Home Categories officialdom novel State prosecution

Chapter 26 Section 26

State prosecution 周梅森 5396Words 2018-03-20
Although she was fully prepared psychologically, Ye Zijing never expected that the storm would come so violently. That morning, Ye Zijing was listening to the deputy chief prosecutor Chen Bo's report on logistics work in the office of the procuratorate. Secretary Wang of the municipal party committee suddenly called and asked Ye Zijing to come to the second meeting room of the municipal party committee immediately, saying that Comrade Chang Gong had made a special trip from the provincial party committee. The city rushed over and was waiting for her with the leaders of the municipal party committee to listen to her case report.After Ye Zijing put down the phone, she didn't dare to delay for a minute, and immediately drove to the municipal committee.When I went there, I was in a good mood: It had been five days since the report on the nature of the fire was submitted to the municipal committee, and the municipal committee hadn’t had an attitude. It's a great thing.

Hurry up, and when I arrived at the second meeting room of the Municipal Party Committee, the meeting room was full of seats.Ye Zijing pushed open the glass door of the meeting room, and saw Zhengliu Changjiang from the Public Security Bureau at first sight.Jiang Zhengliu sat diagonally across from Wang Changgong, talking to Wang Changgong with a smile on his face.Only then did Ye Zijing know that Jiang Zhengliu had also received the notice of the meeting, and it was earlier than her.At that time, the atmosphere in the conference room was good, and there was no sign of ominousness. Municipal party secretary Tang Chaoyang, mayor Lin Yongqiang, and the standing committee members and vice mayors who were already waiting were all sitting in their seats chatting and laughing happily.

The ominous change came after she walked into the conference room.She walked into the meeting room and said that the laughter suddenly disappeared, and the smiles on the faces of provincial and municipal leaders froze.Except for Tang Zhaoyang who nodded kindly to her, no one of the leaders greeted her.What was even more unimaginable was that there were no empty chairs in the front and back rows of the conference table, only a striking high-back chair was empty in front of the conference table, like a stand for interrogation, and I don't know if it was left for her on purpose. Wang Changgong really did it, gave her a cold look, and even asked the mayor Lin Yongqiang to announce the opening of the meeting.

Lin Yongqiang then announced the opening of the meeting: "Okay, Comrade Zijing has arrived, let's start! First of all, Comrade Chang Gong is invited to give important instructions on behalf of the provincial party committee and the provincial government! Please pay attention, comrades, this meeting is not allowed to record or record!" The situation is obviously not right, the notice said that she was required to report, why did Comrade Chang Gong be asked to give important instructions from the beginning?Moreover, no recording, no recording, what do you mean?The leaders at the meeting all had such an indifferent attitude, maybe they were here for her and the procuratorate? !Looking around, she noticed that many standing committee members and deputy mayors had arrived, but Chen Hanjie, the director of the Municipal People's Congress, was absent. Ye Zijing's heart sank involuntarily.

Sure enough, the smell of gunpowder was very strong as soon as Wang Changgong opened his mouth, and his tone was extremely serious: "Comrades, it has been thirty-five days since the 'August 13' arson incident happened today! During these thirty-five days, the provincial party committee and the provincial government , the municipal party committee and the municipal government can be said to have borne unprecedented pressure! One hundred and fifty-six people lost their lives in the sea of ​​flames, and people’s lives and property suffered irreparable losses. Just see! The shocking case, the impact is bad, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have made important instructions again and again, and the media all over China and the world are reporting there, staring at our Zijiang Province and our Changshan City. As for the families of the victims, they also visited in groups every three days, asking us to severely punish the arsonists. The province received dozens of letters from the masses. But what about us? How are we doing? We can reassure the Party Central Committee and the State Council Can it satisfy the broad masses of the people? As soon as the incident happened, I said two sentences, one is to treat it correctly, and the other is to be responsible for defending the soil. Today, I ask comrades to ask themselves: Have you held this position? ? Have you fulfilled your responsibilities as a commander?! I don’t think so, especially in some of our key law enforcement departments, whose work attitude and work efficiency are hardly satisfactory!”

