’t he say hello to you and your procuratorate? Go back and ask Lao Wu!” Ye Zijing snorted: "Don't ask, Ju Jiang, let's face the reality now!" The current reality is: the same fire, but two law enforcement agencies have come up with two completely different qualitative opinions. The attitude of most provincial and municipal leaders is very clear, and they have clearly accepted the characterization of arson. Even Tang Zhaoyang did not agree. Ye Zijing's angry opinion, this rigid city party secretary has no courage, he just doesn't want to set the tone.If Ye Zijing was smart, she should just go downhill and stop there.Jiang Zhengliu believed that as long as Ye Zijing and the procuratorate gave up such emotional qualitative opinions and stopped insisting on the misfire, Wang Changgong and Lin Yongqiang might forgive her. After all, it was a work dispute, and there was no need for him to break up with Ye Zijing further. shameless. However, Ye Zijing didn't know which nerve was wrong, so she opened the file and impassionedly reported the "serious mistake" of arson and characterization to Secretary Tian of the Political and Legal Committee and Secretary-General Wang. False; Zhou Peicheng couldn't explain why the half-hour suspicion was because of picking up his wife who was in prostitution.In fact, these details were included in the report materials sent to the municipal party committee earlier, and Secretary Tian and Secretary-General Wang became very impatient after hearing this. In the end, Ye Zijing said indignantly: "Arson is a death sentence. If we make mistakes and kill these two worker comrades who deserved to die, don't say that the wrong case will be pursued in the future. Can our conscience be at ease?" Jiang Zhengliu had no choice but to lower his face: "Ye Jian, facing the serious consequences of the arson, facing the families of the 156 victims, facing those who lost their sons, husbands, fathers, daughters, wives, and mothers People, you are merciful, and if you don’t let the criminals who set fire be severely punished by the law, can your conscience be at peace?!" Ye Zijing retracted again: "Jiang Ju, let's go back to the facts, please prove the fact of the arson!" Jiang Zhengliu said calmly: "The fact is that it is in the file in front of you, so I don't need to list it again. It doesn't matter whether Zha Tiezhu himself admits to arson or retracts his confession under the guidance of your prosecutors. The important thing is: one 1. Subjectively, Zha Tiezhu had the criminal intention of retaliating against the Rich Man Entertainment City and Su Afu; 2. Objectively speaking, the fire of the rich man was indeed caused by Zha Tiezhu’s electric welding; 3. Zha Tiezhu was very familiar with the internal situation of the rich man It is clear that the warehouse on the third floor is full of flammable materials, and if there is no criminal intent, this serious consequence should be expected!" Ye Zijing's attitude was also very calm: "So, what about Zhou Peicheng? How do you think he set the fire?" Jiang Zhengliu was confident: "Ye Jian, I was going to say about Zhou Peicheng's question: We agree with your procuratorate's opinion. Since there are conclusive witnesses to prove Zhou Peicheng's innocence, the suspicion of arson should be ruled out. When I reported this to the municipal party committee It is also very clear. Moreover, my comrades and I believe that Zhou Peicheng may not even be able to meet the crime of perjury. The crime of perjury is characterized by the suspect’s subjective intention. Zhou Peicheng obviously does not have such subjective intention. He did not State the truth to our law enforcement agency out of the protection of his own privacy. He went to pick up his wife who is a prostitute, why not tell us! Therefore, your opinion of not filing a case is completely correct, if your procuratorate agrees , our side is going to release people immediately!" Ye Zijing sighed, "Jiang Ju, for Zhou Peicheng, you are still seeking truth from facts, thank you!" Jiang Zhengliu smiled: "Ye Jian, I should thank you, thank you to the procuratorate, Zhou Peicheng's problem was figured out by your comrades. This way, we won't be held accountable for wrongful cases in the future!" Secretary Tian of the Political and Legal Committee became a little more optimistic: "Look, it's good to communicate calmly, huh?! Everyone is working for work, so what disputes can't be resolved? In terms of understanding Zhou Peicheng, you guys We have reached an agreement!" He joked with Ye Zijing, "Comrade Zijing, you have won 50%." In fact, Secretary Tian was too optimistic, and the qualitative issue of the case has not yet been resolved. Ye Zijing raised the question again: "That is to say, Zha Tiezhu committed the crime alone and set the fire alone?" Jiang Zhengliu nodded: "Yes, arson is still arson. Our characterization is definitely correct!" Secretary-General Wang also said: "Ye Jian, I think Jiang Ju's analysis is very reasonable. The crime of arson is concealed. It can be set on fire with open flames, or other means may be used! The form of arson that Jiang Ju said is justified. It can’t be ruled out! Your earliest report materials also said that it was arson, it seems that there is also such an analysis?!” Ye Zijing said: "Now it seems that this analysis is inaccurate. Zha Tiezhu's self-defense tendency is obvious: 1. He never admitted to arson, and then admitted to arson. He experienced an important fact that his wife committed suicide. After in-depth investigation, it was clear; 2. The details of the arson that Zha Tiezhu fabricated were absurd and bizarre, and we have all overturned