Home Categories contemporary fiction Prosperity



  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 118963

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Chapter 1 The first part - the first long-lost person in the near future

Prosperity 陈冠中 803Words 2018-03-20
A month gone.I mean, a whole month gone, gone, not to be found.As usual, January is followed by February, February is followed by March, and March is followed by April.Now, after one is three, after two is four, danced for a month, you know what I mean. I said curtly to Fang, forget it, don’t look for it, it’s useless, life is short, live it well. No matter how capable I am, I can't change Fang Caodi.But to be honest, if you really want to look for it, Fang Caodi is the right candidate.In his life, there have probably been many months where he disappeared, could not be found, or existed as if he did not exist.His experience is a string of fragments that cannot be organized into a story.He always appears in a strange place at a strange time, or after disappearing from the world for many years, he emerges like a rebirth at an unexpected moment.Such a person may be able to do some untimely things, such as finding the missing month.

It's like this, I didn't notice that a whole month was gone, even if someone said so, I wouldn't believe it easily.I read newspapers every day, go to news websites, and watch CCTV and Phoenix TV at night. I usually communicate with people of insight.I don't think anything major has slipped through the cracks.I trust myself, my knowledge, my sanity, my independent judgment. On the afternoon of the eighth day of the first lunar month of this year, I came out of my home in Xingfu Ercun. I planned to take a walk to the Starbucks in Yingke Center as a matter of routine. A runner suddenly stopped in front of me and said out of breath, "Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen! I haven't seen you for a month! It's been two years now."

The man was wearing a nondescript baseball cap that I couldn't recognize. "Fang Caodi, Fang Caodi..." he said twice, taking off his hat, revealing his bald head, with a ponytail tied with a rubber band hanging behind his head. I recognized it: "Hey, Lao Fang! Why do you call me teacher?" He still said the same sentence, very serious: "I haven't seen you for a month! Teacher Chen, Teacher Chen, what do you think should be done, what should we do?" I said: "We haven't seen each other for more than a month." Fang said: "More, more. Teacher Chen, Teacher Chen, I haven't seen you for a month, you know it! It's terrible! What should we do?"

Talking to Fang Caodi was a bit tiring, I remembered. "When did you return to Beijing?" He sneezes.I gave him a business card: "Don't get too cold. It's cold, don't run around. Let's make an appointment again. My mobile phone and email address are on it." He put on his hat, took his business card, and said: "I cooperate with you, cooperate with you, let's find together." I watched him run towards the embassy area outside Dongzhimen, only to realize that he was not doing aerobic jogging, but was rushing somewhere.
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