Speaking of this, Wang Changgong cast his eyes on Ye Zijing, as if he had just noticed that Ye Zijing was still standing: "Hey, Comrade Zijing, what's the matter with you? What are you doing standing there? No one punished you for standing, find a place sit down!" Ye Zijing looked around, but still didn't find an empty seat, so she had to sit on the "trial bench" in embarrassment.After sitting down on the "trial bench", Ye Zijing felt a pang of sadness in her heart, this kind of embarrassment had never happened to her. Wang Changgong continued to give important instructions, and his words became clearer and clearer, and he almost missed her Ye Zijing's name: "The arson case is not handled well, but the matter of catching wind and shadow is very hard! I have been investigating an anonymous letter for nearly 30 days. Look for the Municipal Party Committee, the Discipline Inspection Commission, and the Public Security Department! What happened? It was unfounded! Serious interference affected the prosecution and trial of the arson case! This made me wonder, what happened to our comrade? Is it really important to fight against corruption? Is there any personal purpose? Is the factor of gangs at work? I think there must be something? Is it always abnormal? Today I criticize this matter, not to protect corrupt elements, but to Talk about a big picture, talk about a principle, talk about the party spirit and personality of comrades! Anonymous letters should be said to be a relatively common phenomenon in China's political life. Experience has proved that whenever the leadership team is adjusted, cadres are promoted and transferred, or some sudden This kind of anonymous letter is indispensable! To give an example: when Comrade Lin Yongqiang came to Changshan to be the mayor, several members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and I received anonymous letters insulting and slandering Comrade Yongqiang. At the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee , I made my attitude clear: If you are afraid of this and that, dare not take responsibility, do not be responsible to your comrades, and let one or two anonymous letters affect our appointment of a mayor, the CCP Zijiang Provincial Committee will be too weak and incompetent It's time for us to go home and hold the baby!"

There was a burst of warm applause in the venue, and Ye Zijing noticed that it was completely spontaneous applause. After the applause subsided, Lin Yongqiang interjected: "Governor Wang spoke very well today! The issue of anonymous letters is indeed a common phenomenon in our country's current political life. Even our chief prosecutor has anonymous letters behind his back!" Looking at Ye Zijing , said with a half-smile, "Comrade Zijing, I ask you to take those anonymous letters back and read them. You just don't want to read them. In fact, reading them is still beneficial. It can keep your mind clear!"

Jiang Zhengliu also expressed emotion: "Yes, yes, in this regard, our lessons are too profound! There was such a saying in the past: 'Don't care if I said it or not, the eight-cent stamp will make you original. Let’s keep walking!’ Now it’s not eight cents, it’s fifty cents, and the cost of anonymous letters has risen a bit, but some people still enjoy it! What should we do? Comrades are irresponsible!" This is too passive today!This damn villain, Fang Qingming, actually pushed her into such a helpless situation, and caused her such a serious official anger!In the current system of being responsible to the top, who doesn't know that the danger of official anger is greater than public anger?Arousing public anger is actually not terrible. As long as there are people at the top to protect them, they can continue to be promoted in another place.And if you arouse official anger, especially the official anger of your immediate superiors, your life will be difficult!

In order to hide her embarrassment and embarrassment, Ye Zijing lowered her head and took notes, her long hair covering her handsome face. Lin Yongqiang found out, knocked on the table at Ye Zijing, and reminded: "Hey, hey, Comrade Zijing, what's going on with you, ah, what's going on? Didn't you say that you are not allowed to record? What else do you remember? Keep it in your mind That's enough!" But Wang Changgong sneered: "Let her remember, Comrade Zijing can be an exception, this comrade is not the only one!" Ye Zijing couldn't help it anymore, tried to calm down and said: "Governor Wang, Mayor Lin, you are all criticizing me today, and it is the Changshan City People's Procuratorate under my current leadership. Your important instructions I’m afraid I won’t do it if I don’t write it down, and it won’t be easy to carry it out when I go back!” After saying that, he immersed himself in memorizing it again.

The participants were all stunned by Ye Zijing's tenacity and stubbornness, and there was a moment of silence in the venue. Tang Zhaoyang opened his mouth at this time, and said kindly and seriously: "Comrade Zijing, don't be so impulsive!" Ye Zijing smiled sadly at Tang Zhaoyang, and then hesitantly put away the notebook for recording. Wang Changgong continued: "So, there is a problem of protecting cadres! The provincial party committee has a problem of protecting the comrades present, and the comrades present have a problem of protecting the cadres below! Don't go to the office at this time. Pushing and unloading, let alone disregarding the overall situation at this time, not listening to calls, attacking everywhere, intentionally or unintentionally adding chaos to the provincial and municipal committees! I said at the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice Governor, The leadership responsibility at the provincial level is entirely on my shoulders. I will check with the central government and ask for punishment. The city is your business. Don’t cry for injustice. Think about the one hundred and fifty-six people who died in the fire. Think about the purpose of our party to serve the people, and think about the responsibilities you have not fulfilled, and you will be able to calm down. Comrade Chaoyang, Mayor Xiaolin, don’t you think so?”