them with factual evidence. Zha Tiezhu himself also denied the previous arson statement; , or judging from Zha Tiezhu’s own historical performance, there is no possibility of deliberately setting fire.” After thinking for a while, he emphasized, “It’s not like there were cases of self-defamation under the guidance of despair in the past. You may not know the situation of Zha Tiezhu: his father has been paralyzed in bed for many years, unable to take care of himself, both husband and wife are bankrupt and unemployed, and their two children are in middle school. I have already fallen into a situation of absolute poverty; after such a big disaster, and hearing that my wife committed suicide, it is natural to feel hopeless..." Jiang Zhengliu couldn't listen any longer, so he interrupted Ye Zijing: "Ye Jian, how do you know so much about Zha Tiezhu's family situation? If you don't mind, can you explain further: this Zha Tiezhu What is the relationship between you and your family? Are there any emotional factors that affect your judgment?" Ye Zijing was also frank: "Zha Tiezhu has nothing to do with me, but has some relationship with my family Huang Guoxiu. Cha Tiezhu worked under Huang Guoxiu's leadership. So, I naturally know something about Zha Tiezhu's situation. However, This kind of understanding has not affected my judgment, please believe in this point!" Jiang Zhengliu couldn't help shouting: "Ye Jian, I can't believe this! Said bluntly: On the issue of dealing with Zha Tie Zhu, I already have some doubts about you, the chief prosecutor, and it didn't start from today!" Unexpectedly, Ye Zijing took the case and put her doubts on him on the table: "Jiang Ju, since you said so, then there is no need for me to hide my point of view, I am also very fond of you, comrade Doubt! I suspect that you are too obedient, mistakenly judged a fire as an arson, and you are already going to stain your own red cap with Zha Tiezhu's blood!" Jiang Zhengliu stood up with a "huh", shaking his hands angrily: "Zi Zijing, please speak clearly!" In front of Secretary Tian and Secretary-General Wang, Ye Zijing actually said everything: "Jiang Ju, my suspicion of you is not unfounded. You know very well that what some of our leaders need is to set fire, and bad people set fire It is impossible to guard against it, the responsibility of the provincial and municipal leaders is much lighter! Your judgment has deviated, and you have ignored the legal facts and ran to listen to the greetings! Comrade Zhengliu, don’t think that what you killed was just a Cha Tiezhu. It’s conscience and justice, it’s the dignity of the law! Please don’t forget that you, the chief of the Public Security Bureau, have to sign the final report!” With his face completely torn, Jiang Zhengliu calmed down instead: "So, not only me, but also the provincial and municipal leaders are all wrong? Are you going to use Zha Tiezhu's blood to stain your own red cap? Comrade Ye Zijing, I Can you understand that?" Ye Zijing was not stupid, she only stared at him and chased him fiercely: "Comrade Jiang Zhengliu, it is not the provincial and municipal leaders who are wrong, but us. Please pay attention to my words: we. We were wrong. The initial judgment of arson We made it together, and I was responsible for the mistake. But after we discovered this qualitative mistake, we corrected it, and what about you, Comrade Jiang Zhengliu? Not only did you not correct it, but you continued to mislead provincial and municipal leaders and comrades, you policeman Is the director competent?" Jiang Zhengliu really didn't want to get entangled with this crazy woman any longer. He slapped the table and roared, "Since I am so incompetent as the police chief, please suggest to the municipal party committee to replace me!" The hard facts were laid out, "However, before I was dismissed by the municipal party committee, I have to say one thing: the arsonist Zha Tiezhu once saved the life of Ye Zijing's husband Huang Guoxiu in a coal mine accident. Comrade Jing is suspected of favoring criminals and substituting emotion for the law, and she, the chief prosecutor, is no longer suitable for this arson case!" Secretary Tian and Secretary-General Wang were all stunned. It was completely beyond their expectations that the matter had come to this point. After a long time, Secretary Tian spoke up: "Don't be so excited, what problem will you solve if you keep arguing like this? Don't say anything that hurts your feelings. I personally think that you are all out of public interest, or a business dispute." Well! Do you think this is the case: whether it was a fire or arson, we will not make a conclusion today. The qualitative issue, you two will carefully study it after you go back. The Public Security Bureau will study it here, and the Procuratorate will also go to discuss it carefully. Look at other Comrade, do you have any different opinions? Report it to the Municipal Committee and our Municipal Legal Committee as soon as possible.” Secretary-General Wang was not as neutral and fair as Secretary Tian, ​​he was obviously very dissatisfied with Ye Zijing, he gave Ye Zijing a cold look, and took the lead in packing up the materials on the table: "Okay, that's it, I have a meeting soon! " Jiang Zhengliu also put the bag on the table under his arm in time: "Secretary Tian, ​​then I'll go back too!" But Ye Zijing apologized again: "Jiang Ju, I'm sorry, I'm a little excited today, maybe I'm being serious!" Jiang Zhengliu didn't turn his head back, and said coldly, "There's nothing I'm sorry about. Ye Jian, take care of yourself!"
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