Tang Zhaoyang stated calmly, "Governor Wang, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, I should bear the leadership responsibility!" Lin Yongqiang also rushed up and said: "I am the mayor, and I did not do a good job. I must be punished!" Wang Changgong looked very satisfied, smiled, and waved at Tang Zhaoyang and Lin Yongqiang: "Okay, okay, it's good that you two top leaders of the party and government have this attitude! You have to block the holes of the guns, responsible cadres in the era of reform and opening up, You can stake your life and property, so are you afraid of being punished?!" The conversation changed, but he said, "However, we must be realistic, after all, it is arson, and it is impossible to prevent it. I made a suggestion to the provincial party committee a few days ago: What needs to be protected still needs to be protected. Party discipline and government discipline are unavoidable, and the city-level cadres will not be withdrawn. Why do I have to explain this to you today? I hope that comrades can let go of their ideological burdens, cheer up their spirits, and do a better job in the aftermath! " Ye Zijing once again noticed Wang Changgong's reference to arson. Knowing that it was not appropriate to insert it at this time, it would arouse Wang Changgong's disgust, but she still interjected cautiously: "Governor Wang, why...how is it arson..." Wang Changgong looked at Ye Zijing very strangely: "Hey, Comrade Zijing, why did you ask me back? Huh? Didn't you report all the case materials? You and the Public Security Bureau reported the materials as arson! " Ye Zijing stood up and explained anxiously: "Governor Wang, the material for the arson was reported a month ago. It was not a special case at that time, and many suspicious points were not verified. Now the case has undergone major changes. We have already I wrote a report to the municipal party committee, maybe you haven't seen it yet! Now, can I report it?" Wang Changgong was very impatient and stopped him: "Comrade Zijing, please sit down first, I haven't finished talking yet!" Ye Zijing couldn't hold on any longer, so she had to sit down nervously. Wang Changgong turned his face to the participants, and spoke again, with a more serious tone: "Stability and unity are the overall situation, and it is the overriding overall situation. Comrades all know that there are many factors of instability in Changshan City at present, and the emotions of the families of the victims Intensified, the calls for severely punishing the perpetrators of arson are getting louder and louder. Without timely and severe punishment of arsonists, it will be difficult to eliminate this hidden danger of instability. According to Comrade Yongqiang, the families of the victims have clamored for a parade a few days ago, and the relevant departments It took a lot of effort to calm things down! Tens of thousands of unemployed workers in the bankrupt coal mines in the south are still arguing there. According to Comrade Zhengliu’s report, things like lying on the rails may still happen! Therefore, at this time, everyone must Be consistent with the provincial and municipal party committees, and on major issues of principle, we must talk about party spirit and listen to greetings!" These words were still pointing at her, Wang Changgong repeatedly emphasized to listen to the greeting, precisely because she did not listen to the greeting.Both Wu Chengyi's speculation and her premonition have now been fulfilled. What the provincial and municipal leaders need is an arson, not a fire.Wang Changgong had already made it very clear, "After all, it's arson, and the city-level cadres won't withdraw!" However, because of this, Ye Zijing didn't believe that Wang Changgong had read their procuratorate's newspaper before the meeting. Send the report materials of the municipal party committee.Even if Wang Changgong really didn't read it, Tang Zhaoyang and Lin Yongqiang should have given him a verbal report. It's really strange that Tang Zhaoyang, Lin Yongqiang, and Jiang Zhengliu didn't even mention a word, and just let Wang Changgong "set fire" one by one.It seemed that Tang Zhaoyang, Lin Yongqiang, and Jiang Zhengliu were already there to greet them.It's good to listen to the greetings, their black hats have been kept, and no one has been wronged by their official careers! At this moment, Wang Changgong mentioned her by name, and his tone was very sincere: "Comrade Zijing, I made some criticisms to you today, and I thought it was for your own good, without any selfishness or malice. Please don't cause any misunderstandings." The Provincial Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee will not replace the law with power. We will definitely create a good environment for your procuratorial organs to handle cases. However, this does not mean that you can let it go. Check it out. You, the Chief Prosecutor, are still a party member, or the secretary of the party group of the academy, you must talk about party spirit!" Ye Zijing immediately reviewed: "Yes, yes, Governor Wang, I may have not reported some situations in time, and I may not have put myself in the right position in some matters. I will definitely pay attention to correcting it in the future!" These two sentences raised the substantive issue again, "However, Governor Wang, regarding the nature of the fire..." Wang Changgong made a stop gesture: "Comrade Zijing, why are you so impatient? You were not like this in the past, listen to me, okay?" He said again, "Our leading comrades don't use authority to replace law. ——In fact, we have not interfered with your independent handling of the case in any form! As for you, Comrade Ye Zijing, you can’t substitute emotion for the law! This point, Comrade Chaoyang reminded you, and I seem to have reminded you, you have done a good job How about it? Have you ever been influenced by emotional factors during the handling of the case? You can’t say that there is no influence at all, can you?” His face pulled, “Comrade Zijing, this arson case, your procuratorate must handle it according to the law. There can be no more delays! The difficulties of comrade workers are one thing, but handling the case according to the law is another. You, the chief prosecutor, must be clear-headed!" Wang Changgong's important instructions were finally finished. Ye Zijing thought it was her turn to report, and was about to speak, but was stopped by Lin Yongqiang: "Next, I will share some specific opinions on Governor Wang's important instructions today..." Only then did Ye Zijing fully understand that this meeting called listening to her report was actually a meeting to say hello and set the tone.No one wanted a fire debrief, and she was being fooled.Wang Changgong has already set the tone of arson. Their procuratorate must listen to the call and prosecute for arson, and the court will convict them for arson. The heads of Zha Tiezhu and Zhou Peicheng are about to fall to the ground!Ye Zijing couldn't figure it out: Why are Wang Changgong and Lin Yongqiang so courageous?She kept saying that she would not use power to replace the law, but she blatantly used power to oppress others, forcing her and the procuratorate to make mistakes and break the law, yet Tang Zhaoyang, the secretary of the municipal party committee, didn't say a word!The problem is too serious! When Lin Yongqiang gave specific instructions on the so-called "arson" issue, Ye Zijing broke out in a cold sweat and couldn't sit still any longer. She quietly called Secretary-General Wang of the Municipal Party Committee to the door and asked anxiously, "Secretary-General Wang, what's going on? What's the matter? Our materials were delivered five days ago, did Secretary Tang and Mayor Lin not read them? Why do you still say it was arson?" Secretary-General Wang's answer surprised Ye Zijing: "Your procuratorate changed its words all of a sudden and said it was a fire, but the Public Security Bureau still insisted on arson! Secretary Tang and Mayor Lin look at your materials as well as the Public Security Bureau. The materials! Leaders must study carefully, make analysis and judgment, and it is normal to agree with the opinions of the Public Security Bureau!" Ye Zijing lost her voice: "Our report on the fire was approved by the Public Security Bureau! Deputy Director Wu Chengyi knows best that Wu Bureau has been working with us on the front line to handle the case, and our two opinions are completely consistent!" Secretary-General Wang lowered his face and said unhappily: "Ye Jian, don't call me that. As far as I know, the director of the Changshan City Public Security Bureau is not Wu Chengyi, but Jiang Zhengliu! Comrade Jiang Zhengliu is the '8 Jiang Zhengliu, the first person responsible for the "13" major case, never agreed with your procuratorate's characterization of the fire! Because of this, Jiang Zhengliu was so angry that he not only went to the city, but also went to the province together with Secretary Tang and Mayor Lin. Cheng gave a special report to Governor Wang!" Jiang Zhengliu was worthy of being a good cadre that Wang Changgong singled out. At this time, he not only gave her and the procuratorate a hard shot, but also sent Wang Changgong and Lin Yongqiang's advice on arson in time!You can't blame the provincial and municipal leaders for this. The use of power to suppress the law has virtually turned into a dispute between the two case-handling departments. What else can you say? ! Secretary-General Wang persuaded: "Ye Jian, you should understand what the leaders mean, I think it's better to listen to the greetings!" Another hello!Can Ye Zijing listen to this kind of greeting?All she wants to listen to is the greetings of the law and facts. In any case, she can’t stain her red cap with the blood of two unemployed miners, Zha Tiezhu and Zhou Peicheng. If you make a wrong call, you will become a sinner for the country and the people... A rush of blood rushed to the top of her head, and Ye Zijing walked into the conference room again with a restless heart.
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